This is very bitter-sweet for me. Here's my personal reasons.


I have spent the better part of 5 years on this game alone, and have watched it and myself grow, and I have been a part of a lot of great groups and have met some of the most amazing people I have ever know through it. (Also some of the worst, but eh). The saddest part for me personally, is knowing my photoshoot still exists, and yeah. I've called this game my home for a long time, and I've been proud to do so. (Until the last year or so). I won't lie, one of my favorite pastimes on this game was ranting to my group of friends in general about PSU, but always playing like an addict. Lol. xD The reason this is bitter is just seeing all this go.


Seeing this dying horse being put to rest. No more people being divided by "the way this game should be handled" and no more of the disgusting nature of the beast rearing it's ugly head. The game really has turned into a craphole as of the last year or two. It's the reason I stopped playing "seriously" on it. Most of the people on used to be decent, now it's just the demo all over again, except just a dating service. At the same time, the feeling of loss is diminished knowing PSO2 is on it's way and that a lot of people will be moving to it, so the adventure never truly ends!

On that note. Here's my illustration of my feelings about it.