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Sep 9, 2011, 06:53 AM
Why do boobs continue bouncing throughout character creation? I personally think thats a little too much, since real boobs dont bounce like that.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 9, 2011, 06:56 AM
As much as I agree with you, I have one word - Japan.

Sep 9, 2011, 06:58 AM
Why do boobs continue bouncing throughout character creation? I personally think thats a little too much, since real boobs dont bounce like that.

Pretty positive that was a physics glitch.

Sep 9, 2011, 07:12 AM
How many times have you guys played an RPG and said

"this game sure could use some more stupid looking items!"


This is an online RPG though. :0

Sep 9, 2011, 07:31 AM
Funny thing about MMOs and RPGs.

I'd usually encounter a situation where the clothing for my level was ugly, or i didn't like a specific weapon. But the sheer fact said weapon/clothing set was a higher tier than my last would mentally make it look much better just because.

PSU has simply spoiled us. Oddly enough, i hated the majority of the rares on PSU. I liked the lower-tier weapons much better. I've said before, my favorite weapons on that game were Hanzo (A), Cresaud (A), Kan Yu (S), those A-rank Yomehi TSabers with the spinning hilt, and Tiga de Ragan just because. I thought most (if not all) of the axes in that game were ugly.

Probably missed a few. I always figured that some of the lower and more common weapons should have definitely been higher-ranked, like Sweet Death, Creasword and definitely Crimson and it's twin form, which looked awesome but was completely destroyed because of how common it was. And then there were obvious issues, like Agito Replica and Psycho Wand having no neat effect whatsoever. (+1 targets and a name change on the rarest sword in the game? Seriously?)

Hyper Viper was the most fun i ever, ever had with my Ranger. Like one of the only weapons with a neat effect.

Sep 9, 2011, 09:37 AM
since real boobs dont bounce like that.Maybe they do in space!

Sep 9, 2011, 10:02 AM
PSU has simply spoiled us. Oddly enough, i hated the majority of the rares on PSU. I liked the lower-tier weapons much better.
Hear, hear!

I really do not understand the fascination with making higher-tier weapons look completely absurd (it's not something limited to Japanese developers, sadly), but it really has got to stop. Going ornate and/or over-the-top just because you can is absolutely terrible reasoning. Higher-tier weapons should at least try to be more aesthetically pleasing, instead of just having the artist go gung-ho "screw sensibility, we have INSANITY!" (because, seriously, some of those S-rank weapon designs have absolutely no sense to them whatsoever). It even managed to somehow get worse in Infinity, where practicality was apparently thrown out wholesale.

It really made me rather sad that Crea weapons, being clearly aesthetically superior to most of the weapons in the game, were relegated to being utterly inferior weapons - not the least of which is because, for whatever reason, the devs decided that being able to hit two targets with basic attacks made up for having utterly craptastic base stats. I also exclusively used GRM A-rank axes because, like you said, most of the axes were fuggin' ugly.

Well. Let's hope the PSO2 team takes a better tack this time around. They certainly seem to be doing much better with everything else, after all.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 9, 2011, 10:39 AM
*crosses fingers*

Sep 9, 2011, 11:45 AM
I never cared what kind of damage i was putting out. I whipped out my Cresaud all the time. Instead of complaining, most people asked what teh F it was.

Sep 9, 2011, 12:06 PM
Why do boobs continue bouncing throughout character creation? I personally think thats a little too much, since real boobs dont bounce like that.

BecauseI am that powerful.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 9, 2011, 12:47 PM
I never cared what kind of damage i was putting out.

Amen to that. Hyper Vipers and Phantoms for me! Phooey on all that more powerful stuff, that's what grinders are for!

Sep 9, 2011, 01:01 PM
/continues using my whole neutral palette of randomly ranked weapons, while doing a "haters gonna hate walk" because I have 10 scape dolls anyway.

Sep 9, 2011, 03:59 PM
I rock mainly fire/dark light The rest are kinda pointless.

Sep 9, 2011, 05:13 PM
/continues using my whole neutral palette of randomly ranked weapons, while doing a "haters gonna hate walk" because I have 10 scape dolls anyway.

I lol'd

Sep 10, 2011, 11:19 AM
Something tells me I should stop reading about PSO2. It may actually make me buy the game. If only I were 19 again.

Character creation:

Can a person finally do this,


Sep 10, 2011, 01:12 PM
Can a person finally do this,


I'm thinking... Yes?

You could make that facial structure, eyebrows, goatee, ears... The only thing I'm not sure about is if there's a hairstyle similar to that one in the game.

Sep 10, 2011, 01:38 PM
I'm gonna make Obama...

Sep 10, 2011, 01:58 PM
I'm actually looking forward to all the knockoffs in PSO2. Especially certain cartoon ones that are now possible by making the body horribly disproportional.

Sep 10, 2011, 02:36 PM
Something tells me I should stop reading about PSO2. It may actually make me buy the game. If only I were 19 again.
Dude, I was playing PSO Dreamcast back in junior high (I think it was? Gah so long ago it seems...). Now I'm 27 with a full-time job, a mortgage, a girlfriend... and I sure as hell am gonna get in on some PSO2 action.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 10, 2011, 03:54 PM
Hurray for Mature gamers (and by mature, I mean older XD) But seriously, I'm 20 and I plan on continuing gaming well into my 40's....hell, I'm a gamer at heart, and I plan on going into the industry, so hell yeah to gaming as an oldey!

Remember, grow up, but never grow old!! :D

Sep 10, 2011, 04:54 PM
Dude, I was playing PSO Dreamcast back in junior high (I think it was? Gah so long ago it seems...). Now I'm 27 with a full-time job, a mortgage, a girlfriend... and I sure as hell am gonna get in on some PSO2 action.

Twenty nine now, thirty in November. Time flies.

I'll never say never. Though money is tight at the moment. Add to that I'm working on starting my own plumbing company. The time simply may not be there (if I want any kind of social life).

Sep 10, 2011, 04:59 PM
Hurray for Mature gamers (and by mature, I mean older XD) But seriously, I'm 20 and I plan on continuing gaming well into my 40's....hell, I'm a gamer at heart, and I plan on going into the industry, so hell yeah to gaming as an oldey!

Remember, grow up, but never grow old!! :D
I wish I was 20.. Wait no I don't I wish i were 23. :P

Canard de Bain
Sep 10, 2011, 05:42 PM
Twenty nine now, thirty in November. Time flies.

I'll never say never. Though money is tight at the moment. Add to that I'm working on starting my own plumbing company. The time simply may not be there (if I want any kind of social life).

Social life is for losers.

Sep 10, 2011, 06:17 PM
You know, I'm impressed how a character in PSO 2 can have a hefty beer gut and a six pack at the same time.

Sep 10, 2011, 06:51 PM
I'm 29, engaged (almost married), full time job, but I'll definitely try to play this!

Sep 10, 2011, 07:13 PM
You know, I'm impressed how a character in PSO 2 can have a hefty beer gut and a six pack at the same time.

Oh that's just roid gut. ;-P

Sep 10, 2011, 07:37 PM
You know, I'm impressed how a character in PSO 2 can have a hefty beer gut and a six pack at the same time.

That's how it was in PSU too.

Except this time you can actually DISABLE it.

Sep 10, 2011, 07:43 PM
I was wondering why nobody mentioned that. Fat goes OVER muscle, not the other way around.

Sep 10, 2011, 08:18 PM


Sep 10, 2011, 09:42 PM
I was wondering why nobody mentioned that. Fat goes OVER muscle, not the other way around.

Body-builders can get bloated in the abdomen for a number of reasons, mainly from shooting growth hormones, or steroids as illustrated in the picture posted above (even though that one in shopped to exaggerate).

Plus, isn't there a slider that makes the muscle definition fade away?

Sep 11, 2011, 12:26 AM
Steroids = not normal anatomy

There is no explanation for your body looking like that. That's almost obviously an induced deformity.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 11, 2011, 01:19 PM


Well, fu-

Sep 11, 2011, 01:48 PM
Hear, hear!

I really do not understand the fascination with making higher-tier weapons look completely absurd (it's not something limited to Japanese developers, sadly), but it really has got to stop. Going ornate and/or over-the-top just because you can is absolutely terrible reasoning. Higher-tier weapons should at least try to be more aesthetically pleasing, instead of just having the artist go gung-ho "screw sensibility, we have INSANITY!" (because, seriously, some of those S-rank weapon designs have absolutely no sense to them whatsoever). It even managed to somehow get worse in Infinity, where practicality was apparently thrown out wholesale.

It really made me rather sad that Crea weapons, being clearly aesthetically superior to most of the weapons in the game, were relegated to being utterly inferior weapons - not the least of which is because, for whatever reason, the devs decided that being able to hit two targets with basic attacks made up for having utterly craptastic base stats. I also exclusively used GRM A-rank axes because, like you said, most of the axes were fuggin' ugly.

Well. Let's hope the PSO2 team takes a better tack this time around. They certainly seem to be doing much better with everything else, after all.

PSP2 addressed that somewhat, since you could turn anything S-rank... (but extend codes should have had other sources). The really high rarity stuff was still stronger, but not to the point of utterly and forever outclassing your preferred weapons...

Sep 11, 2011, 04:06 PM
Breast implants = not normal anatomy

There is no explanation for your body looking like that. That's almost obviously an induced deformity.

Changed a word in your argument to show how dumb it is in regards to PSO2's character creator. :3c

Sep 11, 2011, 04:14 PM
Apparently tits are bad...

Sep 11, 2011, 04:19 PM
Apparently tits are bad...

I really don't know why everyone is in such a tizzy over the breast slider(s). Seriously, it's a fantasy game. So, pulling the "it's unrealistic" card is so incredibly stupid.

I mean, none of this matters to me, since my character will be the VP of the IBTC on PSO2 (someone else can be the President).

Sep 11, 2011, 04:20 PM
Changed a word in your argument to show how dumb it is in regards to PSO2's character creator. :3c

No...breast implants are not normal anatomy. You're absolutely right.

It has nothing to do with the character creator though. Being able to alter your character's breasts means nothing. You can make them look fake or natural.

What, are you assuming every female has identical breasts? Lol no.

