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  1. #71


    Quote Originally Posted by Alnet View Post
    If a WT/GT/AT walks into my game...

    If WT: I'd be in SHOCK. Almost nobody plays WT anymore, unless it's to get MF. Well, I do... I've been WT since December 06. My Newman's been in almost-perpetual WT-mode the entire latter part of the recent event, and with the new WT-friendly equips like Shide-Misaki, Twin Falclaws, and Rabol Orachio, I'll be playing WT even more than I was before. I don't expect to see anyone else following suit, though.
    I am! My Newman spent a lot of time as a WT. She isn't at the moment, because right now I'm exploring FT (and later, MF) with her (I'm multi-typing with all four of my characters anyway), but at some point later I'm sure I will be back to WT again with her. It's a fun class, though if I could change ONE thing about it, I would give them S rank tech Mags rather than wands. You're not alone Alnet!
    If GT: I wouldn't be so surprised, since it's for GM, and everyone wants to be GM these days. Though it really does grate on my nerves when everyone who plays GT has to whine for the entire game about how much they hate GT because it doesn't have S-rank Shotgun and/or S-rank Rifle. Nonsense like that makes me actually gravitate towards the unpopular classes, simply because other people hate them so much.
    I bolded that part becuase it irritates me as well. My human just went Gunmaster, but again, I'll explore that for a while, and sometime later I'll be going back to GT (which I personally LOVE) with her.
    Even so, why is this even an issue? Are people really so insecure about their own playstyle that they'll boot other people for picking a particular class? Grow up, whoever you are. There are much better reasons to kick someone out. And if you really loathe techer classes that much and don't want to play with any WTs, GTs, ATs, fTs, or MFs, just delete all your partner cards of anyone who has a single character who plays any of those classes at any given time. Problem solved~
    Well said.
    Quote Originally Posted by Criss View Post
    I've been playing a GT as my main character since back in the days of their lv 10 techs, so I really don't mind those classes joining.
    Me too. I remember those days...
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple_S View Post
    I always check what class everyone is. It gives me a basic expectation of what they will use.
    I check as well, as you said, just to have a general idea of what everyone is going to do. Also, if I am the only techer in the party, I check because if another techer comes in, they may have better buffs than mine, and I want to know that ahead of time so I don't end up overwriting them.
    Quote Originally Posted by Triple_S View Post
    Yes, because keeping people from a party because they have low level PAs or class levels is solving the problem. Screw letting them stay and still have fun while leveling up that which you have such an issue with, they didn't spend hours upon hours grinding all alone and being bored out of their fucking minds! The fact that they have to ASK TO STAY AND LEVEL is a little baffling as well.
    This. If you have a specific purpose for playing whatever mission you are in, some specific REASON why you really need to have only certain classes or minimum levels or whatever, just put it in the freakin' comment. Even then, if it were me, I would still say something to the person, explaining what the deal is (yes, they should have read the comment, but I'll give them the chance anyway) and ASKING them to leave before booting them.
    I agree with the second part of it though, as I do hate when people act like total fucktards. I can sympathize with wanting rares though, since all three drop systems do nothing but bend me over and rape me with a crowbar made of Vulcaline unless I solo. Which is boring as all hell.
    Yeesh, that sounds painful. I know how you feel sometimes, though.
    Once again I agree with you about how usually the people who play the hybrid classes for more than just to level to the master classes. I did that with Guntecher, admittedly, but after playing it I can't see where all the hate stems from. It is a very versatile class. Many awesome choices when it comes to your palette, great PA caps, and honestly the stats aren't THAT bad. Acrotecher is good as well. Protranser is freaking amazing and very few people realize it. Dunno about Wartecher, but I'll have to test it one day (Yes, I will eventually make FAILcast a Masterforce, hahaha) and I don't think it'll be all that bad.
    As mentioned above, I love GT. It's actually one of my favorite classes. Sure, it doesn't have a lot of raw power, but it's just so damned FUN. Same with WT, actually.

    And really, PSU has such a loose, freeform style to its combat that all of this stuff hardly even makes that much difference. If you have a party of 4 or 5 people, with all of them being decently competant players and all of them with levels near that of the enemies of the area, the real, practical difference between one of those players being a Newman WT vs a Beast FF is seriously going to be like a couple minutes of mission time, tops.

    Also, you win for having a FOcast named FAILcast.

    It'd be cool to play with some of you guys (those who are on PC/PS2 anyway) sometime soon.

  2. #72


    ARGH. This computer sucks, and a crashing browser led to a double post. Ah well, I guess that's what I get for posting from work.

  3. #73


    Quote Originally Posted by Cynless View Post
    You do what?
    I say hi, and continue playing
    #1 Dont feed the pikachu's #2 Do a barrel roll! <(O_O;<) gib meh teh babeh!

