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Nov 1, 2010, 08:38 PM
There was once a hunter who lead the Newman race from the brink of destruction. Who led them towarrd a new age of technological advancement and prosperity, given what the world was.
And what the world was- or is-, is a wreck. Hostiles run rampant, and pollution is every where. Many new technologies lay hidden away, and undiscovered.
This hunter had a daughter, and had decently high expectations for her. He taught her the essential skills of a hunter, how to fight, how to use techniques, and how to treat her mags.
And then one day, he disappeared, and left her on her own at the age of 15.
The girl grew selfish, left her city, and traveled until she found another city- one that didn't know her. Here, she made a name for herself, as Ghoul. Testing to become a hunter various times in the past, she failed only on the basis that she didn't consider anyone but herself, and those closest to her.
Age 25, she does odd jobs as an official mercenary. The pay is good, and she normally doesn't start conflicts unless she's being paid, or there's some profit in it for her.

Ghoul, dressed like a HUnewearl from Phantasy Star ZERO, short green hair which covered one eye, and hid her ears, wearing a blue torso suit with white sleeves, pants, and white cowboy boots, stepped into the Saloon, a Morgenlote across her back, and a custom B'duki Had holstered at her hip. Her dark blue brawling gloves matched the torso of her outfit.
Not being tall, but not being short, she managed to still stand out from the crowd of men who sat in the bar, drinking. Most wore worn leather coats, or denim shirts and pants, with holstered guns, some with a sword. None with the insignia of a mercenary imbued on the back of their attire, in a deep purple color.
She strode up to the bar, and in a tomboyish voice, said, "Gimme a whiskey." She set the meseta due on the bar, but kept in under her hand. You couldn't trust anyone here, they were all thieves or murders, hardly were any honest men. The bottle of whiskey was set down on the table, and she lifted her hand. The barkeep swept the money into his hands as the Newman broke the seal on the alcohol and walked out of the bar, taking a swig. She narrowed her eyes at the barren town. Whores, killers, and thieves were all that was really here. Not the best people for business.
She looked up at the large clock tower which loomed over the city. Noon.... he'd be here in a few minutes, if that.
"So you're not a yellow belly! Or are you about to run?" A man, dressed in an expensive looking red suit, black undershirt, snakeskin boots, and a black cowboy hat said. He had a shiny, custom made six shooter at his hip. Smiling as a crowd slowly gathered, he spit into the dirt. "Ready to bite the dust? Or rather, bit the photon?" He asked, sneering and laughing.
"Over your dead body." Ghoul said, cool and collected. Removing her Morganlote and stabbing it into the ground, she took a few steps away, her hand on her Had- known simply as 'Scarlet Rain'- ready to draw. There was tension in the air. Would this day be her la- Movement!
She drew like lightning with her right, her left cocking the gun at the speed of light in comparison, and she fired three shots into his torso before he could even get his gun out of the holster, let alone fire back. He was knocked back, dropping his gun and toppling to the ground.
The quicker of the two holstered and strode forward. She kicked the gun away, picked him up by his wrist, and whispered one word.
"Resta." Energy flooded into his body, and she tossed him aside, as he coughed and attempted to crawl toward his gun. She stepped on it.
"Look kid, I just gave you back your life. Don't you realize you were going to die? Instead of killing me over it, you should be thanking me."
The man, formerly known as the quickest draw in the town, glared up at her.
"Don't call me kid. I'll kill you, damnit... Let me redraw!!" He said, attempting to get the gun from under her heel.
She sighed, bent down, and picked him up by his throat. Slamming his back into the ground, and kneeling with one knee on his chest, she snarled out,
"You ungrateful little bastard. I give you life, I save your worthless ass, and you want to throw it away? You didn't even have your gun drawn, before I had three shots on you."
"My gun stuck in the ho-"
"Bullshit. Face it kid, you lost. If we redraw, I'm killing you." She said, close to his face, a cold, steel look in her eyes. Her hand was still on the man's throat. Her other hand picked up his gun, and she stood, walking away.
As she was walking away, the man drew a second pistol. She heard him as he was cocking it, but he hesitated. She took that moment and spun to the side, shooting him again- this time with his own pistol. Shaking her head, Ghoul resumed walking toward the stables. Dropping his pistol and yanking her Morganlote out of the ground, she seemed almost disappointed.
The crowd had dissipated by the time she reached the small shack, filled with horses. The clinking of chains from behind was evident, and a low growling, and scratching on the ground was able to be heard as well.
"Let's get those shackle off, Dante. Sorry that most people here don't take kindly to Tamed Helions, but you ARE pretty fearsome." Ghoul's semi-raspy, guyish voice had a calming effect on the beast. Of course it understood what she said, Dante wasn't stupid. The woman stroked the beast's mane, and scratched behind his ears, as she climbed into the crude saddle on his back. She carried a White Meteora named "Casa Blanca" in a holster on Dante's back, also custom made.
"Come on Dante's let's..." Something caught her eye, off in the distance. Something she'd never come across. A tall, dark shadow... What a strange thing.
"Let's go. We'll ask for information on that thing in the next town." She said, noting that from here, it was barely a spec, but it was higher than the mountains... And the mountains in this region were said to be pretty damned tall.
Dante took off at a gallop, covering ground at an incredible rate, before speeding up into a smoother, more graceful run, as they headed off toward the next town...

Once upon a time, there was a world that was uninhabited by sentient beings. The Newmans, Humans, and Casts all worked together to get to this planet, after draining their own of resources.
But the planet was vast- too vast for the entirety of the population to inhabit. At one point, the three races inhabited the planet and thrived- but came nowhere near to inhabiting even a quarter of the planet. And then the inevitable happened. War.
Long ago, lead bullets had been done away with, for being crude, inefficient, and less accurate than photon bullets-while not a NEW discovery, they were less popular than lead bullets, mostly due to price. Lead bullets were also a larger drain on resources, as lead had long since been drained on the planet- which had come to be known as Diterra.
The only downside to photon bullets was that they could be deflected by weapons made from solidified photons, and certain armors made from photons, if they were a high enough percent of the material.
During the war, four towers appeared their purpose unknown even to those residing upon the planet to this day… No one has ever been able to reach them.
The population dwindled, and the resources in the area where the three races lived grew scarce.
But the people made due, afraid to move into different territories, as the hostiles here were much stronger than those on the abandoned planet.
Thousands of years passed, and the Newmans had been forced to one of the many moons.
Thousands more years passed, and the Newmans began to repopulate the planet. One Newman rose, and led them all to prosperity and helped them to form an agreement and pact with the Humans and Casts; Jodeq Anderson.
Diterra is a very wild west-like world, in which many people only trust themselves. There are duels- both with blades and guns. Bounty hunters, criminals, and mercenaries- many possibilities are offered in this world.

Nov 1, 2010, 09:09 PM
On the eastern edge of Inner Kanaan, a town called Doverville resides. Perched upon a cliff face, the people there are all simple people that live honest lives... For the most part. Sheriff Henry Danforth sits upon his rocking chair, revolver on his belt, and drowsily rocks back and forth as he scans the horizon. Nearly asleep, he begins to shut his eyes. However, just before he does so, he notices something closing in on the town. His eyesight not being the best, he leans in and squints. The approaching figure appears to be a man, riding on a horse. Or no, not a horse. Rather... A motorbike.

As the mystery man speeds towards the town, Danforth gets up out of his chair and puts his hands on his waist, cautiously keeping one of his hands near his revolver. In a few moments, the bike rides into full view, and stops at the stable. On the motorbike, which was painted a chipped black and was apparently steam-powered, is a young human man, about twenty-five years of age. His hair is a light brown, jagged, and medium length. He wears a duster coat over a rather modest outfit. On his belt was a badge that read "GPHG", and beside it, an archaic piece of equipment: an old, worn Radiant. The man stepped off of the motorbike and chained it to the post. He walked nonchalantly up to the sheriff, and nodded politely. He opened his mouth to speak. "S'cuse me, sir," the man said in a smooth yet polite tone. "My name's Guy Hendricks. Happen to know a place where a man can fill his canteen?" Danforth eyed him with curiosity.

Nov 1, 2010, 09:27 PM
The beast slowed down considerably as the town came into sight, the girl on its back hunched over, peering through the scope of her rifle, scanning the area for any trouble makers, or anyone with a bounty on their head... Like Darrq the Cannibal.
Arriving at the edge of the town, she noticed the dust from another traveler, up ahead. It appeared to be a man on a motorbike of some sort, who was conversing with the sheriff. Maybe trouble? She was ready to draw her pistol, and from the change in Dante's loping run, he was ready to tear any criminal that messed with them into pieces.
Reaching the gate of the town, Ghoul tensed, and Dante slowed to a canter, making his way over to the stable- where he towered over both men. The sheriff seemed to be a bit slack jawed at the sight of the tin, curvy girl on the huge, bulking beast who was well over eight times her weight, and could easily tear her apart.
"Howdy. Hope you don't mind me stabling my mare here." She said, Dante giving what seemed to be a chuckle at the joke- but it sounded more like a growl.
The mercenary dropped to the ground, her gloved hands wrapping the chains around the puny metal bar, and locking them there. Like the chains would stop Dante, even if there were stuck into a wall that he couldn't move. They were mostly to comfort passersby, as many figured he wouldn't be chained if he could break them.
"Where's your saloon?" The boyish voice asked. She ignored the other man as the sheriff pointed. Instead of addressing him, she walked off in the direction given, passing by a billboard of sorts outside the bar.. She paused, before looking over the jobs listed.
There, one she could do! Apparently a large hostile had been harassing the town lately. There wasn't a real hefty reward offered, and she was almost tempted to pass it up. Until she saw there'd be free boarding for a week in the saloon's rooms. She smiled to herself, pushed the doors to the saloon open, and walked inside.

Nov 1, 2010, 09:32 PM
Guy was staring at the woman as she walked into the saloon. He scratched his head. "Wait a minute... That looked just like... Could it be?..." Guy shook his head. "It's been years now. There's no way..." Guy tried to shake off the feeling, but eventually gave in. Looking at Danforth, who was apparently in some sort of trance, simply sighed. "I'm gonna go to the saloon now," he stated, walking away.

As he pushed back the doors of the saloon, Guy noticed that all eyes were on the woman. Guy took this as a blessing, as in past visits to towns, people always wanted to pick a fight with him on sight. He took a seat a few stools down from Ghoul, crossing his arms on the table and signaling the bartender. When the barkeep walked up, Guy gave him a wave. "Just a glass of water, please." The bartender gave Guy a nod as he turned to fill a glass.

Nov 1, 2010, 09:53 PM
The girl was, admittedly, quite a sight, with her double saber over her back, her blue and white suit and her green hair. Not to mention her Newman ears, and her curves- which the suit did nothing to hide. Her right hand rested at her pistol, ready to draw if need be.
She felt a hand on her shoulder, spin her around and press her against the bar. A drunken man licked his lips before talking. The smell of alcohol wasn't strong, he was perfectly sober.
"Well hunny, how about we, you know, head upstairs together? I'll buy you some dr-"
There was a loud cracking noise, as Ghoul's fist connected with the man's jaw, and a loud thump as he hit the floor. He didn't get up, obviously knocked out cold. The girl turned back around, ordered a shot of whiskey, and put the money on the table.
No one dared touch it- nor the shot that was set down in front of her.
Like they would have had time, the exchange was quick, and so was the storing of both. The whiskey went down fast, and the barkeep's pay went into his register even quicker.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:01 PM
Guy blinked. Words rang in his head. "There's no doubt about it. That's her... That's really... Wow, has she matured..." Guy cleared his throat. "No time to think about that. I can't pass this opportunity up, though." The barkeep set a glass of water down in front of Guy, and Guy quickly topped off the glass. "That'll be fifty credits," he said. Fifty credits was a reasonable price for water, Guy thought to himself, since it's getting quite rare these days. He slid the payment down in front of the barkeep as if it were nothing, as well as 120 more credits and his canteen. "I'd thank you if you could pour about 100 credits worth of water in my canteen. The extra twenty's your tip." Guy nodded to the bartender, who took the canteen, obviously impressed. Guy then slid over a few seats, keeping one stool of distance between him and Ghoul just in case. He took a moment to compose himself, and then turned to her and spoke. "Excuse me, miss," he said, nervous, "But where are you from, exactly?"

Nov 1, 2010, 10:10 PM
"Nowhere. Everywhere. What's it to you, Mr. Rich? I ain't gon' be onna your li'l whores, if that's what you're after. Not interested. Sorry. Keep looking." She said, another shot of whiskey set down in front of her. She'd given enough money for three shots. That wasn't nearly enough to get her drunk. Buzzed, maybe. Tipsy? Rarely.
The man stirred, before coming to and rubbing his jaw. He grabbed Ghoul by the shoulder again, spinning her around on the stool.
"What's the big idea, huh miss? Now you OWE it to-" He was cut off as Ghoul's gun found its way into his mouth. The look in her eye was that of a wild animal, as she stood up, backing him to the door.
"Tell ya what bud. We'll draw over this. You think you can outdraw me, I'll let you have your way. But if I outdraw you, I shoot you and kill you." Her eyes had an ice cold fire in them, like a frozen blaze. Ready to go off at any minute. The man weighed his options before turning and running. Ghoul took a shot, and the man went down, blood flying from his leg. She turned, holstered, and was back at the bar in around five seconds, just in time for her third shot of whiskey. The men in the bar averted their eyes from her, afraid to invoke the mercenary's wrath. There was no doubt that she was more sober than them, and even if she wasn't, she'd probably be able to kick any of their asses around the bar, just from the speed of her draw.
And that flame in her eyes, was pure terror to see.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:13 PM
Guy looked at Ghoul with a certain curiosity. "She's so violent," he thought to himself. "Will she even care if...? Oh, forget it..." Guy looked at her again. "Well, I'm just curious... Do you by any chance remember a boy by the name of Guy Hendricks?" Guy averted his eyes, uncertain of his statement's outcome.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:17 PM
The gunslinger paused, before looking at the man next to her. She hadn't thought about her past in years. But he did seem kind of familiar now. A lot different, but something in his mannerisms and the shape of his face...
"Aw hell, that IS you, isn't it?" She scratched the back of her head, and laughed. The bar seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.
Until the chill of the next sentence froze their breath in the air again.
"The hell are you doing here, stalking me?" There was a breath-holding moment, until she chuckled and punched him on the arm lightly. The bar breathed freely once again.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:20 PM
Guy laughed in unison, although somewhat nervously. He rubbed his arm despite Ghoul's best efforts not to hurt him; he'd always been a less-than-muscular person, ever since he was a kid. "Not much," he said with a smile on his face. "Just here on official business. You know, it's funny... I really thought I'd never see you again." Guy scratched his head. "Where have you been these past ten years, Len?"

Nov 1, 2010, 10:26 PM
Her eyes hardened at her name. But she didn't say anything, for the simple fact that he was her friend. And probably the only one left alive anymore.
"Been travelin'. Workin and the such. Couldn't make it as a hunter, said I was too self-centered, 'cuz I wouldn't take the job of savin' some moron's ass from some hostiles up in the moun'ns." She said, shrugging. "So I'm a merc now. Y'know how it goes. And I'm real glad that I'm not a damned hunter... Wouldn't have met Dante o'erwise, eh?" She chuckled lightly, standing up.
"Awh, right. I still got me a perv to deal with. You wanna come watch?" She asked, stretching her arms forward a bit, and arcing her back. It was attractive, no doubt about that, but most of the bar dwellers didn't dare look after what had happened to the last moron.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:31 PM
Guy blushed a little bit, somehow impressed and yet intimidated by the woman Ghoul had become. He stood up from his bar stool, keeping one hand over his Hunter's badge. He figured it would be better for her not to know. The barkeep also handed him his canteen, which he then fastened to his belt with a nod. However, when he turned back around to see the wounded man, he frowned. "But, Len... While I don't exactly agree with his behavior... Do you really have to duel the man? He's obviously scared out of his wits..."

Nov 1, 2010, 10:39 PM
"Duel him? Naw, this guy's sleepin' like a baby." She said, stepping into the bright sun, kicking the man over onto his back, picking him up by his collar, and slamming him into the building, next to the door. She had her gun under the now-wide-awake man's chin.
"Now listen here, you bastard. I'mma let you go this time. But that bullet's a tracer bullet. It reads your pulse, your brain waves, and even your thoughts. It'll tell me where you are, any time of the day I feel like checking it." She said, pushing her gun into the man's neck a bit.
"If that bullet so much as catches a GLIMPSE of a thought of sex with a random girl- who isn't a prostitute, o' course, I'll be reasonable- I'll blow your fuckin' brains all over the wall. Ge'it?" He said, reinforcing the last word, before tossing the man to the ground. He scrambled away, the faint scent of alcohol and urine now permeating the air.
After he was out of earshot, Ghoul snickered devilishly.
"Ain't no such thing as a 'tracer bullet'. God's revolver, it'd be a hell of a lot easier trackin' outlaws if'n there were!" She said, Scarlet Rain finding its way back into her holster. She looked over at Guy, who was a bit taller than her.
"You certainly grew up, din't ya?" She asked- it was more of a rhetorical question.
"You ever kill a man?" She prodded, out of curiosity.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:45 PM
Guy was a bit unnerved by the question, but answered dutifully. "Yeah, I've killed a few, actually. But if I can help it, I try to take most ali-" He caught his mistake and stopped the rest of his statement at the gate. He then tried to change the subject. "So... You mean, these last ten years, you've been out doing mercenary work. That's... Interesting, truly it is. But why did you just leave? Y'know, it was three long years without you there, before I headed out on my own. It was at the top of everyone's mind for a long while, and then you kinda just faded away..." Guy tried to look Ghoul in the eye, but broke the stare, feeling a bit guilty for asking.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:50 PM
OOC: G-Damnit Guys?

~At HU's Home In The Ghural System. (A.K.A HU's Shop Of ∞Wonders)~

RAcast:*Sighs While On The Couch*

Sakura: Give It Back Beastarl! Im Not Done Combing My Hair!*Chases After Her*

HUbeastarl: I Need It More Sakura!*Runs*


HUcast: Whats Wrong Man?*Sits Dow Right Next To Him* Is It Them?

RAcast: Lifes Boreing As Hell...

HUcast: Go Kill Some Monsters With Your Skills Then!

RAcast: Been There Done That...

HUcast: I Know That Caseal Got You Kicked Outta The AMF But... Shooting Stuff Is What Your Good At And...

RAcast: Just Drop It Hu.*Stands Up* I Dont Need This. I Really Dont.

HUcast: Ok Then... Sorry.

RAcast: I Find Out Sooner Or Later...*Walks Through The Telepoter Door And Vanishes...

Sakura: GIVE IT BACK!!!

HUbeastarl:To Slow!

HUcast:Poor RAcast...

Perry:*Rushes In* The Master System Weapon Is Done HU!*Hands It To Him*

HUcast:Hell Yeah...Now... THE BOTH OF YOU! CUT IT OUT!*Fires It Nearly Hitting HUbeastarl*

HUbeastarl: AH!*Tosses Up The Comb In Suprisement*

Sakura:*Catch* Thanks HU!*Runs To The Bathroom To Finish Styleing Her Hair*

HUbeastarl: Oh HU...

HUcast: Crap...*Runs*

HUbeastarl: Im Gonna Get Ya!*Chases*

Perry: Yup. Just An Average Day Here.

Nov 1, 2010, 10:56 PM
"Well, after pa didn't come back..." She shook her head. "I mean, livin' with you and your family was great and all, but I jus' couldn't take it. It was too painful." She said, shrugging. "I guess... It just reminded me of when it was me and pa, and I didn't want to trouble you. 'Sides, I was searching for him up until 'bout two or three years ago..."
She paused, Dante nuzzling her lightly, watching Guy.
"Aw right, Dante, this is my boyfriend, Guy. Guy, this is Dante." She waited for a few seconds before slapping Dante's back. He'd had a look of mediocre confusion on his face, before he realized that she was joshing him, and embarrassing Guy. She chuckled, and jumped on the beast's back, pulling out Casa Blanca.
"Beauty, ain't she?" Ghoul asked him, a grin on her face, as she looked through the scope, out to the distance. Then it hit her- only because she saw it.
"AW HELL. Guy, you know anything about that tower out there?" She asked, barely able to see it through her scope, even.... It must have been HUGE, as it towered over the mountains...

Nov 1, 2010, 10:57 PM
OOC: ... I can't say a thing. You two are, or seem to be, extemely good at this RPing thing. Great story so far. A western theme eh... but to this, i am lost as to who to bring in...


Nov 1, 2010, 11:01 PM
Guy scratched his head in embarrassment yet again. However, upon seeing the looming figure in the distance, he suddenly became much more stern. "I'm sorry, what?" Guy gently and yet confidently removed Casa Blanca from Ghoul's hands, peering down the scope at the tower. "What in the - I don't remember seeing that on my way here." He then handed the rifle back to Ghoul and put his hands on his waist. "Well, geez. I'm stumped. It's definitely no mountain, although I'm sure you could see that easily..."