Sep 11, 2011, 04:46 PM
I'm not sure steroid gut, which is a side effect of excessive hormonal imbalances, is really equivalent to breast implants, which are an entirely voluntary surgical procedure.

Sep 11, 2011, 05:41 PM
If they include an in depth bulge slider then I may start questioning the development team.

Sep 11, 2011, 09:30 PM
That probably would be taking it too far.

Breasts don't count, because 1) they're breasts, and 2) you cannot hide them. It would almost be like not letting you control the width/depth/height/length of your nose or something.

Penis, on the other hand? They 1) aren't a secondary sex characteristic, and 2) are always hidden from view, unless you're wearing something that is probably 90% inappropriate for public.

And after Googleing Roid Gut...it seems like a primary cause for that is your organs expanding. No, it is not natural for you to have almost no fat on your body and have a belly that huge. The only "natural" thing that does that to people is malnutrition.

Well that or a tumor.

Sep 11, 2011, 10:45 PM
I think we should have a girl's point of view on the bulge slider, any male's posts seem extremely biased imo.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:12 AM
I just explained the difference between a breast slider and a penis slider. The only real argument that can be poised against that would be from some retarded feminist point of view that no rational person should care about anyway. Breasts are a secondary sex characteristic. If it's any consolation, GUYS CAN HAVE THEM TOO. They just usually do not.

If there was a Penis or Vagina slider, then you could complain, but as both of those are absolutely absurd, i don't see the point in arguing about it. Bottom line is, there is no point in giving you complete control over almost EVERY aspect of your body, and then not do the same for the breasts, just because some 12 year old might be offended. It limits creative options, and it's stupid. Let me ask you a question -- when's the last time you looked at a female over puberty and didn't see a pair of breasts? I'll wait. Exactly.

For the last time people, if you're offended by being able to manipulate breasts for 5 minutes in a character creator, go complain to some feminist board so they can raid us with complaints and i can laugh my ass off as i troll them to death.

But if i were a woman, i'd personally be quite pissed off that you couldn't customize the breasts like that. That's more "SEXIST" than anything.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:31 AM
But if i were a woman, i'd personally be quite pissed off that you couldn't customize the breasts like that. That's more "SEXIST" than anything.
That's about the crux of it. People are so weird -- they think that "equality" means totally ignoring that differences exist. Somehow, pretending like there's no such things as breasts will accomplish anything other than making breasts the pink elephant in the room (and consequently making their existence more of an "issue").

It really all comes back to the one of the worst afflictions ever visited among mankind -- sexual prudishness, and the idea that pretending sex doesn't exist and pretending that women don't have skin and breasts and other nice things is somehow "moral."

If I had a time-machine and could single out a single person or group of people responsible for visiting the misery this idea has caused the human race, I'd go back with a nuke and wipe them out without a moment's hesitation.

They're. Just. Boobs. Get. Over. It.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:50 AM
That's about the crux of it. People are so weird -- they think that "equality" means totally ignoring that differences exist.

Perfect, couldn't have said it better myself.


...oh wait, no, this thread has nothing to do with boobs. Silly me.

Sep 12, 2011, 02:18 AM
People don't want equality they want parity. :E

Sep 12, 2011, 02:43 AM
The penis slider is the weirdest idea ever and I don't really see a point.

I think the breast slider is a good option, besides, there was already a very small breast slider in PSU. I do think they went a bit far with the weird rocket breast you can make and I will hate looking at characters like that, because wtf.
But I rather be able to give my character small breast or whatever, while not having to mess with their and body proportions at the same time. It just gives me more freedom.
The only thing that I think is missing from the breast slider (if it hasn't been shown yet) would be a completly flat chested option. Because if I can have rocket breasts, flat chest should also be an option. Would only be fair.

Sep 12, 2011, 02:50 AM
Game needs spartan armor!

Sep 12, 2011, 03:27 AM
About the rocket tits (which i also disliked), they had to sacrifice something by giving the player this much control.

Unfortunately, they had to sacrifice the standard of not having any ugly characters. prepare to see completely retarded people lol

Sep 12, 2011, 05:02 AM
I wasn't serious...

Sep 12, 2011, 08:14 AM
No one likes the rocket boobs?

Guess I'll be the only one going Tank Girl on them titties.

Sep 12, 2011, 12:16 PM
I wasn't serious...

i was just making a statement

Sep 12, 2011, 12:22 PM
The only thing that I think is missing from the breast slider (if it hasn't been shown yet) would be a completely flat chested option. Because if I can have rocket breasts, flat chest should also be an option. Would only be fair.

I don't think you can go completely flat (which makes me sad :-(...), but I know you can get pretty damned close.

Canard de Bain
Sep 12, 2011, 12:24 PM
People don't want equality they want parity. :E

Errr, they want equity.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:00 PM
Why would you want to g-...


Sep 12, 2011, 01:02 PM
Why would you want to g-...


Go completely flat? Because some people find flat chests sexier than bulbous breastage.

Myself included.

EDIT: And I plan to make my HUnewearl flat as a pancake. So cute. :-P

Sep 12, 2011, 01:15 PM
eww. I mean....i know some very cute flatchested females, but i wouldn't say i prefer them that way. I just don't care much.

But a perfect pair is one of the best things ever : D

Fake titties are disgusting IMO, unless they're made to make them look natural (I.E. You cant tell)
And too much is...well, annoying, unless they're justttt the right shape!

Sep 12, 2011, 01:24 PM
Go flat or go home!

Sep 12, 2011, 01:42 PM
When I make characters I sometimes create whole backstories for them, eventhough I don't roleplay, but I just love doing that because it gives my characters more personality and depth. So I would love to maybe have a flat chested female for those reasons. For exmaple, maybe this female character wants to be a special agent but only males are allowed to enter, so she just pulls of a Mulan or something.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:49 PM
My female characters are always flat chested (small breasted?).

Its more high-fashion.

Sep 12, 2011, 01:50 PM
For exmaple, maybe this female character wants to be a special agent but only males are allowed to enter, so she just pulls of a Mulan or something.

Haha! I must be honest, "pulling a Mulan" was a brilliant term to use. I must steal that from you sometime. Or multiple times. Probably the latter.

Sep 12, 2011, 02:04 PM
Mulan had boobs though.....

But basically you want to make reverse-traps?

O lawd

Sep 12, 2011, 02:10 PM
But basically you want to make reverse-traps?

Flat-chested girls =/= reverse traps.

Just saying.

Sep 12, 2011, 02:22 PM
Flat-chested girls =/= reverse traps.

Just saying.

redroses wanted to make a female character that poses as a man. That is a reverse trap.

Just saying.

Sep 12, 2011, 02:43 PM
redroses wanted to make a female character that poses as a man. That is a reverse trap.

Just saying.

Then you should have made it clear on who you were talking to, so as not to seem like you were grouping everyone in the current conversation together. That's one of the many uses of the handy-dandy quote function.

Sep 12, 2011, 03:36 PM
Go flat or go home!

I dont know about you, but it's definitely not her flat-chested'ness that makes her attractive. She has a nice body and a very nice pair of legs to compensate. There is no attention drawn to her flat chestedness. Maybe i hate flat chested females in most Anime because they always make them out to be so ridiculously lacking in confidence. I like it when it just doesn't even bother them.[spoiler-box]



Kinda like her. Well, back when she made good music and was not trash.

ZERO titties. She never give a shit, and neither did anyone else.

And Mulan had plenty of boobs. She just tied them back. Honestly, she didn't (couldnt) do that wonderful of a job, and if any of the guys had put their hands on her chest it would have been blissfully obvious she was a woman. It was funny how nobody had noticed after ALL that time she was a woman.

I must say though, they didn't put any attention to it because it was irrelevant, but Mulan probably was toned like fuck by the end of that movie. She went through military training.

Sep 12, 2011, 04:36 PM
I wasn't suggesting her flat-ness is her most notable trait. Rather, I was suggesting that flat-chested female characters can easily be as, or more attractive than any "normal-sized" female character.

BRS's design in particular is a perfect combination of various design traits that all play well together. Changing any one thing about her tends to make the look fall apart. Give her big boobs, for example, and suddenly that bikini top becomes seriously distracting (not to mention you lose the initial dissonance of a confident chick with no boobs). It also changes her silhouette, and just looks incongruous with her slim frame (a problem I often have with cheesecake-type characters). Give her more muscle mass and you lose the contrast of a slim, waif-ish, almost frail-looking chick wielding a cannon bigger than herself. Change her skin color and... well, wtf would you do that?

Btw, I agree fully that the trend of pettanko characters being seriously insecure gets really old, but that's Japan for ya. Characters like BRS and, say, Yumekui Merry are a nice breath of fresh air in that direction.

Speaking of Merry...

Sep 12, 2011, 04:37 PM
I wasn't suggesting her flat-ness is her most notable trait. Rather, I was suggesting that flat-chested female characters can easily be as, or more attractive than any "normal-sized" female character.

Well...yeah, i thought that point was obvious. Boobs dont make the female body attractive, the female body makes the female body attractive.

The thing is, the "uniqueness" you get from a woman with huge boobs in anime/TV is completely gone because of how common it is. And the whole "flatchested" thing...i dont know the term (because there are too freaking many ways to describe a very short female with big pupils a tiny mouth and nose barely any boobs and an annoying child/hentaisexbot voice) is completely, COMPLETELY played out in anything that comes from japan. As well as females with freakishly retardedly huge breasts.

I think the Bleach manga does it very well, though. Inoue is VERY well endowed, but it looks like she 1) wears a bra and 2) her outfits never exploit them. Rukia barely has anything there, but 1) Rukia is a thug so 2) she doesn't care. (So, nobody else does.)

Tite Kubo is a badass artist though. I think he's one of my favorites.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 12, 2011, 04:38 PM
*Noms on a rice cake*

Sooooo.........what was the original point of this thread again? :lol:

Sep 12, 2011, 04:50 PM
females are the topic of every thread, you just have to know where to look.

Sep 12, 2011, 04:54 PM
There is absolutely nothing that isn't already played out. Just sayin'.

The whole point is to refine it, further and further, until we reach the point where the returns diminish so heavily that we stick with what we've got and pursue another tack (kind of like - and this may be a bit of a stretch - how we continued to increase processor clock rates further and further until, eventually, the returns from increasing clock rate alone were simply not worth the effort... so we started doing multicore stuff).

