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Apr 5, 2011, 08:32 PM
And it all starts around this stage.

That sort of sounds like you're calling me stupid.

Apr 5, 2011, 08:34 PM
That sort of sounds like you're calling me stupid.
Not really, Like this stage as in my age. Because kids now a days in high school are the definition of that. Not you. You think. Stupid people dont.

Apr 5, 2011, 09:23 PM
Exactly, its not like
SAY ARR A is hard to say or anything.

Yeah. It's pronouned "Tingle," right?

Apr 5, 2011, 11:10 PM
I probably would. The potential of human stupidity is boundless.


you missed that too HUcast

Apr 5, 2011, 11:44 PM
Yeah. It's pronouned "Tingle," right?

Haha, I actually had the first a down as being a soft a, so I guess it is hard after all! (Of course, its nothing like some names. I know a guy whose last name starts ceri- and is pronounced somewhere between sherry and cherry)

Apr 6, 2011, 12:11 AM
China's god damned firewall. I can't even turn in my English assignment because China blocked sirs.com, the topic researcher my class is required to use.


Apr 6, 2011, 12:45 AM
China's god damned firewall. I can't even turn in my English assignment because China blocked sirs.com, the topic researcher my class is required to use.


Well, from a technical standpoint, there's always proxies. But that's most likely illegal there.

On a totally unrelated note, Stewart got his hands on a clip of some Republican saying that they already have a budget plan for next year, and that it cuts at least $4 trillion. A cursory examination of Wikipedia lists the total federal spending from last year... as $3.4 trillion. How do these people get elected? This guy is either a middle-school dropout or an anarchist. Sometimes, its hard to tell with Republicans (and I'm only being half sarcastic here)

Apr 6, 2011, 01:13 AM
On a totally unrelated note, Stewart got his hands on a clip of some Republican saying that they already have a budget plan for next year, and that it cuts at least $4 trillion. A cursory examination of Wikipedia lists the total federal spending from last year... as $3.4 trillion. How do these people get elected? This guy is either a middle-school dropout or an anarchist. Sometimes, its hard to tell with Republicans (and I'm only being half sarcastic here)

That's why I don't associate myself with any party, and generally stay away from politics in general:

Because, whoever you're with, you still should feel embarrassed. The political "parties" (I put "parties" in quotes because nowadays they're more like "circuses") are ultimately going to be a part of the ruination of America. Constant bickering and fighting amongst themselves, when there's much more important matters to attend to in this country. Pisses me off. Dissolve the Republican, Democratic, and all other parties, and make one big party: American. Because that's what we fucking need right now.

Apr 6, 2011, 01:26 AM
Make one party and people will call the government authoritarian, communist, totalitarian, etc.

Quite a dilemma.


Apr 6, 2011, 02:43 AM
That's why I don't associate myself with any party, and generally stay away from politics in general:

Because, whoever you're with, you still should feel embarrassed. The political "parties" (I put "parties" in quotes because nowadays they're more like "circuses") are ultimately going to be a part of the ruination of America. Constant bickering and fighting amongst themselves, when there's much more important matters to attend to in this country. Pisses me off. Dissolve the Republican, Democratic, and all other parties, and make one big party: American. Because that's what we fucking need right now.

Seems he was right all along. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington%27s_Farewell_Address#The_Dangers _of_Political_Parties)

Apr 6, 2011, 12:20 PM
Seems he was right all along. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington%27s_Farewell_Address#The_Dangers _of_Political_Parties)

He always was.

Apr 6, 2011, 03:05 PM
Haha, I actually had the first a down as being a soft a, so I guess it is hard after all! (Of course, its nothing like some names. I know a guy whose last name starts ceri- and is pronounced somewhere between sherry and cherry)

Listen to how she says it, thats the correct way to say it.

Apr 6, 2011, 05:31 PM
I know this was a while ago, but that comic, Sayara, was so true its scary. Do you happen to work in a Co-op store? XP

On a different note, pissed off at a teacher at my local high school. Every Wednesday or so, I sit in on a Learning Strategies (basically Planning), mostly as support for two friends of mine. They both hate this teacher with a passion, they've had experience with her in Math. But, to get back on track, I didn't think much of this teacher, just from what I've heard, with students hating her, and my mom thinking she seemed kinda snobbish at the start, but getting to know her she seemed alright. At this point, I'm gonna have to agree with the students. Not only is she actually rude (speaking when a student is speaking and not listening to them), but she's hypocritical (saying that interrupting her is rude, when she's doing the exact same thing to her students), she doesn't have enough patience, she doesn't understand personal boundaries, (the students took an emotional and mental personality quiz, and requested they post them ONLINE), and she doesn't stop TALKING. They could've started minutes ago, and you're yakking like crazy. She's clashed with one of my friends sooooo many times. Today, my friend couldn't take it anymore and cried in a corner of the library for 5 minutes. CRIED. That's something you'd really have to AIM at doing, considering this friend of mine has been thrown off of a horse, into a BARRED IRON FENCE, and didn't shed a tear. She could've been killed had she been inches to the left. INCHES.

I know, this sentence may not make alot of sense right now, but I'm too busy seeing red to really care. Doesn't help that the principal's a complete douche who keeps on hiring douche teachers who have no clue what they're doing. Yeah, I know its not like anything happened to me, but this friend is one of the very few that I reaaaaally get along with and have alot in common. There was my rant for the day/week, depending.

Apr 6, 2011, 07:16 PM
I work with Giant foods, which is a subholder with AHOLD foods.
Who also own other stores as well..

Apr 6, 2011, 09:43 PM
Just ten more years of this country... then I can bail for greener pastures... but shit, ten more years of this... I hope I can make it.


Apr 6, 2011, 10:02 PM
Just ten more years of this country... then I can bail for greener pastures... but shit, ten more years of this... I hope I can make it.


Regardless of where you live... What greener pastures? As hair-brained as politics in America is, it's not all that much better elsewhere. Most western countries are dominated by two parties, really. Its something of a natural endpoint for political parties, especially when everyone is focused on a liberal-conservative dichotomy (As if it were that simple).

Ultimately, the extreme elements in parties aren't a threat though because they're simply unelectable on the national stage. People like Sarah Palin are not viable for gathering swing votes, which ultimately do decide elections (barring, of course, gerrymandered districts)

And yes, it is sad how much of Washington's advice has been ignored at our peril. Iraq and Afghanistan? He advised minimizing foreign entanglements. Neither country was a credible threat to us. (Unlike, for instance, Germany in WWI, and we were attacked first in WWII. Actually, I don't think the US has ever won a war where it was the aggressor. WWI is the closest case, but Germany had already begun attacking US ships - who were, admittedly, supplying Britain, but this was not an outright act of aggression)

As an addendum - While middle eastern countries may have been harboring terrorists, the countries themselves were not directly attacking us. Further, defense against terrorism must be considered in a cost/benefit case, since no security is foolproof - especially when you're talking something like modern airports and seaports which see massive amounts of people and cargo moving through daily.

Politically, I see the Republicans as less desirable than Democrats, because they come across as irrational: willful ignorance of scientific opinion, refusal to ever consider raising taxes (even in the boom years before the market crash), etc. More recently, their opposition to everything the Democrats proposed for health care came across as being entirely partisan. Their cries of death panels weren't even stretching the truth - they were outright lies. This of course comes on top of me starting to pay attention to politics while Bush Jr. was in office. Basically, I've seen more shenanigans from the Republicans than the Democrats, so its a matter of hating them more. (The whole Tea Party bit is pretty inane too - these are the last kinds of people we need driving debate)

Apr 7, 2011, 02:02 AM
I work with Giant foods, which is a subholder with AHOLD foods.
Who also own other stores as well..

I've seen some of the pics of the back of the store. Fun stuff to deal with, yaaaay. *textual sarcasm*

What kind of people do you work with?

I also came up with something else. Somewhat more of a worry, but still frustrates me. So, I have a final Math exam that I'm doing tomorrow. Finally finishing up this course, first one that'll be done this term. Anyway, I'm pretty good with numbers. Gotten really good grades on my tests (They're the only things that are marked. Distance Ed and what not). I'm not amazing, but simple stuff with percentages and taxes, etc., whatever. Its not so much the exam that bugs me. It's the speed drill that I have to do afterwards. Understandable, considering I'm using an office calculator. BUT, its the fact that I have to get 100 kpm (keys per minute) with 90% of it correct in five minutes, or else I fail the entire course. :-x Are you kidding?! I know it sounds kinda trivial, but it's intense trying to type 500 keys in 5 minutes. Pass or fail tomorrow, I figured I may as well get it out there. :-? Here's hoping. *crosses fingers*

Apr 7, 2011, 05:41 AM
You're ruining my after 5, Anonymous. I give you frowny face for that. :(

Apr 7, 2011, 08:01 PM
I fookin' hate my online Sociology teacher. He gives us exams with 75 questions and 50 minutes to take it. We can only take the test once and we can't even double check our answers. It's not that I find the class to be extremely hard or anything, because I actually like sociology; my problem is the readings. Each question is about two sentences long and each answer is also a sentence long, so it's not just simple questions. I can just imagine him sitting behind his computer with his troll face on.

Apr 7, 2011, 09:21 PM
2 over stressed old ladies, and alot of variable useful other guys.

Apr 8, 2011, 10:30 AM
Is it me, or has speed at Amazon been slower lately? I mean time between clicking order and them shipping the items out. Even with free shipping it used to seem like it was "if every part of your order is in stock at the same location, it will be shipped the next business day."

The other day I ordered a mouse from them, listed as in stock, only thing in that order. It was placed on the night of the 5th. The 6th, 7th, and even right now it says along the lines of "being prepared to ship, can't change order."

Had I known it wouldn't have shipped by now, I'd have either ordered from some other site (Buy.com has it same price, in stock, claim ship within 2 days, and offers free shipping), or sucked up the $10 loss and drove up the road to Best Buy.

Apr 9, 2011, 12:19 AM
I'll continue.
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/216493_10150548689765481_624145480_18206724_725837 0_n.jpg

Apr 9, 2011, 09:43 AM

I get that every single day at work. And walk out fucked up unscathed every single time.

Call this my rant for the day.

Apr 9, 2011, 01:30 PM
The "status bar" (shows the url of link you are hoovering over) in Firefox 4 changes sides depending on if the Find bar is open. It is annoying this way.

Does anyone know of a fix for this?

Apr 11, 2011, 11:43 AM
Google keeps taking me to iGoogle, and doesn't give me an option to just use the vanilla Google. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but when the page loads I instantly start typing and it forces my cursor to the "login" window in the bottom left. Hitting enter by instinct, I go to a "invalid password" page.