Nov 1, 2010, 11:04 PM
RAcast:*Sighs* Man. What Happened To The Good Old Days? All Them Bullets And Stuff Flying All Over The Damned Place! What Happened To That Huh?

Teleporter Voice: Location Selected. Sending...

RAcast: THE HELL? Weres This Damned Thing Takeing Me?*Gets Hit On The Back And Passes Out While Being Shot Through A D.Gate...

Nov 2, 2010, 12:54 AM
OOC: I have it. Lets see how i can make this work.

Handgun: http://psp2.psupedia.info/Viper


A man, pale in the face, darting through the allies. In his past, he had done double crossed his boss, taking the money he was supost to have retrieved from a "job". Now they had an assasin after him. He fleed left and right, franticly taking every odd turn he came across to lose the newman after him. Sliping between buildings and darting across the road, rushing past two odd characters and a large beast. In a cold sweat, he took a sharp right, into a dark ally, wipping around to face walk backward, nervous to if he had lost his tail.

"Oh, why do i find the chase the funest part" a womans voice chorised from a open window behind the man at the end of the ally. The man whirled around to see that she was sitting on the window ceil, a Viper gun in her hand. Now colder then ever, the man was in a panic. He bolted for the road. But didn't get that far. Three shots to the back did it. The mans momentum careened him headlong out of the ally to scuff and tummble into the dirt, dead.

Seth Astra
Nov 2, 2010, 07:25 AM
OOC: Huh, that doesn't sound like Neona. Too evil-ish. I really want to join, but I need confirmation from Ghoul on something.

Nov 2, 2010, 02:00 PM
OOC: Nope. I can safly say that is not Neona. I might bring her in later, by for now, I'd like you to meet... "Amara Blink". I have desided to give my PSZ newearl new life in this RP, as the best assasin around.

Nov 2, 2010, 03:27 PM
"I think it's some sorta damned big tower...?" She half asked, shaking her head. "Who the hell'da built it, that's MY question. Can... We even DO that? It's pretty far out there, too.... I don't think we've built out there yet, have we?" The girl asked, a spark of curiosity in her eyes which slowly turned into a small fire.
"Le's stock up then. Next destination, the tower!" She said, turning from Dante, and walking into a shop right across from the stable. She was only a few minutes, before she came back, hauling a decent amount of supplies- dried meats, a few extra canteens of water, some crude, metal knives pretty much worthless for anything other than silverware in this day and age, fifty small cylinders or so- condensed goods- and some other things in saddle bags.
"Oh, right... You're here on 'ficial business.... Hey, what exac'ly ARE you, anyway?" She asked, eying him up, as if seeing him for the first time. Then she bust out laughing.
"You're one of them damned hunters, ain'tcha?!" She asked, still laughing. No one BUT a hunter would have official business this far out, anyway.
Someone ran by, followed by someone else- gunshots were fired. Ghoul shrugged it off. Best not to get involved with anyone shooting people in this part unless you knew them. Besides, there was probably a half way decent reason behind it.

Seth Astra
Nov 2, 2010, 05:13 PM
In the shadows, watching, there was a man in black robes, like those of a FOmar. He sighed, and spoke to himself in a British accent."Bloody hell..." he muttered, "I was going to kill those men, now they're dead... Ah well, may as well take credit at the rendezvous with the client tonight..." Then he walked out of the shadows, revealing him to be human with dark hair. He took a sip of water from his canteen and walked off, a foot long blade handle on his back.

Nov 2, 2010, 05:20 PM
OOC: Or The Current Top Assassin Now Were Your From Maybe... Or Top Newman Assassin.

RAcast* Gets Toss Out Of The D.gate Right In Clear View Of The Tower* Well Looke What We Have Here... Is It The Eternal Tower? I Bet You Not! I Hear You Mocking Me. And You Got My Attention. *Pulls Out A Yasminkov 2000h* Well Prepare To Meet Your Climber.*Fires A Loud And I Mean VERY Loud Bullet Upward And The Shell Casing Ejects From The Gun's Recoil*This Is Only A Sample! *Walks Over To The Tower*

Seth Astra
Nov 2, 2010, 05:39 PM
OOC: That reminds me, Neona, you stole my title!

Nov 2, 2010, 08:21 PM
Ghoul may have not been terribly interested in the now dead man, but the townsfolk were much more intrigued. Some men walked up and inspected the body. Others that were more frightened watched from windows and doorways. Danforth came over and stroked his beard, somewhat distressed by the situation. Guy himself was intrigued, but against his conscience, followed Ghoul's example. He looked at the ground. "Yeah, I'm a Hunter... But it's the job I'm best for, really. Helping other people, I mean - it feels good. And the pay isn't half bad, either. Plus, I never would have run into..." He stopped. "But that isn't the point. I'm here on official business, but I'm not in a big hurry or anything. I think checking out that tower sounds like a fine idea." He then scanned the area. "I wonder why the townsfolk here don't seem more interested in it. Maybe they know something?..."

Nov 2, 2010, 09:04 PM
Ghoul looked at him like he was crazy.
"Are you kidding? We're not settled out there, and it's barely visible, while STILL towerin' over the mountains. They've probably never noticed it before... It's a ways out there. It'll probably take us a few days, a week at most, of ground coverin', to get there..." She said, itching her nose. She shook her head, and busied herself with putting everything on Dante, before climbing onto his back.
"So if'n we're gon' go, le's go!" She said, undoing the chains around his neck, so she could once again use them like reins.

Nov 2, 2010, 09:07 PM
Guy hesitated for a moment, but then nodded and leaped onto the back of his motorbike. He gave a lever a quick pull and the engine started to whirr, steam pouring out of two exhaust pipes on the back. "Built this thing myself," he said. "Not quite as fast as some things, and it can cost me a fortune in water, but it's reliable." Guy revved up the engines to signal that he was ready.

Seth Astra
Nov 2, 2010, 09:47 PM
The man walked into his old house. Inside were two chairs, a table, a wood stove, and a two-person bed. On the walls hung a White Disaster and a pair of Crimson Vis mechguns, both above the bed. The man sat down by the table and started nibbling on dinner.
OOC: The man walks with a subtle limp. his left leg doesn't work properly, but he hides it well.

Nov 2, 2010, 10:39 PM
"You should have had it be fueled on sand or something!" She said, laughing. She turned Dante, some of the villagers only now noticing the beast, and alerting others. She spurred him lightly, and he took off at a rather slow gallop- compared to his previous dash- out of the town, toward the tower. She looked back to make sure Guy was following her.
A bit of dust was kicked up, and but the breeze swept it away. The wind seemed to be picking up a bit, blowing sand around- signaling the possibility of a sandstorm. Ghoul pressed ahead, though, as Sandstorms were nothing compared to what she'd been through.

Nov 2, 2010, 10:44 PM
OOC: I know it must be weird suggesting a VG song as a theme for an RP based on a VG, but I'mma do it anyways, since it fits pretty well. :3


Guy followed behind Ghoul, keeping up nicely. Noticing that the sand was kicking up, he pulled out a pair of goggles, placing them over his eyes. He then focused his driving to be sure not to spin out, as the last time he had, the end result had not been pretty.

Nov 2, 2010, 10:56 PM
The Newearl jumped off the low, ceil and walked out of the ally. The town had their atention on the beast and the steam machine, leaving the man she just shot, out of anyones sight. She holistered the Viper gun and walked over to the body. In the light, she was wearing a dusty blue and white Storia Set. Her viper on her left hip, a pair of Saika Hyori daggers in her right.

She bent down and fumble through the mans pockets, before finaly taking out the stolen cash, and his partner card, as prof that this was the man. She stode up again, looking back at the odd pair now leaving the old town.


OOC: Daggers: http://psp2.psupedia.info/Saika_Hyori

Nov 2, 2010, 10:57 PM
A few miles into the desert, close to the tower, the brewing sandstorm had moved a massive amount of sand around, completely changing the area's topography. Thus, many objects that were previously buried by previous sandstorms were unearthed and littered the area. Amongst the various objects -remnants of dead helions, dead two-headed humans and the remnants of a few mutant kittens- one could easily notice an arm protuding from the sand.

The arm seemed human at first glance; the skin was pale and seemed rather soft, surprisingly unscathed by the contact with the burning sand. To whom could this arm belong? And..more importantly...Was there actually someone at the other end of the arm? These questions would find an answer if only someone dared examine the strange limb.

Nov 2, 2010, 10:59 PM
RAcast: *Twirls The Yasminkov* Man I Hope This Can Solve My Craveing... I Really Need Gunslinging Action Or Else I Wont Get Crazed Again. *Sniff* Ahh Yes... A Sandstorm. Real Classic.*Fires Three Rounds In The Air* No Biggie.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:00 PM
Ghoul and her mare stormed ahead, but the sandstorm was coming. She turned and shouted to Guy,
"Can tha' bike a' yers go any faster?" While pressing a button on what looked to be a headset- an opaque clue visor appeared over her eyes, as the beast and the bike raced the storm. They had to get just far enough ahead of it to be able to buckle down and brace through the sand storm. The tower was still quite a ways off, in all honesty. There was at least a day or two of journey ahead of them.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:04 PM
Guy yelled out, "Yeah. I can push her a little bit farther." With this, Guy pulled a cord, causing the bike to speed up dramatically and catch up with Ghoul. He then straightened himself out. His duster cape flowed in the fast winds, and the sand began to fill his pockets.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:25 PM
"On the count of three, stop as hard as you can, and grab onto this chain!" She yelled, tossing him part of the chain.
She quickly reached into one of her bags, pulling out one of the cylinders, and readied her plan, waiting for just the right moment...
The sands were less than twenty feet away.
The sands were riding on their tails...

Nov 2, 2010, 11:26 PM
*Sniff* I Smell A Caseal? HUH? *Looks Around To See Large Exoskeletons Rotting* Meh. Ive Seen Better. And More F'd Up Stuff Than That. *Sniff* I Sware It Smells Like Caseal...

Nov 2, 2010, 11:26 PM
OOC: And sorry about taking your job seth. ^^;


She watched... the sand engulfing them, as they raced on. The towns folk now huridly moved on, returning to the buildings for shelter. Amara didn't waste any time either. She had her due and needed to get it back to the boss.

The sand storm now licked the edge of the town, sweeping in fast. Amara glanced at her feet and cast, Ryuker, opening a ring of light to which she fell through. leaving the sand behind.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:29 PM
Guy grabbed the end of the chain, set his mind to be prepared for the worst, and had his hands ready to apply the brakes. He then gave a nod of approval to Ghoul, although he doubted she saw it.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:37 PM
"THREE!" She yelled, Dante letting out a fierce roar.
Three things happened at once:
The first thing that happened was Dante turning, and pulling the bike over the sands toward him.
The second that happened was a blue shape engulfing the three of them.
The third was darkness.
"Hey, you awright?" Ghoul's voice asked, as a light flickered on. They seemed to be in some sort of medium-sized home, with force-fields for windows. She smiled, looking around. Portable homes were good to have, but since each tube could only be used once a week, they weren't that useful. The only problem she noted was that there was one bed, which meant that either one of them would have to sleep on the floor, or....
She shook the thought from her head, a slight blush on her cheeks. She looked at Dante, who was already curled up in a ball in the middle of the room, watching the two..

Nov 2, 2010, 11:41 PM
Guy was completely unaware of himself for a moment, everything having happened so fast. At first, he looked up and thought that maybe he'd been out cold for a while, but then snapped back into reality and sat up with a start. "Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Guy laughed nervously, examining the quaint home that had been set up. Not used to portable homes, he was a tad impressed, although he didn't let it completely overwhelm his mind. "Great. So, what now, then? Just wait out the storm, I might assume?" Guy, although being more unsuspecting, noticed that there was only one bed. "Guess I'm sleeping on the floor, at any rate."

Seth Astra
Nov 2, 2010, 11:52 PM
Later that night, the man was walking through an empty a
lley, mechguns on his hips,.White Disaster in hand, and walked up to a wealthy looking man."He's dead..." the FOmar said.
"That woman killed him, not you! I am not paying you for someone else's work!"
The FOmar didn't reply. Instead, he swung his scythe, cutting the other man's leg off above the knee, sending him to the ground. He then took the man's wallet, and walked off. However, the wealthy man pulled a pistol from his jacket, and took aim. As he went to pull the trigger, the FOmar turned and cast barta on him, freezing him from the neck down. The FOmar then walked up to him, put the tip of the scythe on the man's forehead, and lifted the blade up."Pitiful fool..." he muttere contemptfully. He then brought the blade down, killing the man, then set off back home, in order to avoid the oncoming storm.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:53 PM
"Well, no, I mean.... Well, we have to wait out the storm, but you don't have to sleep on the floor, Guy. I can cuddle up with y- Dante." Her slip was almost not noticeable, but she knew he probably caught it. So she just kept going on.
"In any case, le's make som'in to eat. Pro'lly the best idea, since we'll be on the move soon's this storm blows over." She said, reaching into her saddle bag once again, and bringing out a small packet with a string hanging out of it. She pulled the string with a flick of her wrist, and the small box grew in size. She opened it, steam and the smell of food issued forth. She held it out to Guy.
"Careful notta burn yerself. Still hot." She stated, not looking directly at him.
She felt weird, looking at the kid- man, really, in front of her. But he hadn't changed... Not as much as she had, at any rate. Change was inevitable. The amount was alterable. But overall, people were usually at least somewhat the same at the core.

Nov 2, 2010, 11:58 PM
Amara opened her bright blue eyes to veiw the inside of her room, back at her bosses HQ. Outside the window, a city bussiled. This was Grand Ever city. It sat on a valley floor, a few miles from the town she was just in.

She started to hury out of the room, but stoped at a mirror to fix her hair. She had bright blue hair to match her eyes.. but it was strun and a mess. She fixed it up as fast as she could, getting it up into a ponytail. She then darted from the room, off to the boss.

Nov 3, 2010, 12:01 AM
Guy graciously accepted the meal, and attempted to dig in, although he burnt himself in the process. Deciding to set that aside for the time being, he let out a long sigh and removed his Radiant from his holster. He then began to examine it, checking the inner workings for sand or dust. It was worth noting that he apparently did not keep the chamber loaded. After a few moments, he closed the barrel shut and spun it with a certain satisfaction before holstering it again. He then turned back to Ghoul. "It's a hard life out here, as I'm sure you know." He was unusually solemn. "Lots of people go to desperate risks to survive. Hence where you and I come in. Me and my colleagues do our part to protect the weak, where you... Well, I suppose you could say your job is to set wrongdoers straight. We are the last sense of order in this world" Guy took a bite of his now slightly cooled meal, being sure to swallow before continuing. "It's a real shame to say, but there are cities out there... Big, prosperous cities that are living solely off the last of the world's natural resources. Of course, when that's all gone, the whole of the population there in's going straight to hell. It's really got me worried that the planet, or what's left of it, is going to vanish altogether at some point." He let out a breath. "I want to know. Could you honestly say that when the tables have turned against you, you could set aside all wants and needs to help other people?"

Nov 3, 2010, 12:07 AM
Holy Sh**! *Waves His Hand In Front Of His Face* Way To Much Caseal Smell. Its Enough To Drive A Man Insane. What Do Ya Want Me To Save Ya? *Waves His Hand In Front Of His Face* O God! Your Trying To Kill Me With Your Smell? Well I'll Be Damned If Ya Did.*Puts On A Gas Mask* Much Much Better Now...

Nov 3, 2010, 12:09 AM
She thought for a moment.
"But Guy, lookit this... The only places the resources're almost drained from are the spots we been livin' in for hundreds of years. At the best, we didn't even cover a QUARTER of Diterra. N' that's at the BEST population we ever been at." She said this, shaking her head.
"Hell, I doubt if'n it were more 'n QUARTER of a quarter of Diterra. This planet's so large.. We've been here for so long, 'n yet we dun gone and not learned much more about it. Jus' drainin' her life, to make our own livin' easier. Lookin' for ruins of our ancestors before 'n my ancestors left... Thousands o' years ago 'n all..." She said, sighing slightly.
"Besides, if I'mma get paid fer my work, then maybe. But I'unno, Guy... I just dunno."

Nov 3, 2010, 12:15 AM
RAcast:*Yawn* Im Beat. Lays Down Next To An Arm* Good Night No One...*Shuts Off* Still Smells Like Caseal...

Nov 3, 2010, 12:20 AM
Guy slammed his fist on his hand. "But I don't want to let that happen. Y'know, after you left, I learned something very important... I learned that you can't rely on anything to stay the same unless you take action. So, here's the thing... I want to move a group of people - namely, from our hometown - into a new region, an unexplored region. I'd like for this to be a region-wide movement, but the Hunter's guild hasn't been backing me up on it. They figure we have too much of a problem on our hands with these areas as it is, and I suppose they're pretty much right. But something has to be done, and soon, or else we'll be driving ourselves extinct before we know it." Guy moved closer to Ghoul. "But I need reliable people. I... Can't exactly rely on myself. I know you might have vindications against it, but I'd really like that after all of this is out of the way, you could help." He sighed. "I like to think it's for the good of Diterra."

Nov 3, 2010, 12:56 AM
OOC: Well.... i guess, like seth, I'll time laps myself. :D I can't think of anything to do otherwise.


By morning, it was a new day. Overcast weather covered the skys over Grand Ever city. Amara had gotten her new assinment. It was a new one, that came in last night. A woman by the name of Ghoul. The informitive said she had taking out one of the bosses bothers, in a duel. Though, it was a duel, the boss still was very greived and angry. Amara was sent on the job first thing, having recalled seeing someone that looked like the discription, not far off in a dust town.

She didn't mind to much. Though the killing part was not her favorite, she just loved a good chase. And in light of the situation, boss gave her a new toy.


A few hours later, Steam, and lots of it. Amara was blasting through the citys streets in a Sand Train. She had messeger bag to her back, supplyed with water cantines and food, and a few mates. She leaned out the left side of the Sand Train, leting the wind wip around her ponytail. Chugging to the city limits and off up the mountin trails, back to the city she had visited yesterday.

(here is the train: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_m6QV52YcZ2Q/THlLwcH_8BI/AAAAAAAAAbc/hECfMqji71c/s1600/Engine+show+1.jpg )

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 12:53 PM
The next day, the man went to the mercenaries' guild. He didn't stop by here often, but there were no good jobs for a bounty hunter or assassin, his preferred jobs. He found one with high pay, something about retrieving a caseal who went missing travelimg to the nearby tower. He then went home to retrieve his mechguns answer scythe.
The man walked out of his house, mechguns on his hips, scythe in hand. He hit a button on the side of the scythe, the weapon glowed brightly, and changed into a small red box, which he put in his pocket. This technology was rare these days, but extremely useful. He had several canteens of water. All he needed was a way to get to the tower. In the past, he would have walked. However, his left leg wouldn't allow it. He then saw a man ride in on a strong, fast horse. The FOmar walked over, pulled out his scythe, and cut the man in half. Throwing him off the horse, the FOmar lept on, and rode off. He then put away the scythe, and fired a blast of rafoie backwards, lighting the body on fire.

Nov 3, 2010, 03:04 PM
*Yawns And Streches* Man. That Was Some Dream. *Stands Up* It Was Like I Found Something Odd In The Desert. *Sniff* Damnit! It Still Smells Like Caseal! *Rips Off The Gas Mask* That Sh** Didnt Work For Nothing! *Tosses It Up And Fires The 2000H At It While Not Looking At It* This Sh** Is Enough. *Pops Off His Head* Much Much Better Now! *While Full Of Joy Twirls The 2000H And Rapidly Shoots Fires It* YEAH! *A Bullet Hitting Something With A Ca-Plunk Was Heard* The Hell? *Arm Stops Twirling The Gun And Fires The Gun At The Angle Were He Heard The Sound* What Is Makeing That Sound? *Fires A Round And Hears That Sound Again* Huh. *Fires A Round Into The Sand* No Sound.*Fires It Again At The Ka-Plunk Angle* Sound... *Follows The Sound*

Nov 3, 2010, 06:30 PM
Ghoul looked down at the ground, and put her hands behind her back.
"I... Can't say fer sure I'll b'able to help or not... But I can try if'n you need me." She said, looking up halfway through her sentence. She took a few bites of her food, watching Guy for a few, before realizing that it was halfway through the night.
"We... Should probably get some sleep. Tomorrow's going to be full of traveling, and probably a bit of fighting." The Newman stated, eating the rest of her food, and tossing the tray into a trash receptacle.
"You can have the bed, if you want. I've got Dante. I'll uh... Make sure to use one with two beds next time." She said, scratching her head, a bit embarrassed.

Nov 3, 2010, 06:35 PM
Guy was relieved at first, but then felt somewhat bad, as he thought perhaps he had been imposing on Ghoul. He threw the remainder of his food away as well, and inspected his bike once over just to be sure it was okay. He then walked up to the bed and slipped in, not wanting to seem ungrateful. Before the lights shut off, the young man turned to Ghoul and said, with all due sincerity, "Regardless of anything else, I'm really glad that I got to see you again." Guy then rolled over and closed his eyes.

Nov 3, 2010, 06:48 PM
Damn.*Looks At The Night Sky* I Really Need To Stop Sleeping During The Day. But Night Ops Are Sweet... Especially When You Hear Heads Being Busted Wide Open. *Ka-Punk* Gotta Follow That Sound...