Originality is overrated anywho! It's execution that matters, especially with 7 billion people on the planet. If you have an idea, it's already been thought of and/or done to death. So do it BETTER than them!

Sep 12, 2011, 05:18 PM
Haha! I must be honest, "pulling a Mulan" was a brilliant term to use. I must steal that from you sometime. Or multiple times. Probably the latter.
Ha, sure go ahead!

Mulan had boobs though.....

But basically you want to make reverse-traps?

O lawd
I know Mulan had breast, but 1. she had really small breast 2. the clothes she whore (and probably some binder to make them comepletly flat) helped making them go unseen. Now, in PSO2 you will most likely not have clothing options that will make your breast smaller, we all know what most clothes did to them in PSU.

And the reverse-trap character idea is only one idea I would have for wanting the option to go very flat chested.
An other being that I just also find flat chested females appealing, especially if you can work with their hip proportions to still keep a very feminine look.

Sep 12, 2011, 05:21 PM
Boobs, Enforcer. We're talking about boobs.

And since I'm posting, I'm required by honor to post my oppinion. And that is, more customization is always a good thing. I kinda like the fact that now I can adjust my breast size without bothering with anything else. Or rather, I like the fact that I can adjust my proportions without having distractingly large breasts. It was a pain to try to find the perfect blend of muscle and flexibility on my characters, only for breasts to get in the way.
Though I don't know why that was a big deal. I mean, I wore Degiel all the time anyway.

Sep 12, 2011, 05:41 PM
Ha, sure go ahead!

I know Mulan had breast, but 1. she had really small breast 2. the clothes she whore (and probably some binder to make them comepletly flat) helped making them go unseen. Now, in PSO2 you will most likely not have clothing options that will make your breast smaller, we all know what most clothes did to them in PSU.

And the reverse-trap character idea is only one idea I would have for wanting the option to go very flat chested.
An other being that I just also find flat chested females appealing, especially if you can work with their hip proportions to still keep a very feminine look.

If we have bulky outfits (iono like a random joke suit of armor, or rappy suits) It'd be weird to just have giant tits sticking out.

Sep 12, 2011, 05:44 PM
*Noms on a rice cake*

Sooooo.........what was the original point of this thread again? :lol:

I think it was...


And just for the record, while I think you can still have cool-looking female characters without huge knockers, when I make one on PSO2, those boob sliders are most likely gonna be maxed out, unless they look too pointy. No DFC ("disappointing" flat chest) on my wimmenz! :razz:

Sep 12, 2011, 06:06 PM
I also just want to take a moment to muse on how horribly inflated the general population's image of breast size is.

For example, lots and lots and lots of western media has female characters displayed with D-cups or bigger, regardless of how appropriate it is on their figure (Lara Croft being a prime example, but most superheroines also qualify). This becomes the "standard". Thus, when people see characters with such proportions, they think of them as "average". But they're not even close to the average. And they begin to think of what's really the average as "small". And the concept of REALLY small boobs is completely, utterly alien to them.

It's... Not healthy. Let's put it like that. So sad, really. So, so very sad.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:10 PM
Yeah, and that's one of the reasons a lot of young girls suffer from depression, too: the media has basically made huge bazongas the "average", and they become discouraged with themselves when, in truth, it really doesn't matter. There are people out there that prefer IBTs, me being one of them, so that's what I'll be going with.

I partially blame Keira Knightley for my unbridled love for pancake boobs. But, uhh....

Sure, in PSU, my character has gigantic breasts. But, I honestly didn't try to do that. One of my friends pointed it out one time, I said "holy shit, you're right. They're huge!", and the rest is history.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:23 PM
I also just want to take a moment to muse on how horribly inflated the general population's image of breast size is.

For example, lots and lots and lots of western media has female characters displayed with D-cups or bigger, regardless of how appropriate it is on their figure (Lara Croft being a prime example, but most superheroines also qualify). This becomes the "standard". Thus, when people see characters with such proportions, they think of them as "average". But they're not even close to the average. And they begin to think of what's really the average as "small". And the concept of REALLY small boobs is completely, utterly alien to them.

It's... Not healthy. Let's put it like that. So sad, really. So, so very sad.

It's not overinflated, im pretty sure most people know that Lara Croft's tits were ridiculously fake. And besides, that's becoming more and more unattractive as the times go on anyway. You do notice, Lara Croft has lost more and more of that ridiculous figure she had when she was released, right? Shes had realistic proportions for a while now, and the new game Square is publishing, she seems to have lost a bit more mass there.

random search on google says average breast size in America is B cup. Smaller is actually the lower precentage -- one size higher is actually more frequent than the size lower.

According to the information we have available, here's how average breast size in America breaks down:

AA cup: 2%
A cup: 15%
B cup: 44%
C cup: 28%
D cup: 10%
DD cup: 1%

And im not surprised. American's are taller (literally bigger, not only talking fat here) on average than most other countries on the planet. And, as common sense tells us, the bigger the person, the more likely they are to have larger breasts. NOW you factor in what we as americans eat (pretty fatty), and the fact that larger breasts are MORE common than smaller breasts is actually not that farfetched at all.

JAPAN on the other hand, im sure they have more than their share of self esteem problems with their female bodies.

I find it funny though. While some cultures are struggling to get SMALLER, other people are trying to get bigger.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:25 PM
I also just want to take a moment to muse on how horribly inflated the general population's image of breast size is.

For example, lots and lots and lots of western media has female characters displayed with D-cups or bigger, regardless of how appropriate it is on their figure (Lara Croft being a prime example, but most superheroines also qualify). This becomes the "standard". Thus, when people see characters with such proportions, they think of them as "average". But they're not even close to the average. And they begin to think of what's really the average as "small". And the concept of REALLY small boobs is completely, utterly alien to them.

It's... Not healthy. Let's put it like that. So sad, really. So, so very sad.

I could've sworn I read somewhere that D cups were now the average size in the UK, and a lot of average sizes for other countries are increasing too, thanks to things like breast implant surgery evolving, more ways to get estrogen into the body, more people eating fast food and gaining weight overall, etc., so it's probably not as farfetched as you might think, although I agree with you on how the media often portrays women in this way. Then again, different countries and retailers measure bra and cup sizes differently (inches vs. centimeters, for example), so there are a lot of discrepancies.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:29 PM
Yeah like i said, getting breasts doesn't seem to be that huge an issue these days. At all. LOSING mass is the challenge now.

I know W A Y more females with huge breasts than i do females with no breasts. I'd almost say it's somewhat rare for a females over in my area (south) to have an issue growing breasts. Most of them are quite well endowed. However, it's always the other areas that they are trying to work on.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:40 PM
For the record, I was referring to B-C cup as average. Using that as the range, D-cups or bigger are still not even close to being anywhere near as common as the portrayal in media shows them being.

(And I still absolutely despise seeing tough warrior chicks or athletic, acrobatic women with boobs like that. It's just wrong, man.)

Sep 12, 2011, 06:47 PM
For example, lots and lots and lots of western media has female characters displayed with D-cups or bigger, regardless of how appropriate it is on their figure (Lara Croft being a prime example, but most superheroines also qualify).
It's hardly limited to western media/culture. If I go into Best Buy and look at the covers in the anime section... I see a lot of grossly oversized boobs adorning them. Of course, there's also a lot of flat-chested loli going on there at the same time.

I never understood the obsession with boob size, myself. There's a lot more things to a woman being attractive than her boob size, and even looking strictly at the breasts there's more to them looking nice than just size. In fact, generally the larger ones are less attractive when the bra comes off, I'd say. But, all I can really do is reiterate: They're. Just. Boobs. Yeah, they're nice and I like them as much as any red-blooded male, but people really need to quit focusing on them so much.

Sep 12, 2011, 06:54 PM
I don't get it though...

Tits kinda bore me...


Tits stop being a big deal in the 90's...

Sep 12, 2011, 06:55 PM
I only focus on them because they're always oversized. Well, almost always.

If people didn't keep inflating them over-excessively so very often, I wouldn't care, myself, as there are plenty of other aspects of character design that are so very important. But the giant jugs, man? How am I supposed to just... ignore those? It's terrible when they're plastered literally everywhere, on pretty much every single female character.

I was especially disappointed with APB, where the smallest possible size is a D-cup. Yes, a D-cup. The SMALLEST you can get. This, in a game touting customization as one of its biggest selling points!

I just can't ignore it, man. I wish I could. Really wish I could. :(

Edit: Just for another specific example, see League of Legends. The grand majority of female characters fall into the "large" range. Some fall into "average". And there are zero female characters that are actually flat or close to it. (Note: Children and yordles do not count.) It gets really old, really fast.

Sep 12, 2011, 08:15 PM
Then you should have made it clear on who you were talking to, so as not to seem like you were grouping everyone in the current conversation together. That's one of the many uses of the handy-dandy quote function.

I wasn't talking to anyone specifically. My entire post was referring to the whole "pulling a Mulan" statement. Anyone making such a character would be making a reverse trap. In this case, the person wanting to make a Mulan-esque character was redroses, but from the way you were talking made it sound like you wanted that type of character as well. Or at least that you approve of it.

Also, the obvious fact that I said "Mulan has boobs" in the post should've indicated that I wasn't referring to people making flat-chested characters.

Sep 12, 2011, 10:18 PM
I don't get it though...

Tits kinda bore me...


Tits stop being a big deal in the 90's...

I concur...

Sep 12, 2011, 11:50 PM
I miss the look of the Mr2/AW11 back in the 80's as well as the Rx7 and the 8-6.

Heh heh, cars...

Sep 12, 2011, 11:59 PM
I don't get it though...

Tits kinda bore me...


Tits stop being a big deal in the 90's...

Tits. They were Bouncin' in the 90s.

...It was difficult for me not to say that. :-P

Sep 13, 2011, 12:20 AM
Edit: Just for another specific example, see League of Legends. The grand majority of female characters fall into the "large" range. Some fall into "average". And there are zero female characters that are actually flat or close to it. (Note: Children and yordles do not count.) It gets really old, really fast.

They actually made a good argument for it in LoL though - that it makes the models more distinctly female when viewed from above (Whether this is true, who knows... but it makes some sense)

Sep 13, 2011, 12:01 PM
They actually made a good argument for it in LoL though - that it makes the models more distinctly female when viewed from above (Whether this is true, who knows... but it makes some sense)
Except it's bollocks.