  4. #74


    I like it when I see a WT/GT/AT, that means one more potential healer and/or buffer in the party! Anyone who saves me money on mates and buff items is always welcome. (P.S. I won't be offended if they don't heal/buff me either. )

    Sig art by Aussei ^_^

  5. #75


    Does not matter to me what class they are. People should play what they want.
    Arbalest: LVL 150 Male CAST FF20, FG20, PT20
    Byakko: LVL 150 Male Beast GM20
    Hiro: LVL150 Male Human AF20, AT20, FiG11, FF10, WT10, GT10, GM20

  6. #76
    Gurhalian Sith Lord DarthLasek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    NJ, Boston for College


    I'm a fighgunner, WT and a Gunmaster...Id never go from fighgunner to fighmaster..EVER

  7. #77
    Dance! \(^-^)/ Ail's Avatar
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    Italy (pc/ps2)


    Quote Originally Posted by DarthLasek View Post
    I'm a fighgunner, WT and a Gunmaster...Id never go from fighgunner to fighmaster..EVER
    My Lena is very proud to be hunter 9 since the day that the advanced classes came out. and i think that this explains it all

  8. #78
    Eternal Challenger Sano's Avatar
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    Apr 2002
    Bronx, NY


    When another AT joins my party, first thing on my mind: "They probably have higher buffs than me... *sigh*.."

    But personally, my main character is AT and I absolutely love it . I must be weird because I like keeping everyone near full health, fully buffed (almost always rebuff anyone after they die), try to keep all the monsters in Stun Lock (Vish Adacs in all elements), Attack Down (Vish Promotos), and Reverser just about anything negative I see on someone (unless it is Silence on a Figh/GunMaster or something of the like lol).

    I can't stand it when AT's join any of my games that don't play AT as heartfelt as I do. To me its like... I know how relieved and more concentrated my teammates can play when they know they don't have to worry about having to use Mates/Antimates and sometimes even Status/Resists since I'm pretty speedy with it. With less to worry about, I know they can let loose more and their full potential comes out. I think that when people are allowed to play as such, they are happier... and when people are happier, that makes me happy . I don't know why half (or more) AT's think that their personal damage should be what they care about most; its the well being of your party members and yourself. Meh.. I'll end this Avid Support AcroTecher Rant early...

    One other note: Kinda anxious for the Supplemental Update to come, wanna see how much more awesome WT becomes .
    Last edited by Sano; Jun 4, 2009 at 08:27 AM.

  9. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Cynless View Post
    You do what?

    Sure, they don't have the raw power of FF/FM/GM/FG/high level PT, etc... But they do offer SOMETHING, right?
    Of someone enters in my party with ofe of these types, I'd be pretty glad. No much character playing a supporter role (buffs, heals, etc) since arrival of master classes In fact, my Human plays as AF/AT, and I love her. Also, PT and their traps are really helpful too, specially with big mobs.

    When another AT joins my party, first thing on my mind: "They probably have higher buffs than me... *sigh*.."

    But personally, my main character is AT and I absolutely love it . I must be weird because I like keeping everyone near full health, fully buffed (almost always rebuff anyone after they die),(...)

    I can't stand it when AT's join any of my games that don't play AT as heartfelt as I do. To me its like... I know how relieved and more concentrated my teammates can play when they know they don't have to worry about having to use Mates/Antimates and sometimes even Status/Resists since I'm pretty speedy with it. With less to worry about, I know they can let loose more and their full potential comes out. I think that when people are allowed to play as such, they are happier... and when people are happier, that makes me happy . I don't know why half (or more) AT's think that their personal damage should be what they care about most; its the well being of your party members and yourself. Meh.. I'll end this Avid Support AcroTecher Rant early...
    Completely agree ;D

    Greetings from:
    Last edited by Shivah; Jun 4, 2009 at 11:59 AM.

    My girls: Eris, Nėssa, Naethda, Naoki .::2006 - 2010 PC/PS2R.I.P::.

    My girls reborn

  10. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Jaguar View Post
    When another AT joins my party, first thing on my mind: "They probably have higher buffs than me... *sigh*.."

    But personally, my main character is AT and I absolutely love it . I must be weird because I like keeping everyone near full health, fully buffed (almost always rebuff anyone after they die), try to keep all the monsters in Stun Lock (Vish Adacs in all elements), Attack Down (Vish Promotos), and Reverser just about anything negative I see on someone (unless it is Silence on a Figh/GunMaster or something of the like lol).

    I can't stand it when AT's join any of my games that don't play AT as heartfelt as I do. To me its like... I know how relieved and more concentrated my teammates can play when they know they don't have to worry about having to use Mates/Antimates and sometimes even Status/Resists since I'm pretty speedy with it. With less to worry about, I know they can let loose more and their full potential comes out. I think that when people are allowed to play as such, they are happier... and when people are happier, that makes me happy . I don't know why half (or more) AT's think that their personal damage should be what they care about most; its the well being of your party members and yourself. Meh.. I'll end this Avid Support AcroTecher Rant early...

    One other note: Kinda anxious for the Supplemental Update to come, wanna see how much more awesome WT becomes .
    That's how I play my AT as well.

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