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 07:05 PM
As the man rode through the desert, a train-looking vehicle sped by."Bloody hell, I need a faster ride..." he said to himself.

Nov 3, 2010, 07:28 PM
Ghoul smiled, and her face tinged a light red at his comment, as she climbed onto Dante, to attempt to sleep.
"Goodnight, Guy." She said, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Heat. A bright, piercing light. Confusion, and wild fear. Sand, so much sand, too much sand!!
"It's... IT'S EATING ME!!!! AAAAAUUUGH!!!" A wild voice rang out.
Trees. Trees? Trees!
Blindly running toward the trees.
Reaching them...
Snakes. Writhing, burning pain...

Ghoul's eyes flicked open. She found herself sprawled out, upside down on Dante's massive figure. Somewhere along the path of her sleep, her Morganlote had fallen off her back, and lay on the floor. She heard humming, and smelled food.
She walked into the kitchen, only to see...
A robot?
It was round in shape, with five or so arms protruding from its body, and while three carried it, two did the work.
"Who... What..... The fuck...?" Ghoul asked, still sleepy.
The robot looked at her.
"Good morning, Madame! What would you like to eat?"
"But you're already making food..."
A terrible screeching noise, the robot lunged at her, with razor sharp blades on its arms! Ghoul let out a scream.
Then her eyes opened, to find everything as it should be. Dante curled up under her, her curled up on Dante, and Guy sprawled out like a dead helion in the bed. She stood up and stretched, noting it was light out...
She located the bathroom and shut the door behind her, locking it. She stripped down slowly, her stomach bruised slightly, wild scars racing up her body, mingled with cuts, many on her back. The girl tossed her clothes in the wash. Turning the shower on, she examined a healing cut on her arm. It wasn't a small cut, but nothing life threatening. It still hurt..
She stepped into the shower, and stepped out about twenty minutes later. She was clean, and looked a lot healthier- and prettier. She didn't bother with make-up. That was a waste of money anyway (Even though the house had commonly used items in it).
Her clothes were done washing, but weren't dry, so she tossed those in the drier.
Which really just pulled moisture out of the clothes to dry them, which was a lot faster than heating them and boiling the water out.
Her clothing clean, she pulled on her undergarments and- having a lapse of memory- walked out of the steaming bathroom. She usually left her over-clothing off when in a Temphouse alone, just for the fact that she didn't feel the need to wear them.
She began cooking, but didn't hum, because she still remembered the dream she had. Which was weird beyond anything she'd ever had before...

Nov 3, 2010, 07:49 PM
Guy, who was still in a dreamlike state, began to toss and turn in his bed. His face down in his pillow, he spoke somewhat muffled words. "Nah, I'm good... Seriously... Hey, credits don't grow on trees, y'know... I wish..." He then opened his eyes slowly, coming out of his trance. He stood up and yawned, looking down at himself, and then around at the Temphouse. "So it WASN'T all a dream, then." Guy, satisfied, stood up and shook off his drowsiness. Noticing that Ghoul was not with Dante, and assuming that she'd probably gone out, began to sit down on the bed again... That is, until he smelled the food. Shrugging, he then reached into the back pocket of his duster, pulling out a small book and shaking sand out of it's pages. He then quietly walked into the kitchen. Apparently, Guy had not noticed Ghoul, simply taking it upon himself to assume she didn't want to be bothered this early in the morning. The man sat down at a chair, attentively reading his book. After scanning a few pages, he began to speak. "Say, Ghoul. Did you know that-" On this, Guy looked up from his book, stopping his sentence dead cold when he saw that Ghoul was less than fully dressed. He then quickly slipped his book into his back pocket, quietly slinking down behind the table, so as not to be noticed. "Stupid, stupid, stupid," he thought to himself. "You finally get to see your best friend after ten years and less than twenty-four hours later you're already invading her privacy. Damn it, Guy, you've really done it this time -" He stopped himself. "Okay, just calm down. Just wait until she leaves, and then sneak back out..."

Somewhere, on another track of his mind, Guy was contemplating other things. "Okay, let's see... I've got 48 hours left to finish my job and report back, and at least 24 hours ahead to check out this tower... thing. I had never expected being a Hunter would turn out to be this much work."

Nov 3, 2010, 08:52 PM
Ghoul looked up as he began talking, and cocked an eyebrow when he cut off and slouched down.
"What, haven't you... Ever...." Her face flushed as she realized she didn't have a shirt or pants on, and she cleared her throat, an embarrassed look crossing her face. But she kept on diligently cooking, while finishing her sentence.
"Haven't you ever seen a half-naked girl before?" She asked, her face flushing slightly more, before fading away as she forced her blushing down.
Pulling two plates off a shelf, she served up the food- what looked to be bread crumbles mixed with meat and some strange thing, coated in seasoning, with eggs mixed in-, setting Guy's down in front of him, and hers where she'd sit, directly across from him. As she was getting the silverware, however, she dropped a fork, and bent over to pick it up without thinking.
'At least he'll probably enjoy the show...' She thought to herself, blushing as she straightened up, putting the fork in the sink and getting a new one. She grabbed some glasses, and a light blue, but definitely blue, liquid from the ice box, setting the glasses down on the table as well as the forks. She bent over slightly while pouring the drinks, across from Guy. Then she sat down, and began to eat.

Nov 3, 2010, 09:08 PM
Guy, not expecting to have been discovered so quickly, sighed submissively and sat up in his chair. Taking a few bites of his food and not thinking about the taste, he looked at Ghoul, and then averted his eyes. "To answer your question... No, not typically." He sighed. "Is that surprising?" He laughed quietly to himself, somewhat humiliated by the whole thing. Being sure not to focus on Ghoul too much, he asked, "Say. When did you get so nice? Compared to how you were acting in the bar earlier, I'd half expected you to shoot me on sight." Guy contemplatingly stuffed another bite of hash in his mouth.

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 09:19 PM
Meanwhile, the British assassin FOmar was riding across the desert, hours from the half-naked woman and her embarrassed friend.

Nov 3, 2010, 09:40 PM
She shrugged.
"Well... It's my fault. I'm not used to having company in the temphouse, so..." She blushed a bit again, still eating. She took a sip of the sweet- yet tangy- juice. The taste of the meat wasn't like city meat. This was quality, homestead, smoked meat. The bread was also home made. In fact, all of the ingredients were home made, grown, or raised. She continued talking.
"It is actually kind of surprising... You're pretty handsome... Especially compared to a lot of the men in these parts." She took a few seconds before once again continuing. "And you're a childhood friend, so it's different. I just have to ask one thing," she looked at her plate, "partially because I'm curious, but... Did uh... Well, do you like it?" She was probably going to feel like kicking herself in the head after hearing the answer.

Nov 3, 2010, 09:50 PM
At hearing this, Guy's heart almost skipped a beat. He very nearly slammed his head down on the table just to knock the question out of his head, but instead he ended up blurting out the first thing on his mind. "Are you kidding? You're beauti -" Then, Guy actually did slam his head down on the table. He was silent for a moment or two as he toyed with his thoughts. "She talks to me like she HASN'T been gone for ten years straight. Did I miss something on the road to adulthood? Ah, who am I kidding." Guy recomposed himself and lifted up his head again, although he kept his eyes shut so he didn't have to make eye contact. "Yes, Len. You're a very attractive woman. But... Why take my word for it?"

Nov 3, 2010, 10:20 PM
Ghoul blushed profusely and looked away when he didn't finish his first sentence. It have been forever since she'd been complimented like this. Most guys just walked up, put their arms around her, and tried to coax sex out of her. In her earlier years they wound up with their brains on the wall. She'd actually been a real bad ass...
After he finished his sentence, there was a few moments silence. She was surprised he hadn't asked about the scars on her back, and her wounds... Maybe he hadn't noticed them. In any case, she didn't know what to think. Whether she should be upset that he liked the sight of her so.. Exposed, or if she should be glad that he did. Quite frankly, she was confused.
"Why take your word?" She repeated the question, stalling for time slightly...
"Most guys would have me up against the wall, trying to get some from me at this point. Maybe that's why.." She answered, a strange anger in her eyes.
She stood, and walked over to Guy, sitting down next to him, leaning on the table, her chin in her hands.
"Guy? Do you have a girlfriend or anything? Have you EVER had a girlfriend?" She asked him quietly, part of her mind wondering if Dante was still asleep, as a gentle grin spread over her face.

Nov 3, 2010, 10:34 PM
Guy, feeling a bit unnerved by all of this, leaned back in his chair. "Er, no. No, I haven't." Guy scratched his nose. "I thought I did, once... But that was a long time ago. I'm pretty certain it was all in my head." Guy then leveled his chair, and looked at his only half-eaten plate.

Voices, for a moment, rang through Guy's head.
"Say, Guy. You ever kissed a girl before?"
"Er, no. I... I can't say I have. Why are you asking?"
"Well... I dunno. I guess I was just curious, 'thass all."
"Huh... So, you mean, you didn't want to..."
"What? Aw, heck... no. Ma says boys are nothin' but trouble..."
"I guess..."

He snapped back into reality. "Er, no. I... I can't say I have." Guy eyed the doorway for a moment. He thought about maybe trying to change the subject, to get the two moving, but he decided to let it go for now. He restrained a sigh and Ghoul in the eyes. "I know these past years probably weren't that fantastic... And I'm sure most of the guys you ran into on your travels were complete fools, but... We're not all like that. I'd hope I'm a good enough exception." Guy took another bite of his meal.

Nov 3, 2010, 10:52 PM
She smiled slyly, looking over at him again, taking a drink of the juice again.
"You hintin' at som'thin', Guy?" She asked this with a strange tone in her voice.
She stood up again, picking her clothes up off the counter, and slipping into the impact suit that resembled her undergarments, except it was a darker blue. It was a lightweight, highly flexible suit specialized for protection and the such. Pulling on the legs for it, and buckling them on- these were photon cloth, like the arms- she quickly slid the arms on. Then she picked her boots up from the ground, and put those on, leaning forward with her foot on a chair, giving Guy what she was pretty sure he'd think was a nice sight of her back side. She grinned slightly... Maybe she'd enjoy this more than she thought she would.
Dante lumbered into the room, tossing the girl her Morganlote, which she caught and slid behind her back, latching it in place as it made contact. She grinned a bit more as she threw her gunbelt, with Scarlet Rain, around her hips, buckling it up.
"Awright. You ready, pardnah?" She asked, cleaning up what she'd used from the table. Then she leaned really close in, toward Guy's face, stopping as their noses were touching.
"Let's keep it our little secret... But don't think you can twist and mold me like a ball of clay, Guy. 'Cuz it won' happen... Even if y'ar real handsome-like." She said, turning away, putting the dishes in the sink, and walking out of the room, into the room they'd slept in. Dante watched Guy for a few seconds before following the former Lennette Anderson out of the dining area.
"Hurry up, slowpoke! If you wanna take a shower, hurry up and take one." She called to him, sitting on the couch, one leg resting on the other, forming a triangle, propped up at her ankle.

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 11:00 PM
The British FOmar assassin/bounty hunter/mercenary started humming an old tune from millennia back. A tune called "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:00 PM
OOC: What Has Ghoul Been Doing? Actually Just Drop It. Forget What I Said.

*Ka-P-P-P-PLunk* Damn I Must Be Getting Close. And I Love Trigger Mashing. And Why Am I Doing This Again? *Snaps Hsi Fingers* Right. Pure Boredum. *Ka-Plunk* Getting Warmer...

Nov 3, 2010, 11:02 PM
Guy's face was a bright red the entire time. Again, he found himself trapped within his thoughts. "Well, if it wasn't official before, it is now. You're in a heap of trouble, Guy. You'd best get moving before you're tempted to make a move... But that's what you wanted, isn't it?

"Hurry up and get going. You've got a job to do. She can wait."

Guy walked into the bathroom, making short work of his shower. He then quickly dressed himself, with the exception of his shirt, which would take proper application. As he walked out into the living room, it could be seen that while Guy wasn't particularly muscular, he was very fit and in shape, and although it wasn't quite as severe a case as Ghoul, he also had his share of scars. He pulled his shirt on, and pulled what seemed to be some sort of brace over it, made of two looping leather belts. Once he had that done, he sidled up against his motorbike and gave Ghoul a nod. "Alrighty, then. Any time you're ready." Guy said this with a slight smile on his face and confidence in his voice as he slipped on his goggles.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:14 PM
She stepped into Dante's saddle with one foot, and swung the over leg over the beast's massive back, as he walked out the door to the house. She turned her visor on- it was a darker blue this time, to prevent her eyes from being damaged.. The sun was bright compared to the interior of the house.
Speaking of the house, as she exited, Ghoul pressed a button next to the door, causing the house to fall outward, and slide into a panel which shrunk and turned into a tube- now green- again. She gave a slight jerking motion with her hand and it shot over to her. Techniques could be really useful.
"Awright, le's go!" She said, spurring Dante, who reared up and launched himself into a run. Helions don't require a ton of food or water, and as such are better mounts than horses. However, they're also a lot harder to tame and then break, so they're also a lot rarer mounts than horses.
The mercenary sped across the ground on the back of her trusted friend, leaned far over his muscular shoulders. This creature was powerful, and fast. Dangerous combination- and yet, this was a similarity between the master and the beast.
"So, Guy, whataya think that tower'll be, hmmmm?" She asked, her eyes locked on the goal, chains in her hands.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:17 PM
OOC: Finely.

*Sniff* Getting Even Closer... I Even Hear Foot Steps In The Distance...*A Sand Cloud Blows In His Face* I Can Even Feel That Sensation Again. *Sigh* But Its Only Fake Again.

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 11:20 PM
The British FOmar, as far from any plot relevance as ever, thought he saw a dust cloud off in the FAR distance, but dismissed it.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:21 PM
Guy kept his foot on the accelerator. "Dunno, exactly. When I think about it, it really could be anything... Come to think of it, why check this out when we don't even know what it is? Don't you have bounties to be chasing or something?" Realizing the hypocrisy of his statement, Guy quickly dropped the subject. "I just can't believe how huge it is. I've never seen anything like it, and the structures in the Guild City are pretty damn impressive."

Nov 3, 2010, 11:28 PM
*Feels Another Dust Cloud* Damn. Were Do These Dust Clouds Come From Anyhow? *Looks Of And Sees A Faintly Looking Dust Cloud* Meh. To Much Wine Cooler. *Ka-Plunk* Really Close...

Nov 3, 2010, 11:37 PM
Pulling out Casa Blanca, she scoped in as close as she could get. They were over halfway there, and the tower loomed over the mountains. She scanned all up and down it- this structure seemed to be very intricate, past the point of ridiculous.... She skimmed down the tower, to the bottom, where she could see a speck of movement smaller than a fruit fly- with maximum zoom on her sniper scope.
"Movement confirmed! Not sure what the hell it is, but it's movement." She said, keeping Casa Blanca out and ready, just in case. Scarlet Rain was her preferred weapon of choice, but this rifle would do for long range battle.
Suddenly, there was lots of whooping, and the sound of company arriving. The girl turned, and spotted about twenty figures or so, garbed in full armor, most likely made of the Photon Variety. They were closing... But outrunning them wouldn't work, they'd just come after them again.
She raised the rifle, sighting and firing in one smooth motion, hitting the stead of the one in the lead of the pack of bandits. The rifle issued a five inch long photon beam, with barely any noise- it couldn't be heard over Dante's galloping.
The leader tumbled from his mount, but a fellow caught him and pulled him on back of his mount. Dante took evasive maneuvers, zig-zagging to keep out of the line of the photon pistol's sights as they were fired.
Turning around on the saddle, Morganlote in her hand, she twirled it expertly, deflecting bullets, more often than not, into the sky. Two or three hit a person in the mob. A fire shown in her eyes, twirling the Morganlote above her head as one troop caught up, a photon saber in his hand. He took a stab at Dante, but his head was rolling in the sand before it could connect. She grabbed the saber and tossed it to guy, the blade flickering off after she deactivated it.
"Let's get 'em, Guy!" she yelled, rapidly unleashing Techniques into them. Barta and Foie wer common, but Zonde was most common. The arcing lightning smote many, and wounded few. Dante wheeled around, catching an approacher off guard, his sharp horns slaying the mount, his jaws breaking the rider with a fierce shake, before tossing him away. Ghoul was facing forward again, a downward strike decimating a rider's helmet, not to mention the skull beneath...

Seth Astra
Nov 3, 2010, 11:43 PM
"Bloody hell! Looks like a fight way off there! I miss everything these days," the FOmar muttered.

Nov 3, 2010, 11:48 PM
Guy looked at the way Ghoul was decimating the group of bandits, and thought to himself, "Hell, what does she need me for?" Catching the saber, he extended it, and then drew his Radiant. Taking a moment to load it, he decided to take out a few from a distance first. He aimed very carefully at a group, firing off three shots and taking down three men respectively. Killing someone always left a bad taste in Guy's mouth, but at the very least he had the cold satisfaction that he never shot first since day one. After proceeding to take out three more people, thusly emptying the barrel, he holstered it and rushed up. He immediately tore through a small set of bandits, running over two while slashing one lengthwise. Suddenly, there was pain. Guy looked down and saw that one of the men with pistols had managed to graze him across the chest. This only, however, succeeded in making Guy angry. He quickly loaded up his Radiant again, firing off six stray shots at the man and his buddies. Surprisingly, he hit the other two without injuring his target. He then rushed forward, and with a certain finesse, tossed his saber straight into the man's chest. He smiled a smile of satisfaction as the man fell to the ground, and then felt bad that it had felt so... Well, good. He whipped around to keep pace with Ghoul. "How you holding up over there?" Guy called out. "You don't seem to have any trouble fending them off at all."

Nov 4, 2010, 01:17 AM
OOC: Left in the dust... quiet literally. Well, if i had had the posts out, Amara would have gone back to the dust town, to everyones awe of the train. Asked around for frightend info mation about Ghoul, and then set off in the direction that she saw them leave the day before.

Side note: (Renamed the train type to EarthTrain.)


Amara's EarthTrain powered on after leaveing the dust town. The sandstorm had long sence died out in her direction. The fresh sand however made an excilant footprinter. The trail of the bike and beast could clearly be seen and tracked. At one point, they stoped and a large imprint of a house sat on the path. Breifly odd, untill remembering that portible homes still exsisted. She survayed the area and powered up the EarthTrain and continued on.

But it was still a long trip, even for her machine. This gave her time to reflect on her job. An assasin. It was an ok job. It put money in her pockets and a home in Grand Ever city, one of the last places that still had good resoarses. Though taking someones life... not really ideal. But it was a job, and she did it with pride. The excitment of the chase keep her in mind during the job, and made it easyer.

Amara sighed to herself, putingher atention back out the side of her ride. Her green lense goggles keeping the dust out of her eyes as she powered on, rolling up sand and dust in a large plum behind her, wiping out the trail as it settled.

Nov 4, 2010, 03:29 PM
Ghoul had dismounted Dante, who was ripping apart a group of raiders- literally. He was hungry, maybe.
Shot fired, but were deflected by her Morganlote. She spun the weapon expertly, fighting off three different attackers at once. Without stopping her defense, she muttered a word.
Before the trio could regroup from the killing of the fourth member, she dove through the opening, delivering a stunningly quick cut with the double saber, right through the nearest member's legs. As she rose, she plunged the blade into the man's chest and grabbed his saber. deflecting the first slash directed at her, she whipped the blade down, blocking the second, before twirling and running the tip of the blade up the second attacker's stomach, opening him up, then dropping to all fours to dodge the next attack, the sword shot up, stabbing through the lung. She let out a savage roar as she lunged, pushing the blade up to the cross guard, then ripping it up, out of his shoulder.
The remainder of the bandits were fleeing. Dante charged up, and she mounted, pulling out Casa Blanca. A few silent shot later, the attackers were no more, and they were taking any weapons or valuables they could carry. She came back to her Morganlote, ripping it out of the man's chest and slinging it across her back.
"Nice warm up. Hope the tower's at least a decent challenge." She said, smiling at Guy, as they continued to ride toward their destination.

Seth Astra
Nov 4, 2010, 04:57 PM
The British FOmar was riding through the desert, still nowhere near anyone else.
"Hey, can you quit narrating everything I do!" he yelled, "... That goes for that last bit, too...."
Sorry... Wait, you can hear me!?
"Of course I can, I have been reduced to a minor char, thanks to your horrid skills, so now the 4th wall doesn't affect me."
HEY! At least I kept you in the story, but, if you insist... Ahem, near the tower...
"Alright, alright, I won't complain. Just don't take me out of the story!"
"So... Now what..."
I don't know. The two you saw in town, that stole your target, they have a day's head start, and are traveling much faster.
"Ah, so they're heading to the tower, too?"
Yeah. And the woman in that train-like vehicle, she's chasing them.
"Huh. Maybe they'll catch each other, and... No, they wouldn't be fighting nearly long enough for me to catch up. I am a good day's travel behind everyone, it seems."
Yeah. Then there's also the RAcast that's somewhere near the tower, and the caseal that you were sent to rescue, who's also near the tower.
"So the caseal is an actual character in this story? And I had thought I had just been hired to find some NPC."
Yeah. Now, get moving. Oh, and you will forget this whole thing in about ten seconds when I fix the fourth wall.
"Ah, nice meeting you... Wait, wha-" the man said, before forgetting the whole thing. "Odd, I could have sworn I was just talking to someone."