Why are female characters so special? Do they really believe people buy female characters exclusively for their sexuality?

Because, y'know, the existence of all those male champions and monster champions seems to discredit that entirely. If people will buy male and monster champions by the scores just because they're cool, or just for their mechanics, why would they not do the same for female champions? What's so different about them?

Also, their argument really falls apart when you consider the existence of Ezreal, who is a seriously androgynous male character (who has a running joke on the forums of people mistaking him for a female one). So it's okay for people to mistake male characters for female ones, but not the other way around?

Total bollocks, man. Total bollocks.

Canard de Bain
Sep 13, 2011, 12:17 PM
Everyone STFU about this tangent.

Sep 13, 2011, 12:48 PM
Do they really believe people buy female characters exclusively for their sexuality?

Yes, they do believe that. Because a vast majority will.

But, I'm starting to get uncomfortable driving this topic into the ground with a long-winded discussion about breasts and/or female sexuality in video games/other media.

Sep 13, 2011, 12:52 PM
And you guys call me perverted.

Sep 13, 2011, 01:32 PM
What happened to this place

Sep 13, 2011, 01:50 PM
This is what happens when no information is released.


Sep 13, 2011, 02:48 PM
At least this topic was moved from the info thread. TY mods.

Sep 13, 2011, 03:03 PM
To me hair and eyes and the look of a woman's face is the most attractive aspect of a woman in aesthetic terms.

Sep 13, 2011, 03:08 PM
Man, the mods are on their game in this forum.

Sep 13, 2011, 03:14 PM
Well, it was good to remove all of that hullabaloo out of the "PSO2 Info Thread", so as to keep it looking semi-clean and orderly.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 13, 2011, 03:35 PM
Man, this is funny...and it even got turned into it's own thread.

Ah good times.

Sep 13, 2011, 03:47 PM
This is what happens when no information is released.


This is why prerelease marketing is considered retarded for me.
They harm more than they hurt. Keep dark till you have something to show unless you are star wars, because such small info snippets shows they have no faith in their product.

Sep 13, 2011, 03:59 PM
Sakai must be laughing his ass off right now.

Sep 13, 2011, 04:19 PM
Why do boobs continue bouncing throughout character creation? I personally think thats a little too much, since real boobs dont bounce like that.Maybe the boobs do a test bounce for the physics???

Sep 13, 2011, 04:42 PM
Back on topic - I agree, they shouldn't TWITCH like that. To me, that means their physics is too sensitive. :\

Flat chest can also lead to... pedophorific creations.

And I personally will probably place my character in the average B - C range, something natural. Whatever fills out the outfit my FOmarl / FOnewearl will be wearing, and gives a nice profile. /nod

Sep 13, 2011, 04:44 PM
Its already been stated, but the constant minor bouncing during an idling character in creation is due to physics imprecision (not necessarily a glitch). Minor movements, like the idle animation, cause them to receive enough of a shock for a physics reaction to take place.

Also, anti-gravity bras. There's your in-universe justification. :wacko:

Sep 13, 2011, 04:54 PM
They harm more than they hurt. Keep dark till you have something to show unless you are star wars, because such small info snippets shows they have no faith in their product.
... What the heck are you talking about. Not only is there quite a bit more than "small info snippets," but even if there weren't, it's quite a stretch of logic to say that indicates not having faith in their product.

Sep 13, 2011, 05:20 PM
Keeping silent is protecting their stuff, but given that the game is diffrent enough I think by virute of being different they could show enough and not have any worry of copycats (Most devs and publishers like coping wow and failing spectacularly)

Sep 13, 2011, 05:41 PM
Sakai must be laughing his ass off right now.

I think he's too busy being high as a kite to laugh. I think he and Metzen use hard drugs all the time.

Sep 13, 2011, 05:53 PM
From my observations, the bounce only occurs when a drastic morph of the body shape happens. This would be flipping through the presets. It seems to me that the bounce is from the sudden change causing the physics to suddenly recalculate to accommodate the changed mass.

In short, the bounce is required for the physics to kick in properly.

Sep 13, 2011, 06:21 PM
I'm a girl and I don't see why people would be offended by a breast slider. You can customize lips, eyes, hair, but not boobs? I'm not seeing the problem lol. I think the shock is only on the Westerner's end. The girl with Sekai just giggled about it in the official video.

And to those blaming feminism for the outrage, I agree. I hate how feminism has made everything about what makes women different so taboo to talk about. But that's a whole other topic, and I'm relaxing today haha.

Sep 13, 2011, 06:23 PM
Watch Playboy mansion, they DO bounce like that in real life.

Sep 13, 2011, 06:57 PM
Watch Playboy mansion, they DO bounce like that in real life.

How exactly do you WATCH the Playboy mansion? o_O

Sit out front behind the bushes with a pair of binoculars?

Sep 13, 2011, 07:01 PM
How exactly do you WATCH the Playboy mansion? o_O

Sit out front behind the bushes with a pair of binoculars?


Sep 14, 2011, 01:36 AM
Maybe the boobs do a test bounce for the physics???

It's just a simple physics glitch. They dont do that any other time. It was just unfortunate it happened during the video he put up on the website.

And im almost disappointed this thread has so many pages.

Sep 14, 2011, 01:48 AM
And im almost disappointed this thread has so many pages.

And yet, you have contributed!

Who cares? Something to talk about.

Sep 14, 2011, 02:03 AM
I addressed the boob twitch glitch on the first page of this topic. Was this always a boob thread?

Sep 14, 2011, 03:19 AM
Boobs bounce in char creation screen as well as hair and hanging things hang. I really like PSO2 physics, that are there even when modifying your character.

Its already been stated, but the constant minor bouncing during an idling character in creation is due to physics imprecision (not necessarily a glitch). Minor movements, like the idle animation, cause them to receive enough of a shock for a physics reaction to take place.
Very true, and that's all the explanation required in this thread.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:52 AM
I personaly like the addition to edit the breasts. It was something i hated back in PSO, i could make a small char but not give her more breasts...little girls can have big breasts too you know.

I know for sure i will well spend time adjusting the breasts for Ce'Nedra, if i can make a character that detailed then i'm gonna make the fullest of it. I always thougt PSO lacked in customizing, PSU fixed alot but PSO2 let's you go free with almost everything. Which is a thing a like as i roleplay with Ce'Nedra alot and have back story for her and such.

And people who complain about it...it's japan, what else do you expect? If you can't stand it go play your lame xbox360 western games please :)

Sep 14, 2011, 04:30 AM
...little girls can have big breasts too you know.

...and now the thread gets weird.

Sep 14, 2011, 05:16 AM
...little girls can have big breasts too you know.

...and now the thread gets weird.

Sorry... I couldn't resist... :wacko:


Sep 14, 2011, 05:58 AM
Hmm, it seems the boobs gained sentience and moved in to their own thread.

For the record, I don't have problem with the tit slider.

Moving on to another area of discussion. I noticed you can seeming control the leg and arm length, separate from the torso. That mean we'll be seeing this?


Valkyrie Lovrina
Sep 14, 2011, 06:20 AM
Hmm, it seems the boobs gained sentience and moved in to their own thread.

For the record, I don't have problem with the tit slider.

Moving on to another area of discussion. I noticed you can seeming control the leg and arm length, separate from the torso. That mean we'll be seeing this?

[spoiler-box]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j372/Minsc007/xxxholicova1_22.jpg[/spoiler-box]picture is full of win.

I really hope this breast slider debacle would end. I like its addition. I don't like how this slider received such attention though and feminism isn't to blame. I'm a feminist and I take no offense to the slider. ^^

P.S. I like being sexy.

Sep 14, 2011, 06:35 AM
I personaly like the addition to edit the breasts. It was something i hated back in PSO, i could make a small char but not give her more breasts...little girls can have big breasts too you know.

I know for sure i will well spend time adjusting the breasts for Ce'Nedra, if i can make a character that detailed then i'm gonna make the fullest of it. I always thougt PSO lacked in customizing, PSU fixed alot but PSO2 let's you go free with almost everything. Which is a thing a like as i roleplay with Ce'Nedra alot and have back story for her and such.

And people who complain about it...it's japan, what else do you expect? If you can't stand it go play your lame xbox360 western games please :)

It's officially creepy now.

Sep 14, 2011, 07:31 AM
This thread is full of so much stupid that it hurts.

You want a woman's opinion on the breast slider? It's cool. It's a neat piece of technology that adds customization to your character. It's not offensive at all. It's no degrading, demeaning, sexist or anything like that.

You know what IS offensive? How so many people react to this. Some of the reactions are just pathetic. How are you people so obsessed over this? Don't any of you have female friends? Has nobody here actually seen a pair of breasts before? Normal people don't care about this kind of thing. I'm in my bra infront of my roomates and friends, both male and female, all the time (especially in the summer). NOBODY CARES!

It blows my mind there is this much discussion over 30 seconds of character customization. The fact you can individually change arm and leg length is far more interesting than a boob slider.

Quoting this because more people need to see it:

From my observations, the bounce only occurs when a drastic morph of the body shape happens. This would be flipping through the presets. It seems to me that the bounce is from the sudden change causing the physics to suddenly recalculate to accommodate the changed mass.

In short, the bounce is required for the physics to kick in properly.

Oh, and Mulan wore a tensor bandage. It's a common theatre trick to make females appear as male. Even if you grab a womans chest while she's wearing one, the only way you're going to tell it's a woman is by the shrill cry of pain that they make, because you're sure not going to feel boob

Sep 14, 2011, 07:44 AM
This thread is now about how japan is obsessed with anatomy their people will never have..

Men wanting DD cups on the women, And women wanting men to be 10 feet tall.

Also miyoko just got like +50 LOL points, welcome to realizing the demography of PSOW.

Sep 14, 2011, 08:55 AM
Why do boobs continue bouncing throughout character creation? I personally think thats a little too much, since real boobs dont bounce like that.

Unatural? Maybe but I likey

lol my character is gonna fall on her face as big as hers is gonna be.

Sep 14, 2011, 10:08 AM
You know what IS offensive? How so many people react to this

Same thing happens with race discussion. It's the people who aren't being targeted that take the most offense. It's like some distorted version of white-knight syndrome.