I just want to fucking search, Google. THAT IS YOUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. |:

Apr 11, 2011, 03:29 PM
Google keeps taking me to iGoogle, and doesn't give me an option to just use the vanilla Google. I wouldn't have a problem with it, but when the page loads I instantly start typing and it forces my cursor to the "login" window in the bottom left. Hitting enter by instinct, I go to a "invalid password" page.

I just want to fucking search, Google. THAT IS YOUR PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. |:If you have a gmail account, try:
Signing into igoogle, click the little wheel in top right, select Classic Home.

Or if you use Firefox (and I assume the other browser have something similar), right click the google search box, select add "keyword for this search" and make it something simple (I use "g"), that will let you open a new tab then enter the keyword and what you want to search (so for me: "g pso world").

Apr 12, 2011, 09:04 AM
I had a good night tonight. So why post in the bull shxt thread? Because I'm going to be an idiot and screw it all up somehow.

Apr 12, 2011, 06:37 PM
I had one friend stop contact with me and two who alienated me. Now I somehow am starting to believe this is starting to cause psychological harm. Not cool.

Apr 12, 2011, 07:55 PM
I had one friend stop contact with me and two who alienated me. Now I somehow am starting to believe this is starting to cause psychological harm. Not cool.

Yes, it's always fun when good friends just randomly decide to stop talking to you. It really does fuck with you. Trust me, I know. It's happened to me countless times throughout my life.

Apr 13, 2011, 01:26 PM
If you have a gmail account, try:
Signing into igoogle, click the little wheel in top right, select Classic Home.

Or if you use Firefox (and I assume the other browser have something similar), right click the google search box, select add "keyword for this search" and make it something simple (I use "g"), that will let you open a new tab then enter the keyword and what you want to search (so for me: "g pso world").

Looks like I missed that. Thanks for ending my raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage. :-D

To stay on topic... I really fucking hate people who hover over me while I work. I don't have anything to hide, but I really hate it when they try to act sneaky stealing glances at your monitor. Can't wait to get back into a cubicle.

Apr 13, 2011, 07:14 PM
Oh i got a good one.


Apr 14, 2011, 01:06 AM
Birther nonsense. I've had it.

1) A birth certificate is a government-issued document. The State of Hawaii has formally stated that it exists. How can you say this statement is not trustworthy when an official birth certificate is a government statement that said individual was born there (among other things)?

2) Jus sanguinis (right of blood). US law provides for this (albeit not in the constitution). Obama's mother was a US citizen, thus, ipso facto, Obama was born a US citizen. That's it. The question of the 14th amendment's jus soli (right of soil) clause is irrelevant. The birthers could be right and Obama would still have been born a US citizen and thus eligible for the presidency. (Actually, why has nobody brought this up? I learned this stuff back in high school)

Actually, to be more specific, I'm pissed at Trump. This guy is currently embodying the worst of US politics in actually espousing this idiocy, and doing so in the most blatantly pandering way possible.

Apr 14, 2011, 11:02 AM
Actually, to be more specific, I'm pissed at Trump. This guy is currently embodying the worst of US politics in actually espousing this idiocy, and doing so in the most blatantly pandering way possible.

Yeah, he's an ass. But it's very unlikely that Trump will be a serious contender once some more legitimate candidates enter the race.

Apr 14, 2011, 11:06 AM
Yeah, he's an ass. But it's very unlikely that Trump will be a serious contender once some more legitimate candidates enter the race.

The tea party basically guarantees that whoever wins the primary will lose to Obama though. I mean, they're all pandering so hard to the far right, while Obama remains a very effective campaigner who now enjoys the advantage of being the incumbent.

Apr 15, 2011, 12:20 AM
So, I poured out every wrenching long-winded negative emotion on someone's Skype describing how they're not my friend. The downside, they haven't been online for a while now. Or just blocked me. Give or take. I feel much better now. Should they come back online, they'll find a barrage of crap waiting for them. I'm afraid I'm not so understanding anymore.

Apr 18, 2011, 12:12 AM
So, I poured out every wrenching long-winded negative emotion on someone's Skype describing how they're not my friend. The downside, they haven't been online for a while now. Or just blocked me. Give or take. I feel much better now. Should they come back online, they'll find a barrage of crap waiting for them. I'm afraid I'm not so understanding anymore.

Well, sometimes you just have to say "fuck being the tactful, tolerant nice guy" and just give those sons-a-bitches what's coming to them. I try my best to be nice to people, but if they just won't have it, and insist on being assholes to me no matter what I do or say, then it's time to go nuclear on their miserable asses.

^Wow, that was rage-filled. Good thing this is the thread for it. ^^;

Apr 18, 2011, 12:27 AM
One thing you shouldn't do at a bar's Open Mic Night after a few strong Jack and Cokes:
Say you've decided to take up an instrument. With that instrument being the bagpipes.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Apr 18, 2011, 04:06 AM
Today was so humid, that it made my Xbox and Laptop overheat.
What the hell, man? This coming storm better cool off the whole damn island.

Apr 18, 2011, 10:44 AM
One thing you shouldn't do at a bar's Open Mic Night after a few strong Jack and Cokes:
Say you've decided to take up an instrument. With that instrument being the bagpipes.

You've got to be kidding.

Apr 18, 2011, 03:19 PM
You've got to be kidding.
Nope. Looked into it a bit, sounds a bit hard, but something awesome to learn.

Apr 19, 2011, 08:29 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215172_10150549587950481_624145480_18215529_830114 7_n.jpg
wait a minute... didn't i work for GIANT FOOD SNS?

I will say this though, hurling 60+ bags of probably 10 gallon bags of ice was quite invigorating when already pissed off beyond human control.

Apr 19, 2011, 09:06 AM
I hate days like today. I have tons of school work to do and there are two new games coming out. Decisions, decisions.

Apr 19, 2011, 10:45 AM
Nope. Looked into it a bit, sounds a bit hard, but something awesome to learn.

Godspeed, you crazy shining star.

Apr 19, 2011, 10:49 AM
Nope. Looked into it a bit, sounds a bit hard, but something awesome to learn.

If you're being serious, I say go for it. I personally love bagpipe music. It gives me that ancient, Celtic vibe whenever I hear it, and it invigorates and excites me. I don't understand why most other people rag on it, or think it's "weird". I think it's great.

Apr 20, 2011, 07:03 AM
The one computer I have that can play any recent game hit an unrecoverable bsod while I was trying to update my phone and that has thrown a huge kink in to my plans for the week. Luckily the only thing on it were some Episode 3 videos, Minecraft, and PSU so it shouldn't be too hard to just start over. It means loosing my Minecraft world but I suppose it can't be helped.

Apr 20, 2011, 03:37 PM
The one computer I have that can play any recent game hit an unrecoverable bsod while I was trying to update my phone and that has thrown a huge kink in to my planes for the week. Luckily the only thing on it were some Episode 3 videos, Minecraft, and PSU so it shouldn't be too hard to just start over. It means loosing my Minecraft world but I suppose it can't be helped.

A friend of mine who hosts a multiplayer Minecraft server world I started back in November or so has to make new temporary worlds for us to mess around in every time there's a new update because all the mods we use no longer work, and we have to wait until they get updated as well. It kinda sucks, but if we build something cool, he has a program that can apparently copy/paste different areas onto different worlds so we can continue using them in our original world. That said, it's a good idea to keep such data backed up onto a USB drive or something, in case something like that happens again.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 20, 2011, 04:06 PM
A friend of mine who hosts a multiplayer Minecraft server world I started back in November or so has to make new temporary worlds for us to mess around in every time there's a new update because all the mods we use no longer work, and we have to wait until they get updated as well. It kinda sucks, but if we build something cool, he has a program that can apparently copy/paste different areas onto different worlds so we can continue using them in our original world. That said, it's a good idea to keep such data backed up onto a USB drive or something, in case something like that happens again.
If you could send me the link for that program I would greatly appreciate it.

Apr 20, 2011, 04:21 PM
If you could send me the link for that program I would greatly appreciate it.

I think this (http://www.minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?t=15522) is what he uses, but I'm not exactly sure... he does all the editing now, so I don't know how it works. I think he's at work or something atm (he hasn't been replying to my IM's, anyway), but I'll ask him once he gets back.

*EDIT* - I was right, it's MCEdit.

Apr 21, 2011, 04:05 AM
Elementary/middle schoolers who think they're cool, fooling around with laser pointers on a moving bus, causing that bus to crash into a van and continuing to do it an hour later after a new bus arrives while it's on a busy highway.

I had to break their little toys to get them to stop. Then the bus driver kicked them off the bus. Problem solved, since the head of the school probably will kick them off the bus for the rest of the year.


Apr 21, 2011, 01:19 PM
continuing to do it an hour later after a new bus arrives
I cannot tell if you were joking or not. In all my years of taking the bus to school I don't think I have ever experienced anything like that. Although, I do recall a classmate of mine jumping out the emergency window of a moving bus.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 21, 2011, 01:42 PM
Kids are pretty fucking stupid nowadays.

Apr 21, 2011, 02:11 PM
Kids are pretty fucking stupid nowadays.

Agreed, very much agreed


Sometimes kids are just DUMB

Apr 21, 2011, 02:18 PM
Parents are pretty fucking stupid nowadays as well.

Nitro Vordex
Apr 21, 2011, 02:45 PM
Parents are pretty fucking stupid nowadays as well.
Yeah, especially since nowadays the parents are the stupid fucking kids.

On another side note, close your goddamn legs if you don't want kids. Some teenage girl complains about having a kid, the father being a deadbeat highschooler, etc. WELL WHOSE FAULT IS THAT. Mind you, this isn't directed at the women who may have been raped or such stuff like that. But for all the other ones who made a choice and decided they just "loved" who they were fucking, it's your own damn fault. You'll get no sympathy for me that you got your special place wrecked.

Her heart, you pervs.

Apr 21, 2011, 04:44 PM
Anyone ever figure out exactly how much they need in their checking account to pay all their bills one night, go the next day to move the money to checking, get home, and end up thinking "what is that last $xx for?"
Yeah, it is happening to me right now. No idea what it could be for.

Apr 23, 2011, 06:31 AM
Well, got some good news and bad news.

Bad first, Job is once again pissing me off. Its another one of those "I do 10x as much work as everyone else" situations. And theres a new manager coming over (whom I hear has a nasty attitude). That could be good/bad. I mean I do my work and stuff so there shouldn't be any problems, but I'll just have to wait and see how that turns out.

Well on the plus side, for my bday, I got a fully upgraded computer from my friend. I don't know a lot about computers, but all I know is I can play Crysis 2 now and it looks freakin 20x better than it did on my 360 lol.