Nov 4, 2010, 06:07 PM
RAcast:*Sniff* Smells Like Caseal, Blood, Newman,Sand And More Caseal. *Ka-Plunk* And Bullets. And Perfume? The Fk?

Nov 4, 2010, 06:14 PM
While still somewhat bewildered at Ghoul's performance, Guy nodded. He then looked down at his now bleeding wound. "Eh, I've had worse... MUCH worse..." He muttered to himself. Ignoring it, he kept on driving. The looming tower became more and more intimidating the closer the pair got to it.

Elsewhere, in the desert, a group of men were also making their way towards the tower, mounted on gas-powered motorcycles. The men were easily a far way away from the others. Upon closer inspection, they were all wearing Hunter's badges, and one of the badges was marked with the seal of an Officer...

Nov 4, 2010, 08:24 PM
She looked over, noticing his wound- and scolding herself for not paying as much attention to him as she should have.
"We'll get you patched up soon as we're far 'nuff from 'em to make sure no one was left alive and followed us." She said to Guy, as they rode on, toward the tower. It was getting bigger and bigger, but they were still pretty far away from it. Still holding Casa Blanca, she scouted the area through the scope. Seeing nothing new, she examined the tower, before deciding to scan the area one more time.
The tower was insanely intricate, with windows and carvings everywhere on it.
Behind them, she spotted a strange vehicle through her scope, at max view. It seemed to be some sort of moving box, that spewed sand behind it. She swore harshly, before filling her partner in on what she saw.
"Shit! Guy, I think sum'n's following us. They's movin' pretty fast. Faster 'n we can go. But maybe we'll reach that tower before 'em, 'n we can at least have our backs covered."

Nov 4, 2010, 09:07 PM
"What?" Guy turned around on his bike, and saw nothing, but took Ghoul's word for it. "Fantastic. Well, it's no big deal. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can take it..." He then thought to himself. "As long as it isn't HIM on my back again." Guy sped up on his bike, this time catching up with Ghoul and Dante, riding right beside the two.

Meanwhile, the other bikers were gaining on Guy and Ghoul. As the group sped along, one of the men noticed something and called out to their leader. "Hey, Marshall. We've got an unidentified vehicle, a couple hundred clicks to the left." "Oh, really?" The marshal turned and saw what appeared to be some sort of fast-moving train. The man was obviously intrigued, but then focused on his driving again. "Odd, but not our target. Keep driving." And with that, the cycles sped onwards yet again.

Nov 4, 2010, 09:14 PM
"Hell yeah we can!" She grinned wildly, Dante letting out a fierce roar, accompanied by a bit of fire. Her grin widened, and when she looked back at Guy, it seemed almost like the sun was in her eyes, there was such fire in them.
"We'll take this tower, and we'll find God's Revolver, too!" She laughed wildly, the desert scenery simply a blur as the sun blazed overhead, and they sped toward their destination. She stretched, arcing her back, and showing off a bit- seeing if she could embarrass him anymore. Or maybe, just maybe, she was trying to see if he enjoyed the show.

Nov 4, 2010, 09:31 PM
Guy almost hadn't noticed, but when he did, his face turned crimson yet again. However, he shook it off, as he didn't want Ghoul to think too much of it. "Is she really?..." Guy thought to himself. "Nah. She must just be playing with my head..." Guy blushed again anyways, but kept focusing on driving, and was somewhat more awestruck by the tower than previously. He anticipated arriving greatly.

Nov 4, 2010, 09:48 PM
*Pfffffft* Huh? *Scoots Back A Bit* Retry! *Ka-Plunk* Huh. Then That Object Must Be...*Looks At The Hole He Left While He Was Asleep* The Hole I Made. But How? *Looks At Were His Head Was* What The Hell? An Arm? *Sniff* And I Was Sleeping Next To This Sh**?! The F**king Hell Man!

Nov 4, 2010, 09:48 PM
Ghoul smiled as she watched his face turn red out of the corner of her eye. So he DID enjoy the show. Maybe this would be more fun than she thought it would be, traveling with Guy. Her mind ran through the memories of them together- they'd been inseparable, until... Until Jodeq didn't come back. Until the city announced him missing.
Until they pronounced him dead... The entire Newman race mourned the loss.
"He's not dead. I know you're alive.." She whispered, Dante's footsteps covering the noise, but not the pain that darted across her eyes for a split second.
"We'll need to stop to eat soon. It's almost lunch time. We can't really eat on the run. Unless we want to eat raw food and something ELSE that'll make us sick."

Nov 4, 2010, 10:00 PM
Guy nodded. "Yeah, I suppose. I wish there was some way we could lose them..." He scanned the barren landscape, with only a few rocks here and there and the odd patch of trees. "There isn't exactly any way to run. Perhaps we can shake them off of our tail somehow?"

Nov 4, 2010, 10:16 PM
Well...Im Not Letting This Time Go To Waste! *Cracks His Knuckles While He Walks Over To The Arm* He Goes Nothing. *Trys To Pull The Arm Outta The Sand But It Wont Budge* Omph! Get Out!*Trys Harder* Get Out!!!

Nov 4, 2010, 10:20 PM
Amara was closing in fast. In the distance, trhrough the heat distrotion, she could make out a beast of a body. If it really was a beast she was dealing with, she had just the device to take it out as well. In her past, she had had to take out many targets. From newmans to Cast. And any "pet" they may have had. It was problby the thing that she saw the girl leaving on the other day.

The EartTrain powered on, giving no sighs of fatiuge. Closeing in on her target.


OOC: Doc... think you could have your bikers meet up with Amara? :D

Nov 4, 2010, 10:24 PM
"Well... I have an idea." She said, smirking, looking at a sand dune.
"Ok, you go over to that dune. I'll cover out tracks... We SHOULD have been doing that already." Dante's tail began filling in the tracks as they both headed toward the sand dune... Ghoul pressed a button on a new tube, and Dante lunged into the dune, which got slightly larger, but mostly wider. Ghoul poked her head out, winking at Guy.
"Come on Guy, hurry up! I didn't think it'd work this well, but.. Hell, it's pretty much undetectable." She was glad there were a bunch of sand dunes around, or else this ruse would be completely detectable....
What she'd done was activated a small room in the dune, with a decent amount of space. The secret was that it extended down at an angle then out, so there was enough room for them to wait it out patiently. She retreated back inside.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:24 PM
OOC: Indeed. :3

A few minutes passed, and after a while of riding near Amara's train, one of the bikers became aggravated. "Alright, Marshal. Permission to examine the train?" The marshal was silent at first, and then said, "Alright, sure. Go for it." The asking man rolled up to the train, banging on the side of it. "Hey, you in there! What's your problem, drivin' this crazy whatzit in a restricted area?"

Guy, seeing this, quickly pulled to a stop and ducked inside with Ghoul, leaving the bike aside. He crawled in and hid. "You really think this is gonna fool them?" He asked, inquisitive.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:31 PM
Dante dragged the bike into the room, as Ghoul winced. The door shuttered closed silently, and made an impenetrable barrier. For the most part, anyway. They should be safe..
"Yeah, it should work. If not, we got some food generators and the such in here, so we'll be good for round a year or so." She said, a slight smile on her face. Hopefully, those bikers provided just the distraction they needed.
She sighed lightly.
"Guy? What happened after I left?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow at him as she sat down on a small cushion.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:35 PM
Amara walked over and looked out the right side window hole, to see a small gang of bikers. One was riding up close to her EarthTrain. She was still moving at a good pace, following the beasts and bikes tracks. She almost got out a word, before the tracks vanished.

Amara quickly scaned around, and finding no sighes of a direction change, hastily pulled a lever in the train. Instantly, screeching and steam, as the train slowed to a stop, sitting level on the sand. Unknowing her target was hiding in a dune nearby.

"Restricked?! I think not. I go were i please thank you" she responded, a slight anonyance in her vioce from lossing the trail.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:40 PM
*Sniff* Even The Smell Of Sweet,Sweet Oil Aint Helping.*Trys Again To Pull Out The Arm* The Hell Is This Thing Made Out Of?!

Nov 4, 2010, 10:41 PM
The man also stopped, as did the others. "Nu-uh, little missy. This is official property of the Guild City Patrol. If you don't turn around, I'm afraid we'll have to apprehend you."

"After you left?..." Guy started out softly. "Well, if you want the whole, honest truth... Things had really gone downhill. My mom died a couple of years after you left, of disease. I think it was just two days before my eighteenth birthday... My dad became kind of distant. Most of the other kids in the town left when the came of age to go and get jobs. My brother Adin, in particular, went to the Guild City, hoping to strike it rich there. I haven't seen him since, and there's been rumors that he ended up on the wrong end of a saber one day." Guy's tone was serious and somber. "I mean, they're still there. They're doing alright. I send back cash to help out every so often, and I make sure to visit from time to time... But it isn't quite the same... And, well, who am I kidding? I was lonely after you left. Really lonely. I was kind of a lost soul for a while." It was obvious he didn't like talking about it, but he said it with purest sincerity, knowing Ghoul didn't deserve anything other than the truth.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:53 PM
"With all due respect, I still say no. Now please leave me alone, or you will regret it." Amara started to look around, but snaped her atention back to the bikers when one started to get closer and continued talking.


Miles from no-where and sand as far as the eyes could see, a man was piloting a small, three wheeled sand runner. It had two wheels in the front and one in the back. Its frame looked hand made from old cars and bit of machines, but it worked without flaws. The man had buisness with a group of guild hunters in this area, known as the Sand Bikers. He still had a ways to go, but was making good time.

On his way, he spoted a lone man, riding a horse to seemingly nowhere. As he got closer and then up next to the man... he relized that tha man was slumped over on the horses back, as if dead. "Sir... Sir... Are you ok?" he asked, trying to conferm his theroy.

Nov 4, 2010, 10:55 PM
The man then, perhaps very mistakenly, pulled his rifle from his back and aimed it at Amara. "I warned you, now didn't I? How about you climb out of that train, now."

Nov 4, 2010, 11:03 PM
Ghoul took a few seconds to process all the information, before looking down at the ground. She stood, walking over to him, and wrapped her arms around him, resting her head on his shoulders.
"I'm sorry... I shouldn't have ever left you, Guy." She said softly, letting out a small sigh. Why was she so confused around him? She didn't know what she wanted to do, what to say. But the strangest thing was that she didn't feel like she needed to guard herself around him... She felt protective of him... And then she remembered.
"Right, let's... Patch up that wound." She backed away, turning and reaching into a bag on her saddle. She produced a roll of bandage and some anti-biotic, both of which she held in her hands.
"It'll uh... be easiest if you take your shirt off." She said, awkwardly letting out a small laugh.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:05 PM
Amara got a wicked idea, that made its way to a smile. "I will take that as a threat, yes? I don't like threats... AT ALL! RYUKER!!" And with her tech, a ring of light formed around her train and with a great moneing, it fell through, leaving a ring of light and sand. But it didn't go nowhere far. Seconds later, another ring opened over the group of bikers still close together, and the EarthTrain fell out, with temendous crunch as it impailed 3 bikers and there bikes into the sand. The train was unharmed, being a sturdy vehical.

Amara jumped off the train, brandishing her twin daggers, in a fighting stance. She glared down the 3 bikes still left. "I don't care for laws... not when I have a job to take out. Move it out of my sight, or deal with a trained assasin."

Nov 4, 2010, 11:07 PM
Guy took Ghoul's apology to heart, silently forgiving her... Even though he already had. However, when she pulled out the anti-biotic, he scratched his head a little in embarrassment. "Er... No, really. It's just a cut, that's all. Eh-heh..." He looked down at his wound. He wanted to pretend like everything was A-OK, but his shirt was currently soaked in blood.

The marshal glared at Amara while the other two men cowered. He pointed at her with vindication. "You goons take care of her. I've got business to attend to." With that, he drove off, leaving the other two men by themselves.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:12 PM
*Sniff* Ok Now This Is Some Scary S**t! I Smell Newman And Blood And Cowardness! But No Sign Of Techs! And This *Pulls Harder* DAMN ARM WONT COME OUT!!!

Nov 4, 2010, 11:14 PM
Amara didn't like enemys either, making a mental note of the marshal, to track down later. "Ya gon'a follow him? I don't think your chance of survival are all that much greater with me" she snered to the to goons left.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:17 PM
She looked at him pointedly.
"That is NOT just a cut. Maybe you don't have a bullet in you, but you're bleeding all over the place. The only reason she can't trail us by your blood is because your shirt soaked it all up." She said, sighing, before getting an idea.
She walked forward at a bit of a brisk pace, pushing him back against the wall, dropping the bandages. Being as his shirt was already ruined- and there were shirts in a few dressers in the room- she simply tore the shirt off him and cast it aside.
She looked him dead in the eyes, leaned in close, lips about to touch, and said a sentence that may have stopped his heart for a second.
"This is going to hurt like a bitch, but it'll keep you healthy." She said, spraying the disinfectant all along the wound. Before he could do anything, though, she pushed him against the wall, her lips on his.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:21 PM
OOC: *Turns Off His Eyes* Much Better.


Nov 4, 2010, 11:22 PM
Somewhere along the line, Guy had a bit of a sensory overload and blanked out. One side of his brain twitched and his other twitched against it. "I can't believe this is actually happening... Stay focused, Guy. What would your CO think?... Forget the CO, this is more important... Your SWORN DUTY is more important than these "trivialities"... Says you..." Guy quite literally blacked out for a moment or two, before the brutal sting of the anti-biotic ceased and he snapped back into consciousness. "Huh... Hey, what just happened? That was quick..."

On the other end, the two men quickly turned tail and drove off. They dropped their weapons behind them, speeding away at max speed. The marshal was already making his way towards the tower, keeping an eye out for his target.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:45 PM
"Ah... i love a good chase." She quickly whirled around a jumped back into her EarthTrain, and powered it up. With a great lurch, it roared to life, churning its massive wheels to power on after the goons, leaving behind Ghoul and Guy

After a minute, she was in range, pulled out her Viper and shot one of the goons dead, in the back of the head. She had her goggle back on, as she took aim at the other goon.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:50 PM
"I suppoooose it was quick." She winked, tussling his hair.
"Too bad you would have yelled if I hadn't kissed you..." She made this excuse, continuing on to say, "and alerted everyone in the vicinity to our whereabouts. All 'cuz ya can't handle a little an'i biotic. But the wound ain't nothin' right?" She asked, laughing a bit, wrapping his torso with the bandage she'd picked up again, and then tying it off at the side, in a flat knot, and ripping it from the roll.
"How's that feel? Not to tight, is it?" She asked, a grin on her face.
There were vibrations, and Ghoul opened a display screen, which peeped a camera the size of her pinky finger through the sand, to catch the train leaving.
"Heh. Looks like we out waited 'em. There's a crazy chick shooting at some bikers out of a moving box." She said, smiling.
"We better stay down here a bit longer, though, or else we could get caught in the cross hairs." She said, the cam moving back in, covering with sand.

Nov 4, 2010, 11:56 PM
The last man was driving like crazy, and then accidentally spun out, flipping and crashing into the ground. He then got up, mildly wounded, and started to sob and plead. "Oh, gee, don't kill me... Don't kill me... I've got so much ta live for!" The man fell face first in the hot desert sands.

Guy rubbed his head. "Wait, what?... You mean?..." Something felt different, but he let it slide, at least for the time being. When she finished tying his bandages, he gave her a nod. "Yeah... That's fine, thanks. And okay..." Guy let out a sigh of relief, and laid back a little bit. He looked at the small room again, just to be certain of his whereabouts, and then at Ghoul. "So... How far until we reach the tower, do y'think?"

Nov 4, 2010, 11:59 PM
*Stops* Ah Fk It! I Give! *Sits Down Next To The Arm* The Hell Are You Supposed To Be Anyways? A Beautiful Caseal? Give Me A Break! *Looks At The Distance* Another Sand Storm? Sh**....

Nov 5, 2010, 12:11 AM
"I'd say not too long, handsome. But If'n we can't judge the height from here, I dunno. It's peeeerty damn tall.... So we could be a ways away from it." She said, shrugging, sitting down next to him. Then she thought of a question to asked.
"So.." She laid down on him, her head on his chest, "Did ya like it?" Ghoul asked this, with her eyes closed, but a slight smile on her face. She wasn't sure how he'd reply.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:11 AM
Amara speed on past him as he fell into the sand. Then looking back, she yelled. "I have now quriy with you. Go home, and see about find'en another job. Or ... at least a new boss." She turned back to the controls, turned a few nobs and renched a lever. The Train gave out a might whistle, blasting it for miles. It sounded, ominus. She would keep it, useing it to warn of her coming later in her job. The adjust ments sent the Train into a fury, powering it to x3 its speeds, and make ground fast. She wanted to catch that man, the marshal.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:17 AM
The marshal heard the loud whistle, and grunted. "Guess she survived, not that I'm terribly surprised," he said. "I'm getting the feeling that I haven't seen her for the last time..." He sped off.

Guy, who was a tad out of it, spoke softly. "Huh? What are you..." Then, remarkably in his mind, it occurred to him. "Oh, wait. You meant..." His face became the most glorious shade of red. "Er... Eh-he... I- well, um." He was apparently at a loss for words, and thought about trying to change the subject yet again.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:19 AM
*Hears The Horn* I Sware This Day Gets More F**king Weirder By The Minute. Its F**king Odd. I Smell Newman, Sand,Caseal,Blood,Oil,Gas And Is That Hatered I Smell Aswell? And I Hint Of Love And Determination? Damn Right.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:40 AM
She reached up, and felt the side of Guy's head with her hand, leaving it on his cheek.
"Well... At any rate... I did." She said, never really having expected an answer out of him.
"Guy, I'ont get it.. I ain't seen you in ten years. A long ten years... But I feel so... Peaceful-like when I'm alone with you." The mercenary was silent for a few seconds. "I... I feel protective o'er you. You make me feel like... Like this world's worth sum'n after all." Another pause.
"I don't un'erstan', Guy... You make me happy. 'N I don't get it... 'N honestly, it kin'a scares me a bit... 'Cuz I feel like I'dda give my life fer you if'n I had to.." The girl shook her head slightly, her cheek resting on his chest.
"Guy... If'n I told you what I been through all these years..." She choked up a bit. "I'unno if you'd still wanna be 'round me..." She said, trying to control her breathing. Or, more specifically, forcing herself not to cry.
It had been eight years.
She wouldn't cry.
Not now.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:52 AM
Despite Guy's typical behavior, this was one thing he didn't want to hear. Straightening up, he looked Ghoul dead in the eye, saying, "No, no. Len, that's not true at all. I don't care where you've been, and I don't care what you've done or what you've said or anything like that. I care about YOU, Lennette Anderson. None of that other stuff matters, do you understand?" Guy wrapped his arms around Ghoul, and held her tight.

In doing so, however, he accidentally bumped his Hunter's badge, lighting a small, silent beacon.

Meanwhile, the marshal was nearing the tower. "If the intelligence we collected was correct, he should be there about no-" He was cut off when his badge started to beep. He pulled it off and looked at the back, revealing a radar that showed a blinking dot back from the direction he came. He gripped his badge tightly. "Why, that son of a bitch." The marshal immediately whipped back around and headed straight for Ghoul and Guy's dune.

Nov 5, 2010, 12:58 AM
OOC:*Plugs Up His Ears* Is This Acceptable?

Hell I Might As Well See Whats Going On...*Turns On His Built In Binoculars And Zooms In On The Rapidly Traveling Dust Cloud* Huh? Is That A Speeding Train? An Old One To. Haven't Seen One In Decades. Or Eons To Be Exact. And What Ya Expect Its A Newman...&*Slouches Down Next To A Rock Disabling The Visor Function* Crazy Race... And That Caseal Arm Wont Budge. Im Not Leaving It Like That.

OOC2: Keep In Mind RAcast Is In His Spec.Ops Color. Which Looks Like This: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/album.php?albumid=1335&pictureid=15551

Nov 5, 2010, 01:06 AM
Amara was powering through the sand. The front of her EarthTrain plowing through any dune on the way. Then, to her eye in the distance, slioeted against the tower, the marshal. He was barreling towards her.

She leaned out of the side of the cab and fired off a few shots at him, but missed each time due to the distance and movment. Then in half a second, due to the combined speeds, both wizzed past eachother.

"Time to have a little fun, RYUKER!" Amara cast the tech in front of her Train, letting it vanish into it. She knew it wouldn't turn all that easyly, so, redirected it. Second later, a ring opend and Amara's massive EarthTrain barreled out, whomping into the sand with a great thud, behind the Marshal's bike. "Miss me any" she taunted, taking out her Viper again.