Sep 14, 2011, 11:26 AM
There was once a time when I was less social. I listened to things society said was and wasn't ok. As a result I can perfectly understand why people take offence. Then I started getting out and experiencing new things. Over time some of things I used to get hung upon now seem so trivial, it's laughable.

So, my advice is listen to Avenue Q.


So my question about character creation is, where's all the chest hair?

Sep 14, 2011, 12:24 PM
It's being airbrushed on with Microsoft Paint. I think the option is in there, somewhere. Though the lack of male customization videos makes this hard to find.

Sep 14, 2011, 12:45 PM
I want me some hairy men, not only with chest hair :Q
But that will stay a dream, at least they tried with the chest hair.

Sep 14, 2011, 01:23 PM
Don't any of you have female friends?

Not in real life. Never have. Hopefully never will.

Has nobody here actually seen a pair of breasts before?

Only on the internet.

*waves checkered flag*

Back to the races!

Sep 14, 2011, 02:21 PM
This thread...
oh lawd, this thread....

Sep 14, 2011, 02:39 PM
I want to point out that, next to the stickied info thread, this seems to be the most active thread on the forum.

Sep 14, 2011, 02:55 PM
I think it's clear that this game will let you create oddly disproportional characters.

I'm totally ready to lol at some great looking characters.

in b4 HUmar named sjjgoku85

Sep 14, 2011, 03:10 PM
This thread is now about how japan is obsessed with anatomy their people will never have..

Men wanting DD cups on the women, And women wanting men to be 10 feet tall.

I laughed at the bolded sentence.

This place sounds like some underground otaku geek forever alone club now. This kind of thing is okay to talk about in person, but over the internet? Shit's just creepy, guys.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:16 PM
This kind of thing is okay to talk about in person, but over the internet? Shit's just creepy, guys.

Haha, what's the difference? I think it would be more awkward to talk about this stuff face-to-face.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:19 PM
Because then it's man talk. Here it's just....well, creepy.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:32 PM
You want a woman's opinion on the breast slider? It's cool. It's a neat piece of technology that adds customization to your character. It's not offensive at all. It's no degrading, demeaning, sexist or anything like that.

Agree. It doesn't offend me one bit. And I'm glad there's such an option since I'm sure there are folks who likes that added detail. I just wonder how many man hours where used to include this in the game where it could of been spent somewhere else.

As for the excessive jiggle, well after seeing Mai from Neo Geo's KOF series years ago, fan service like this doesn't surprise me one bit. Maybe 10 years ago it would, but not now-a-days.

Whatever it takes to make PSO popular again (without impeding game play) is fine with me.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:34 PM
But the breasts don't excessively jiggle. It was just a glitch, lol. In fact, I couldn't even notice the jiggle until earlier video showings, they glitched again once during a demonstration. In most of the videos shown they look static.

Sep 14, 2011, 03:40 PM
I wouldn't even see it as a big deal if this game had a FUPA slider...

Extra is nice, and inappropriate is funny.

People just like to try too hard to be in the "right" in more ways than one...

Sep 14, 2011, 03:43 PM
Inappropriate is funny, I dont know how japan takes triple Z titties seriously. I think it's just comical.

So when they announce the penis slider are we gonna make a topic for that too?

Sep 14, 2011, 03:45 PM
Inappropriate is funny, I dont know how japan takes triple Z titties seriously. I think it's just comical.

So when they announce the penis slider are we gonna make a topic for that too?

I think the males are a little more sensible and keep their jingles behind strong armor instead of it waaay out there like the girlies are doing haha

Sep 14, 2011, 06:55 PM
So when they announce the penis slider are we gonna make a topic for that too?

This reminds me of a topic that came up at work one day about a guy who was supposedly well hung. They called him Long Dong Tom.

Now, to get serious. Where's the moob slider?


Going back to having control of arm and leg length. I see the potential for some awesome looking Casts. On Human and Newman characters a disproportionate body would look strange. Casts on the other hand, being robotic, can be more forgiving in that regard and still look cool.

Sep 14, 2011, 07:08 PM
I just wonder how many man hours where used to include this in the game where it could of been spent somewhere else.... You're not serious right? You really think they spent a bunch of time working on the boob slider and took that time away from something else? Really?

But the breasts don't excessively jiggle. It was just a glitch, lol. In fact, I couldn't even notice the jiggle until earlier video showings, they glitched again once during a demonstration. In most of the videos shown they look static.
I agree that the way they twitched during the character creation demo was probably a glitch, but they do jiggle excessively even normally. Watch the last bit of the third alpha video SEGA released, where they have all the characters "swarming". There's a female character there who just jumps up and down the entire time. The boobs move way more than they really should. It doesn't really bother me, I'm just saying.

Sep 14, 2011, 07:38 PM
I dream of games someday having realistic breast physics (not just bouncing, but deformation, lateral morphing and taking into account the physical ramifications of clothings and support. You know, for the sake of realism.

Also the whole thing about boobs being one of my greatest passions. 'Cause they're mesmerizing, as well as being among the best things in the world (up there with bacon and kittens).

....Eeeeexcept in the HUnewearl costume's case! Anyone else realize how bizarre they look while wearing that costume? The shirt seems to be the ONLY thing supporting them at all. That means they sag. Not just not-perky, full-on SAGGING. Like grandma sagging. >_< This bugs me more than the random jiggling in character creation!! I've been waiting for them to realize something is wrong with them since the first screenshot was released... but it doesn't look like they care about it.

And it's only in-game. The concept artwork looks mostly fine. Just whoever made the model for it had failed anatomy.
Anti-gravity bra - never worry about sagging again.

Seriously, just go with that as justification. I know some top-heavy girls who curse their bras as the work of Satan and unfortunately a necessary evil to prevent them from having natural kneepads. Anti-gravity brassieres are probably the best possible things that could be invented for the purposes of both comfort and alleviating back pain. It literally solves every possible problem on the subject.

...So yeah. Let's assume that's the case, and move on.

Very true, and that's all the explanation required in this thread.
I can actually go into a little more detail as to why they suddenly bounce and hair falls down and whatnot whenever a character is initially loaded.

It's because it loads the character first, and then initalizes all of the physics objects on the model. This is why whenever you see a character "pop" into view, there's a sudden bounce and hair and whatnot dangling and swinging around.

The more you know.

Sep 14, 2011, 08:00 PM

Sep 14, 2011, 08:15 PM
I think the males are a little more sensible and keep their jingles behind strong armor instead of it waaay out there like the girlies are doing haha


Sums it up entirely : D

Sep 14, 2011, 09:05 PM
It's because it loads the character first, and then initalizes all of the physics objects on the model. This is why whenever you see a character "pop" into view, there's a sudden bounce and hair and whatnot dangling and swinging around.

Yea, I know the drill, I work with 3d tools lol, but i didn't want to go in detail.

Sep 15, 2011, 07:30 AM
Lets be honest here, those boob physics are intentional.


Enforcer MKV
Sep 15, 2011, 08:07 AM

Sep 15, 2011, 08:38 AM
You people are fucking creepy. God help any chicks that play this game.

Sep 15, 2011, 09:10 AM
Apparently even the chicks are ok with it.

Canard de Bain
Sep 15, 2011, 09:25 AM
o.o 5char

Sep 15, 2011, 12:23 PM
Lets be honest here, those boob physics are intentional.


....i dont know which is more disturbing, the idea to draw that, or the idea that somehow, somewhere in japan, boobs can magically shake faster than a bullet can travel.

I hope that show doesn't take itself seriously. That's so retarded it can only be making fun of itself...

Sep 15, 2011, 12:38 PM
I hope that show doesn't take itself seriously. That's so retarded it can only be making fun of itself...

I couldn't tell you, haven't watched the show. If you want to find out the anime is High School of the Dead.

Sep 15, 2011, 12:41 PM
I couldn't tell you, haven't watched the show. If you want to find out the anime is High School of the Dead.

That explains it, then. I've heard from a wide variety of people that HSotD is one big zombie-slaying, boobie-jiggling fanservice pile.

I mean, I wouldn't know, or much less care, seeing as I don't like anime. But, I've heard of the ridiculous crap that HSotD has going on.

Sep 15, 2011, 12:57 PM
Indeed. That scene pretty much tells me everything I need to know about that show.

On the other hand, if you want cool you check out:

[spoiler-box]http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/j372/Minsc007/GinTama/48fa05de155ab1eed7b7f7ceb1d60b361235610091_full.gi f[/spoiler-box]

So anyways, I tried my hardest to avoid PSO2. Since the weekend I've found it harder and harder to resist the temptation. I had hoped I could make myself pass on the game.

Enforcer MKV
Sep 15, 2011, 01:14 PM
Is that.....Naruto?

Eh, I'm kinda tired of ninjas and zombies, really....

PSO2 just seems interesting because it looks more dynamic and fun.

A lot of other stuff just looks.....stale. And that's anywhere, be it computer, console, or handheld....

Sep 15, 2011, 01:27 PM
Question: how many white knights does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

16 pages of 'em, apparently.

Sep 15, 2011, 02:52 PM
Is that.....Naruto?

Eh, I'm kinda tired of ninjas and zombies, really.....
If that was directed at me, it's a scene from GinTama.

Question: how many white knights does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

16 pages of 'em, apparently.
Only one to have fun.

Sep 15, 2011, 03:05 PM
Don't be deceived by gintama's random action specials!

Also I'm still seeing way too many signs of this thread being taken seriously... Ya'll needa chill.

Sep 15, 2011, 03:08 PM
High School of the Dead doesn't take itself seriously, at all. The only reason to watch it is because, quite frankly, the artwork is beautiful. Yes, all the detail is put into beautifying the female cast (which is quite sizable), but... no, no, that's it. All the detail is put into the female cast.

That clip from GinTama looks amazing. I got tired of Naruto and Bleach because it's rare for there to be an actual fight scene, in shows dedicated to fighting. Most of the fighting is just special effects and word sparring, and not much work is put into showing off the technique used.

You people are fucking creepy. God help any chicks that play this game.

