Pso2 NGS is an open world mmorpg game where you battle the forces of evil with or without your friends in exchange for power, recognition, and meseta..

there are a multitude of playstyles to choose from...

character progression

I like the idea that certain items might only drop in certain zones because it makes me feel like you always take the same route to get the best augments gear elements for your preferred playstyle though im pretty sure they change where things drop often
The economy of the game is great but i wish there was a little more to it
like say when they released ac scratches then the items you would put up for sale would have a unique minimum value
ex. the new hairstyle you got can only be sold for over 3million meseta..
this would make the supply and demand both go up as there really is no bad pricing obviously as soon as those items start to dwindle on the market then the price will shoot up
but with a change like this implemented then they could think about merging the economy across ships as the economy would include everyone playing the game..
idk if this is a thing already but it would be cool if the lookbook system applied across all ships as well.
Having a sense of "meta fashion" and knowing what people like gives players a chance to make newer or even older items worth more than their original value...
The story in the game is great so far.. but im always wanting more
i see npcs that show up now and then to help clear trials but i basically have zero clue who they are so it would be nice to get to know them more.
i feel as if in ngs we know what we are doing but we are literally just there to fight the battles it seems we arent out doing much or learning really anything about why things are the way they are and what we might need to do to change that...
and i just miss walking into random areas and being dropped into a cutscene : 3 good vibes

all in all i will continue playing NGS as it is a great game
i get that changing the way the ships work could be very game breaking it is literally just an idea i thought would be cool
it is understandable that there are tons of side quests already where you meet new characters but it just doesnt have the same feel as pso2
characters you meet in one place would eventually meet with you again for adventures in other places all over the game and by the end of it you feel like you have so many friends you can barely keep track of them all good thing we are so effective at battling evil right?? xD
what im saying is NGS is great at base value but if you enjoyed pso2 you are probably feeling a little bit homesick
anyone else feel this way???