Apr 23, 2011, 04:48 PM
jobs huh?

guess i'll see you around

Apr 23, 2011, 10:34 PM
Getting banned from a Ventrilo server over a 5 minute spat with the the owner, whom I've played a certain game for well over a year with. And it was over me wasting 5 minutes of his time when he was just idling in-game.

Apr 23, 2011, 11:45 PM
Players in games who blame their performance on everyone else.

Apr 24, 2011, 07:51 AM
jobs huh?
YouTube - Loving my job (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cfr1ipTIO8)
guess i'll see you around

Lol, well I'm certainly not dealing with that kind of bull. There has to be someone you can show that too who will make sure it doesn't keep happening.

Apr 24, 2011, 09:10 AM
its gotten to the point nobody even cares.
TEAM PLAY, am i right?

After 4 hrs http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/221740_10150572854900481_624145480_18429510_465965 1_n.jpg

Apr 26, 2011, 03:15 AM
I'm going to be pissed if any of my personal information is compromised as a result of the recent PSN fiasco.

Apr 26, 2011, 05:23 AM
jobs huh?
YouTube - Loving my job (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cfr1ipTIO8)
guess i'll see you around

Waaaat theee eeffff. Its like, freezer town, what with miniature skyscrapers made of cardboard. What do they do, run in, throw box, run out?

Trying to deal with ordering books for upcoming college courses. Not alot of fun. D:< I've ordered textbooks twice in the past with no problems. Called, said what textbooks I needed, gave them credit card number, done. It was on its way. Of course, that was with a certain person who I can't remember the name of. Now, last term, I wasn't aware that the courses needed textbooks, so I was a little late in starting. This term, I decided to get the jump and phone a week ahead. I do so, they tell me they'll phone back Thursday. "Fine" I say. So Thursday rolls around. They haven't phoned. I go 'Screw it' and phone 'em again. THIS time, they say they're gonna phone back Wednesday, with one of my courses starting the DAY BEFORE. And, of course, it always takes at least a week for the books to get here. The one time I try and take an initiative, and this happens. Makes me afraid of actual college, to be honest. >_<

Also, this is more entertaining to me than annoying, but apparently Youtube has also decided to jump on the 'RickRoll'd' bandwagon. You right click on any vid with the new format, you'll see the 'Save Video as...' button. Clicking on it takes you to Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' (honestly, not sure if that is the actual title or not. Sorry. XP ) official music video. Touché, Youtube. Touché.

Apr 26, 2011, 07:43 AM
My TV has finally kicked the bucket. Dang.

Apr 26, 2011, 09:32 AM
Well, tornado season is in full swing in Arkansas right now... seems like the past 3 or 4 days, there's been storms going on, and it sucks when the power flickers for JUST a split second and shuts my computer off. Pisses me off SO much, especially when I'm right in the middle of something... :nono:

Also, it seems there's been a lot of bad flooding in Vilonia, which is north of Little Rock, I believe. Levees breaking and mudslides causing rivers to overflow and shit, on top of all the tornadoes... I heard most of the town, albeit not very big, was wiped out. :(

I'm going to be pissed if any of my personal information is compromised as a result of the recent PSN fiasco.

Same here, since I'm using my mom's debit card info. I just don't see why it's taking them so long to fix, and why they're being so secretive about it... I keep hearing rumors about, "it's Anonymous," "it's NOT Anonymous," "they're just beefing up their security," etc., so I don't know what to believe. :confused:

Trying to deal with ordering books for upcoming college courses. Not alot of fun. D:<

I hated getting books for college. A lot of my courses didn't even use them (although they were required in the syllabus), and by the time you sell them back, they're worthless. After I finish the class, what the hell am I going to do with a bigass algebra book: use it to fuel a campfire, use it as a doorstop or coaster, lift weights with it, cry about how many trees were cut down to make the damned thing, or just tear out the pages and wipe my ass with them the next time I have to "visit the Oval Office and fill out some paperwork?" :rolleyes:

Personally, had I known college was full of so much bullshit, I probably would've just stuck with my crappy Wal-Mart job, or hell, even join the military... maybe. But only because my dad was in the national guard and would probably have some connections.

Apr 26, 2011, 10:07 AM
I will seriously break the arm of the next creepy old Chinese man that tries to cop a feel on me. Freaking drunk old guy tried to grope me on the subway today...punched his nose and jumped off the train (luckily it happened at a stop).


Apr 26, 2011, 10:25 AM
Players in games who blame their performance on everyone else.

Yes, that does piss me off. I get bucketloads of that shit every time I get on the Gears 3 Beta. But hey, welcome to every shooter game ever.

Apr 26, 2011, 10:50 AM
Yes, that does piss me off. I get bucketloads of that shit every time I get on the Gears 3 Beta. But hey, welcome to every shooter game ever.

Yeah, that tends to happen a lot when I can't get a full 5-man team with my friends on League of Legends and we get stuck with randoms that can't coordinate well with us because we use Teamspeak most of the time instead of the text chat. Sadly, at least half of the time, the community on that game tends to be horrible, from my experiences.

Yesterday, I played a match where we had a Karthus (basically a mage-like Lich character who can still cast spells for a short period after he dies) who thought he could initiate a fight against the entire enemy team by himself. He kept blaming the rest of us for not backing him up when he was "trying to lure them," despite the fact that the rest of our teammates were on opposite ends of the map, spread out in other lanes, or just hadn't respawned again yet from previous deaths, and obviously had no quick way of getting there in time. Needless to say, we ended up losing that match...

Apr 26, 2011, 12:12 PM
Trying to deal with ordering books for upcoming college courses. Not alot of fun. D:< I've ordered textbooks twice in the past with no problems. Called, said what textbooks I needed, gave them credit card number, done. It was on its way. Of course, that was with a certain person who I can't remember the name of. Now, last term, I wasn't aware that the courses needed textbooks, so I was a little late in starting. This term, I decided to get the jump and phone a week ahead. I do so, they tell me they'll phone back Thursday. "Fine" I say. So Thursday rolls around. They haven't phoned. I go 'Screw it' and phone 'em again. THIS time, they say they're gonna phone back Wednesday, with one of my courses starting the DAY BEFORE. And, of course, it always takes at least a week for the books to get here. The one time I try and take an initiative, and this happens. Makes me afraid of actual college, to be honest. >_<

It doesn't help if you're already late getting the books, but back in college I ordered all of my books used from Half.com. People usually responded quickly and I saved a ton of money.

Apr 26, 2011, 02:55 PM
Me. I'm really pissing myself off today. Why can't I just buckle down and finish the one page paper that is due in 65 minutes, start memorizing my lines, so I can take a nap once we get rehearsal time?! And why am I so hesistant to buy my cap and gown package?

Apr 29, 2011, 08:54 PM
Hulu/the show's website censors the show. The episode listed as the Pilot (season 1 episode 1) for the show is actually season 1 episode 8.
The episodes are split into segments, and the quality isn't consistent between them. One segment will look fine, the next will look horrible, the next look fine again.

Also, it is difficult to read text when using my TV as a monitor.

Apr 29, 2011, 09:46 PM
I think the mic I've been using to talk with my friends over Teamspeak just died. The headphones have been messed up for a while, but now the mic's not picking up on my speech, and I haven't changed any settings.

On top of that, I've pretty much determined why my internet speeds have been so slow: the ethernet port on my NIC must have gotten damaged from the storm that took out my original power supply. I hooked up my dad's old laptop and was getting 8.3 Mbps; I was getting less than 1 Mbps. But using a USB cable instead of an ethernet cable, I'd get around 5 Mbps...

And then, a friend of mine, who recently got what might as well be his dream job (artist for a small gaming company), is wanting to use one of his next paychecks towards a laptop for his girlfriend who he met on FF11 and hasn't met irl yet, despite he and I knowing each other for much longer. He says she's going to do something in return for him (probably something along the lines of actually traveling to meet him and/or get into his pants), but at the same time, I'd be willing to somehow pack him back for it possibly through work-related things, seeing how I've been unemployed for over a year now...

I wish about $2K would fall into my lap so I could replace this 5+ year old piece of crap computer... ><

Apr 29, 2011, 09:58 PM
I wish about $2K would fall into my lap so I could replace this 5+ year old piece of crap computer... ><$2k? If you are able to use a desktop and feel able to make one yourself (it really isn't too hard), go that route. A $1k desktop computer you build yourself can be very powerful, assuming you can reuse the mouse, keyboard, and monitor.

Apr 30, 2011, 05:37 AM
I hate it when you see a job or a company that you would love to work for but you always feel like that job/company is forever out of your reach.

Happens to me all of the time.

Apr 30, 2011, 06:12 AM
I hate mosquitoes.

And brothers that try to burn your underwear because "they're bored".

And drunk old men. I had to break an arm today.


Apr 30, 2011, 12:14 PM
I hate mosquitoes.

And brothers that try to burn your underwear because "they're bored".

And drunk old men. I had to break an arm today.


Sounds like it's hard in the hood (China).

Also, lawl at underwear burning. I can imagine big ol' granny panties being set on fire.

Apr 30, 2011, 12:36 PM
They were expensive! Not China expensive, they were from Japan!

They got a little bit singed. Nothing visibly burnt but they smelled funny for a while.


Apr 30, 2011, 01:02 PM
They were expensive! Not China expensive, they were from Japan!

They got a little bit singed. Nothing visibly burnt but they smelled funny for a while.


Expensive, imported underpants, hmm? Who are you trying to impress, young lady? :-P

Apr 30, 2011, 01:06 PM
Expensive, imported underpants, hmm? Who are you trying to impress, young lady? :-P
Look man, 1 (attempt) e-GF at a time.

FanArt forum drama clubs, geez

And then, a friend of mine, who recently got what might as well be his dream job (artist for a small gaming company), is wanting to use one of his next paychecks towards a laptop for his girlfriend who he met on FF11 and hasn't met irl yet, despite he and I knowing each other for much longer. He says she's going to do something in return for him (probably something along the lines of actually traveling to meet him and/or get into his pants), but at the same time, I'd be willing to somehow pack him back for it possibly through work-related things, seeing how I've been unemployed for over a year now...

Someone needs the pikachief plan of being someone's online GF on the weirdo-laden PSYOU, I heard that's your favorite game but you still never learned that socially accepted on there, bartering for goods, badly, shameless procured goods.

Apr 30, 2011, 01:12 PM
Look man, 1 (attempt) e-GF at a time.

FanArt forum drama clubs, geez

The fuck are you even talking about?

Apr 30, 2011, 01:16 PM
Click view new post BULL SHXT:

I can imagine big ol' granny panties being set on fire.

Click view new post MOONIE FAN ART DUMP:

...Don't know why I'm posting this in the first place, as I'm on the Ignore List. And even if I wasn't, I'd be scolded and reprimanded for being an "obsessive creep", or whatever. But, won't stop me from speaking my mind ^^;. I anxiously await another update on this "group picture".