OOC: also found us a desert theme. ;D


Nov 5, 2010, 01:12 AM
*Hears The Loud Boom* There That Newman Goes... With Crazya** Techs Of Theres. One Day There Techs Will Be Gone. And What Will Be At There Side? A Gun. But They Cant Use That Right. *Pulls Out His 2000H That He Put Away And Twirls It* Newmans...*Sigh*

Nov 5, 2010, 02:38 PM
When the marshal noticed that the train was trailing close behind, he immediately pulled his H44 Missouri off his back and fired a few well-aimed shots at the front of the train, although it didn't do much but leave a few scratches. Aggravated, he turned back around to fire again, but neglecting to speed up and lose the train, the front pushed down the back end of his motorcycle and sent him careening off to the side as his bike was crushed underneath the train. He cursed as he fell, hitting the sand hard and ceasing to move.

Nov 5, 2010, 09:14 PM
"Are you sure, Guy? I've done some... Some pretty awful things." Her eyes hardened slightly, remembering the screams. Remember the sobs.. Remembering the cold blooded murder.
She took a deep breath in, before sitting up slightly and kissing him again- only for about three seconds, before standing up.
"Guy... Maybe we shouldn't mess with this tower. What if it's got hostiles that we can't take?" She asked, contemplating the worst situation. She shook her head.
"No, we'd be able to take 'em, I know we would." She said, fingering an orb on her belt.
"Grenades normally do the trick for things I can't kill. Like walls, and, you know, tanks." She said, shrugging, before turning back around to look at Guy.
"Oh, right... Let's get you a shirt. Make sure not to get this one all bloody... Wait, I know! We'll carry a few OUT of this house thing. Then you don't have to worry AS much." She said this with a slight smile, pulling a few shirts out from a drawer. She grimaced at the first one.
"I hope you like pink, guy. Some dumbass filled this drawer with salmon colored shirts." She suppressed her laughter.
Truth is, there were other colored shirts, she just hadn't looked in any other drawers. As a result, she tossed him the folded shirts, and closed the drawer in frustration.
"Well... You think we're safe to go?" She asked, scratching her head. Then she thought of something.
"Hey, so like, is the badge just... A badge? Or does it have OTHER uses? Like... I'unno. Like something?"

Seth Astra
Nov 5, 2010, 09:20 PM
"Huh, what?" the British FOmar stammered, waking up."Huh, sleep riding... That's a new one... Oh, hey. Nice ride," he said to the man.

Nov 5, 2010, 09:36 PM
Amara hastily renched a lever, decompressing the EarthTrain, and aplyed the brakes, which were pressured ram spikes the drove into the sand. The train slowed to a stop a few yards from the marshal. Amara turned a jumped out, striding over to him. Then with a air of vindication, she spoke to him. "I told you i don't do well with threats. I don't care if your dead, alive, or injured.... Hey, i know!" She exclaimed with a grin.

Minutes later, the EarthTrain was back at full speed, heading for the tower. Amara had hopes that she would be able to get back to her target, as this seemed to be where she was headed. But for now, she was self amused with her hood oriniment. So she powered on throught the sand, the marshal, chained to the front of the train, taking the force of the sand.


"Oh thank heavens, Your alive. At first i thought you might have passed out in the heat, or from lack of water" the man exlained to Seth. 'I am glad ot see that your ok. But i myself sould be going." The man started to accellerate forward.

Seth Astra
Nov 5, 2010, 09:48 PM
OOC: I haven't mentioned his name...
"Wait... Wanna trade rides?" the British FOmar yelled after him.

Nov 5, 2010, 09:52 PM
OOC: Oops. And that man is expendable, I typed him up for you to kill off and take his ride. :-D:-D:-D


"Na... i'm good. I build this baby with my own two hands. Got'a run. I hope you get where your going sir."

Nov 5, 2010, 09:56 PM
As the train sped on, the marshal came to. At first he was drowsy, but he only took a moment to see what was going on. "Wha... Oh, SHIT." The man wriggled a bit, trying to get loose. Thankfully for him, the chains were not tied too tightly, and one end came out. He waited a moment, then swung forward with the chains to launch himself beside it and deftly roll out of the way. He watched with a heavy breath, on one knee, as the train drove off. After shaking off his fatigue and anger, he took another looked back at his radar. It seemed his target was... Directly beside him.

Guy was at first very embarrassed, but then scratched his head as Ghoul contemplated everything. Looking at the pink shirts, he set them aside and stood up, stretching. "Er... Don't worry about the shirts. I'm good with none (it's better than pink, he thought to himself). And as for the badge, it can serve as a beacon to allow other Hunters to know one is in danger. It alerts all Hunters within a ludicrous radius to know of my location. Never had to use it, thankfully." He looked at Ghoul with a certain intensity in his eye. "The tower will be no problem, I'm sure. Just be safe, alright?" Guy said this somewhat sarcastically, and smiled a subtle smile as he checked his bike's machinery.

Seth Astra
Nov 5, 2010, 09:57 PM
"Are you sure? Buy now, and I won't kill you."

Nov 5, 2010, 11:19 PM
"Safe? That's boring." She fumed, and kicked a drawer, which popped out. Shirts of multiple colors resided within it.
"Oh, hey, there's lots of shirts in here.... Different colors, too. Blue, red, white, black... Brown... Green..." She shrugged. "Ah, well, should have looked in the bottom drawer from the start." She said, smiling mischievously.
She walked over to Dante, petting his mane, who rubbed his massive head against her lightly. She smiled at one of her oldest- and only- friend's affection.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:46 AM
Once Guy had his bike checked out - worryingly, the supplies within wouldn't be enough to keep the bike going for much more than a day or so, but Guy had survived with less - he loaded his Radiant ahead of time and then checked to make sure there was nothing else he could be forgetting.

Just then, there was a knock on the house.

"A knock?..." Guy whipped around, looking at everything suspiciously.

Nov 6, 2010, 05:23 PM
"Well, the log'cal thang to do 'd be to open the door 'n shoot the hell outta the person knockin'. But an even better thang'd be just not to answer. 'Course if you wanna answer, 'n we can open the door, you just wait behind it. 'N if any trouble goes 'n happens, well then, I suppose 'n you can shoot 'em up. 'Cauz you can get 'em by surprise." She said, shrugging. She knew the knockee wouldn't be able to hear them- these things were sound proof.

Nov 6, 2010, 05:24 PM
Guy, not knowing what to expect, pulled out his Radiant and opened the door up, peeking out. He then walked outside to check around. However, he closed the door behind him... And after a few minutes, there was no sound. He didn't come back in.

Nov 6, 2010, 05:57 PM
Ghoul's eyes hardened, and she drew Scarlet Rain. Dante was next to her in an instant, and she swung onto him as he barreled out of the door, and the sand dune, the house collapsing into the small tube once again. The beast wheeled around, as the both of them scanned the area for Guy, and his captor.
" Come on out." She grabbed a grenade off her belt and pulled the pin on it, clutching it tightly in her left hand. "Or I'll let this fucker go. And if you know anything about these grenades, you'll know that a pulse grenade ID's the owner, and won't hurt them. My beast is safe, 'cuz he's been ID'd as well. But you sure as hell ain't, and unless you can move seven hundred feet a second, you sure as hell ain't safe." She said, with a wild grin, her eyes a storm of murderous intent. Dante, at the moment, looked less fearsome than Ghoul. And that was saying something, because Dante struck fear into the hearts of other helions.

Nov 6, 2010, 06:16 PM
Just then, Guy came out with another man. Guy waved his arms to let Ghoul know everything was fine. "Hey, hey. No need for all that... It's just my -" The man... The marshal... interrupted Guy. "I'm his CO," he stated matter-of-factly. "And marshal of this particular area." Guy scratched his head as the marshal came closer and examined Ghoul. He smirked, unfortunately liking what he saw. However, his expression changed. His eyes became sharp. "Say," he said to Ghoul in a rather nonchalant tone, "Haven't I seen you on a wanted poster before?" He laughed quietly, half jokingly and half intently.

Nov 6, 2010, 06:25 PM
"If I told you, then Guy wouldn't have a CO, now would he?" She asked, her voice dripping with a slight venom as she cocked an eyebrow. Pressing her finger onto a special area on the grenade and deactivating it, she shoved the pin back in, and it clicked out. There was a millisecond where the grenade registered it and made a small ticking sound, like it might explode, before the slight glow disappeared.
"Besides, if'n you 'rested me, all y'all hunters'd go to war with'n all the mercs. An' since the mercs got a pact with'n the assassins 'n all, I got me a feelin' y'all wouldn't have any hunters left for a guild."
It was a well known fact that mercenaries already outnumbered hunters 2:1, and with assassins, there was no doubt who would win the war between them.

Nov 6, 2010, 06:38 PM
The marshal shrugged. "I don't care about the politics of it," he said jokingly. "You're Ghoul, aren't you? The "legendary" merc? And if I recall correctly, rebel daughter of -" Guy cut in, with a slight faltering in his voice. "Hey, Adin, don't-" However, Adin barked right back. "Shut it, Hendricks! You address me as Marshall. You know that!" Guy's face became angry for a moment, but then he sighed and shook it off. The marshal turned back to Ghoul. "Listen here, Miss Merc. You and my colleague here are in restricted territory. I've already given HIM an earful about it. You two are to move out of here pronto. I've already dealt with an insane train conductor, who for whatever reason found it easy to kill my deputies and turn me into a human hood ornament." He held his leg in pain at the thought. "I suggest you and your boyfriend here move out before the whole Guild decides to cash in on your enormous bounty."

Nov 6, 2010, 07:14 PM
She grinned wickedly, spinning her gun.
"Sorry, 'Marshall'. I'm tracking a bounty of my own, and you know what the mercenary-Hunter agreement states." She paused, her gun still spinning on her finger.
"If it's official business, nowhere's off limits for a merc or hunter, AND their team. Being as my business ain't hunter business, I don't have to show you my papers. Guy's helpin' me, so he's covered too." She cocked an eyebrow, smirking. She knew that her boss'd cover her- he wouldn't want to lose his best mercenary, and he wasn't too fond of the Hunter's Guild anyway.

Nov 6, 2010, 07:35 PM
Adin cocked an eyebrow as well. "So, she's an intelligent merc, is she? Proper." Adin then grinned. "Well, in that case, I suppose me being Guy's superior, I'm making this a supervised trip." Guy's face turned blank, and then he covered his face with his hand. "Sir, is that really necessary-" Adin once again cut him off. "I'm not going anywhere fast without your help anyways, Hendricks." As the man took a step towards the dune, it was noticeable that he had a limp. "After that crazy train woman chased me down, she flattened my bike out nicely and managed to sprain a few of my joints." Adin was obviously frustrated. "I need a ride. And YOU'RE providing it. May I assume your bike is in here?" Adin looked Guy in the eye, and Guy was obviously skeptical about it. However, Adin called his bluff. "Or, I could always hitch a ride with your lady-" "Okay, FINE. You can ride with me." Guy almost looked like he was about to snap. "I know she wouldn't let him anywhere near her, but if he does ANYTHING..." This rang through Guy's head as he walked towards the dune to get his bike.

Nov 6, 2010, 07:43 PM
She twirled her gun from atop Dante.
"Hey, Marsh, why don't you just use his bike, and he hitches a ride on Dante? Obviously solution." She said, smirking. She knew Dante could leave that bike in the dust any day, even with two people on his back. Still, leaving a wounded man behind was directly in violation with the Mercenary's code of honor. Even if that man had no business being in their business. She just wanted to make sure the bike could keep up with Dante.
"Remember, try anything and you won't have to worry about the paper work." She said, winking. She wasn't making a direct threat- it was simply implied.

Nov 6, 2010, 07:47 PM
*Sniff* I Now Smell Threats And Unwelcomeness. Talk About Hard To Pull. *Taps The Arm* Just Like What Ever The Hell You Are.

Nov 6, 2010, 07:55 PM
Adin's face became somewhat discouraged as Ghoul said this. Guy pulled his bike out of the house, and eyed Adin suspiciously. "Him? Drive my bike? I don't thi-" The man cut Guy off yet again. "Okay, fine. Better than riding second banana him anyhow." Adin snatched away the bike, and Guy groaned as he walked over to Ghoul. Adin put on his visor and Guy looked at Dante nervously as he was about to climb on. "Are you sure he takes well to... Well... Others? On his back?" A bead of sweat ran down the side of his cheek.

Nov 6, 2010, 08:40 PM
"Besides, if'n you 'rested me, all y'all hunters'd go to war with'n all the mercs. An' since the mercs got a pact with'n the assassins 'n all, I got me a feelin' y'all wouldn't have any hunters left for a guild."
It was a well known fact that mercenaries already outnumbered hunters 2:1, and with assassins, there was no doubt who would win the war between them.

OOC: I think i just found our reason to not have Amara take out Ghoul. ;-):-D She doesn't know her occupation as a Merc yet.

But WOW, can you two make a story. If we left you two (Ghoul - Doc ) to your keyboards, this story wouldn't be hindered all that much at all. NO IDEAS NOW!! I like RPing as well, and theres no chance I'm leaving the fun just to you two. And i bet i can speak for everyone else in this RP so far as well. :D


Amara continued on through the sands. Even keeping a goggled eye on the path, she let her mind wonder. Back in her days of training under the Bosses strict teachings. At the time, she was 14, and the bosses buisness was no biger than a club. He had dreams to make a name for himself and who ever he trained to be known as Dash Assasins. Ones who could take out a target with no trouble, and no witnesses. At times she wished she had taken a different job. Suffering through the training exsersizes. But, she kept at it, determined to to prove her worth and claim that title of Dash Assasin. It took her years to get that title, 11 if she remembered right, but she finally got it. Boss praseing her for her good effert, and his first student to get that title.

Now, in the present, the Boss was known far, to almost every major city, as the Assasins Head, and master trainer. She was his best student, And over those 11 years, she had come to know him as the father she never had, and the idea was returned to her. She still knew him as boss, but behind the doors, she knew she was his favorite.

Seth Astra
Nov 6, 2010, 08:44 PM
OOC: Neona, you don't exactly speed for me there... Also, I need a reply to my last post.

Nov 6, 2010, 08:51 PM
"Oh, he don't much like it when o'er people try to ge'on his back. But since he ain't ripped ya to shreds, or shown any'ing but 'spicion and curiosity toward you so far, you'll be fine. I think. Now get up here." She commanded, flipping her visor on again, keeping her pistol out, and at the ready. She just had a feeling it might be needed.
"Aw, right..." She jigged the saddle, and a second set of foot holds slid down. "You'll afta use thems to get up here, 'n you might afta ride standin' a bit till ya get used to 'is rhythm 'n all." She said, smiling to Guy.

Nov 6, 2010, 08:56 PM
"Are you sure? Buy now, and I won't kill you."

OOC: Sorry about that seth. Well, come on, join us. I noticed you are also an Assasin, yes? And sorry for taking out your White Desaster, needed an insentive to run. :D


"What...do-do you mean by that?" the man stammered. Then he did a double take, as the FOmar took out and brandished a huge syith. The man roared the engine in his vehical, and started off, in a huryed pace.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:19 PM
Guy confidently stepped up on the saddle and sat, although uncomfortably, behind Ghoul. He was tempted to sit a little bit closer to her, but he felt like it was unnecessary and kept a little distance between the two of them. Just then, Adin went ahead and began driving towards the tower, waving playfully as he left. Guy stared at him with a look that might have killed Adin if it could, and simply chose not to react. "Okay, I'm ready," Guy said. "Let's go." He steadied himself.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:24 PM
Dante bolted, and would have thrown Guy off his back if Ghoul hadn't reached back and pulled Guy closer behind her by the hand.
"You have to spread your legs a bit, and wrap your arms around my waist. You're not accustomed to riding behind someone, huh? But hey, riding behind me's better than riding behind that fat ass." She said, the wind whipping her words away so the marshal wouldn't hear them. They caught up to him with ease. This was like a stroll through the park to the beast.
Ghoul and Co. headed toward the tower, covering ground at a faster pace than before...

Seth Astra
Nov 6, 2010, 09:25 PM
OOC: Freelance assassin, mind you. Also a freelance mercenary and bounty hunter.
"Why must they always run?" the British FOmar asked himself. He then pointed the scythe at the man, and shot him in the head with a blast of grants, killing the man. The FOmar pulled up beside him, lept off the horse, pushed the headless body off of the vehicle, put away his scythe, and took off.
OOC: still probably will never catch up.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:32 PM
Guy nervously wrapped his arms around Ghoul's waist. Trying to find something to take his mind off of it (and his face calm, as usual), he looked over to his currently "stolen" motorbike. Adin was gleefully whizzing towards the tower, which was currently getting closer and closer. A thought then occurred to him. "Why does Adin even care about this? Why spend all his time chasing a couple of trespassing stragglers down... Who are, however conveniently, his subordinate and an infamous mercenary... And follow them to this insane tower? Do I even want to know?" The young man simply stared on as the entrance came into view.

Nov 6, 2010, 09:50 PM
Suddenly...The arm twitched. How could a limb move with a will of its own? Was it possessed by some foul creature of Hades, or...? Nevertheless, it seemed to have noticed the robotic being who tried to pull it out of the sand and started waving to him, in an attempt to get his attention. Then, it started writing in the sand. The writing was surprisingly refined; it would seem great care was taken to write each letter, despite the terrible susbstitute for paper, quill and ink sand makes. When it was done writing, the arm layed still on the sand, moving only its fingers. The phrase read:"Greetings good sir! You seem quite bored. Perhaps a little game could help. Do you have a pack of cards by any chance?"

Nov 6, 2010, 09:54 PM
Dante's feet pounding nearly silently in the sand, the wind blowing through her hair (albeit short, it was still hair nonetheless) and Guy behind her, holding on for dear life- er, holding her. This was enough to make Ghoul happy, as they blazed through the desert.. The tower was a lot closer, and it could be seen from this distance that it trailed up through the clouds, and there were many images carved into its architecture- and many of the smaller ones made up larger images. Flames made up a dragon's face...
But all of the designs seemed to be fire based, Ghoul noticed. There must have been a reason for that.
"Guy, did you notice that everything on that tower is fire-based? Maybe that's important...?" She wondered aloud. Something in the back of her mind was attempting to surface, but she couldn't quite grasp it...

Nov 6, 2010, 10:00 PM
Bleh. Ive Seen Way Odder Stuff Then That. Your One Of Those Casts. A Few 100 Levels Lower Than My Kind. Anyhow... *Raises A Hand Of Cards* Got Any Yellowbozes? Newmans Use To Kill With These... What Happened To That?!

Nov 6, 2010, 10:14 PM
"Perhaps if I had paid more attention during school I could tell you that," Guy joked. Adin sped up even more, apparently enjoying the ride. As Adin drove within parking distance, Guy sighed. "The thing is enormous," he muttered. "I hope whoever built them remembered to install elevators or teleporters..." Deciding to have just a little bit of fun before they got there, Guy boldly shifted his arms up a slight and put his chin on Ghoul's shoulder. "Bet you can't wait, huh? Must be amazing inside that tower." Guy said this with a smile on his face.

Nov 6, 2010, 10:28 PM
OOC: I have an idea for this tower. If you make it to the top, you well meet a familar friend, though it won't be Neona.


Little to the groups knowing, Amara had made it to the tower first. She made extremely ware to hide her EarthTrain. I was a good rule, If then don't see your ride, they don't know your here. Though she didn't see anyone around, nor anyones ride. No tracks, nothing. She could have made a misstake about their location. Then from nowhere, the sound of a bike. A minute or two later and from under the cloaking, she could see Ghoul ariveing. But to Amara's surprize, a young man was with her, and... the Marshal! How did he get lose. Well it mattered not, she thought to herself, sitting back to think up a plan, keeping an eye on the group.

(She is a bit away, out of normal reach, and not right next to the tower. The Train is under a cloak so can't be seen)

Nov 6, 2010, 10:30 PM
The arm seemed delighted by the Cast's response. It then started writing on the sand again...

"Well, even if I had any cards handy, I wouldn't be able to reach them in my current state...Now, distribute those cards and we'll play a fun game that's not-totally-rigged-in-my-favor."

Upon finishing writing, the arm started impatiently tapping the sand with its fingers; it seemed rather extatic at the prospect of scammi- Err...playing a "fair and loyal game of cards" with someone else.

