I didnt even know you could pick a buff, thought it was random lol. But yeah, the drops rates are depressing. I managed to get a leg unit and know people who got the others(and seen randoms with all 3) but majority of the team has gotten none. The sad part is that they are going to welfare the units I think in 2 weeks from the Shiva/Varuna Armada V2.0 thingie and I am assuming they will be as fast as regular DQ as far as module farming is(which isnt too bad imo, and you CAN buy them if you have meseta)

If they do that though, there is almost no reason to do primordial after you get your stone. The drop rates in general are REALLY bad. Almost no cubes, sometimes not a single 13* at all, 14* seem as rare as 15* from older EQs, and 15* well...I think I only know 2 people getting one so far, with one being a Puras. I am not a fan of the EQ as far as gameplay goes, I consider it the the 2nd most boring only behind Deus, but if they remove the only carrot on a stick it had(being the only source for Cras Units) then I will be skipping this EQ for good unless they add something new.