Quote Originally Posted by Anduril View Post
Well, I finally got past Phaleg for the first time by Step Attacking around her using Rifle (the death floors were great for near-constant Counter Shots) and popping purple Marks, but whiffed it against Omega Hunar. He did his first circular snake attack, and I accidentally dodged right into one after breaking out of Stun.
Just so I can know whether or not I had a chance, assuming that I didn't die, does it seem like I would have come in under the 15 minute mark if I came into the fight at ~8:03 (as reference, I started off with a Rod Phantom Time Finisher, racked up what looked like maybe 150K [probably less, actually] damage from Techs, and didn't get to a Purple Mark before dying at ~8:34)?
You should have plenty of time. For comparison Hunar has 10.5m HP, and Deus has 5m. But with the easy stage 4 order for the bonus damage to light techs for Hunar the clear time ends up pretty similar to stage 1, maybe a bit faster since you'll hit his core/sword sometimes.