Nov 6, 2010, 10:36 PM
"Probably is.. I wonder if..." One of the things surfacing in her mind was suddenly yanked out, as if by a mental fishing pole.
"God's Revolver is in the Lord's Tower. Fate will dictate the worthy." She muttered under her breath, not realizing she'd said it out loud- though it was just loud enough for Guy to hear. It was a line from a commonly heard story, which was regarded by most as just that. A story, a fairy tale. As stated before, by most. Ghoul was one of the few that regarded it as more than that.
"I wonder... Is this the Lord's Tower? Is this, perhaps, The Tower of Babel? Could it be..? Babylon...?" She muttered to herself, once again not realizing it. Dante banked, spewing up sand as he slid to a stop in front of the tower. It was massive, stretching up farther than the eye could see. The base had to be at least six miles in diameter. Luckily, they'd arrived near the doorway, which was stone. And closed tight. Being a double door, each door was about two people wide and four people tall. Ghoul dismounted, overcome by awe and curiosity, pushing on the door with all her might. She barked out three commands, her voice vicious, and filled with anger.
"Gifoie! Razonde! Gibarta!!" None had an effect on the tower. She brought out a saber, slashing wildly at the stone, sparks flying. She attempted to put the saber between the doors, but the razor thin blade wouldn't fit. She let out a savage cry, slashing again, until the saber broke. She cast it aside, pulling the pin on a grenade, and casting a shield over the concave entrance as she dropped it and jumped out. The grenade couldn't kill her, but rubble could.
The explosion rattled the air with sound, and the shield went down. She peered through the fog, and then it cleared.
Not so much as a scratch. She growled again, clenching her teeth. She charged forward, unleashing a barrage of bone shattering blows, her gloves cushioning her hands and hardening outside, preventing them from breaking from the assault on the rock door. She fell to her knees- and then she noticed it.
She put her hand on a circle which was set in the stone, and the doors glowed a bright red... And then the glow disappeared. A voice whispered to Ghoul...
"Resta, Barta, Zonde, Foie..."
Her eyes widened, as she remembered the tale her father had told her before disappearing.
"Child, Resta is the source of all our life. Barta is that which eases our pain.. Zonde spurs us and shows us love. Foie keeps that love burning, and comforts us. But remember, Lennette, when you're lost, always turn to Resta first, as it is the beginning, and Foie is the end. Follow the order, child, as the order is absolute."
"Damnit! Guy, we've found the ending!" She roared, curling her fist up and punching the door again.
She stood, and turned, an almost frightening fire in her eyes.
"There's more than one."

Nov 6, 2010, 10:43 PM
OOC: My Choice Of Desert Theme:

One Of Those Chatter Box Casts? Sweet. *Opens His Head And Inserts The Cards* Sure Thing Uh... Madam?*After A Beep RAcast Opens His Head And Hands The Arm A Deck Of Cards* Ready? *Holds Up A Deck Of Cards*

Nov 6, 2010, 10:53 PM
Adin watched from a distance, hearing every word. For whatever reason, her statement struck him hard. "More than one... Damn. Should have known it wouldn't be this easy." Adin leaned up against the side of tower nonchalantly, although his thoughts were currently a nervous wreck. Guy looked at Ghoul with a certain sorrow, not being too terribly impacted by this sudden turn of events, but all the same feeling bad for her. He then walked up. "... So, then... We'll find the others. I'll help. If that even means much... But you obviously want to get into that tower, and if there's no other way..." Guy nodded confidently. "Then I'd be happy to help you see it through. It's not like I have anything better to d-"

Adin cut in here. "That's right, you don't. Even if you did before." Adin looked Guy straight in the eye. "Forget your current mission; I'm canceling that contract. Your current mission, straight from your superior, is to go find the first tower." Guy stared at Adin, bewildered. "What? But, what does this have to do with the Guild?" "That's classified information," Adin retorted. "You'll find out when the time is right. But for now, you've got a job to do. And if I don't get a full report within a week, then you can consider yourself removed from the Guild." Adin promptly walked towards Guy's bike, mounting it. Guy then looked at Adin, now severely aggravated. "A WEEK? These towers could be ANYWHERE on this enormous planet! How am I supposed to locate them in just seven days?!" Ignoring Guy's hysterics, Adin calmly responded, "Not "I", but "we". You're going with her, since I'm sure she wants to find them too." Adin pointed at Ghoul. "And I don't know. I guess that's for you to find out." Adin revved up Guy's bike and started to drive off, yelling, "I'll just hold on to this for you until you get back!" before he vanished past the horizon. Guy stomped his foot in the sand and held back a yell, before turning to Ghoul. "I can't believe that asshole would do this to me again," he growled under his breath. Seeing Ghoul, however, he calmed down and sighed. "Well... I guess this is just more reason to go find these towers, right?" Guy laughed a half-hearted laugh. Then he looked down at the ground. "I'm sorry about that, Len. But he pisses me off to no end. We should get going, though... Those towers, as big as they are, aren't exactly going to be easy to find." He walked towards Dante.

Nov 6, 2010, 11:48 PM
Amara watched the canfilct. Apairantly, the young man was not too happy about his bike being taken. And quite frankly, Amara found it rude. Now she was extra thankfull that she had a good boss. She eye the marshal as he rode out of sight, then got a wicked idea to mess with him.

"ryuker" she whispered, falling out and into the sand ahead of the marshal. He was just coming over a dune to see her, and a mishivous grin on her face. Then in a flash, the words RYUKER ringed in his ears, as he came down from the dune and landed in a far off jungle, a great way from his city. (like a week travils) She laughed to herself knowing know that he wouldn't forget her. Then Ryukered backk to her cloaked Train to see that the group had not left yet.


A large transport vehical, caring a supplys load was treading through the desert sands. It was about a few miles from the tower, but not heading for it. The driver was useing it as a landmark and planed to turn to head to TarLilly City, home of the Hunters Guild HQ. As it traviled on, the driver noticed a small vehical powering over the sand dunes to his left.


OOC: K Seth :D You are a few miles from the tower. And here is what the vehical looks like. : http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2026/1685800834_fb59910ab1.jpg

Nov 7, 2010, 12:14 AM
The arm wrote quickly and elegantly...

"Okay! Here are the rules: I'll give you 1 of the 10 possible types of cards; redria, skyly, yellowboze, greenill, viridia, bluefull, purplenum, pinkal, oran and whitill. They are respectively all worth 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 points. After you have 2 cards in your hand, you can ask me to give another card or stop. If your total hand gets 20 or more points, you lose. To win, you have to get a hand worth more than mine, but still under 20 points. If it's equal or higher then mine, you lose, of course. You won't know MY hand of course, until we compare. Each loss costs you 50 credits, while each win gives you 50 instead. Let's go!"

Through some swift maneuvers, the arm shuffled the dack and took 2 cards, and kept them hidden, and handed 1 card to the Cast. It was a redria card.

Nov 7, 2010, 12:23 AM
*Sniff* I Smell A Cheater. Nah Its Just Sand And A Pissed Off Feeling With A Touch Of Adventure... Um.. Hey Arm? *Taps It* I Cant Play. I Dont Got Any "Acceptable" Cash On Me. Do You Take Weapons Instead?

Nov 7, 2010, 02:13 AM
"Guy... I think I know where Rest- I mean, the first tower is. Who says they all have to be this size, right? Do you remember that shrine in our home town that no one could get into? It had that weird green sylph on the door...?" She smiled- until she saw they were surrounded by hostiles, which were closing in.
They were about the size of coyotes, but were light brown, with six legs, and a pair of arms that ended in scythe-like blades. Bug-like eyes and rat-like tails, they moved in a pack of about twelve.
"Guy!" She drew her Morganlote. "Let's rumble!" She said, twirling the blade, Dante backing up and roaring. One lunged at him and he batted it away, into the tower. Bones crunched, and the beast slid down the wall, leaving a slight stain of blood behind. The beasts became more weary, circling.
Ghoul lunged, spinning and slicing two into submission, but was careless, and one jumped on her back, knocking her down. Dante was on it in an instant, crushing its head between his steel-shattering jaws. He flung it aside, breathing fire at the other two, and lunging. His right paw came down with considerable force, the claws shredding through the creature's side like a knife through meat. Which is exactly what was happening here. The sixth met its end in a barta blast from Ghoul, freezing it solid. Dante smacked this against the wall, as he had to the other one, and it shattered, the beast falling to the ground, dead... Ghoul looked over to see how Guy was doing.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:28 AM
Guy had pulled out his Radiant and aimed. With a confident smirk on his face, he fired two rounds, hitting two of the beasts between the eyes successfully. He then turned on another, firing a successive three shots into it. With only two remaining, he fired one shot at his next target, but missed. However, when he went to reload, the beast leapt, failing to pounce Guy but knocking his gun from his hand. Aggravated, Guy reached down for the next best thing: A small knife that he had strapped to his boot. Quickly pulling it out, he waited until the beast came back for a second strike, sidestepping and just barely managing to lodge it in the monster's neck. As it fell to the ground with a thud, Guy prepared for the next one, but it was too late. It jumped on him, it's claws cutting in around his legs and his shoulders. His arms still free, Guy reached up and grabbed the monster by it's neck, restraining it. He summoned all of his might, and suddenly as the wolf came down for a bite, there was a snap... The monster dropped down, cold and lifeless now that it's neck had been snapped. Guy stood up and brushed himself off, looking woefully at his now-torn duster, and then picked up his Radiant. A little blood began to seep through his cuts, but it wasn't much. "I'm fine," Guy panted. "Just another fight, that's all." He smiled and looked down.

Meanwhile, Adin was looking around at his new surroundings. He immediately cursed Amara. "Gah! You... You... Gah. That stupid conductor. I swear, the next time I find her..." Stopping himself, he looked down and hit the beacon on his badge, leaning up on Guy's bike to prepare for pickup. However, there was rustling in the bushes. "Grr..." Adin drew his Missouri and prepared to hold out until his rescue arrived.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:47 AM
"Uuuhuh." She pulled out a tube, and a house poofed out of it.
"Come on. Let's get some rest... The sun'll go down in a bit, and I don't want to see what happens out here when it does." She said, opening the door and pulling Guy in, Dante following. She closed the door, and pressed Guy against it.
"So, Guy. I've been wondering something lately." She pulled him into another room, pushing him onto the bed there, and straddling his legs. She pushed him down, her visor off, looking at him mischievously.
"What do you think of me, Guy? Hm? Give me the truth." She said, still on top of him, leaning down, nipping his ear slightly.
"That means dominance, in the animal world, you know." She said, laughing slightly, suddenly nose to nose with him.
"Well Guy? You're taking awfully long to answer." She said, winking, waiting for a few more seconds, before pulling out the roll of bandage and disinfectant from before. Applying some to a length of the bandage, she turned around, wrapping his wound and tying it off, before ripping the bandage once again. Then she turned right back around, looking him in the eyes.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:58 AM
Guy, not sure what to make of the situation (he knew things were going to get "ugly", that much was for sure), choked up a bit. "Eh... Well..." He looked down at his now-bandaged wound. Somehow, those deep cuts didn't hurt quite as much as he thought they would. He looked up at Ghoul, feeling some kind of sudden confidence rising within him. "I think you're amazing, Len." He got up and for once, kissed Ghoul instead of the other way around, and took the tape and disinfectant from her hands. "Let me help. You must have a cut somewhere on that body of yours, right?" Guy smiled as he noticed a bit of blood running down the back of Ghoul's leg.

OOC: We should probably finish this segment ASAP... So as not to leave people "wondering" later... x3

Nov 7, 2010, 03:05 AM
She paused when he kissed her, and took the bandages from her.
"If you were going to bandage up all my wounds, we'd be here for a while..." She said, taking off her impact suit, and pulling him up into a sitting position by his shirt collar and kissing him.
"It's on my back, so I can't quite get to it. Help a girl out?" She asked, turning around, on all fours now. She wagged a bit, just to tease him, and looked back over her shoulder.
"Come oooon already, bandage me up, doc!" She teased playfully, sitting down on his lap, and smirking slightly. Her wound was obviously a few days old, and had kept reopening.. Her back was splashed with long scars, some criss crossing each other, some not. But three stood out the most- they were light blue, and had obviously been made by a set of photon claws. She wiggled on his lap.
"Hurrry uuuuuuup!" She complained, looking at him over her shoulder.

((OoC: Editted the word shirt to impact suit, because Seth was all, "UUUUNGH SHE GOT NO SHIRT, GUUURL." :P <3 ya Seth. xD))

Nov 7, 2010, 03:14 AM
Guy rolled his eyes and smiled as he liberally applied disinfectant to her wound. As he looked at the immense number of other scars, he cocked an eyebrow. He wanted to ask where she got them all from, but not wanting to ruin the moment, he just wrapped the bandage all the way around tightly and pulled, being careful not to hurt Ghoul in the process. He then laughed and wrapped his arms around her. "Is that the last wound that needs patching up?"

Nov 7, 2010, 03:33 AM
She shrugged.
"I'unno. Hadn't noticed I'd ripped that'n open." She said, turning around on him, pushing him down, and laying on him. Anymore, she didn't feel much pain. Or rather, she got better at blocking it out, to the point where it was basically automatic. She sighed openly, he head on his chest.
"You know, Guy, sometimes this world's a cruel one. 'N up until you came around again, I'd done almost been swallowed by it. Now, I'unno. Like 'n I said, I'un get how you make me feel. I ain't ever felt like this. I'us 'bout ready'a kill that bastard Assmarsh or wha'ver." The bad ass with a soft side just laid there, her eyes closed, laying on the only thing she had left of her past. The only thing that made her feel remorse for the things she'd done. Her eyes, closed as they were, saw things that no open eyes could see. She sighed again, and stifled a yawn.
"Guy? Don't leave me... I know I done gone and did that to you ten years ago.. Bu' please don' leave me alone. You come along 'n you put some sanity back in me. I know I'd go 'n lose it if'n you left... I'm so sorry, Guy, fer leavin' you back then..." She clenched his shirt in her hands, almost dosing off, but still warding off sleep.

Nov 7, 2010, 03:45 AM
OOC: Ninja'd myself back on the computer for an extra five. Got enough time to close this timelapse. x3

Guy felt some remorse for Ghoul. He knew he couldn't really sympathize with her... He really didn't know the truth behind her last ten years abroad, but all he needed to know was that he was just glad to finally have his best friend back, and had a warm feeling in his heart knowing time had somehow made them a little bit more than just friends. "You don't have to say that you're sorry," Guy whispered softly. "I forgave you a long time ago... And I promise, I'll never leave you. Just call out my name, and wherever I am, I'll come running." Guy closed his eyes as sleep's seductive forces took over.

OOC: I win bonus points for extra sappiness. x3

Adin was sitting on the bike for the rest of the night. Tired and a little bit hurt, he'd fended off a group of wild animals before being able to get a bit of respite. Seeing the sun start to come up, and realizing that help certainly wasn't coming, he just checked his compass and the revved up the bike. "Well, damn. Guess I'm driving home..." Adin started off and headed for the Guild City.

Nov 7, 2010, 05:18 AM
WOW thzs all i can say for now .... wow ure freaking somking the tht s***.
U guys are freaking amazing I spend my morning reading trough the whol strory and evry last one of u guys freaking rock cant wait for u to keep writing ...
Hey Seth comon dude u have got to catch up on these guys !
One question whts up with the arm in the desert wanting to play cards ?

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 09:56 AM
OOC: Ghoul, Doc, looks like you have yourselves a fan. Now screw it, I am finally catching up. Sorry readers, this story is about to get a whole lot worse

As the FOmar saw the transport, he got an evil idea. Pulling up behind it, he charged a fireball in his hand, and launched the rafoie at the rear car (assuming it's like a train, which would make sense) and jumped his bike into it.
A few minutes later, there were many mangled bodies laying in the sand behind the transport. The FOmar was now at the controls. Turning it to max speed and flipping the auto-pilot, he went back to search through the supplies.
As the FOmar returned to the controls, having found some photon cartridges, rations, and medical supplies, took the transport off of auto-pilot and looked out the front windshield."What?! A house!" he yelled, seeing Guy and Ghoul's residence.He swerved around it, narrowly missing it. However, the train was now barring towards the tower. "Bloody hell...." he murmured. He then ran out, working his way towards the back of the train. (Please bring up YouTube and play Indiana Jones's theme here.) The man pulled out his scythe and used it to pull himself over a large stack of crates. He then blasted another stack away with a blast of rafoie. The train then started to crash. As it hit, it started compacting. The train was crushing behind the man, who started to move even faster. As crates fell, he blasted them with rafoie and slashed them apart with his scythe. As he reached the last car, the train was crashing right behind him. He jumped on the vehicle, and sped out. As soon as he was clear, the train finished crashing.
"Well, that was fun," the British FOmar remarked. Riding over to the house, he figured that they would have been woken up by the crash. He came to a stop just outside, hopped off, and knocked.

OOC: Whoever answers the door, you should recognize him. Not as a friend, but as him being a killer and the target of many massive manhunts. All failed, of course.

Nov 7, 2010, 10:38 AM
Finaly i thougt u will never catch up ! yeah now I am hoping for a good battel ...

Nov 7, 2010, 11:10 AM
OOC: I Dont Know Whats That About Honestly.

RAcast: But First Let Me Ask Ya This. Is Your Name By Any Chance Alisa? *Puts A Talis Card Away*This Could Be Her For All I Know...

Nov 7, 2010, 12:31 PM
Guy, who heard all of the commotion, got up and took a look out of the force-field walls. Seeing the flaming wreck by the tower, he immediately knew something was up. He pulled out his radiant and peeked out through the door, only seeing a silhouette there. He then turned to Ghoul. "Er, Len... We've got company, and I don't think our visitor is quite as friendly as our last." He said this somewhat sarcastically, knowing Adin's behavior, but was honestly worried that the person outside the door wasn't just dropping in for a quick visit. Nevertheless, he cracked open the door, looking out at the man. Something immediately clicked in Guy's head. "Wait... I think I've seen this guy on a... Wante- Oh, shoot. He's one of our most wanted..." Guy eyed the man suspiciously. "Yeah? What do you want?"

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 12:40 PM
"Hello, I'm The Doctor Seth," the British FOmar said, cheerily."My train... Crashed... And, well, middle of nowhere, not exactly a hotel anywhere. So, well, I saw a house, and figured you might be nice enough to give me a roof over my head for the night. So, what do you say, mate?"

OOC: I love slipping in Doctor Who reference.

Nov 7, 2010, 12:44 PM
Guy heard this and immediately knew this was a bad idea... However, he wasn't one to turn down another in need, even if this someone was deemed a murderous madman. "Well... I suppose..." Guy, a little desperate, turned to Ghoul for help.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:49 PM
OOC: The arm is actually...nah, spoiling it would be folly ;3
You'll see...You'll see...

The arm paused and started writing...

"Ah, no, sorry. My name is Frieda. Frieda Lockheart. But, I think I may know someone named Alisa; I remember having served someone of that name in the 5,56 years following the completion of my manufacturing process. As far as I know, she was a very good master."

Nov 7, 2010, 02:54 PM
((OoC: Well well well, it would seem we have a fan.))
She looked the man up and down, putting her impact suit back on, standing.
"Well..." She considered for a few moments.
"You DID wake us up. And honestly, I COULD just give you a temporary house tube or two, since we'll probably be heading out soon ANYWAY. Unless you'd like to come along with us on our travels? I'm sure me 'n my Pardner here could jerry rig you up a bike to travel along with'n us. Since we don't know what the place we're going to is gonna be like, challenge wise 'n all, I mean." She said, trying to think of a way that would stop him from killing the two of them if he felt like it.
"However, y'ar a murderer... AND you're on the most wanted list. Hell, I could turn you in right now and get enough money to live happily for the rest 'o my life. So, how about this...." She smirked.
"I hear these towers 'n all got a lot 'o goodies in 'em... And they gotta be conquered in this certain order, y'see. I know the order, and I know how to get into 'em. So, you kill us, you ain't gettin' in. I'unno if you care about money or not, though... Anyway, you kill us, you don' get in... And I promise I ain't 'bout to turn you in, 'cuz I gotta respect a man who can do what you can do." She said, grinning that wild grin, waiting for his reply.

Nov 7, 2010, 02:57 PM
As Guy heard this, he covered his face with his hand. "Augh... I can't deal with outlaws, Len, you know tha-" He then looked at Ghoul, and then thought about Adin, and the towers, and... Well, everything else, really. He then took his Hunter's badge and slipped it into his pocket. "On second thought, I think I'm taking a week-long vacation," he said with a smile on his face, turning away from the door and yet keeping wary of their new "friend".

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 03:12 PM
"Don't really care about the money, nor the tower, honestly. Just out here on some rescue mission. No good assassinations or bounties to go after. I hate slow days. But, it seems like these towers could be some good fun," he grinned. "I already have a bike, belongs to some guy I killed earlier. Oh, that reminds me," he started, throwing a wallet with some money in it to Ghoul.

Nov 7, 2010, 05:22 PM
She caught the wallet in one hand, and looked at him with a question in her eyes.
"So, what's the wallet for?" She asked, her hand still resting next to Scarlet Rain.
"Oh, 'n I'm assuming that we're all pardners, now, eh?" Ghoul looked at Guy, knowing this would end in adventure. She knew that it started here.
"We'll help you look for your client if you help us get through the towers." She said, a grin on her face, like that of a wolf who'd just caught its prey...

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 05:29 PM
"So... You'll help me, if I join you on something I would probably do anyway? Sounds great," Seth replied."Oh, and the money, payment. Back in town, you killed someone. I was also hired to kill him. Client refused to pay because of that. So, I had to kill him. Took all he had on him. That's your share. Fun times," he explained, no malice in his voice.

Nov 7, 2010, 05:32 PM
Guy gave a nod, "Yeah, for the time being. But if he's still around after a week, he'll have to watch his back." Guy said this with a bit of a carefree laugh. He figured there was no harm in harboring an outlaw, right? Honestly, it felt kind of good to be a bad guy for a change. He holstered his Radiant and then sat on the bed, somewhat woefully looking at the tears in his duster.