It's funny because almost all of the chicks are almost glad it's in.
What's the major argument about its inclusion, that it makes it far too easy to make monstrously sexual boobs? Funny thing is, we're so used to those, that now it's kind of more novel to make small, combat sensible breasts.
If the major argument that it's silly to put to much thought on a part of the body that's so taboo in our society, then... Well, I agree. But if it means that it saves me from making a character with unfortunately sized and highly active breasts, then I'm kinda glad it's in.

Sep 15, 2011, 03:13 PM
No seriously I dunno how Gintama works, and it does have cool fight scenes...

But it is not a battle manga.

...I think...

I'm 99.9% sure it's not.

I think all the fight scenes are from OVAs or something or-er I dunno...

Sep 15, 2011, 03:36 PM
I think some of the best and prettiest animation is in afro samurai, I could forever re-watch it for how beautiful it looks.

I'll just leave this here:


Sep 15, 2011, 03:48 PM
That's that late 80's anime movie animation.

But I don't know what's wrong with me, for never keeping up with this anime, after being a fan of samurai champloo and the boondocks.

Sep 15, 2011, 05:26 PM
I'd take old cartoon animation over any new animation, you can tell they put a lot of work into it.

Never looked at the character creation video yet (I'm just gonna use a default look anyway) but as long as they don't give you the option to make it look like a cheap plastic implant they I'm on board.

Sep 15, 2011, 06:57 PM
I'm trying to think of a way to make this post on topic-ish, so...

Who's up for making a fat character? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to make my main character overweight. The chance to go against the norm has its appeal, especially with a female character.

No seriously I dunno how Gintama works, and it does have cool fight scenes...

But it is not a battle manga.

...I think...

I'm 99.9% sure it's not.

I think all the fight scenes are from OVAs or something or-er I dunno...

GinTama features the following genres (and more): action-adventure, aliens, comedy, historical, humanoid, ninjas, parallel universe, parody, samurai, sci-fi

It is not a battle manga/anime, however there are short battle arcs through out the series. In the anime they usually range from four to eight episodes. Look it up on YouTube, there's plenty of clips which show off the different aspects of the show (or go to Crunchyroll and watch it).

Sep 16, 2011, 04:56 PM
well, it is a "phantasy" game. I'm sure thats quite a few people's fantasies.

Sep 16, 2011, 05:07 PM
well, it is a "phantasy" game. I'm sure thats quite a few people's fantasies.

Not all fantasies are great

Sep 16, 2011, 09:04 PM
I'm not complaining about the bustiness. Hehehe. :wacko:

When they said you can adjust your characters' individual body proportions, I was praying for this, I just didn't think they would give me what I wanted and more, (You can adjust the waist size too. :) ) And when I asked "How big can I make them?" Well I was even more surprised. Now I can make my fan service character legit, instead of just being a bombshell in my artwork. :D

Now all the character creator needs is a wee bit more clothing section. (And the inclusion of Beasts)

Sep 18, 2011, 10:25 AM
How people can use the internet and yet still be desperate to see boobs is beyond my comprehension.

Also, may Beasts remain in the grave for all time.

Sep 18, 2011, 12:41 PM
How people can use the internet and yet still be desperate to see boobs is beyond my comprehension.


Sep 18, 2011, 01:01 PM
Those booby physics worry my gay little self, as I may get distracted from my character's tight ass, and my computer will shut itself due to the advance PhsyX technology at work here.

aka once you make your character and actually start playing beyond RPing with a bunch of creeps, those jiggles are gonna be nonexistant. Who cares. Let those lonely Japanese nerds rev up about their waifus.

Sep 18, 2011, 01:18 PM
Also, may Beasts remain in the grave for all time.

I'm a huge fan of Beasts, but I'm not that sad about their disappearance from PSO2. Mainly because one of the reasons I loved them so much was their kind of "wild" demeanor, but it seems the HUnewearl in PSO2 has that same kind of "wild" look about her (which is partially why my main will be a HUnewearl). So, it all balances out for me.

Sep 18, 2011, 01:35 PM
Your Hunewearl better have some tasty knockers. XD

Sep 18, 2011, 01:37 PM
Your Hunewearl better have some tasty knockers. XD

Nope, she's going to be flat as a board. Thanks for the concern, though...I think? :-o

Sep 18, 2011, 09:41 PM
Mainly because one of the reasons I loved them so much was their kind of "wild" demeanor, but it seems the HUnewearl in PSO2 has that same kind of "wild" look about her (which is partially why my main will be a HUnewearl).

Thank god. I was raging all of PSU because of how prissy the newmans were. I can't wait to see some claw newmans out in the wild.

Sep 18, 2011, 09:45 PM
But I love seeing people say they will beat up someone when insulting their waifu.

Sep 19, 2011, 09:53 AM
As much as I agree with you, I have one word - Japan.
Yessssss :)~
And furthermore, whatever will excite the Western MMORPG audience into buying the game, all the more power to Sega.
I personally hope PSO2 sells a million in its first month and is a monster hit.

Sep 19, 2011, 10:12 AM
I agree with that one word. It's like a constant you HAVE to have in the game. Over time, you kind of ignore those things a bit because it's constantly around. Get used to people freely talking about bust sizes.

On the other hand, the best part of this is that they actually may give you a true way to truly make the characters rather flat. Kind of wish that was a factor in PSU. Tynselle could've been smaller, that way. Though they may do the PSU thing, still, and have a selection of clothes that instantly give anybody wearing it, bigger chests. (I should call it the Phantasy Star Corset effect).

Sep 19, 2011, 03:42 PM
Dang it Sega, I know this is PC only but there better be a darn Vita counter part like PSP was to PSU.
Yeah is saw the boobie slider clip.......Yeah I'm gonna "buy"a PC from Newegg, if building it doesn't work I'll buy a cheaper on and put in the parts I need later.
Happy now Grammer Cops?

Sep 19, 2011, 04:13 PM
Yeah I'm gonna a PC from Newegg,

I hope you don't accidentally it.

Sep 19, 2011, 04:19 PM
I hope you your new PC.


Mega Ultra Chicken
Sep 19, 2011, 04:20 PM
I'm trying to think of a way to make this post on topic-ish, so...

Who's up for making a fat character? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't tempted to make my main character overweight. The chance to go against the norm has its appeal, especially with a female character.

I'd probably make my RAmarl stout. It's be hilarious if I got kicked from a party for it.

As for the boob slider... as long as I'm not forced to make a character with X kind of boobs (more specifically titanic knockers,) I'm on board with it.

Sep 21, 2011, 01:21 PM
I hope you don't accidentally it.

Nope I won't eat it this time....Funny how to went out of the way to point out a typo.

Sep 21, 2011, 01:24 PM
I'd probably make my RAmarl stout. It's be hilarious if I got kicked from a party for it.

As for the boob slider... as long as I'm not forced to make a character with X kind of boobs (more specifically titanic knockers,) I'm on board with it.

Meh I'll give mine huge knockers, it's been a while since I have witnessed a Sci Fci adventure where huge boobs are on an adult female and not on some 16 year old...I'm looking at you Japan.

Sep 21, 2011, 04:07 PM
Out of my way? My dear sir, that is my shortest reply on this forum to date! Surely, to wouldn't get upset over a simple jest.

Sep 21, 2011, 06:24 PM
Out of my way? My dear sir, that is my shortest reply on this forum to date! Surely, to wouldn't get upset over a simple jest.

I'm not upset, I found funny :P Cuz I didn't see it.

Sep 21, 2011, 06:27 PM
Im laughing so hard because i can't tell if hes doing it on purpose at this point

Sep 21, 2011, 08:25 PM
Remius, I have no idea what are talking about.

Sep 21, 2011, 08:32 PM
Remius, I have no idea what are talking about.

I see what you did there... and I liked it.

Sep 22, 2011, 08:32 AM
Great article today on IGN about the developers need to handle female characters in Gears of War 3 in an appropriate fashion.
Snippet: "And so we felt the need to properly represent them in the game, and make sure that they have characters that they like. That are confident. That, again, don't look like prostitutes".

Classy move Mr. Blizinski. Well played.

Sep 22, 2011, 10:18 AM
Fuck IGN.

Sep 22, 2011, 12:56 PM
Fuck IGN.

Yeah, great comment.

Sep 22, 2011, 12:57 PM
I lol'd.


Sep 22, 2011, 01:15 PM
Nothing more funny than educated posters.
I thought it was refreshing to hear that developers take their female audience into consideration. When you see hookers with guns, 99% of the time it's a dude behind the controller. I like the Hillary Swank comment. Girls need more positive characters that are tough and not looking like sluts.

Sep 22, 2011, 01:33 PM
Nothing more funny than educated posters.
I thought it was refreshing to hear that developers take their female audience into consideration. When you see hookers with guns, 99% of the time it's a dude behind the controller. I like the Hillary Swank comment. Girls need more positive characters that are tough and not looking like sluts.

How does this have ANYTHING to do with Phantasy Star Online 2, or the Character Creation: Chest Slider?

You can make the female look like anything you want in this game. Your comment was irrelevent, sounded like a plug for Gears of War 3... and IGN blows.


Fuck IGN.

Sep 22, 2011, 01:38 PM
Too much skin. Of course guys are covered in armor. SEGA gives you boob sliders, etc, etc.....I must be the only one here with a daughter. None of the default costumes do anything for female players who don't wanna look like a popstar diva or prostitute. That's what.

Sep 22, 2011, 01:53 PM
Actually I do have my doubts about the HUnewearl outfit as well. I mean... it's literally a big thong suspendered to a bolero. If you were to cut the supporting straps it'd leave the poor girl with nothing on between the midriff and boots. But then I've had fault with alot of the 'way too sexy' outfits that came out for PSP2i.

Sep 22, 2011, 01:55 PM
Are you kidding me? There are worse things shown on TV commercials.

I saw plenty of outfits that covered the character quite a bit.

Sep 22, 2011, 01:58 PM
Too much skin. Of course guys are covered in armor. SEGA gives you boob sliders, etc, etc.....I must be the only one here with a daughter. None of the default costumes do anything for female players who don't wanna look like a popstar diva or prostitute. That's what.
Not even the FOmarl costume? What with being a fully-covering dress and all.

Sep 22, 2011, 02:07 PM
Not even the FOmarl costume? What with being a fully-covering dress and all.