I messages are dangerous business.

Apr 30, 2011, 01:17 PM
:wink: Don't worry, Haya. I'm taken in real life, not planning on cheating any time soon.


Apr 30, 2011, 01:19 PM
:wink: Don't worry, Haya. I'm taken in real life, not planning on cheating any time soon.

Break his online arm for talking about your underwear, your dead underwear at that, Tim Burton's: Creepse Bride. Pretty sure burning those are not good luck when other burned things might be.

Apr 30, 2011, 01:22 PM
Click view new post BULL SHXT:

Click view new post MOONIE FAN ART DUMP:



I messages are dangerous business.

Uh, I think I'm allowed to compliment someone without hitting on them. Don't be stupid. Try making sense.

Apr 30, 2011, 01:42 PM
"Rope a dope."


New, vocal crew members = longest "short break" ever. Lots of "WHAT ABOUT THIS: postulate real quick." Reply an Instant: "...but what about 'the older, first idea one facet from it, what happens to that character/prop/line/action' "


In a circle, round and round she goes until:

"I'm down to just split the group and go in for our own entry." - nope, can't do that anyway you defector, gotta sign up and pay ahead of time. "But we have the money just among us 1-2-3..." the lists were sent out at that drop zone time, and as shown there's a ton of other groups as is, pretty sure they're not going to allow entries of teams during the first few hours of the contest starting its 24 hour time limit. "Oh we'll just steal someone else's theme/prop/actions because ours is Identity theft! Find a good one someone else got from the list or pretend to be some other team and hope they don't turn in theirs- or turn in ours before they do!"

Really shows you were just casted for your generic looks and pretend to act okay enough. Not any brains up in there. Too bad its not a zombie movie and there's a reason for missing cranium wrinkly pink/grey matter.

May 1, 2011, 05:14 AM
Anyone who feels the need to make someone elses life a lving hell simply because they choose to do the job they're paid for. Ppl who do this are a complete waste of space and really should just do us all a favor and go the fuck away.

May 3, 2011, 01:07 PM
I have zero motivation to study right now, and I really do need to get an A on tomorrow's final to secure a B for the class...

May 3, 2011, 01:25 PM
Having to endure for a month that a friend who I love was getting married, only for her to call off the wedding for rather surprising reasons. Now her former fiance is on my tail believing that it's my fault.

He's sort of right though.

May 3, 2011, 01:29 PM
Having to endure for a month that a friend who I love was getting married, only for her to call off the wedding for rather surprising reasons. Now her former fiance is on my tail believing that it's my fault.

He's sort of right though.

He's kind of right, huh? EXPLAIN.

May 3, 2011, 03:37 PM
I hate the thetare department. I hate the theatre department. I hate the theatre department. Why does a techie need to take classes where we have to act? It makes no sense!

May 3, 2011, 05:05 PM
I hate the thetare department. I hate the theatre department. I hate the theatre department. Why does a techie need to take classes where we have to act? It makes no sense!Everyone at my college had to take at least one art, theater, or music class, no matter what your major was. I dealt with it by taking Intro to Music.

Was theater required, or was it like my school and you just took the theater class for some reason, such as other options full?

Nitro Vordex
May 3, 2011, 05:08 PM
Having to endure for a month that a friend who I love was getting married, only for her to call off the wedding for rather surprising reasons. Now her former fiance is on my tail believing that it's my fault.

He's sort of right though.
You totally hit that, didn't you.

I hate the thetare department. I hate the theatre department. I hate the theatre department. Why does a techie need to take classes where we have to act? It makes no sense!
Maybe you have to act like you give a shit about people not being able to upload their pictures to Facespace?

May 3, 2011, 11:51 PM
He's kind of right, huh? EXPLAIN.

Maybe later.

You totally hit that, didn't you.

No, at least not in a literal sense.

May 4, 2011, 12:09 AM
I hate the thetare department. I hate the theatre department. I hate the theatre department. Why does a techie need to take classes where we have to act? It makes no sense!

Just make it as miserable an experience as possible for everyone else. I mean really embarrass the whole lot of you. In a way that the faculty will recount for years to come.

Might be fun to share the pain is what I'm saying.

May 4, 2011, 01:16 AM
Everyone at my college had to take at least one art, theater, or music class, no matter what your major was. I dealt with it by taking Intro to Music.

Was theater required, or was it like my school and you just took the theater class for some reason, such as other options full?

I meant techie as in theatre techie. You know, the people who do all the things that make the actors look good and can carry a show when you have an ego inflated actor who thinks that they don't need to find their light. "Ooo look at me, I'm an actor! Everything I do is right. I don't need to stand in the spotlight if I don't want to because I'm the talent! What's that, I need to place the prop where? Screw that I'll toss it into the audience for my big dramatic moment! Hahahaha! Watch me rip this costume that took three people a week to finish per the director's instructions because I want to show I'm angry. I'm not a douche bag, I'm an artist!."
Annoying bitches, the lot of them.

May 4, 2011, 01:24 AM
Having to endure for a month that a friend who I love was getting married, only for her to call off the wedding for rather surprising reasons. Now her former fiance is on my tail believing that it's my fault.

He's sort of right though.

PM me the details. Nao.


May 4, 2011, 01:44 AM
I'm starting to lose interest in just about everything I usually like. That's a major sign of depression. Looks like I'm slipping back into it. Sucks, because I was doing good for a while there.

May 4, 2011, 01:46 AM
I meant techie as in theatre techie. You know, the people who do all the things that make the actors look good and can carry a show when you have an ego inflated actor who thinks that they don't need to find their light. "Ooo look at me, I'm an actor! Everything I do is right. I don't need to stand in the spotlight if I don't want to because I'm the talent! What's that, I need to place the prop where? Screw that I'll toss it into the audience for my big dramatic moment! Hahahaha! Watch me rip this costume that took three people a week to finish per the director's instructions because I want to show I'm angry. I'm not a douche bag, I'm an artist!."
Annoying bitches, the lot of them.

I built sets and rigged for my theater department in college too. I also took an acting class.

Get over yourself and stop bitching.

May 4, 2011, 01:48 AM
Get over yourself and stop bitching.

You do realize that this thread is specifically for bitching, right? He can complain if he so chooses.

May 4, 2011, 04:06 AM
I'm starting to lose interest in just about everything I usually like. That's a major sign of depression. Looks like I'm slipping back into it. Sucks, because I was doing good for a while there.

You could try adopting a new hobby of sorts, something to get you out of the loop and eventually back into the good ole routine.

Just avoid ice cream. It lies to you.

May 4, 2011, 04:53 AM
A friend of mine who hosts a multiplayer Minecraft server world I started back in November or so has to make new temporary worlds for us to mess around in every time there's a new update because all the mods we use no longer work, and we have to wait until they get updated as well. It kinda sucks, but if we build something cool, he has a program that can apparently copy/paste different areas onto different worlds so we can continue using them in our original world. That said, it's a good idea to keep such data backed up onto a USB drive or something, in case something like that happens again.
I know this pain all too much. Trust me, I know how big of a pain it is. :-x

I'm starting to lose interest in just about everything I usually like. That's a major sign of depression. Looks like I'm slipping back into it. Sucks, because I was doing good for a while there.
At least you got your friend(s) to be there. >_> Remember when you feel this way, just think of this.


May 4, 2011, 09:45 AM
You do realize that this thread is specifically for bitching, right? He can complain if he so chooses.

Yes, but that doesn't preclude me from complaining about hie complaining.

May 4, 2011, 10:56 AM
You could try adopting a new hobby of sorts, something to get you out of the loop and eventually back into the good ole routine.

I don't really like trying new things, though. Kind of a problem I have. I'll just se how the next couple days go.

May 4, 2011, 12:31 PM
I don't really like trying new things, though. Kind of a problem I have. I'll just se how the next couple days go.

Start smoking the grass, then you won't care about not having anything to do because you won't remember that you wanted something to do in the first place.

May 4, 2011, 12:44 PM
Start smoking the grass, then you won't care about not having anything to do because you won't remember that you wanted something to do in the first place.

No, thanks. I have no interest in doing that stuff.

May 4, 2011, 12:56 PM
I built sets and rigged for my theater department in college too. I also took an acting class.

Get over yourself and stop bitching.
I have no problem with acting classes, since they are a class for acting. My issue is the fact that my school's department doesn't segregate the techies from the actors in terms of required classes, and as the department favors the actors, even the tech based classes require us to act. This also isn't just my gripe, most of the tech instructors want to do away with that, but the department head has dictated it as such, so even classes like stagecraft have way more emphasis on the acting side of things than anyone thinks is really necessary. This goes back to my previous comment: becuase we have actors thrown into the tech classes there are many who don't give a damn about the class and make it harder for us who do want to be there and learning since they can be very uncooperative with the techies. This honestly wouldn't be much of an issue if the performance majors were in some kind of conservatory type program so that the ones who did take tech classes were only doing it becuase they wanted to, not becuase they needed to.(It feels good to rant about these things :D)

May 4, 2011, 02:00 PM
No, thanks. I have no interest in doing that stuff.

Ok then, just a suggestion :)

May 4, 2011, 10:42 PM
So, I called up Home Depot about my application and they directed me to a number dealing with job apps. I had to deal with an automated message. So I put in my info and everything and suddenly out of the automaton's mouth, I'm told I'm not considered for employment at this time. Your store was hiring though... Eff that bs!

May 5, 2011, 05:10 AM
I went to the gym for the first time in my life, and was put through intense strength training and cardio for 2 1/2 hours. I went to sleep two hours ago and was now woken up by pain so bad in my arms that I can barely move them to do normal things. Like lift a fucking spoon to my mouth for cereal.

Point of the story, fucking gyms. >_>

May 5, 2011, 06:20 AM
Its not that hard, man up. Have fun with it. This ain't the emo drama club, its the cool pretend to be a character and (not) get paid for it drama department of doin' it like James Franco.
Trying new things is good, and making the best of them, then pretty soon you're off on a roll out there doing the impossibles like trying to talk to real girls in RL, homeys.

I went to the gym for the first time in my life, and was put through intense strength training and cardio for 2 1/2 hours. I went to sleep two hours ago and was now woken up by pain so bad in my arms that I can barely move them to do normal things. Like lift a fucking spoon to my mouth for cereal.

Point of the story, fucking gyms. >_>
Yeah, gradual improvement. Cool down days.

You're not walking in, completely changing your entire physique, including stamina to handle a ton of body sculpting, in one day then walking out Arnold Hulkmaster flex.

Was it handled with a trainer at all? Can't figure if you're there on your own they'd want to kill you with intense strength/cardio in the same go and expect you to comeback or put money down on any full membership plans.

