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  1. #1

    Default Arkzeins in Super Hard

    How do you deal with them? It's bad enough that they're powerhouses but they also have ridiculous amounts of defense. My RAcast can barely manage to hit above 50 damage against them. The only way I can take them on without being mauled is saving my PB chain for them. Gun's barely work and getting within melee range is just asking to be rammed into a wall.
    I'd almost guess that it's immune to Zalure too, because I can pelt at it with my Zalure lv4 Kleingold all day and it won't take effect.

    Is there any method outside of having a competent FO (who isn't Sarisa) or spamming Burn Traps?

  2. #2


    Yeah, these guys are a real pain and are undoubtably the toughest enemies in the game for rangers (perhaps all classes?). If you have no decent melee weapon, I find that the most effective tactic is to attack Arkzein from the front and lure it into using its machine gun attack, and then dodge at the last moment. Shoot shoot shoot dodge, shoot shoot shoot dodge, etc. This tactic also gives you enough room to avoid an oncoming charge (which is very dangerous if you get locked into a wall). If your Kleingold has the Flame Hit PA, then try to spam it, because burning Arkzein is going to make it far easier to deal with- just be careful as Flame Hit will leave you vulnerable to attacks for a couple of seconds. Also, I recommend changing your Kleingold's element to Celeb (so you'll get Celeb lvl 4, and get a massive 40% attacking bonus at the cost of whittling down your meseta).

    When two Arkzein appear at once, you really need to place yourself in such a position so that you and the two Arkzein are arranged in a straight line. This means that one will start hitting the other with its rockets, and make your life a little easier (does around 300+ damage on super hard I think). Try and keep your team members alive with Moon Atomizers and Heal Traps, so they can keep on distracting one of the Arkzein while you deal with the other.

    If you are doing the Eternal Tower, I find that Photon Blasts are a great help against Arkzein (as a RAcast, you probably have the Pacifal Photon Blast?). If you have a Photon Blast charged up, save it for when an Arkzein appears, because you can probably deal with everything else pretty easily.
    Last edited by scampy; Jan 10, 2010 at 12:01 PM.

  3. #3


    Rage Tonfa works fairly well and the burn effect from this weapon(high lv element) is stronger and lasts longer than the effect from traps, procs fairly often too. Other than paying attention to its behavior and your positioning there is not much else we can help with.

    And yea Arkzeins also have very high gun resistance so you are gonna want to get a good melee weapon, unless you want to deal with its missile attack as well.
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  4. #4


    I don't really wanna change my Kleingold to Celeb because I already use Celeb for my Crimson Vis (though it's only lv1)
    I do use heat traps and flame hit often against them, but when two come up, it's really hard to manage with the NPCs kiting them every which way.
    Also I use Granrir for PB, best odds of just outright OHKO.

  5. #5


    to beat the arkeins you need to use a melee weapon. a gunblade with Earth Bullet or a claw can do the trick. they resist ranged attacks severely (and also everything else at plant aside from i believe 1 or 2 mobs) so you need to get up close and personal and work that dodge roll.

    ticks liek heat and dark also help and stun can also give you some time to get in a few more hits

    but yeah as a word of advice, Plant hates rangers =(
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  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by leviayurashyguy View Post
    but yeah as a word of advice, PSZ hates rangers =(
    Yup. Short end of the stick.

  7. #7


    Why not use a shield to block rockets and the stupid run-you-over attack?

  8. #8
    Lavis Master DoubleCannon's Avatar
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    Jan 2010
    Land of OZ I think? ... or did that tornado take me elsewhere?


    LOL just wait.. just u wait! When you encounter the rare version AT BOOSTED! your in for absolute hell. The bloody thing gives more exp then the bosses! lol. But ya just u wait.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by DoubleCannon View Post
    LOL just wait.. just u wait! When you encounter the rare version AT BOOSTED! your in for absolute hell. The bloody thing gives more exp then the bosses! lol. But ya just u wait.
    Been there. :P

  10. #10


    I LOVE rare Arkzeins! They are SOOO much easier! I believe it is just the missile launcher that makes them so annoying, though their other attacks aren't exactly nice either...but still nowhere NEAR as annoying as the missiles...they do more than I can heal...2 hits even when healing as fast as I can kills me ;-;

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