As far as having ONE outfit that looks slutty... I'm alright with that. Remember this is a Sci-fi game. Sci-fi always has that one character who's just sex appeal, and who's happy because of that. However, just as there's a slutty outfit, there should be a conservative or combat worthy outfit to balance it out. Saying you can choose a sexy outfit because of customization doesn't make sense unless you can also choose an unsexy outfit too.

But besides that, newmans prefer unrestrictive clothing anyway, due to their animal DNA (though again, I'm assuming I'm working with genesis Numans here). They prefer to have full range of motion, and feel uncomfortable in clothing. So it makes sense their outfits show some skin.
Of course, there's a difference between wearing something comfortable, and wearing... That. So I'm chalking this up to creative liscensing.
And pervertism. Those help sell things, which means a bigger budget, which makes me happy.

Sep 22, 2011, 02:13 PM
Are you kidding me? There are worse things shown on TV commercials.

I saw plenty of outfits that covered the character quite a bit.

I'M not plugging GoW3 but damn I wish pso2 would at least TRY this route with their female characters. I'm not trying to be gay but I just think that there are a lot of women who I'd play as if they looked as badass as GoW3's direction. I hope at least more games follow their lead. I was impressed, that's all. Flame away if U need to.

Sep 22, 2011, 02:35 PM
Meh, you're just being kinda dumb... Because first off, I'm assuming we're not counting Casts at all in this talk, because HUcaseal looks about as non-slutty a female character can get... Secondly, I hope you're not counting Forces either, because Force clothes are ALWAYS ridiculous, regardless of your race/sex. Just look at the fucking FOnewm for crying out loud.

So that leaves.... HUmarl, RAmarl, HUnewearl, and RAnewearl... Neither HUmarl or RAmarl look slutty at all to me. Yeah the RAmarl may have some thigh showing..... But you can cover it up with one of the undergarments selection with stockings.

So that leaves..... HUnewearl and RAnewearl. HUnewearl has always looked the way she does. So, that kinda just leaves RaNewearl... And even then... The RAnewm looks pretty ridiculous... He looks like he's about to go on a snowboarding trip or something, with those goggles, jacket, and moonboots.

Sep 22, 2011, 02:45 PM
I'd just like to say that, I, for one, don't think the slider goes small enough.


Sep 22, 2011, 02:56 PM
Newman/Numan girls have always worn the skimpy stuff. Even the badass one (Ursula)

Sep 22, 2011, 03:04 PM
Meh, you're just being kinda dumb... Because first off, I'm assuming we're not counting Casts at all in this talk, because HUcaseal looks about as non-slutty a female character can get... Secondly, I hope you're not counting Forces either, because Force clothes are ALWAYS ridiculous, regardless of your race/sex. Just look at the fucking FOnewm for crying out loud.

So that leaves.... HUmarl, RAmarl, HUnewearl, and RAnewearl... Neither HUmarl or RAmarl look slutty at all to me. Yeah the RAmarl may have some thigh showing..... But you can cover it up with one of the undergarments selection with stockings.

So that leaves..... HUnewearl and RAnewearl. HUnewearl has always looked the way she does. So, that kinda just leaves RaNewearl... And even then... The RAnewm looks pretty ridiculous... He looks like he's about to go on a snowboarding trip or something, with those goggles, jacket, and moonboots.
IIRC, gears of war is sci-fi as well. They were able to make guys and...gasp...girls look believable. The simple fact that PSO2 has a "Dead or Alive-style" boob slider shows where there intent is. I guess you can say that one of the biggest differences between Western & Eastern games is that the vision of women characters are really very different. I love the PSO series but I have never made a girl fighter b/c unless I want a Cast there isn't anything cool or badass about them........I like the direction Epic took. I guess I wish they made an actionRPG set in a futuristic sci-fi setting.

Sep 22, 2011, 03:10 PM
I'm exactly the opposite. I hate Gears of War. That game represents everything I hate about modern games. I almost always make female characters in PSO because I like cute things, not big macho muscle dudes.

Sep 22, 2011, 03:16 PM
To his their own... And that's exactly what the slider offers. Just like all of the customizing options.

Sep 22, 2011, 03:25 PM
IIRC, gears of war is sci-fi as well. They were able to make guys and...gasp...girls look believable. The simple fact that PSO2 has a "Dead or Alive-style" boob slider shows where there intent is. I guess you can say that one of the biggest differences between Western & Eastern games is that the vision of women characters are really very different. I love the PSO series but I have never made a girl fighter b/c unless I want a Cast there isn't anything cool or badass about them........I like the direction Epic took. I guess I wish they made an actionRPG set in a futuristic sci-fi setting.

Thing is, though.... Is that Gears of War is an apocalyptic setting. Of course you have to be a hard-ass to make it through alive... But by your logic, let's say for instance Gears of War 4 has a character creator.... And you can adjust the size of your characters boobs. That makes the women of the game automatically not badass? :l

Also, I dunno how the women are being portrayed in the Gears of War series, but I can't fucking stand the men.

Sep 22, 2011, 03:59 PM
"Dead or Alive-style" boob slider?

"Dead or Alive" style is "everybody gets D-cups or bust".

The boob slider goes all the way to AA size.

Your argument is invalid. :)

Sep 22, 2011, 04:06 PM
Tit slider is for ANY PREFERENCE, throw it out the window, don't even continue with it. I mean imagine DEFAULT boobs anyway in a JAPANESE GAME DEVELOPERS HANDS. You psuedo feminist should be HAPPY theres a boob slider, just like the REAL girl players are happy with it.

I don't see how Fomarl, Ramarl's outfits really look slutty. So humans look pretty average so far.

Newman women looking "slutty" was a part of the storyline since PSO (Short life = live hard = show some skin or something I dunno I just remember someone saying that.) Then Fonewearl's outfit looks like a baby could even wear it.

CASTS are CASTS they're robot chicks and the worse thing they really have is that cleavage on the Focaseal.

Only thing you should be complaining about is the JP players that instantly go for the "slutty" outfits and take up most of their population with loli-moe characters wearing them.

I'd say theres a fair balance with everything, and if you have a problem with it, then you have a problem with diversity, Besides... These games are usually rated what? T for Teen? So your kids are either old enough to play it or they're not, and it's not their problem otherwise. Otherwise you can say ESRB ratings aren't a big deal you can say the same for a few outfits out of like 9?


Sep 22, 2011, 05:57 PM
Hitomi Tanaka. Her slider is all right.

Sep 23, 2011, 08:56 AM
My issue isn't necessarily with the boob slider as much as the "guys get head-to-toe armor" and girls get skimpy (except for the force DRESS...ooooooh!"). Where's the tough, butchy, Rip-A-Monster's-Head-Off models??? That was why I mentioned how GoW3 was handling their female characters. Just an option in pso2 would be nice to see. All I've seen is skin so far, and this is before the bikinis come out when the game releases.

Edit: I realize that there will be more clothing options. I am simply lobbying for more diversity in "women's options" going fwd.

Sep 23, 2011, 09:24 AM
My issue isn't necessarily with the boob slider as much as the "guys get head-to-toe armor" and girls get skimpy (except for the force DRESS...ooooooh!". Where's the tough, butchy, Rip-A-Monster's-Head-Off models??? That was why I mentioned how GoW3 was handling their female characters. Just an option in pso2 would be nice to see. All I've seen is skin so far, and this is before the bikinis come out when the game releases.


Just wear the ramarl outfit. Same goes for all of the CASTS looking like GUNDAMS (But ohhhh I'm the only one complaining about that, BUT TITS ARE WORSE THAN GUNDAMS! D<)

Either way if they're not adding like 50 more outfits, this character customization is still not satisfying me more than PSU's.

Though I'm sure they will...

Otherwise... /facepalm

Sep 23, 2011, 10:06 AM
My issue isn't necessarily with the boob slider as much as the "guys get head-to-toe armor" and girls get skimpy (except for the force DRESS...ooooooh!". Where's the tough, butchy, Rip-A-Monster's-Head-Off models??? That was why I mentioned how GoW3 was handling their female characters. Just an option in pso2 would be nice to see. All I've seen is skin so far, and this is before the bikinis come out when the game releases.

I'm sure there are going to be a lot more costumes other than the default. With the character creator I'm sure you could make a very butchy, macho chick. You can even give her a 6-pack iirc.

Sep 23, 2011, 11:07 AM
Man you guys are awfully serious about some tits. I love 'em and I'm all about equality, but god damn you guys need to calm down :P

IMO it's a big selling point to a lot of people, whether or not we have the same standards as that. And if we want this game to flourish it's got to draw some kind of crowd. If the majority of people want 14-year-old midgets with breasts the size of the Forest Dragon boss, then let them! It just means they'll never be taken seriously by the majority of us here.

Sep 23, 2011, 12:40 PM
Man you guys are awfully serious about some tits. I love 'em and I'm all about equality, but god damn you guys need to calm down :P

Man forreal, i can't believe you guys are still going on about this shit.

And don't bring up Team Ninja during any conversation about women, because there is no series thats better at turning them into flawless, barbiedoll bouncy objects.

None of them are attractive anyway because they all look like they're made of plastic and have wonderful floppy boobs that will be on the floor by the time they are 40

Sep 23, 2011, 04:29 PM
People seem to have pretty poor memories. The only "skimpy" outfit in the alpha was the default HUnewearl gear. That's it. And in PSO, the only female character with (sorta) skimpy outfits was... the HUnewearl. Hmm...

And seriously people. I'm pretty sure there will be at least a few more clothing and CAST parts options in the final game than there were in the beta.

Sep 23, 2011, 04:53 PM
The WORST outfit in PSO couldn't hold a candle to even the most "modest" of trashy outfits in PSU.

Sep 23, 2011, 10:41 PM
People seem to have pretty poor memories. The only "skimpy" outfit in the alpha was the default HUnewearl gear. That's it. And in PSO, the only female character with (sorta) skimpy outfits was... the HUnewearl. Hmm...

And seriously people. I'm pretty sure there will be at least a few more clothing and CAST parts options in the final game than there were in the beta.

That was my whole point! I hope that i get an option like the one I mentioned. Casts don't count btw. They are technically covered head to toe in armor like I prefer. And FOnews get a pretty dress. :facepalm:

Sep 24, 2011, 03:13 PM
Casts are going to flop around in this game too, simply for the selling point aspect.