May 5, 2011, 11:02 AM
Allergies have hammered my ass so bad this week that I haven't had the energy to do anything: gym, yardwork, cooking dinner, you name it.

Worst season in a long time. Please end soon.

Neo Flint
May 5, 2011, 02:55 PM
I'm starting to hate this whole "PC supremacy" thing. To be clear, I'm not a console fanboy and I've accept the fact that they are "inferior". It's just that people keep saying that PC is best even if no one has said anything biased.

Besides, gaming machines are expensive. And my current laptop isn't the greatest. :disapprove:

May 5, 2011, 03:17 PM
I went to the gym for the first time in my life, and was put through intense strength training and cardio for 2 1/2 hours. I went to sleep two hours ago and was now woken up by pain so bad in my arms that I can barely move them to do normal things. Like lift a fucking spoon to my mouth for cereal.

Point of the story, fucking gyms. >_>

That's just asking for trouble, dude. The first part of starting a workout is conditioning yourself to the final workout itself.

On the plus side, the next workout won't hurt nearly as bad, as long as you don't overdo it and tear or strain a muscle.

May 5, 2011, 04:33 PM
Yeah, gradual improvement. Cool down days.

You're not walking in, completely changing your entire physique, including stamina to handle a ton of body sculpting, in one day then walking out Arnold Hulkmaster flex.

Was it handled with a trainer at all? Can't figure if you're there on your own they'd want to kill you with intense strength/cardio in the same go and expect you to comeback or put money down on any full membership plans.
It wasn't so much a certified trainer, but a friend of mine who went through the military so he was taught some rigorous techniques to get results. They work, they're just painful. He kept telling me that I shouldn't push myself so hard since it was my first time working out like that.

I didn't listen. ^^;

That's just asking for trouble, dude. The first part of starting a workout is conditioning yourself to the final workout itself.

On the plus side, the next workout won't hurt nearly as bad, as long as you don't overdo it and tear or strain a muscle.
I may have strained my bi's and tri's a bit but nothing serious. The pain subsided a bit once I started moving around and stretching a bit. (Although the pain when using them was horrendous, and still kind of is. >_>) Either way, I'm going back to the gym today to work on legs. It was going to be a "chest and legs" day, but he said if I did strain something, then it's better to let it be for now, and wait until we go back Monday to try anything with my arms again. Does that sound like a good idea? ^^;

Nitro Vordex
May 5, 2011, 04:52 PM
You should have upper body and lower body days. You also must,must,MUST stretch out before you start working out. You also shouldn't strain yourself so hard, you'll end up doing more harm than good. I remember when I first started weight training in high school, I couldn't even reach my locker to put my workout clothes away, ugh. Eventually you're able to deal with it though, and it gets a little easier as you go.

Don't overdo it.

May 5, 2011, 07:22 PM
So, I called up Home Depot about my application and they directed me to a number dealing with job apps. I had to deal with an automated message. So I put in my info and everything and suddenly out of the automaton's mouth, I'm told I'm not considered for employment at this time. Your store was hiring though... Eff that bs!

They told me the same exact thing. I feel your pain bro lol.

May 6, 2011, 05:43 AM
my head + one of these
http://storefixturesandequipment.indoff.com/media/SFAE/catalog/Shopping_Cart_UBOAT.JPG = Huge success.

May 6, 2011, 10:23 AM
You should have upper body and lower body days. You also must,must,MUST stretch out before you start working out. You also shouldn't strain yourself so hard, you'll end up doing more harm than good. I remember when I first started weight training in high school, I couldn't even reach my locker to put my workout clothes away, ugh. Eventually you're able to deal with it though, and it gets a little easier as you go.

Don't overdo it.
This. The key concept here is incremental change. Manageable steps.

Personal recommendation: check out the Duke University School of Sports Medicine's work on 'dynamic warm-ups', which made a huge difference for me. They have a YouTube channel as well.

May 6, 2011, 02:57 PM
I just had a guy on another site get rather angry at me because I said that hard drives are cheap nowadays.

I... don't really know what's going on here.

May 6, 2011, 03:09 PM
I just had a guy on another site get rather angry at me because I said that hard drives are cheap nowadays.

I... don't really know what's going on here.


May 6, 2011, 03:59 PM

I mean - I get the people who have a different opinion than you and argue about that. I get the people who are ignorant and argue from a lack of knowledge on a specific or obscure topic. I get the trolls who are just trying to cause trouble.

What I will never understand are the people who for are just so out of touch from reality that they look at numbers and see them as opinions. These people simply cannot see facts - like, I'm concerned they literally cannot see them, as if their brain simply replaces them with pictures of ponies or something - and it is baffling to me. I am always going to be baffled and dumbfounded by these kinds of people. (Take note, trolls.)

I actually looked up hard drive prices just to make sure I wasn't crazy. Turns out I'm not crazy, but that is how confused I was.

So yeah, internets. Crazy place.

May 6, 2011, 04:00 PM
I just had a guy on another site get rather angry at me because I said that hard drives are cheap nowadays.

I... don't really know what's going on here.Wow.
Well, do they sell any under $20? I figure if $80 can get you a terabyte, $20 should be good for a 200GB or so.

Why do some places post a monthly pay range instead of annual pay range?

May 6, 2011, 07:13 PM
I just had a guy on another site get rather angry at me because I said that hard drives are cheap nowadays.

I... don't really know what's going on here.
With the gradual merging of PSOW Off Topic and Kotaku, you can expect to see the guy here soon.

May 7, 2011, 08:59 AM
AP Biology.

I'm so screwed; it's gonna be a total clusterfuck. The average on the test last year was a 2.3...

*insert obligatory string of swear words here*


May 7, 2011, 09:54 AM
With the gradual merging of PSOW Off Topic and Kotaku, you can expect to see the guy here soon.

Ha ha, oh man. What a chance to abuse my mod powers.

May 7, 2011, 03:50 PM
Looks like the PSN hacker almost compromised my e-mail account; I got a warning about various attempts at log-in with my old password. I was so pissed off. Luckily I had already changed all of my password just in case.

May 7, 2011, 04:37 PM
Ha ha, oh man. What a chance to abuse my mod powers.

What what?

May 7, 2011, 11:38 PM
What what?

Which is something I would never ever do. Ever.

May 8, 2011, 02:53 PM
Time to call that lazy bitch who neglects my daughter and wish her a happy Mother's Day.

May 8, 2011, 03:40 PM
Which is something I would never ever do. Ever.

no I mean, PSOW/Kotaku?

Angelic Fae
May 8, 2011, 04:51 PM
Which is something I would never ever do. Ever.

...goodie 2 shoe's...

May 8, 2011, 08:18 PM
no I mean, PSOW/Kotaku?

Oh, I have no idea. I was just going along with what Palle was saying.

I'm a follower, not a leader!

May 8, 2011, 08:26 PM
Beats 4Chan.

[spoiler-box]http://paradoxdgn.com/junk/avatars/trollface.jpgTis an example, Not an actual troll.[/spoiler-box]

May 8, 2011, 09:33 PM
[spoiler-box]Tis an example, Not an actual troll.[/spoiler-box]
U know what to do, modguys.

May 8, 2011, 09:56 PM
AP Biology.

I'm so screwed; it's gonna be a total clusterfuck. The average on the test last year was a 2.3...

*insert obligatory string of swear words here*


Aren't those curved though?

May 8, 2011, 11:21 PM
Curved 2.3...that means most people FAILED.

Just finished the test and...


...the class was 30 times harder. Wow. That was easy.


May 8, 2011, 11:25 PM
See, in most cases the test is easier than the course. Most students overlook this and end up getting themselves stressed out before any exam.

Those AP tests are easy as pie.

May 9, 2011, 03:49 AM
See, in most cases the test is easier than the course. Most students overlook this and end up getting themselves stressed out before any exam.

Those AP tests are easy as pie.

It's still a bitch to get a 5. Found out from my AP German teacher that I'd missed said five by less than five points...

May 11, 2011, 03:30 AM
Finished my last AP exam, AP English Language & Composition, possibly the hardest exam besides Literature & Composition and physics.

GRAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I'm freeeeeeeeeee.


May 11, 2011, 11:49 AM
Well, I might be wrong about it being curved. But even so, if the average is 2.3, yes, most people did fail to achieve the passing mark of 3.

I actually found the AP Calc test to be harder than the class. I suspect they may have used a single test for both levels of the course, however.

May 11, 2011, 02:25 PM
Yet again.


May 11, 2011, 03:34 PM
Yet again.

Can't live with 'em. Can't bury 'em in the back yard.

May 11, 2011, 04:58 PM
Yet again.


Oh, the essays books I could write on that subject.

May 11, 2011, 08:54 PM
I hate having the desk next to the printer.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
May 12, 2011, 12:18 AM
"Whatever is easier for you."
Getting really tired of hearing that line. I'm not THAT stupid, yknow.

May 12, 2011, 01:28 AM
I really hate my sciatica. Makes it hard to sleep some nights. Not easy to relax when your lower back feels like it's on fire whenever you lay down. Gonna have to struggle with it for a while. :nono:

May 12, 2011, 07:42 AM
Hate the rainy weather here lately, it's pretty much raining non-stop for the past few days.
The humidity coupled with the heat and crowded public trains where you're squished against other people like sardines in a can is not a pleasant experience to say the least.

At least Japanese people seem to take care of their hygiene better than most westerners, where some people think it's a sin to shower or bathe more than once a year or so.

May 12, 2011, 07:10 PM
Now now, not all the west are too poor to afford running water right now.

May 13, 2011, 04:10 PM
At least Japanese people seem to take care of their hygiene better than most westerners, where some people think it's a sin to shower or bathe more than once a year or so.

Thank you for generalizing. *rolls around in his own filth*

May 13, 2011, 04:38 PM
Graduation. Not looking forward to it. I wasn't intending to walk, I just wanted to file for graduation and get my degree since I'll be doing post-bacc courses next semester anyway, but, since I'm the first of my generation in the family to graduate from an accredited university, my parents insisted. I juts couldn't stand that look of disappointment when I first told them I didn't want to walk, so I caved.

On the topic of AP courses: The only AP test I ever failed to get a passing score on was Economics, and that was only because after the first week of class the teacher decided to just check out completely so we never actually learned the material. I did draw a kick-ass picture of my house on the test though.

May 13, 2011, 07:30 PM
Thank you for generalizing. *rolls around in his own filth*

No prob, where would we be without gross generalizations. :-P

Nitro Vordex
May 13, 2011, 08:17 PM
Like Japanese being filthy, but not on their body, it's in their minds, man.

For fuck's sake, can't people these days dress up properly for an interview? Some of them looked like they might have been just walking by and decided to walk in. Shit, at least I dressed up for it.

