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    Lightbulb Project Codename "AUW 3095"

    Hello everyone.

    I'll keep the introduction as brief as possible. I have been busily working on a fan film series of the Phantasy Star Online series. My objective was to [better] bridge the story gap between PSO EP 4 and EP 3. It's been a little over 2 years of brain storming and story writing, however this project has something I've planned ever since EP 3 was released. EP 3 heavily inspires the story since EP 3 established the most lore of any of the previous PSO episodes along with the lack of character presence from quest story characters in PSO 124 even mentioned in EP 3. PSO 124 doesn't do the best job telling a story either. For the most part if I'm referencing PSO 124, I'm mainly using the landscape of P2 and mentioning the key events involving Dark Falz, Olga Flow, and the crater.

    I plan to stick as close to canon possible. The research involved in this endeavor is nothing short of monumental especially considering that I am doing the bulk of the work solo. It's a path much more easily traversed given the existing information about the series. I have so far enjoyed every moment discovering something or developing a new explanation for existing systems.

    At present, I am still forming the story. I have an outline of some things I want to happen, namely the core events that make up for the series. Characters have been designed and are being fleshed out as I write. I do not plan and using any of the visibly established characters in the series as part of my project (in terms of casting them. I think I have a few cameos).

    However this is where I want to factor in the fans.

    Whilst I believe I have a pretty good grip on the PSO Lore, I would like to consider what the other player's opinions are regarding the series. Because I want this to be something that can be enjoyed by the fans, I want to consider content outside of my current lens. I will put a my 2.0 synopsis of my story a bit later, but I can current give you this much information.

    -The series will take place during AUW 3095 and span a few years beyond that. This project focused on the initial meteor investigation, the shifts in P2's governing system, and the initial development of CARD technology. As a right now, I am not currently considering having this series expand on the actual development of CARD)

    -I have a possible second series that will most likely be individual a few mini-series that spans years after this initial project that will better serve as an explanation of CARD technology. However, this is extremely secondary. I will have a better idea on how this will look once I fully develop the initial story.

    -AUW 3095 is divided into 4 stages currently. These stages are the larger plot events that take place. There are 3 'factions' sort to speak. These factions split the story's view between the government, the laboratory/research department, and the population of P2. Each faction has 2 groups as well. These 6 lens will be used to shape how the story is seen, which is typical fair for story-writing.

    -While this is obviously an artist's interpretation, I am trying to stick as close to the establish lore as possible. I'm using it to frame an obviously non-canon environment. Currently, most of the story takes place on different areas of P2 (including the lab).

    -I'm planning on scripting this in a quest editor to give this more of a personable experience. I was considering this being a questline you could play. I am open to considering having playable subplots. However, this is a HUGE project and I need to make sure I have the main story established to move forward with anything else.

    -Again, no main characters will be used (as in part of the cast) in this series. I will have some mentions along with employing relatives for the sake of character identifying and story expansion.

    -I'm not currently planning on expanding on any of the story characters in PSO Ep 1-2 outside of 2 (which will not be seen, just referenced). I'm considering EP 4, but as of right now, I'm not using any of them.

    -MOST of the characters currently referenced were in no way used based on favoritism. I personally enjoy K.C. Rio, Relmitos, Guykild, and Gluster. Rio is the only one that I'm currently using based on the fact that outside of really liking her, her story really needed expanding. K.C. does too, but at best he inspires another character, but has no background development. As for Relmitos, there really isn't going to be a successful story doing what I'm doing that won't mention him.

    -Current story characters that are being referenced moderately referenced (these are characters that heavily inspire an existing cast member): Endu, Rio, Creinu, Relmitos, Black Paper (not conclusive), Dol Grisen

    -Current story characters that are referenced based on history/background: Break, Orland, Saligun, Rufina (subject to change), Hyze (subject to change), Bernie (subject to change to mention or unused), Healthcliff Flowen, Red Ring Rico, Han Walt, The Player hero (one's character in PSO EP1-2

    ------ (below this point, these characters will have no character expansion)------

    -Current characters that are mentioned only (barely used): Ino'lis, Peko, Pentaglass (WIP), Red (considering), Dr Natasha Milarose, Principal Tyrell (considering), Viviana and Memoru (subject to change), Leo Garhart, Rupika (WIP as a character allusion), Dr Osto (potentially), Jean Carlo Montague (possibly)

    -Characters I'm NOT referencing: Kranz, Teifu, Kylria, Stella, Lura

    -Characters that I'm not currently using: All the staff from EP 3 and 4, no quest story characters from EP 124, Glustar, K.C., Reiz, Ohgun, Guykild, any character that I have not listed


    This project is shaping up to becoming a great ride for me. It is my 5th fan fiction and the 1st I'm planning on filming and considering for use in my professional portfolio.

    Where the fans come in is general critique. I'm open to suggestions for characters people would like to have expounded upon in my series. This is supposed to bridge the gap between 4 and 3 while not stepping on any toes of what is established. I'm not currently considering designing new characters as I currently have over 20 with a solid 10 or so being core characters. This is a serious venture, but I am flavoring it with some humor as my beginnings as a film director is in comedy, though my initial written works have always been fantasy or non-fiction.

    If anyone had any tidbits of lore to share about the game that you think I might not have found, feel free to share. I'll post my synopsis a little later (I'm tired and I don't want to copy and paste my current one without giving you some graphics).

    Hope this gives people some renewed interest in PSO.
    Last edited by tlbww; Jul 30, 2014 at 11:39 AM.

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