Nov 7, 2010, 05:49 PM
Ghoul shook the wallet in Guy's face.
"Uh, hello Guy, we've got money to fix your duster. We had money BEFORE." She said, shaking her head at how silly he was sometime.
"But yeah, if you're around after a week, you'll either have to watch your back, or we'll have to take out a hunter CO. I'd prefer the latter, but.. I wouldn't want to start a war for no good reason."Ghoul stated this, a slight smile on her face.
"But like I said yesterday, Guy... I know where Tower number One is." He smile turned into that usual wild grin she always seemed to get.

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 05:56 PM
"A war, huh? Wouldn't mind. More jobs for me, at any rate... Mind if I come in?"

Nov 7, 2010, 07:56 PM
OOC: Uh... Hai?

*A Beep Of Error* Not Her Mistress. Defently Not Her. And 5,56 Years Eh? Im An Old Timer Compared To You Even Though I'm Like New. *Shakes The Arm's Hand* Nice To Meet You Frida. She Didnt Even Know She Was A Humanoid Even Though She Looked Exactly Like A Human... Life Funny Eh?

Nov 7, 2010, 08:23 PM
The arm shook the Cast's hand with a firm, yet gentle grip. It then started writing again...

"The pleasure is all mine, sir...? I guess I didn't quite catch your name. Oh well...Sorry I couldn't provide information in your search for that woman."

It paused, and then started writing more...

"But, you should remember not to attempt an estimation of a lady's age, wheter she is organic or not. I may have lived a while longer than those 5,56 years, hahaha. Well, at any rate, shall we continue our game? Being buried in the sand is quite boring as it is..."

After finishing this other paragraph, the arm took a card from the deck, in case the Cast wanted to receive another one.

Nov 7, 2010, 08:49 PM
*Throws Away The Cards* No Madam. I'm Good. Besides The Sand Does Wonders To The Skin. Hell It Seems Like Your Enjoying The Sand. *Shakes The Arms Hand Again* The Names RAcast. Ever Heard Of One?

Nov 7, 2010, 08:59 PM
Guy smiled back, although this unnerved him a bit. "Even if we leave now, it'll still take us a few days to get there," he said intently. "Should definitely be less than a week, though." He then turned to the man. "I suppose I have no objections, as long as she doesn't." Guy turned back around and took off his duster, setting it aside and sighing as he relaxed on the bed.

Nov 7, 2010, 11:03 PM
"Yeah, I suppose he can come in." She said, shrugging. "But we'll still be leaving in a little while. Probably an hour and a half or so. Unless you'd like for us to wait for you to sleep and the like?" She asked, shrugging. She was indifferent to what happened at this point.
"I should make some food... 'S gon' be pre'y simple, but eh." Heading into the kitchen, Ghoul browsed the shelves, grabbing a few boxes, and ripping them open. She tossed them into the trash can, tossing the ingredients into a pan, beginning to cook.

Seth Astra
Nov 7, 2010, 11:08 PM
"Nah, I am an assassin, I am used to missing sleep for days on end," Seth replied, stepping inside."Nice place, but do you realize there's a helion in your house, right?"

Nov 7, 2010, 11:31 PM
The arm layed on the sand and tapped it with its fingers in an irritated motion. It then started writing again...

"RAcast? Isn't that one of the older, high performance models that were outrageously proeficient with guns? Anyways...Well, if I can't aleviate my boredom with a fair game of cards, I might as well work to pull myself out of here. Now excuse me while I do so. Oh, and I'd advise you to take a few steps back; getting sand in your armor joints is rather unpleasant."

After writing these words, the arm did what seemed to be stretching exercises. Then, it assumed a straight position, the fingers pointed to wards the sky. It then clenched it's fist in a rapid motion, which caused a long, vicious looking blade to suddenly extend from the side of the forearm! After this, the arm bent at a rather tight angle and started digging up the sand around it, using fast and steady strokes...

Nov 7, 2010, 11:53 PM
Under the cloak of the EarthTrains systems, Amara watched the chaos unfold. The large train like vehical barreling headlong into the side of the tower, exploding as a man burst out from the back of it. This was odd in its own right, and left Amara with little words to think about. Her EarthTrain suffered little effect from the crash, being a safe distance, but she was none the less aware of the possiblity of a new threat.

She stayed quiet and watched the conversation as the man interacted with Ghoul and her friend.


OOC: And sorry, though... i missed my cue to see ghouls Employment emblem.

Nov 7, 2010, 11:55 PM
I Heard A Crash. Ah Fk It. Im Good. Finealy! *Claps His Hands Once* Someone Knows Who I Am! *Steps Away And Slouches On A Nearby Rock* So Hows The Sand Down There? *Pulls Out A Cigar, Lights It Then Smokes It* Yup. Thats My S*** Right Here.

Nov 8, 2010, 12:05 AM
"That's Dante." She tossed out from the kitchen, the beast watching the man curiously, but with even more suspicion. As the girl stirred the contents in the pan, the smell of the food once again drifting through a temporary house. Shaking her head while focusing on her task, she was enveloped in her thoughts. She knew where the first one was, and she had a suspicion of how to use it, but she couldn't be sure. If she was wrong, they had a while to figure it out.
Kind of.

Nov 8, 2010, 12:37 AM
Guy also thought of this as he lay down on the bed, blowing a bit of hair from his eyes. He tossed around the thought of how his friends back home would react to seeing Lennette Anderson for the first time in ten years... Of course, assuming she was even Len to them anymore. He sighed and rolled over a bit. He then got up, taking a peek into the kitchen and admiring Ghoul quietly. And yet, he shook his head, taking out his book to read a few more pages. "This is turning out to be quite the story," he said to himself, half jokingly. "I can't wait to see how it ends... I hope it's a happy ending."

Nov 8, 2010, 12:40 AM
OOC: Nice one there Doc.

Nov 8, 2010, 02:03 AM
Well no battel but I a cool ending for now . Hope u guys keep writing soon !

Seth Astra
Nov 8, 2010, 09:42 AM
Seth sat down against a wall, wary of Dante."I can tell you are nervous with me around," he said jokingly, "Don't worry, I am an assassin, not a serial killer. I only kill someone if it is worth it to me. So far, I see no reason to put you two... three down. Now, what's cooking? Haven't smelled something this good in ages. Not since my.... Not since I last went out to eat. I am a lousy cook."

OOC: I begin to hint at his backstory.

Nov 8, 2010, 07:14 PM
OOC: *Cough* I Shoulda Done Wut He Did Up There... *Cough* Keep In Mind Everything Thats Written In Italics Is What Is Spoken In The Mind. I Dont Know If Anyone Can Read Minds Here...

I Sware It'll Come Down To This. I'll Probably Never Find Alica... *Sigh*Poor Me...

Nov 8, 2010, 10:05 PM
"Nervous? Naw... Just weary." She said, continuing to cook. She answered his question almost immediately after he asked it.
"Breakfast. In the form of scrambled eggs mixed with meat and a bit of bread and cheese. I don't usually name my foods... Because they're usually simple and consist of two things." She paused, adding a bit of liquid that could possibly be milk, if it weren't so thick.
"They're easy to cook and they're fast to cook." She said, shaking the pan back and forth a bit, flipping the contents in the air, catching them in the pan.
"Stupid houses don't come with many cooking utensils. Don't know why. Oh, right! I'm Ghoul, that's Guy, and you've already noticed Dante." As Ghoul said this, Dante grunted a bit in response before standing up, his shoulder being about even with the stranger's head. He turned and padded into the kitchen.
As Ghoul turned, she sighed.
"Dante, there's really not enough here for a snack for you." He grunted.
"No, Dante, really. There isn't. I'll make you your snack AFTER we eat." He grunted again.
"DANTE! Stop it. Later!" She said, the big helion beginning to whine softly.
"For the sake of... UGh, fine." She reached over and grabbed another pan, firing up a second burner, and quickly tossed some random things in, letting it cook until their food was done.
"Ok. Dante, here." She emptied the second pan onto a plate and set it on the ground. Dante went to move toward it, but Ghoul looked at him with a slight glare. He sat down and let out a poof of air from his nostrils. She walked over to the table, set the pan down, and got some plates out. She served up the dish, walking over to the "barta box" and getting out some drinks- individually bottled drinks. They were a foggy green, and she set them down on the table, on at each spot.
"Come on Guy, breakfast is done! You too, Seth." She said, shrugging off the fact that she'd be having breakfast with a wanted man. She'd had worse.
Much worse.

Nov 8, 2010, 10:20 PM
Guy, hearing this, set his book down and walked into the kitchen. He sat down at the table and quickly, but graciously, took a bite of Ghoul's meal. "This is good," he said, taking a sip of the unknown beverage. "This is good, Len. Thanks." Before taking another bite, however, he looked at the assassin. Somehow, having him around got to him. Maybe it was just that he felt like he was shirking his duty by keeping the man around, but he shook the though from his mind and stared at him with some intrigue. He then turned to Ghoul. "Just on a side note, I wanted to ask... Can you say you're really... Eager to pay a visit to our hometown? If that's the word." Guy put another bite of food in his mouth.

Nov 8, 2010, 11:01 PM
Her face darkened for a second, and she let out a sigh.
"Well.. Not exactly, no." She suddenly seemed like a cast, when she spoke next.
"But there's something I needa do. I gotta find... Well, I'll fin'it. 'N I'll put it to good use." The woman sitting before Guy went back to normal. Or, as normal as she could be, given who she was.
Eating a bit, in silence, she thought over a few things. She doubted anyone would actually recognize her there- she had changed a lot, and she was pretty sure the only reason Guy had recognized her was because they'd spent so much time together. She looked up.
"Guy... When we get to Faeville, don't call me Len, or Lennette or anything like that. Just... Just call me Ghoul while we're there." She said, looking down slightly, chewing some food before continuing.
"I don' want no one recognizin' me. It'd be too much trouble. It'd be all 'Oh my, look how you done gone growed up. Lookit how pretty you become.' 'N I don' wanna get involved in alla'tha bullshit." She said. "Or for anyone to be ashamed." She thought, but it didn't show. She grabbed her bottle, biting the cap between her teeth and wrenching it off. She's always had good teeth.
The kind of teeth that you'd expect would be able to bite through your bones.
Taking a generous swig of the drink, she went back to eating, before adding,
"Oh yeah. 'N if anyone asks, we's a couple, 'N Seth's a fran o' ours we's travellin' with. In any town, I mean." She said, knowing most people wouldn't recognize the wanted man.

Nov 8, 2010, 11:11 PM
Guy understood Ghoul's plight, and gave her a nod, silently agreeing to do as she asked. However, when she added in that the two were to present themselves as a couple, his mind went a little numb. "Ohhhhh-ho, boy. They're really gonna give it to you when you get back home, Guy." He then stuck one more bite into his mouth. A few questions were biting at him about Seth, too, but he decided to save those for another time. No need to darken the mood too much, Guy figured. He took a peek out of the house, noticing the sun coming over the horizon. He felt a bit of confidence rise in him in seeing it. "Reminds me of waking up to work on the farm," he said quietly to himself. It'd been a while since he last got to appreciate a proper sunrise in all it's glory...

Nov 8, 2010, 11:39 PM
She watched the sun as it rose as well, a slight grin on her face- but for a different reason.
"Hey, Guy... These houses are comfy and all, but when we get to the next town that hasn't seen us through it, let's get us a room in an inn." She said quietly, her finger drawing patterns on his leg under the table. She smiled at him, almost shyly- but not quite.
"So... D'you 'member tha' time when that kid, Yasya, were makin' fun o' you, so I hauled off 'N popped 'im one in the jaw?" She asked, smiling a bit more. She remembered it well. He'd just stared at her from the ground before getting up and running away crying. That kid left them alone after that. In fact, he left a lot of kids alone.
"Wha'e're happened to 'im?" She asked, taking another drink.

Nov 8, 2010, 11:53 PM
Guy's face turned a bright crimson (he was getting quite used to it and simply let it flow), and he smiled as he thought back on it. "Oh, Yasya? He actually became kind of a nice guy after that. We talked some. I offered him a job at the Guild, but he turned it down, saying he was kind of "bound to the farm" or something like that..." Guy took another sip of his drink. He then remembered something else, something that was one of the proudest moments of his life, and yet he didn't like to bring it up. However, for the old-time's sake, he went ahead and began talking, forgetting his usual mindset. "I remember that one time you wanted to go out and train, but your dad was too tired... I remember I saw you sneaking out at dawn, and decided I wanted to tag along, so I brought my pop's rifle with me." He stopped for a moment. "And that's when that nasty wolf dropped in on you and attacked you. You had that wooden sword of yours, but it just snapped it in two... He bit you on the leg, and when I saw this, I kinda snapped... I shot at it, and just wounded it. Then it came up and decided it wanted a piece of me too. I got a few scars from him, but I eventually put a hole in-between it's eyes" His eyes flickered a bit. "I remember I tried to help you up, but you said you didn't need any help. But you went ahead and let me walk you home anyways..." He sighed. "So many memories. Some better than others, I suppose."

Nov 9, 2010, 12:13 AM
"Heh... Those were the days. Sometimes I wonder why I wanted to grow up. I had it so easy. I remember after tha' inciden', Ol' Paw ga'me an ol' sabre. Said if I were gon' be sneakin' off like that, I'd a' least need me a decent sword." Her eyes seemed to deepen, slightly sad at the mention of her father, but she covered any chance for Guy to console her about it as she continued.
"I still got that sabre, y'know. It's naw really ba'le worthy against 'nother sword or nothin', bu' it still works 'N all." She smiled. "Hey, 'member tha' one time, we was about fourteen, and we went out inna the area ou'side the town, 'N we foun' them pistols, so we took 'em back inna town, 'N kept 'em secret? 'N we'd take 'em out and shoot 'em at cans 'N wha'e're we could get our dir'y li'l hands on?" She laughed a bit, before going on. "But then my Pa wen' 'N foun' us shootin', 'cuz we stayed out too late, 'N we thought we'd done gotten inna trouble, but all he did was give us pointers and helped us ta shoot be'r? But we made him promise not ta tell yer folks, 'cuz we knew they wouldn' approve, so he just say to us, 'Well, I'll hol' onna yer pistols fer ya kids, 'N if'n yer want'n to shoot 'em, you just come'n lemme know. Long as I know what yer doin', I ain't got no problem with it. 'Bout time you youngsters learned to shoot straight.' 'N we were so surprised..." She chuckled at her poor imitation of her father- he'd been a very straight and proper man, his speech not like the rest of the town's. But everyone had loved Jodeq, even though it was painfully obvious that he wasn't from around their home.

Seth Astra
Nov 9, 2010, 12:15 AM
Seth overheard their conversation, as he walked over to sit down, and his cheerful expression faded. He then started nibbling at his food.

Nov 9, 2010, 12:59 PM
Ohh i just read through the story and I feel realy sry for Ghoul because her fahter is gone ...
Dam I am so into this story !!! U guys rule !!!
I know this would be a major spoiler ,but ehm is her fahter dead like at the moment ?

Nov 9, 2010, 05:28 PM
Guy laughed a little, but then he sighed. Seeing Seth sit down at the table, he looked him in the eyes. "So, what about you, then? I'm sure you must have some kind of story to tell." Guy downed the last of his beverage. "Your eyes tell me there's volumes more to you than the government would have us believe."

Seth Astra
Nov 9, 2010, 05:46 PM
"Eh, born to a wealthy family far from here, but I wanted to be an assassin. Ran away, worked as a bounty hunter and mercenary as well. Been doing that for the past 15 years or so.... Found a place that did have a good assassination market, and setteled down for a time. Killed a bunch of people. Assassins, hunters, mercs, and pretty much every other demographic... Got a leg injury, and I prefer walking, so I haven't been able to leave up until recently. I am really just a simple guy who loves killing," Seth replied.l, slightly despondent."Well, it's the partial truth," he thought to himself.

Nov 9, 2010, 06:15 PM
Guy was silent for a moment, and a bit wary of Seth. "You must do a good job of it," he said, as unsuspectingly as he could. "Not to sound ungrateful of your... Well, talents, but I feel like your time might have been better spent with the Hunter's Guild. Granted the recent management has been... Well, somewhat lacking in talent." A mild grin spread upon his face, although in his head he was currently imagining a certain marshal's head on a platter for the Champion.

Meanwhile, Adin had been driving for about an hour when Guy's bike started to chug to a stop. He let out a groan, and the bike chugged once more, then froze in place completely. He pulled out his Hunter's badge, and then checked it again to see if there was any kind of Hunter activity nearby. "No dice", he thought to himself as he saw the radar was clear. He hit the beacon again just to be safe, and climbed off of the motorbike. Leaning up against it, Adin let out a sigh, and looked north to where the Capitol would be. "Bah, this is bullshit. Should've just gone with 'em... Guy'd better make some progress. I knew Jodeq. He knew about all of this... He knew the truth. But he got in too deep. I'm willing to bet he passed on his knowledge to Miss Merc. Between Guy's dutiful ways and her knowledge and skill, I have no doubt that they'll come across something. And when they do..." Adin stopped, and then let out a sigh, tapping his foot on the ground.

Seth Astra
Nov 9, 2010, 06:35 PM
"Not enough killing," he said, bluntly.

Nov 10, 2010, 01:35 AM
OOC: Cool. Glad you like the RP Daak. If you want, feel free to join in. :D

On a side note: ... LOL. Now i feel left out. Amara's job and skill would have her kill you three fast, or atempt to. But i don't want to do that. I have my idea for what she could do once with the group, but not how to get in.


Amara woke to the faint smell of food, wafting from the temp house. Even in her sleepy morning state, that still smelled delisious. It seemed that at some point during the night, she had drifted to sleep in the back of her Train, taking her bag and useing it as a pillow. The smell of food whafted past her noes again. Come to think of it, she hadn't eaten anything all day yesterday, having beem so cought up in her Hunt for Ghoul. So she urged herself awake, rubed the sleepies out of her eyes, and sat up. The temp house was still in the near distance, a slight steam drifting out from a vent on the roof. The steam visible in the morning sun.

Amara turned around, still sitting, and opend her bag. She looked, then reached in, pullling out a Koltova sandwich. it wasn't much in comparisant to the aroma of cooked food in hte air, but it was still her favorite kind of sandwich. She unwraped it from its plastic, and started on her breakfast, turning back around to keep an eye on the temp house.

(The train is still under a cloak.)

Nov 10, 2010, 02:00 AM
OOC: Well...I pretty much have to post something to show I'm still there...Heh.

As Frieda's arm kept digging with its blade, it seems that something else was emerging from under the sand. It most liekely was her shoulder and part of her torso, which was covered in dark metal plating that shined brightly as the sun's harsh rays reflected on it. Frieda kept relentlessly hacking away at the sand with her blade, steadily removing more and more of it away from her body and slowly digging herself out...

Nov 10, 2010, 09:16 AM
OOC: Its Cool BLB. I Can Wait. =3

*Lays Down With His Hands Behind His Head And Resting,Cigar Still Lit In His Mouth* Frieda...Its Got A Oddly Familar Ring To Me. But I Sware I Never Meet A Caseal With Blades For Arms. Ive Seen One With Arms That Pop Out Chain Saws. Peferably White. And I Have A Popisition. How Did Ya Get Stuck Down There In The First Place Frieda?

Nov 11, 2010, 12:36 AM
"Yeah, I'n respect tha'. Sometimes there're just people who... I'unno. Who y'needa kill. Almost like y'needa kill someone'a stay sane, I guess." Ghoul said, shrugging.
"I'unno. It's harda explain 'N all, but I think ya get what I mean." She looked out the window, the sun having risen even higher. Finishing her drink, she changed the subject.
"We needa get travellin', if'n we wanna have a day to rest a'for we can take onna tower." The mercenary finished her food, and put her plate and silverware in the sink, washing them, drying them, and storing them.
"I'm ready when y'all are." She strode over to Dante, petting his neck.

Seth Astra
Nov 11, 2010, 12:48 AM
Seth grinned, rushed out the door, and reved up his vehicle.

Nov 11, 2010, 04:26 PM
lol I gues this is where the real story starts ... Hope u keep writing soon !

Nov 11, 2010, 05:07 PM
Guy gave a nod of acceptance to Ghoul, going back to the bedroom and slipping on his duster. Making sure that everything was ready to go, and taking a sip of water from his canteen, he walked over to Dante and Ghoul. "Alright, I'm ready. If I recall correctly, Kerrigan's Stead is about a few hours from here. If we're headin' for home, that should be our first stop."

Nov 11, 2010, 07:13 PM
OOC: Well, time for my character to get a slight upgrade from comic relief! RAWR! ;3

After a few more strikes of her blade, Frieda managed to free her whole upper body from the sand. Soon after, she finally extracted herself completely from the hot deathtrap the sand was...

She got rid of the grains of sand that remained in her hair by swaying it in a quick, yet graceful motion...



Frieda:"Heh, the way you described me swaying my hair. I like it, even though it's a tad exaggerated."

Narrator:"I assure you, it is not. Here, let me describe you to the readers, then they'll see how not exagerrated my sentence was."

Frieda:"Well, do tell..."

Narrator:"Very well...