May 13, 2011, 11:16 PM
Wish people would just slap idiots on their ignore list and never respond to them, as opposed to responding and dragging shit out and causing further clutter with the arguments.

May 14, 2011, 02:51 AM
Hating that weird feeling that something seems wrong or out of place. Fuuuuuu-
So annoying because it just seems like it's there for no reason, but even then it's hard to tell. ....One of those moments where you feel like you REALLY need to see a psychiatrist. Except there are none here. I BLAME IT ON THE HORMONES. I can do that, right?

May 14, 2011, 07:30 AM
Mom stopped by today. All my plans went straight to heck lol. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.

May 14, 2011, 07:43 AM

Raaaaaaaaaaaaage. They should go extinct. Like, now. Screw the repercussions to the environment; dragonflies can go eat something else. Maybe those frogs in the pond...


May 14, 2011, 07:49 AM
Like Japanese being filthy, but not on their body, it's in their minds, man.

For fuck's sake, can't people these days dress up properly for an interview? Some of them looked like they might have been just walking by and decided to walk in. Shit, at least I dressed up for it.

Oh my god the amount of garbage ive seen people wear here, oh my freaking god the nightmares.

May 14, 2011, 08:16 PM
On Thursday I was called into work for today. My allergies have not let me have a peaceful day in weeks (it is an outdoors job).

Grand-Am racing may bring DTM (German touring cars) to the US. Nice to see another series in the US, but from the bits I've seen, BTCC (British Touring Car Championship) is significantly better than DTM.

Come on people, either keep right until you're going to pass, or find the gas pedal. Your car probably only has 2 pedals, the one on the right makes you go faster. If you are in the far left lane, you are supposed to PASS the car(s) on the right.

It is 7PM with just clouds. You are in a Jeep. Why are your high beams on behind me? Everything is just fairly gray, use your low beams. I've had enough SUVs behind my car to know the difference between high beams and low beams.

Funny, but weird: I see some unnecessarily large "bling" wheels. Normally I think ok, whatever. But the ones I saw today was on an open top trailer (like you'd use to move lawn mowers, bulk trash, or firewood). Really? On a trailer?!

Nitro Vordex
May 14, 2011, 08:29 PM
I remember seeing spinners on a van.

May 15, 2011, 01:37 AM
Come to think of it, I think Ive seen a van with a lowered suspension and 20' spinner rims...

May 15, 2011, 02:59 AM
Just saw a Honda Civic.

With spoilers, green neon lights, decals, roof & hood scoop, custom rims.



May 15, 2011, 03:02 AM
Just saw a Honda Civic.

With spoilers, green neon lights, decals, roof & hood scoop, custom rims.


Tuner. Thats all.

Nitro Vordex
May 15, 2011, 04:04 AM
lol ricers

May 15, 2011, 04:37 AM
lol ricers

Check out my carbon fiber hood, dood!

May 15, 2011, 02:13 PM
Check out my carbon fiber hood, dood!

Hot Rod Hood =/= 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse.

May 15, 2011, 02:22 PM
School. 1 more month of it.

I want out.

May 15, 2011, 06:00 PM
I'm forced to file for unemployment. I should be happy, because I actually will get some money if I qualify. But I felt like I didn't need to go there unless it was a last resort. However, my mom is getting real impatient.

That and I got a packet of 10 pages full of loan repayments from Sallie Mae... LMFAO. And my mom is unfortunately a part of it being a cosigner. Really wish I could erase this error in my life.

May 15, 2011, 06:54 PM
I'm forced to file for unemployment. I should be happy, because I actually will get some money if I qualify. But I felt like I didn't need to go there unless it was a last resort. However, my mom is getting real impatient.

That and I got a packet of 10 pages full of loan repayments from Sallie Mae... LMFAO. And my mom is unfortunately a part of it being a cosigner. Really wish I could erase this error in my life.

I hear ya, man. Had I known back after graduating high school what I know now about going to ASU, I would've done things a lot differently. Probably the only thing I didn't regret was the friends I made in the anime/sci-fi/gaming clubs, and being able to go to my first convention in Memphis. That, and maybe some of my college band experiences, like getting to go to the New Orleans Bowl... except it wasn't in New Orleans due to hurricane Katrina and our team lost. The football team also got to stay in a much nicer hotel than the band did. :(

May 15, 2011, 10:55 PM
Fuck Spiders. That is all.



May 15, 2011, 11:33 PM
they aren't as graceful and cute as Centipedes.

Oh my lord.

I want one. Right now.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
May 16, 2011, 03:00 AM
The creatures themselves don't bother me that much, its just when their overly clear webs get stuck in my hair I go into rage mode.

Plus, they aren't as graceful and cute as Centipedes.

HO-LEE SHIT, do not want.

Anyway, our neighbors got their house Tented and Sprayed for Termites. Now this wouldn't be a problem, but apparently they had mice, because I've seen a few in our garage for the past few days. There was even wan in the car, and it crawled onto my knee. I freaked out, pretty much. Hopefully we can get someone to get rid of it, or we get rid of it ourselves. Also, it's been raining a lot. :/ Switching between hot and cold, making me sick. Not cool man, not cool.

May 16, 2011, 03:51 AM
A few days back, my dad woke me up while I was sleeping during the day and was freaking out about something. It turned out that some bees (the bad kind that don't die easily and will chase your ass down) had gotten into an air duct next to our bathroom and were starting to get into various rooms of the house. Apparently last summer, my dad stumbled upon a nest of these things and he and one of our neighbors had to spray them with diesel to kill them because most of the bug sprays we had wouldn't work on them. Also, my mom nearly died once from an allergic reaction to a wasp sting, so we've been paranoid about these kinds of insects getting into the house. I ended up having to close all the air conditioner vents in the house while my dad stuck a fogger in the bathroom to gas them to death, and then we went outside to seal off the air duct where they came in. So far, we haven't seen any more, but summer isn't in full swing yet...

Damn bugs. :argh:

May 16, 2011, 04:13 AM


Aw, how cute, it looks like a wittle crab~

Edit: I fucking hate printers.

May 16, 2011, 08:00 AM
Aw, how cute, it looks like a wittle crab~

Edit: I fucking hate printers.

Same reoccuring headaches 11 days straight baby and my knee is resumed its hurtin spree

May 16, 2011, 11:30 AM
Woke up this morning and it felt I was having a heart attack. My heart was fucking up so bad. God damn it.

May 16, 2011, 12:48 PM
Woke up this morning and it felt I was having a heart attack. My heart was fucking up so bad. God damn it.

I'm assuming you've seen or at least spoken to a doctor today as a result?

That's not exactly something you want to mess around with.

May 16, 2011, 01:15 PM
I'm assuming you've seen or at least spoken to a doctor today as a result?

That's not exactly something you want to mess around with.

Well, I mean....I know I have a heart problem. I've been officially diagnosed with a moderate-severe case of A-fib (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atrial_fibrillation). But this morning was just weird, and a bit scary.

As for a doctor, I would have talked to him, but his office is over an hour away from my house. Since I moved in with my dad a month or so ago, I haven't gotten a chance to change physicians.

May 16, 2011, 03:40 PM
Well, I also have a heart problem (though mine is relatively minor (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bicuspid_aortic_valve)), but that's specifically why I recommend you either try to find a new doctor nearby or at least give your previous doctor a call. It can be scary worrying about those kinds of things. You want to make sure that what you're experiencing isn't something you should be concerned about.

May 16, 2011, 04:10 PM
Yes, I should really look into finding a local physician here, just in case anything happens, even if I get sick.

May 16, 2011, 09:05 PM
So we had a storm come by while I was sleeping. What makes this interesting is that I ended up with 3 bad dreams in a row. The first, which I'll only be talking about: Apparently a bolt of lighting struck near my window. The flashing was ridiculous enough to make me freeze and not turn around.

Then I woke up.

May 17, 2011, 07:54 PM
If you're scheduling interviews for a professional level job, it would be helpful for you to inform candidates far in advance. One week notice is too short for me to figure out a way to deal with over a thousand miles.

Staples wants to charge $10 to recycle stuff like mice and digital cameras.

May 21, 2011, 11:43 PM
Read. Read read read read read. And think. Don't wait for people to tell you to think, do it beforehand. And stop being a huge douche.

:( What ever happened to reading comprehension.

EDIT: This isn't directed at Ketchup. I'm just venting.

May 22, 2011, 12:25 AM
Currently blind on one eye due to a loose package that was loaded improperly by some idiot and having fallen on said eye. I now look like I had half a stroke.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
May 22, 2011, 01:19 AM
Soy milk...
Never again. :/

May 23, 2011, 04:46 PM
Currently blind on one eye due to a loose package that was loaded improperly by some idiot and having fallen on said eye. I now look like I had half a stroke.

Damn, dude! Reminds me of the time someone lazily stuck a box cutter between two boxes in a stack that I was unstacking. There was lots of blood. :(

May 23, 2011, 10:12 PM
Dear Swype- Please give us a proper dictionary edit tool. 99% of the time, I want to type "ah", not "ash", and your method of adding a word isn't working for me. And when the method did work, it defaulted to "ash" not "ah". I type "or" more than "our". Try learning that. This is 2011, applications have been able to count number of uses something gets for years now and customizes the experience around frequency of use (playlists in media players, etc).

May 24, 2011, 01:51 AM
Cal of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 was revealed.

This about sums up my reaction:


May 24, 2011, 04:51 AM
I'm assuming its the same thing as MW2 but with an extra gun or something.

I guess I can rant about that. FPS games being practically the same no matter what. And how they get boring pretty fast. Then again, I'm not a big FPS player so I could be wrong about the repetitiveness.

May 24, 2011, 07:25 AM
FPS's are what I live for :wacko:

And Gears of War 3 ;)

Anywho, I just dropped my coffee all over my foot. Probably lost a few layers of skin lol.

May 24, 2011, 11:44 AM
Dear Swype- Please give us a proper dictionary edit tool. 99% of the time, I want to type "ah", not "ash", and your method of adding a word isn't working for me. And when the method did work, it defaulted to "ash" not "ah". I type "or" more than "our". Try learning that. This is 2011, applications have been able to count number of uses something gets for years now and customizes the experience around frequency of use (playlists in media players, etc).

The "Did you mean this?" pop-up is one of the most frustration UI experiences I've seen in a long time.

May 24, 2011, 11:52 AM
FPS's are what I live for :wacko:

And Gears of War 3 ;)

Well, after extensively playing the Gears 3 Beta for all four weeks of it's activeness, I can say with above-average certainty that it's a masterpiece of a game, and anyone who owns an Xbox 360 should get it, or be forever shamed.

Nitro Vordex
May 24, 2011, 12:46 PM
World debut of Modern Warfare 3.

It's almost like they're trying to say there's something new in the game.

Oh wait.

