I was up late thinking about all the stupid stuff me and my friends say or do while playing PSU and I have come to wonder:

Do you say or do anything funny while playing PSU? Do you have different names for enemies or items in the game? How about things you say or do while running?

Here are a few of our good ones:

A friend refers to "Retarides" as "Retardies"
The same friend also calls:
Polavohras "Povaloras"
Ubakrada "Uganda"
Hoshi-Kikami Hoshi-Kakimi"
Gur Bazga "Gur bazanga"

Autumn has a few good ones:
"Cracker jack badira" for the badira you break out of boxes in SW
Loli fortetecher? NO! Lolitecher!

Ginger and Aaron are good for a few:
"Crayon" for Cyral
"Brestaline" for Vestaline

I'm good for a few myself:
Aside form the above,
Dark Fails (Dark Falz)
De Fillet (De Rol Le)
After playing Jp side for a bit I'm really bad for:
Paru Waruna (Par Walna)
Raia Martinesu (Laia Martinez)
HARARAD (Halarod)

If you haven't done any of this how about naming NPCs? y'know loving names for those NPCs you hold dear....

One of my personal favorites are the workers in Kesla Vasla, better known as:

The Kubara Bros.!

While I can't really post in the forums all the choice names I've had for those two I've found myself screaming at them profusely that I'll find their family, cut them up and feed them to them, and make them grind my damn weapon THEN!

Anyhow, anyone else say or do anything funny while playing PSU?