Upon closer inspection, one could notice that Frieda's appearance was...Very uncast-like, yet still maintaining a lot of the traditional designs Casts like to use. Her long legs were covered in dark, shiny metal plating which, by hugging her body's form, hinted at the beautiful curves they had. The same metal plating could be seen covering most of her torso, under which one could notice a soft, silky fabric covering her body from the shoulders to the top part of her tighs, in a manner pretty similar to that of a body suit.

Yet, one could also notice that dark cloth sported a plethora of asymetric details which would surely make any Cast have a fit (or worse...); notably a long and daring slit in the cloth, going from the bottom part of her neck to the top her abdomen. On both sides of that daring slit, the cloth's ends were fashioned into small, triangular shapes which, despite being disposed in an asymetric manner unconventional for a proper Cast shell, were still equal in number on both sides.

Her arms and hands were undistinguishable from those of a normal human woman; they were so soft, one could easily think they were made of flesh, if not for the long and vicious metallic blades that extend from the sides of her forearms, right below her wrists. The blades' edges weren't continuous -most likely to add up to the wound inflicted to the victim- and were covered with a layer of photons.

Her head could also be easily mistaken for that of a human, if it were not for the horn-like ears it had, which seem to be oddly popular amongst cast women. Yet, that was one of the only traits she shared with them; her long, dark hair, her deep, mischievous blood-red eyes and her dark lips were certainly features that were uncommon in most of the currently produced Caseal shells.

Simply put, her appearance was a paradox; her shell's metal plating was disposed with the symetry and order that made the Casts so proud of their flawless logic, while her dark body suit's details opposed that order and symetry with a daring (and revealing) slit and chaotic details. Not to mention her facial expression hinted at a bit of malice that one would be hard pressed to find in the faces of other Casts. Trully a strange, yet enticing sight."

Frieda:"...Well...I never looked at myself like that, to be honest. So...That's how I look to others? Pardon me sir, but I still think you are pushing the truth a bit."

Narrator:"Well, it doesn't matter anyways, since I'll return to the story and make you forget all of this ever happened."



...She then turned to the Cast and spoke in a soft voice.

"Well...If you really want to know, I got stuck here thanks to a sandstorm while travelling towards that place."

As she lift her arm to point at the ominous tower not too far from their location, the blade quickly folded and fit itself in her forearm.

"I had gotten strange energy signatures from that place for a long time now, and finally decided to investigate it. Anyways, I better get going. Take care of yourself, and do give my regards to that Alisa lady if you find her."

Frieda bowed to salute the Cast. She then turned around and started walking towards the tower. After a few steps, she vanished, instantly reappearing a great distance away in the tower's direction. She repeated that process multiple times to reach her destination faster...

OOC: Yes, as you can see, Frieda is a special Caseal; not only does she look peculiar, but she can also warp anywhere in a 20 meter radius at will. Perfect for assassinating bigshots and escaping the scene if cleaning it up took a bit too long...

Seth Astra
Nov 11, 2010, 07:19 PM
OOC: Lot of assassins here...

Nov 11, 2010, 07:51 PM
RAcast: *Throws Aways The Cigar* There I Go Again. *Stands Up* Why Cant I At Least Do Something Usefull? *Twirls A 2000H And Shouts* HEY! Uh.. Never Mind... The Last Time That Happened I Got Outta A Job. *Follows* Eh Im A Man Of Great Skill And Besides... WHAT THE HELL AM I Supposed To Do Huh? Exactly. Im Doing The Right Thing.

Nov 12, 2010, 01:28 AM
OOC: @BLB: can we say its a creative use of Ryuker. I think "warping" would be a bit out of our realm here.


Amara almost chocked on her sandwich. She hadent reconized the man last night, due to it being a bit dark, but now. The FOmar that came bursting out of the house, and reving his vehical. That was a friend of hers, from long ago. Seth, if she remembered his first name at all.

She watched, Ghoul following out the door next with Dante. This might mean that they were leaving. She couldn't really follow them if they left now, her Train made too much noise. She would have to take them out in the next few minu... !!!

As ghoul turned to yell back into the temp house, Amara finally got a good look at her. On her back, though a bit tattered and dusty, she could make out a Merc's symbole. Amara hastily grabed her massenger bag, and tore out the notise that the Boss gave her. It had a picture of a woman Ghoul's age but now with that good look, the hair was a different color, and the picture had a scar across her face.

Boss had tought her that killing people that weren't under a target, wasn't such a good idea. Though, those who threaten you, would be asking for it. So in short, she almost killed the wrong person. She continued to glance between the image and Ghoul, before desiding that it was indeed the wrong person.

The sun was a bit higher now, casting deeping shadows about the dunes. The temp house had been taken down now and Ghoul's friend, the young man was outside now, talking to Ghoul. Amara figured that if this was not her target, then she should move on to try and find the real Target. But what of her old friend, Seth. After years of not seeing him after he left Bosses training, she didn't want to just pass him by without even a word. Amara gave a slight smile, that acompanied an idea, as she took out a small device and opened a Comm channel to her Boss...

Nov 12, 2010, 10:44 AM
OOC: Well, since this RP's universe is more similar to PSZ/PSO...I doubt robots can use techs. BUT! If you've played the "Soul of Steel" quest in PSO, you'd remember that that lovely RAcaseal named Ult managed to warp around by fusing with Ragol's adnormal photons, so it's not THAT far-fetched, methinks.

Seth Astra
Nov 12, 2010, 01:32 PM
OOC: Cool, I know Amara.... I didn't know I knew her. Ah well, I can roll with this, don't worry, Neona.

Nov 12, 2010, 01:42 PM
Hmm tht charackter is prety interesting the question is on witch side she is on ... and I also heard of warping Casts altough I dident belief it until now ... gues I own my friend an appolegy ...
How comes non of u guys have mags ? I mean if this is realated to PSZ/PSO than u should have mags ... just asking .

Seth Astra
Nov 12, 2010, 05:56 PM
OOC: BLB, any particular caseal parts in PSP2 I could equate your char's outfit to? I am having a hard time picturing it.

OOC: @Daak: Probably because mags wouldn't contribute much of anything to the story.

Nov 12, 2010, 06:25 PM
Wow it´s moving slow these days ...

Nov 12, 2010, 09:12 PM
Ghoul was on Dante, waiting for Guy to get on behind her.
"Maybe we can rig up something up or buy something for you to ride at Kerrigan's Stead, if you don't like riding with me." Her voice almost seemed to hint that this might be a test, even if she hadn't meant anything by it.
She helped hoist him up, and grinned, awaiting his response.

Nov 12, 2010, 10:46 PM
Guy got on and steadied himself, grinning back. "Nah," he said happily, "I'd much rather just ride with you." He said this with a certain suggestiveness in his voice. He then whispered to himself, "I wouldn't dare ride a bike other than my own, anyways." He wrapped his arms around Ghoul, giving a nod to show that he was ready. "Wait... Isn't Kerrigan's Stead occupied by Hunters?..." Guy thought this to himself, but the shook his head. "It's probably not a big deal."

Nov 13, 2010, 12:47 AM
OOC: I will move when you do. :D

Seth Astra
Nov 13, 2010, 01:20 PM
OOC: I've got nothing. Ghoul, take us... Wherever we are going.

Nov 13, 2010, 01:37 PM
OoC/Daak: Well, we've all been a bit busy lately, so not a ton of time to post. And that's aside from the fact that half of us aren't really on at the same time.
OoC/Seth: I will, don't worry.

"Well, le's go, then! Ker'gan's Stead, 'ere we come!" She said, spurring Dante, who bolted forward, evening into a pace that could be used for lengths and distances most Helions couldn't use. It wasn't fast compared to his sprinting, but it was a hell of a lot faster than a horse. It was a steady, even charge, that was more of a bounding than a pacing. Still, Dante was as graceful as ever, which was strange for a beast, especially of his size.
"I'll tell you... It was 'ARD to train Dante'a le' anyone ride 'im. See, when I foun 'im, he were a wilder. Y'know, like thems horses they gets tha' just won' be broken? Well, anyhow, I'd take him out onna track to train 'im, and.. Tha' bastard, well! Thinka ridin' a four wheeler which'n only 'ad one wheel onna ground a'all times. 'S what it was like being on 'is one's back. He'd buck and kick, 'N even tried'a roll me over a few ." She paused to look at the horizon.
"Figure we'll be in Kerrigan's Stead in about... An hour, hour and a half a' most. Anyway, wha' finally go' 'im to se'l down fer me was abou' five months la'er. Yeh, five. What happ'n were that I walk inna the stable, 'n the coach been whippin' 'im up, ya see. Well, Dante ain't done noth'n wrong, in my mind. So, I walks up to the coach, 'N I decks him. Right then 'N there. Cleaned Dante all up 'N all, 'N I put salve on them wounds. 'Specially the one on his face 'N all. Tha's not how he got tha' scar of nuthin' though. Tell ya that one another time. Anyway, I think Dante realized I weren't so bad as he thought I was, 'N I laid off ridin' him, and just kinda gained his trust. 'N eventually, he lemme ride 'im... But he's still a wilder- he just trusts people tha' I trust. If'n I don' like sum'un, he won' let 'em NEAR 'im. He go stark crazy." She smiled, the blot on the horizon considerably bigger as they neared Kerrigan's Stead.
Dust billowed across the desert town of Kerrigan's Stead, a man garbed in a black outfit, on a black horse stood at the stables. He had on a long duster that buttoned down to his stomach, and he wore a single holster with a black gun in it, and saber handle underneath it. His hair was curly, but only to the point of being wavy, and went past his shoulders. He had a black goatee, which was just a straight line about two fingers wide, under his lip. His hair was, as well, black. He wore no hat, but he did wear black leather gloves which were tight fitting. His ice blue eyes scanned the horizon, his golden brown skin absorbing the heat wave. He carried a black case over his back, and a wolfish grin on his face as he walked into Kerrigan Stead's only inn- The Oasis.

Nov 13, 2010, 02:19 PM
Yah I got the time part when ever I am awake u guys aint mostly and than when I go to bed u guys start writing altough I like reading ure story while I make myself breakfirst in the morning ...
I only go to school so I aint that busy , so u can imagine how boring it is for me to sit in front of the laptop and wait for u guys to post ...
Well I think I learned wht patience means hahahah .

Nov 13, 2010, 06:41 PM
Guy smiled at Ghoul's story, looking down and giving Dante a pat on his back. "Such a loyal guy. Reminds me of somebody I left back home..." As Guy said this, he steadied himself, Kerrigan's Stead now closer than ever.

A few children were running about the surprisingly peaceful town. A pair of women kept an eye on them, talking to each other on the front porch of a pretty little house. Men moved various items about the town, kicking up dust as they went. Another walked up to the front of the general store, unlocking the doors and pushing them aside. Three men, all in Hunter's suits, watched the fast-approaching figures from the shade of the jailhouse's porch. One of them, a gray-bearded fellow, leaned forward to get a better look. "Say," he said in a rather gritty voice, "One o' them fellers looks familiar. Ain't that?..." Another man, surprisingly young for a Hunter, cut in. "Yeah, Guy Hendricks. He's new to the guild. Got the announcement the other day." The young man sighed and stretched; he had short, scraggly brown hair and a rather handsome outfit; that of a higher-ranking official. He stood up, walking into the jailhouse. "Don't worry about him," he said as he opened the door. "Keep an eye on the girl, though. I've got an inkling that I know who she is." The two other hunters looked at each other as the third disappeared into the jail.

Nov 13, 2010, 07:09 PM
The beast slid into the town, bringing with it Ghoul and Guy. Slowing down considerably from the slide, the helion padded over to the stable, sniffing the trough, the horses near it shying away.
Ghoul dropped onto the ground, Guy's foot above her head. Glancing around, watching as Seth arrived behind them, she adjusted her gear so that it was comfortable. Feeling like she was being watched, she looked around- towns folk turned away, but that wasn't what she was looking for. Finding nothing she felt troubled, and let it show.
"Guy. We're being watched..." She said, before clarifying. "No' by the townsfolks- I mean, yeh, by them, bu'... Tha's no' all that I'm getting the feelin' of.."


The man stood in the shadows, his eyes like a tundra as he watched the girl and her companions. He slid away, launching himself up to the window of his room at the inn, alighting with nary a sound, and sliding in before anyone could have possibly noticed.
He stripped off his duster, and an assassin's suit was revealed beneath. He removed this, and opened his case, bringing out strange items- a black impact suit, which was a chest plate with pauldrons. He brought out a pair of gauntlets, and put these one, as well as grieves. He looked, for the most part, like a hunter, but something was a bit off.
A strange shimmer could be seen behind him briefly, just for a few seconds, before it was gone. No one had, of course, seen it, but it had been there.
He strapped a sword with a sheath covering it to his waist- it had a simple handle, even being a cross between a rapier and a bastard sword. He pulled another case, about half the size, out of the other case, and placed this across his back. Now, to wait...

Nov 13, 2010, 09:38 PM
Guy moved his hand towards his Radiant a little bit. "Really?" was all he could muster up. He couldn't say for sure if the two were being watched, as he figured Ghoul might have the natural intuition to do, but he didn't feel comfortable all the same. Meanwhile, the two other Hunters took a look at their new guests. The other hunter, a stern, strong looking man with reddish hair, stood up. "Don't look like anything but a couple of troublemakers to me," he muttered, reaching for a saber on his belt. "And is that a Helion? What the hell is she thinking, bringing that beast here?..."

Seth Astra
Nov 13, 2010, 11:07 PM
Seth casually parked his vehical, and took a red cube, about 2 inches in every direction, out of his pocket, and tossing it into the air again and again. "Sooo... What are we doing, eh guys?" he asked, cheerfully.

Nov 14, 2010, 12:05 AM
"We're resupplying, and pro'lly staying here o'er night." She responded, shrugging a bit. She still felt uncomfortable- she'd had this feeling before, with that sniper... But that's a story for another time- and something she didn't want to remember any time soon anyway.
"I'unno Seth, d'you feel like we're bein' watched? Not by the law, an' not by the townsfo-Wait, it's gone now..." She turned to Dante, and rubbed his mane down, petting him. She hugged him, her arms not being anywhere near to being around his neck. She whispered something to him.
"I want you to keep here, lay down and sleep, aight? And if anyone prods or pokes you or anythin', you ignore 'em. But if they got the smell that they's attackin' you, you don't kill 'em, you just rough 'em up, knock 'em out." She said, hugging the beast still. She breathed in his smell- he didn't stink, due to his smooth, leather-like skin.
Letting go of him, the large creature laid down, curled up, and promptly went to sleep.
Or rather, pretended to. And he was a very good pretender.
Ghoul smiled, turning back to her group.
"Ready to shop?" She asked sarcastically. She hated shopping.

The man walked down the stairs of the inn, his steps even- he moved like liquid, flowing like a stream. Each step was a mastered move, a perfect one. He seeped over to the bar, sitting down at it, and in a smooth, polished voice, he made an order. He had an accent, but it wasn't traceable- but each word sounded beautiful, like notes of a perfect song.
"Bartender. I would like a bowl of whatever sort of stew you might be cooking in yonder cauldron, should you, of course, be making stew in said instrument." His voice had a certain authority to it- almost as if he was commanding you just by speaking.
But his icy eyes were the most shocking, as they seemed to pierce one's mind like a blade. His wolfish grin appeared- he was handsome, and managed to be rugged, yet smooth as silk. No, he was more than handsome- he was beautiful, but like a rose. He had his thorns. They were simply more subtle than most...
The barkeep brought the bowl over, setting the thick brown stew in front of the man, with a spoon. He smelled it, and grabbed the spoon with his right hand- the finger tips were pointed, and his entire outfit was still black, but much more warrior like at this state. Knightly, even. He sampled the stew, confirming that it would slate his hunger, and ordered a glass of stout to go with it. The bar keep brought this, and the man washed three coins onto the table. Before the owner of the inn could say they didn't have enough change for this kind of money, the man simply said, "Keep the change."
He finished his meal, stood, and looked around the inn. No one of real interest was here. But perhaps he'd have some interests in a little while...
He walked back up into his room, closing the door and locking it.

Nov 14, 2010, 12:12 AM
Guy nodded. "I suppose there's a few things a need to pick up," he said assuredly. He knew he needed some more ammunition and a few various other odds and ends. However, he knew that he tended to get a little careless with his credits at times, so he simply looked towards the general store, saying, "Er, we should make this quick, though. Don't want to spend too much time in one place..." Guy readjusted his satchel, clearing his throat when he finished speaking.

Seth Astra
Nov 14, 2010, 12:20 AM
Seth smiled and patted Ghoul on the back, and said, "I am one of the most wanted criminals around. Everyone watches me. No worries, though. Few people dare to call the authorities, who rarely are brave enough to answer the call. Once you reach a certain level of infamy, the attention you get from the authorites starts to go back down."

Nov 14, 2010, 12:32 AM
"No, no. Not THAT kind of watching. Not JUST watching you..." She sighed. "Hol' on. I've had this feeling afore... Y'all prolly wouldn't be able to pick it up." She said, closing her eyes, focusing. There was something unusual about Kerrigan's Stead, something that wasn't normally- There! That's where the feeling was coming from!
"You feel that? S'almost like someone's watchin' 'N waitin'. Like they know summ'ns gon' go down, and they's gon' be there..." She shrugged it off, a shiver running down her spine. A single scar, which ran across her back itched. Striding toward the store, she pushed open the door and walked in. It didn't really have much to offer, but they did have bullets. Lots of them, too. But being as most guns shot the same size bullets anymore- some had mechanisms that tweaked the distance they shot, or how powerfully they shot- that didn't mean they had lots of different kinds. Luckily, she didn't go through that many bullets, being as her gun was custom made to draw energy from a special photon casing which then produced a photon. It worked kind of like a battery, but much more efficiently. Ironically, it was powered by photon bullets.
She looked around, not finding much of interest. She bought a few items she figured might be useful later, but filled up her canteens, and bought some more canned food and dried meat.

Nov 14, 2010, 01:03 AM
OOC: Alrighty... now lets try to get Amara back into this RP. :D


Silence. An assassins best weapon. After her call to her Boss, Amara was informed that she also had a sound dampiner in her EarthTrain. She also got time. After she informed the Boss that Ghoul was not her target, he gave her free roam statis, till they could find another lead to the one who killing his brother. He still felt grieved by the lose, and Amara tryed her best to cheer him up, to which he took quite well. By the time she had finished, Ghoul and her friends had already left, but Amara had her Newman ears and memory, and pick up on there destination from over hearing, and set off...


An hour or so later, she arived at the new dust town know as Ker'gan's Stead. She had keep her Train under cloak and the sound dampiner active as she desided to leave it outside of the town and go in on foot.

She didn't get much atension, just a few friendly hellos from the kids playing around in the sand. In her blue Storia outfit, she did stand out a bit, not she had nothing noticeable that would inquire to her job so got little notice. Though, she did keep her Viper at her hip, and her Daggers in her sleves, a special device on each arm to hold them there till needed.

She walked ferther into town.

Seth Astra
Nov 14, 2010, 01:12 PM
Seth bought some extra photon cartrages for his guns, but couldn't find much else he wanted.

Nov 14, 2010, 07:19 PM
Guy followed suit and bought more ammunition for his Radiant, but also checked around the store, purchasing a few cans of dried foods and a bag to hold them in. "Just in case," he told himself. As he was purchasing these goods, he looked behind the counter. Something immediately caught his eye; another Radiant, and in stellar condition. Guy stared at it, wide-eyed, and turned to the shopkeep. "Hey, is that Radiant for sale?" Guy asked this with the enthusiasm of a small child in a toy store. The man gave him a nod. "It's an antique," he stated proudly. "She's served me well, but I figure I could let 'er go... How's five-hundred credits sound to you?" Guy was elated. five-hundred credits was a fantastic price for an antique Radiant. However, he checked his satchel, realizing somewhat woefully that after all these purchases (gun included) he'd only have about two credits left. His mind numbed a little bit, but then he sighed and gave in, knowing he'd never get this chance again. "Alright. That sounds good to me." Guy slid the credits down, and the man handed it over with a gleeful nod. "Here ya go," he added, sliding Guy a holster and a box. "That's an extra holster and some ammo for you. Hope she serves you well." Guy smiled and waved to the man as he walked over to Ghoul and Seth. "Alright, I'm ready," he said. He had a joyous look about his face.

Seth Astra
Nov 14, 2010, 07:23 PM
Seth was simply leaning against the outside of the store, watching passers-by. One looked him in the eye, recognized him, and ghasped silently. Seth, deciding to have a bit of fun, pointed at the person, and then drew a line across his neck. The civilian ran madly, and Seth just smiled. "Still got it," he thought to himself.

Nov 14, 2010, 08:31 PM
*Yawn* I Sware This Caseal Teleports Slow As Hell. Im Only 30 Feet Away From Her And Im Walking. Freggn Walking. Talk About Slow...But How Can She Have Worked For "Alica" When Hu Found Her On A Convayer Belt To The Death? Something Tells Me Fridia Is Lieing Or... She Did And We Got Someone Who Just So Happens To By That Name... Or She Could Be Tellng The Truth...