May 24, 2011, 02:48 PM
War shooters bore the crap out of me. Even if the mechanics are well tweaked and the guns balanced it just doesn't matter. That theme holds no interest for me. I like more fantastical ones. Serious Sam, Unreal Tournament, Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Bioshock, Borderlands, Fallout, War for Cybertron. I guess you could say realism is one of the last things I look for, so I guess I've always resented the modern war shooters. Not a GoW fan though, give me a call when it isn't 50 shades of grey.

May 24, 2011, 03:17 PM
The "Did you mean this?" pop-up is one of the most frustration UI experiences I've seen in a long time.If the word you want is first on the list, no problem, keep swyping. The biggest issue is it doesn't seem to learn what words should be at the top.

Swype: Give us a user editable dictionary.

May 24, 2011, 03:23 PM
Not a GoW fan though, give me a call when it isn't 50 shades of grey.

They, uh... sort of beat you to the punch there. GoW 3 is pretty damn colorful, all things considered.

It's no Disney movie, but it doesn't look nearly as washed out as the previous games.

May 24, 2011, 04:00 PM
They, uh... sort of beat you to the punch there. GoW 3 is pretty damn colorful, all things considered.

It's no Disney movie, but it doesn't look nearly as washed out as the previous games.

Perhaps I should check out 3 then, though I'll probably be slow to act on that. Wait until someone else has it, try it on their system before dedicating money towards it.

May 24, 2011, 04:03 PM
They, uh... sort of beat you to the punch there. GoW 3 is pretty damn colorful, all things considered.

It's no Disney movie, but it doesn't look nearly as washed out as the previous games.
I didn't want to dignify that with a response, but I'm glad someone did. :wacko: It seemed like one of those boiler plate insults that people like to level at popular franchises. My favorite is saying GoW is a "bald space marine" archetype, despite that Marcus is neither bald nor a marine, and not one minute of any game takes place in space.

May 24, 2011, 04:23 PM
I didn't want to dignify that with a response, but I'm glad someone did. :wacko: It seemed like one of those boiler plate insults that people like to level at popular franchises. My favorite is saying GoW is a "bald space marine" archetype, despite that Marcus is neither bald nor a marine, and not one minute of any game takes place in space.

I really do find GoW terribly bland though aesthetically. I have played all the way through the first game with a friend, and a lil bit of online. I didn't like it, wasn't impressed, and it just got very boring to me very fast. Never even tried touching 2 after that and watching a couple trailers. Call me shallow for liking bright colors and being more particular than most when it comes to world setting, but that's just the way it works with me. To be fair, though I listed Fallout as a shooter I play, I'd say I've played every other one on that list more, cause it kinda has the same deal (Oh look, MORE BROWN DESSERT!) Though navigation in that game was more frustrating to me than anything. Damn the dark ass subway tunnels and their maze like layouts, ouph!

May 24, 2011, 04:29 PM
I hate driving, that is all.

May 24, 2011, 05:10 PM
Well just experienced something like a tornado while driving with a friend. Was hot as heck and it came outta no where. Kinda got creepy with the wind (which was the strongest I've ever seen in my life) then everything around us went grey and all we could see was blue lightning here n there. She was freakin out and I kinda was too :o

May 24, 2011, 05:22 PM
I hate driving, that is all.How long have you had your license/permit? What are you driving? Can you avoid rush hours?

May 25, 2011, 01:07 AM
I didn't want to dignify that with a response, but I'm glad someone did. :wacko: It seemed like one of those boiler plate insults that people like to level at popular franchises. My favorite is saying GoW is a "bald space marine" archetype, despite that Marcus is neither bald nor a marine, and not one minute of any game takes place in space.

I honestly don't see any significant flaws in Gears of War 3 as far as game design goes. It really is a very well-put-together game. It's fixed basically everything that was wrong with Gears 2 (a lot), and the franchise as a whole. There was still some wonky crap that happened every now and then (shotguns firing blanks, for example), but ousting those weird glitches was what the Beta was for.

On topic: my sciatica is making my hips feel like they're on fire again. There goes my good night's rest.

May 25, 2011, 09:02 AM
^my Sony A847 walkman fell out of my pocket a few days ago, and the screen cracked a bit at the corner, which pissed me off since I normally take good care of my stuff.
But at least it was in the corner.

May 25, 2011, 04:11 PM
I'm sick of all this rain/thunderstorm/tornado/flood/hail weather we're getting over the past month or so; we don't need any more! We've got 3 tornado warnings on top of us atm, and report of a funnel cloud... ><

May 25, 2011, 06:06 PM
There is one thing in this universe that can make me boil with the rage of a thousand suns. And that is when my headphone chords get snagged on something and end up..

A: Snatching my ears, making them hurt. Least the music is still playing.
B: Unplugging the chord from my MP3 player. Killing the music.
C: Making my MP3 player fall out of my pocket, which usually results in the music being killed.
D: Everything falls, music is killed, and my ears hurt.

E: Nothing falls out, but your ears are snatched, and the music is killed. You make sure that the cord is still plugged in. Then you realize that the little wire inside the cord has snapped, rendering the whole damn thing useless until you buy another.

May 26, 2011, 04:41 PM
Car overheated >_> Gotta leave it at my friends place for a few hours then go back and hope it cooled off. If not, well....I'm screwed.

May 26, 2011, 05:03 PM
How long have you had your license/permit? What are you driving? Can you avoid rush hours?

Uh, good too long? KIA Spectra 02. Yeah, sometimes. It's just nerve-wrecking, is all. Pensacola is full of idiot drivers.

May 26, 2011, 05:16 PM
Uh, good too long? KIA Spectra 02. Yeah, sometimes. It's just nerve-wrecking, is all. Pensacola is full of idiot drivers.Ah ok. For me driving was the worst early on and certain vehicles are more stressful than others to drive. A Spectra shouldn't be too bad, maybe a little bit underpowered, depending on the situation (don't know much about them. But I'm not one of those people who think everything needs a supercharged v8, a good 4 works for a lot of vehicles).

May 26, 2011, 05:27 PM
So I go to get my plates renewed today, only to find out that they had dropped the plates I had bought, when I bought them. I did all the paperwork and everything was said to be good! Never gotten pulled over before so it never became an issue, could have been. Bought some new plates, the last three digits are W1N, at least something amusing came out of that.

May 26, 2011, 07:12 PM
Not so much a rant, but just a general sigh. I just received my BA today. I feel hollow.

Oh and (Green Lantern Corps #60 Spoilers) [comic nerd rant] They blew up Mogo. Why would you blow up Mogo? Geoff Johns, blowing up Mogo does not make for a shocking plot twist. It is a disrespectful way to eliminate a character that has great significance in the Green Lantern mythos, and I feel sad that much of the DC universe is at the mercy of your "cool" and "edgy" ideas. Killing characters is not a good way to develop a story or to bring about change; it is merely an overused plot device that cheapens stories, especially in comic books. [/comic nerd rant]

May 26, 2011, 09:53 PM
bashed my head falling from ice.
Got a cool lump on the back of me head.

May 26, 2011, 10:27 PM
Killing characters is not a good way to develop a story or to bring about change; it is merely an overused plot device that cheapens stories, especially in comic books.

That's, uh... that's pretty much one of the only things Johns does.

I'm not really a fan of most of his work, mostly because he relies on shock value and trying to play to the old-school Silver Age fans who don't want anything permanently important to happen to the main cast of heroes in the DC Universe. He's a comic book fanboy who became a comic book writer, which, uh... turns out to not always be the best thing.

May 27, 2011, 02:53 PM
That's, uh... that's pretty much one of the only things Johns does.

I'm not really a fan of most of his work, mostly because he relies on shock value and trying to play to the old-school Silver Age fans who don't want anything permanently important to happen to the main cast of heroes in the DC Universe. He's a comic book fanboy who became a comic book writer, which, uh... turns out to not always be the best thing.

Yeah. Honestly, the only time when deaths are appropriate are when they are part of an overreaching story that has more of a pay off than "No one is safe/Who's next," like in most of the good issues of Detective that are actually Batman-as-detective stories. I don't have an overall problem with Johns; in fact, I've quite enjoyed the new volume of The Flash, putting aside my feelings of Wally being sidelined and the retconning of Barry's origin story, since the arcs were detective stories and had some good, albeit at times a bit predictable, twists. Although Manapul's art may skew my opinion to be more favorable about that book.

May 27, 2011, 05:33 PM
Yeah. Honestly, the only time when deaths are appropriate are when they are part of an overreaching story that has more of a pay off than "No one is safe/Who's next," like in most of the good issues of Detective that are actually Batman-as-detective stories. I don't have an overall problem with Johns; in fact, I've quite enjoyed the new volume of The Flash, putting aside my feelings of Wally being sidelined and the retconning of Barry's origin story, since the arcs were detective stories and had some good, albeit at times a bit predictable, twists. Although Manapul's art may skew my opinion to be more favorable about that book.

Yeah, I'm a little out of a date. I haven't read superhero comics regularly in over a year. Not surprised to hear that Wally's completely sidelined, though. Johns seems to love the heroes he grew up with and refuses to let them be out of the limelight, even if it's somebody like Hal Jordan, who is possibly the most boring character to ever come out of Boring City, the capital of Boredomia.

May 28, 2011, 02:50 AM
Looking back at all of the great friendships that I somehow managed to ruin in one way or another really makes me feel like shit. Makes me almost feel like I don't deserve the few friends I still have now. Hell, I probably don't. Maybe all my ex-friends from over the years were right, and I really am a toxic, unlikable creep.

May 28, 2011, 02:53 AM
Knowing that peace will never be achieved.

May 28, 2011, 04:48 AM
So, here's my dad's logic.

- Playing video games on weekdays is bad because it distracts you and you won't be able to study for the rest of the day and you'll become an addict. (that's extreme but the distracting part is sort of true...sort of)
- Playing video games when you have AP classes is bad because you'll get distracted. (okay, sure)
- Playing video games when APs are over and you have the easy class final exams is bad because playing games damages your score. (...uh...)
- Playing video games over the summer is bad because it eats up time you can totally prepare for classes that you totally know all the content to and can make study guides for already. Also, playing games makes you an addict. (uh, no)
- Just because I was able to keep my GPA high when I still gamed quite a bit does not mean that I can retain my GPA now if I even so much as touch my PSP. My GPA being higher than before must definitely NOT be a result of me studying with my brother who's a grade higher. (...)
- If I'm not studying, I'm playing games. It doesn't matter if it's talking with my friends on Skype, that's playing games to him. Watching TV is playing games to him. Taking a nap is playing games to him. Going out to hang out with my friends is playing games. This includes going on this forum because this forum is related to games so it's the same as playing games.
- Logical reasoning against his above logic is worthless because he's my dad and I have to follow every single one of his orders.

