If most of u haven't heard yet or if u do or do not know this player, Rune Meadows recently had a unit stolen from him recently (Sori / TECH Charge) from a player named Orina (a Female Newman).

Orina has also recently stolen a Love Bow from another player (i do not remember his name). The player let her borrow the Love Bow, then once she took it she went to her room, blacklisted him, and kept the Love Bow for herself. There are rumors that this is MY Love Bow...it is NOT. I was there when she told me about how she stole it, so i know this is true.

Back to the Sori, Rune Meadows let Orina borrow the unit, and when Rune asked for it back, she would not even return his msgs. I PERSONALLY went down to her room myself to get it back from her and she refused to return it. She has been ignoring both Rune and my msgs on the game and has not even tried to return it.

During the time she had the unit, She yelled out in the lobbies that she FOUND the Sori in a run. THAT is a lie. She also said the same thing about finding the board for the Love Bow in a run as well...get real, she wasn't even a high enough level to even do the runs.

ALSO just the other day she was at Raffon Lakeshore Uni 2 Yelling out that she has a Sori / TECH Charge for trade. PEOPLE that is a stolen unit, the unit she is tryin to trade off is Runes, please DO NOT accept her trade and blacklist her if u see her. She is a liar and has lied to MANY people about how both the Sori and Love Bow belong to her.

One more thing, she has a best friend, -\Azure///- who has also been helping Orina and not doing anything to help return Rune's sori back to him, if u can please do not make any contact with her and blacklist her if u can.

Thieves and Liars don't deserve to play a great game like this where most people trust each other. Please avoid them at all costs. Thank you.