I don't understand when it was that casts gained breasts, but whatever.

Sep 24, 2011, 04:15 PM
The WORST outfit in PSO couldn't hold a candle to even the most "modest" of trashy outfits in PSU.
True, none of the HUnewearl outfits in PSO approached the outright skimpiness of the HUnewearl outfit in PSO2.

However, it's still the one and only example of it. I'm not saying there won't be other skimpy outfits, but I don't think that the existence of one skimpy outfit in the alpha means much of anything, let alone being something to get worked up about. Besides, it's a cool looking outfit even disregarding it showing some skin, I think. Asides from the whole showing a bit of butt crack... that's just odd.

Casts are going to flop around in this game too, simply for the selling point aspect.

I don't understand when it was that casts gained breasts, but whatever.
Huh? Caseals had boobs in PSO. They just didn't move. Then again, neither did marls' or newearls' since there were no physics for that. It would be rather odd to have "female" casts without something going on in the chest area.

So... did we see bounciness on the caseals in the alpha videos? I didn't pay attention to that when I was watching...

Sep 24, 2011, 04:33 PM
I dont remember -- did the Cast breasts on PSU have their psuedo bounce physics like the fleshies did?

I can't really recall any cast outfits that put emphasis on cleavage, though. Sure, you could easily give them breasts, but the outfits didn't advertise them like on PSP2 and upwards. In fact, there really were not too many skimpy outfits i can recall in PSU/AotI, aside from the obvious disgusting voloyal set. Most of the outfits in PSU were quite modest in design.

There were plenty of female outfit combos I really liked, and also alot of male ones i enjoyed too (which is somewhat rare to me.) After PSP2 and up though? Everything went downhill into cliche tropey territory. My male character kept the original male starter outfit up until the 100s. And then i think i switched from that to Kraz's set. Thats about it.

As for PSO2's outfits, the Hunewearl's bottom half is somewhat ridiculous to me, but i can let it slide i guess. I like the Ramarl outfit aside from the thigh part, which kind of feels forcibly set there TBH. I liked her army pants.

I dont mind her stance at all, but it feels like she has the opposite persona that the original Ramarl had, which is kind of annoying. She went from short haired army girl to...longhaired librarian with a gun?

Meh, blame Japan, i guess. I think it's funny that everyone kept their original feeling except for the FEMALE characters. (go figure, right?) Fomarl had a mysterious kind of feeling about her, that kind of "holy redemption mage" kind of look in all of her artwork. She doesn't have that feeling about her at all anymore. Caseal and Fonewearl don't count, because their personalities were pretty common. At least Fonewearl isn't going Magical Girl...at least i HOPE she isnt.

Sep 24, 2011, 04:39 PM
I dont remember -- did the Cast breasts on PSU have their psuedo bounce physics like the fleshies did?

Of course.

I can't really recall any cast outfits that put emphasis on cleavage, though. Sure, you could easily give them breasts, but the outfits didn't advertise them like on PSP2 and upwards. In fact, there really were not too many skimpy outfits i can recall in PSU/AotI, aside from the obvious amazing voloyal set. Most of the outfits in PSU were quite modest in design.

There were a few female CAST torsos that did a bit of chest exposure. Also, fixed that one sentence for you. :-P

Sep 24, 2011, 04:50 PM
Voloyal set was just.....ugh. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't auto-install fake ass breasts on your model. Other than that, it was something that i believe should have just stayed with the casino staff. It was sexy cute on them, but just disgusting on everyone else. ESPECIALLY the lolis, because then it was just annoyingly disturbing.

And yeah, silly me. Of course they had the same boob jiggle -- everyone in the game shared the same freaking animations.

Sep 24, 2011, 05:01 PM
I am a White Knight!!! Fear me!

My favorite caseal suit was the gimneal set though.

Sep 24, 2011, 05:02 PM
Voloyal set was just.....ugh. Maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if it didn't auto-install fake ass breasts on your model. Other than that, it was something that i believe should have just stayed with the casino staff. It was sexy cute on them, but just disgusting on everyone else. ESPECIALLY the lolis, because then it was just annoyingly disturbing.

I love the Vol set on certain characters (my own included, obviously). But, on lolis, it was pretty wretched-looking, considering 9-year-old girls don't have big breasts and wide hips.

I just really liked the figure that the outfit gave. I also think it's fun dressing like a cowboy-themed showgirl while beating the piss out of monsters.

Guess the design isn't for everyone, but it's one of my favorite outfits.

Sep 24, 2011, 05:26 PM
If you're having difficulty remembering what each part looked like: http://www.pso-world.com/items/psu/9/cast_parts/

There are quite a few that show off some flesh, such as the side or the midrift, which would otherwise make for some savage looking armor. There are some which show off far too much breast. And one which is otherwise what I would have found perfect on Levia, which covers all the breast except the nipple.
I was able to find a few armor sets I liked though. More than what I can say for the fleshie design.

Sep 24, 2011, 06:35 PM
They made Nacht Lotus (http://psupedia.info/Nacht_Lotus) to balance out Voloyal Set. Gives everyone DFC.

Also, Elaciel Legs + Elaciel Arms + Epicarel Torso = Dizzy. Casts actually get the most fanservicey outfit in PSU because of that.

Sep 24, 2011, 06:44 PM
I love the Vol set on certain characters (my own included, obviously). But, on lolis, it was pretty wretched-looking, considering 9-year-old girls don't have big breasts and wide hips.

I just really liked the figure that the outfit gave. I also think it's fun dressing like a cowboy-themed showgirl while beating the piss out of monsters.

Guess the design isn't for everyone, but it's one of my favorite outfits.

I seconded!

Sep 24, 2011, 11:22 PM
Well now huneweals will be like call girls beating the piss outta monsters.

Sep 24, 2011, 11:30 PM
Well now huneweals will be like call girls beating the piss outta monsters.

Nothing new there! They've always dressed like that...

Sep 24, 2011, 11:31 PM
Thats cool and all but nothing beats a house wife beating the goombas out of the badguys.

Sep 24, 2011, 11:47 PM
Nothing new there! They've always dressed like that...

Now all we need is an ork to comment on them. "Dat fancy tart's close, I can feels her."

Sep 25, 2011, 07:31 AM
So many of you are going to die virgins at this rate.

Sep 25, 2011, 07:48 AM
Yes the chest slider is something but when I watch the alpha test videos and see the female characters walking around, I just don't notice it enough to even care. They're not porn star big to me and that's fine in my book.

I think about it when I watch the character creation video but after the person gets done with it and starts playing, I'm focused on the game itself and completely forget about it. Yeah you're going to notice it when you're chatting in lobby when you get bored but the game itself will distract you to the point of ignoring the "issue" all together.

Sep 25, 2011, 07:52 AM
So many of you are going to die virgins at this rate.

Did you really use the virgin card? I stopped use that as soon as I got laid back in high school. Once you loose your virginity you stop caring about wither anyone else is a virgin, just a F.Y.I.

Sep 25, 2011, 08:07 AM
But to the people who haven't lost it yet (and also give a damn about where it is and where it's going), it still stings. I don't care about your sex life or whoever else's reads it; I'm just being pointlessly insulting to those it applies to.

Seriously, how long have you been using the internet that you don't know how it works yet? For shame, guy.

Sep 25, 2011, 09:17 AM
So many of you are going to die virgins at this rate.

I love how people automatically associate being a virgin with something "bad." Did it ever occur to you people that some people don't give a shit about sexual contact? Just like money, sex isn't everything. But, that's what happens when people let this shitty, short-sighted society we live in tell them what "normal" people "should" be doing/have done.

I know this guy was just trolling, but I felt the need to say that anyway.

Yes the chest slider is something but when I watch the alpha test videos and see the female characters walking around, I just don't notice it enough to even care.

It'll be like that for a lot of things, including the dreading "Snake Spin Syndrome." Sure, everyone sees it now in screenshots, but once we're all actually sitting down and playing the game, no one will notice or care about it.

Sep 25, 2011, 10:27 AM
Seriously, how long have you been using the internet that you don't know how it works yet? For shame, guy.

I'm glad I don't know how it works or else I'll be talking like you, making stupid comments just because I'm "using the internet".

It'll be like that for a lot of things, including the dreading "Snake Spin Syndrome." Sure, everyone sees it now in screenshots, but once we're all actually sitting down and playing the game, no one will notice or care about it.

Exactly, if anything enjoy it, be a guy and adore those digital breast, besides they can't beat real breast no matter how perfect or big they are.

Sep 25, 2011, 11:38 AM
I love how people use "it's the internet!" as justification for deliberately dumbing down the value of their posts for lulz at others' expense.

Hey, y'know, sociopathy is never justified no matter what medium you're using to transmit it, so please leave it out, kthx?

Sep 25, 2011, 03:10 PM
So many of you are going to die virgins at this rate.

^ either didn't read thread, or didn't understand any of the posts.

Sep 25, 2011, 03:14 PM
Was too much for the dood's brain to handle.

Sep 25, 2011, 03:42 PM
Obviously. Must be hard, not being able to take in that much information.

Sep 25, 2011, 04:41 PM
So many of you are going to die virgins at this rate.

Projection is so good of a tool.

Sep 25, 2011, 05:49 PM
ooooooo, hit em with the psychology terms, they can't handle it because it makes them look very bad

But in his defense, this is a...well, pretty pathetic looking thread.

Mega Ultra Chicken
Sep 25, 2011, 06:05 PM
ooooooo, hit em with the psychology terms, they can't handle it because it makes them look very bad

But in his defense, this is a...well, pretty pathetic looking thread.Now that I think about it... we spent like 20 pages talking about virtual boobs of all things. Try making that sound dignified.

Sep 25, 2011, 06:09 PM
Well like I said like 15 pages ago, I don't see the big deal. I prefer dat ass.

Sep 25, 2011, 06:13 PM
The fact that this started as a silly thread made this a great thread, since we could go anywhere we wanted to with the conversation.

Sep 25, 2011, 06:17 PM
Well like I said like 15 pages ago, I don't see the big deal.

If everyone would actually act like adults, and stop whining with the whole "Wow, you guys can't talk about that on a forum!! You're all weird and gross!!" spiel, then yes, it's not a big deal. But, there will always be crybabies.