So, two options. Ignore him and beat the shit out of him whenever he tries to get violent on me (again) or just sell off the game consoles. I'm tempted to do more than just smack him in the head with a baseball bat, though.


May 28, 2011, 04:54 AM
Still raining, seems like the rainy season has started early here this year.
Which sucks because all the events such as festivals outside are ruined by it.

May 28, 2011, 05:17 AM
So, two options. Ignore him and beat the shit out of him whenever he tries to get violent on me (again) or just sell off the game consoles. I'm tempted to do more than just smack him in the head with a baseball bat, though.


So its true. Video games (or lack thereof) lead to violence.

Fact is, he's right about them being distracting, although he is taking it overboard.

How about instead of selling the consoles, you give them to your brother and he can store them for you? That way the old man gets off your back and you still have a gaming sanctuary somewhere.

May 28, 2011, 06:16 AM
If he gave me coherent logic I'd take it, but the basis of all of his arguments on this topic is either "I think they're bad so no" or "I'm your dad so shut the fuck up".


May 28, 2011, 06:34 AM
In the hierarchy of parenting, your old man doesn't need logic or reasoning.

May 28, 2011, 06:38 AM
Now he's getting mad at me because I was 10 seconds late to the dinner table.

Fuck it. The next time he bitches about something I'm grabbing my bike and not coming home tonight.


May 28, 2011, 07:03 AM
Injuries at work some more!
Slipped and smashed my skull into hard tiles at work, lost the ability to breathe properly for about 5 minutes, became anxiety panic attack monster and now have this amazing bump in the back of my head.

Its kinda nasty feeling and i think the impact dislodged one of my teeth as well, it doesn't feel its in the same spot. On a positive note, I've been blessed to still of been conscious from that injury but alas.

and you know furthermore? Im STILL waiting for workermans comp from my feburary knee surgery!

May 28, 2011, 07:16 PM
In the hierarchy of parenting, your old man doesn't need logic or reasoning.

@Wayu: ^This is truth, even if they are unreasonable. You live in their house, and they support you. In physical terms, they have a lot they could hold over you. They take their experience as reason to force you into things against your will. Distortions and vicarious living aside, parents just want their children to walk a better path than they did (give or take). Mind you, I also understand your perspective. Asian parents are typically very err 'potent' in their expressing of opinions. And generally far more harsh regarding academia (put mildly). I don't know your situation, so this is more rambling than thoughts that definitely relate to you - just something to keep in mind.

Grass is always greener may also play a part. The desire for more freedom when seeing other situations. But some parents don't give a damn about what their kids get up to. Sure it's much more freedom, but most kids can't direct themselves proficiently that early in life. Without any guidance, they tend not to do so well. A happy medium that works is wishful thinking and a rarity. I sound harsh, but no matter how much you disdain tendencies and traits present in your family, they'd have to care a lot about you to act how you've described. It sounds overbearing, but you are taking multiple AP courses and it sounds that you are doing quite well. Your parents are creating opportunities in your life; perhaps against your will, but you will be far better off with few limits over many. Your end of the spectrum may be more difficult to endure right now, but it beats being limited and stuck at a bad job you hate for the rest of your life.

Gonna hit you with some other situations. I know a lot of teachers, and many parents in western areas feel that their part in parenthood is over after conception. Many believe that raising the child is the school's job alone. This is from just one school district, and one of the higher standing ones at that. You don't hear about these stories. Teachers that deal with kids who were never taught how to tie their shoes, never taught how to brush their teeth, who were never read to as a child and so can't even recognize letters, children of 4 who couldn't speak because they were not talked to. Not due to being mentally handicapped or anything, they are normal kids. The parents simply did not take interest in their children. To be blunt, no matter what sort of parent you have, there will always be hardships. But on that spectrum of a parent's interest in their child, you are fortunate to have those that do (even if too much).

Given what I've read, it seems that they are pushing without knowledge of your limit. I'd hate for you to do something radical, and this is why I wrote this stuff lol. Seems your nearing an edge, or that you'll be end up being burned out soon. Or you're just venting lol. The 'sleeping is playing games', I hope is an exaggeration, but I can see otherwise :/. This isn't a fight you can win. Even should you rebel, you'll still only hurt yourself. All you can do is take what your parents have striven to give you and run with it. Grow more than them, become more than them. And down the road, should you ever decide to have children, and should you still feel as you do now, you can treat your child differently. Improve upon what they have given you. In the meantime, however, I suggest you try and bear it. Sounds like mandatory schooling is almost over for you.

Some parents also have children and exert control over them because they see their children as property, but I see no need to go into that, given that this is meant to be a positive reply ;P.

Oh yeah, contribution contribution. Western non feature animation has taken a horrible turn the last few years and I am saddened to see what it has become.

May 29, 2011, 09:11 PM

Oh yeah, contribution contribution. Western non feature animation has taken a horrible turn the last few years and I am saddened to see what it has become.

Squid Girl, Kaiji, and Gurren Lagann need a good talk with you ~de geso

May 29, 2011, 09:43 PM
Squid Girl, Kaiji, and Gurren Lagann need a good talk with you ~de geso

Those would be animus, made from the east and translated to the west; so that probably doesn't count.

2 days before its been 5 years of migranes, knee crippiling, mental meltdowns and broken relationships. Thanks Giant Food!

May 30, 2011, 02:26 AM
Those would be animus, made from the east and translated to the west; so that probably doesn't count.

2 days before its been 5 years of migranes, knee crippiling, mental meltdowns and broken relationships. Thanks Giant Food!

I read it as non-western animation the first time. My mistake.

May 30, 2011, 09:15 AM
2 days before its been 5 years of migranes, knee crippiling, mental meltdowns and broken relationships. Thanks Giant Food!

Giant Food was the cause!? Did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs happen in your city or something? Beware the errant Fruit Loops, they shatter bones!

May 30, 2011, 01:17 PM
Im sorry Giant Food is the company i work for. Not the literal "GIANT FOOD"

May 30, 2011, 01:25 PM
Did Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs happen in your city or something?


Cars still F'd up : /

May 30, 2011, 06:31 PM
Im sorry Giant Food is the company i work for. Not the literal "GIANT FOOD"

Ah, it all comes together. That makes far more sense than what I was picturing.

One word. Rent.

May 30, 2011, 09:08 PM
Me being so unhealthily , ungodly, ridiculously ticklish. Almost every time I go to scratch my stomach, foot, or pretty much anywhere, I end up jumping and/or screaming.

May 30, 2011, 09:48 PM
Corporation/organizations that don't believe in investing in equipment beyond the initial purchase. Maintenance funding is a beautiful thing when done.

May 30, 2011, 09:48 PM
Thats not exactly a...unhealthy thing. Just a tolerance to touch.

May 30, 2011, 09:53 PM
Thats not exactly a...unhealthy thing. Just a tolerance to touch.

I suppose. My doctor told me once that my skin is unusually sensitive to touch. Don't know how that happens, but meh.

May 31, 2011, 09:28 AM
Think of yourself as more adapt to protect yourself from any creepy-crawlies that try to eat you while you're asleep than other less sensetive human beings.

May 31, 2011, 09:52 AM
Think of yourself as more adapt to protect yourself from any creepy-crawlies that try to eat you while you're asleep than other less sensetive human beings.

I guess that could be an advantage. It's just embarrassing to flinch and squirm just about every time someone touches me. :-o

May 31, 2011, 03:14 PM
All of the credential program classes are three hours long after five o'clock. Not looking forward to next semester.

EDIT: Why?! I will find Geoff Johns and do unspeakable things to him! What horror have you brought upon us Johns?! (http://dcu.blog.dccomics.com/2011/05/31/dc-comics-announces-historic-renumbering-of-all-superhero-titles-and-landmark-day-and-date-digital-distribution/)This better just be a way of reintroducing the worlds of the multiverse and not seriously screw up continuity. Oh, God. It's going to be Heroes Reborn again, isn't it. Hopefully things will go back to normal after a while like after that. Grant Morrison better put his foot down when it comes to Batman, since I'm sure he won't be pleased if his years-in-the-making epic tale has to be ended so that we get a fresh, young Bruce Wayne again. Well at least the news of same-day digital release is semi-good; of course it also means the continued death of comic book shops.

Jun 2, 2011, 08:30 AM
Good news: My eye is now fully healed with no permanent damage to my eyesight.

Bad news: Before that happened, I tripped over my Xbox360 while playing Dragon Age 2, causing to it to fall over and upon doing so it scratched the game disc to Hell and back.

Jun 2, 2011, 08:38 AM
and what is the value of lost or gain here? Games are rebuyable i guess?

Jun 2, 2011, 08:42 AM
The clear gain is two working eyes.

The clear loss is about $300 of broken electronics that will take an arm and a leg (based on my salary) to replace.

It's one of those 'win some, lose some' scenarios, nothing more.

Jun 2, 2011, 01:30 PM
Associates who still from there own job, especially something as stupid as a $5 DVD. WHYYYYYYYYYY? 2 people just got fired for doing that today and I've actually known 3 more who have gotten fired for the same reason.

Jun 3, 2011, 08:55 AM
I just tried a gluten-free chocolate cookie.

Never again.

Jun 6, 2011, 03:34 PM
Just got back from a place where I got some sushi to find that the person who packed it put it in vertically. No surprise that my quaint, neatly presented meal had quickly transformed into a mish-mash of things...

Jun 7, 2011, 08:12 PM
I hate unknowingly posting on the last slot of a thread page. Take a question thread per say. I post a question. Then some dumbass posts an extremely simple one shortly after, usually along the lines of 'how does I shot web?' or 'pp sounds naughty what does it do?'. This post takes the first slot of the new page, and seemingly nobody checks back further than the most recent page on these types of threads, meaning my question fades into oblivion. GAH!

Jun 8, 2011, 08:44 PM
Really am becoming tired of being so... Caring and attentive to people. Especially when its being paid back with bs. I need more apathy in my blood so I can not give a fuck when needed, and not after the fact.

Jun 15, 2011, 05:40 PM
Just bought a game on Amazon. Guess what?


How the fuck does an online seller forget a part of the package? God damnit.

Jun 15, 2011, 06:23 PM
Job hunt. So far I've gotten "You don't have enough experience," and "You have too much education for this position." Yeah. Gotta just keep truckin'.

Jun 15, 2011, 07:12 PM
Job hunt. So far I've gotten "You don't have enough experience," and "You have too much education for this position." Yeah. Gotta just keep truckin'.

The good old 'you're too smart for this job, we need someone who we can easily indoctrinate and who won't question our non-existent authority'? Good times, good times.

Jun 15, 2011, 10:41 PM
Installing mods for Oblivion is a pain in the ass.