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  1. #111
    In Optimus Curtz we trust Broken_L_button's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruciarius View Post
    If they think people would trade for all 0 %s more than an obvious hacked one, then maybe.

    Personally, I'll never trade. AR, ROMs and R4s just ruin the game too much. I wish game devs and even Nintendo would do some sort of anti-hacking protection for their games. That way AR will go out of business and games will be more enjoyable.

    If you need AR or other cheats to enjoy a game, then you just suck at the game and/or need a new game.
    Well, that's what AP and encryption are for. But, in the end, no protection is perfect; hackers still manage to get around it after a certain time. If the game devs did invest MUCH more time into AP and the encrytption of their games, the hackers would have a much more arduous task ahead of them, but, in the end, they'd still get around it.

    Also, you need to keep in mind that, for the developpers, the main objective is to realease the game at a certain date. Putting too much time into encrypting the data would delay the game's release, taking away potential profits from the company and making the whole development processs counter-productive.

    Just my two cents on the matter, once again.

  2. #112
    A Worshipped Godly FOmar Quintus_The_Force's Avatar
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    Thumbs up

    whatever people -_-

    Ill ask whatever I want, mind your buisness

    Thanks @ PM

  3. #113


    Quote Originally Posted by Quintus_The_Force View Post
    Ill ask whatever I want, mind your buisness
    We will, if you obey the forum rules.

    As stated several times before, if you want a community that supports newb actions, such as cheats, R4s, ROMs, etc., then go to GameFAQs. We don't want that stuff here.
    Camille - HUnewearl - lvl 100 | Asterion - RAmarl - lvl 70 | Lucidique - FOnewearl - lvl 100

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  4. #114


    Quote Originally Posted by Cruciarius View Post
    If they think people would trade for all 0 %s more than an obvious hacked one, then maybe.

    Personally, I'll never trade. AR, ROMs and R4s just ruin the game too much. I wish game devs and even Nintendo would do some sort of anti-hacking protection for their games. That way AR will go out of business and games will be more enjoyable.

    If you need AR or other cheats to enjoy a game, then you just suck at the game and/or need a new game.
    Well they do make anti piracy for ROMS - and they do put in some measures to stop hacking on wifi. Though I dont see how ROMs ruin the game... I see it as more people getting to play who otherwise may not be able to, thus making wifi more active. Yeah I've heard of people saying "this guy haxd cuz i got uh wifi error" or stuff like that, but I have yet to find a real case of this...

    R4's aren't noobs :'( They're the poor mans GameStop... You know... like Faygo Moon Mist to Mountain Dew!
    Last edited by Chukie sue; May 13, 2010 at 03:53 PM.

  5. #115


    Quote Originally Posted by Broken_L_button View Post
    Lol, like that time when you made a second "eveyone who trades is unlegit topic" on Gfaqs? It's funny how people just suddenly forget how to read and to be rationnal when they see the words "hack", "unlegit", "legitimacy" and such in a post. Ahh...It must be fun to just let that inner witch-hunter go loose...

    Rawr >:O

    That -but I didnt really go into it >:/ Mostly saying "your opinion is wrong" or somethign like that ;D

  6. #116


    Quote Originally Posted by Nick O'Demus View Post
    One of the reasons I'm collecting rares with 0/0/0/0/0 stats: can you think of anybody who would make a hacked weapon with 0'd stats?
    My Rika's Claw is 0/0/0/0/0 ._. It was originally Eden's - one of the first found on GFAGS

    But yeah, true genius:

    People making 50/43/27/49/45 Hadan Bites lollooloololol

  7. #117


    Ew... triple post in a row? :P

    ROMs usually have built-in cheat options in the players.
    ROMs and R4s also don't cost anything (aside from buying the R4 itself), which means game companies make no money. Sega recently had to let a bunch of people go, because of not able to pay them (I think that was the reason).
    Camille - HUnewearl - lvl 100 | Asterion - RAmarl - lvl 70 | Lucidique - FOnewearl - lvl 100

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  8. #118
    In Optimus Curtz we trust Broken_L_button's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cruciarius View Post
    Ew... triple post in a row? :P

    ROMs usually have built-in cheat options in the players.
    ROMs and R4s also don't cost anything (aside from buying the R4 itself), which means game companies make no money. Sega recently had to let a bunch of people go, because of not able to pay them (I think that was the reason).
    Hmmm...Fair point indeed. Then again, all game companies have to deal with that, and getting their games pirated isn't the only thing that MIGHT run companies out of business. Off the top of my head, I can think of these reasons for SEGA to "maybe" go bankrupt:

    -Superior competition
    -Beating dead horses instead of adapting themselves to the new market
    -HORRIBLE customer service and support for their products (remember SEGA's servers for the online PS games? Having the habit of shutting down servers after a certain amount of time doesn't help keeping your customers hooked to your product.)

    R4s and ROMs single-handedly making a company go bankrupt? Please. To be succesfull in the business world, you need to adapt and innovate. Oh, and on the matter of players being "lolgit"or "unlolgit", since you can't distinguish those who use R4s or any other flashcart from those that bought the actual cartridge, there are only 2 main kinds of players:

    -Those that don't cheat
    -Those that cheat

    And, whitin those 2 main groups, there are 2 sub-groups

    For those that don't cheat:

    -Those that keep a level-headed attitude and THINK

    -Those that are proud of boosting their E-peens by boasting about their "lolgitimacy" and go "RARARARARARARARWITCHHUNTRARARARAR!!!" whenever lolgitimacy/cheating becomes the topic of conversation

    For those that cheat:

    -Those that cheat in an unnoticeable way
    -Those that cheat online for all to see, and yes...Sometimes ending up breaking the game (even though a level 4 CelebHadan bite does that job just as well)

    Anyways, IMO, there are idiots on both sides (h4xers and lolgits) and they BOTH make the game un-enjoyable.

  9. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by Cruciarius View Post
    Ew... triple post in a row? :P

    ROMs usually have built-in cheat options in the players.
    ROMs and R4s also don't cost anything (aside from buying the R4 itself), which means game companies make no money. Sega recently had to let a bunch of people go, because of not able to pay them (I think that was the reason).
    Triple post because I dont know how to know how to quote multiple in one post >_>

    ROMs dont have the cheats in them, though the flash carts usually do. I say support the company if you can and buy the game. However, I (usually) can't do that :/ Being a minor I rarely get ahold of some money nor the oppportunity to earn it :/

    Im not justifying it - I'm just fooling myself into thinking Im doing someone thing goof for SEGA by making there game more popular ^-^

    @ BLB(<3) -Those that are proud of boosting their E-peens by boasting about their "lolgitimacy" and go "RARARARARARARARWITCHHUNTRARARARAR!!!" whenever lolgitimacy/cheating becomes the topic of conversation

    I was gonna go do this on GFAGS later lololololol.
    Last edited by Chukie sue; May 13, 2010 at 06:39 PM.

  10. #120


    I didn't say ROMs had cheats built in. The ROM players, aka emulators, have built in cheat options. At least they did last I checked. And yes, I used to play some ROMs of old SNES and NES games, but ones that I owned. I was just too lazy to get the system out, dust it off and find all the cords.

    And no, R4 and ROMs don't help a company go bankrupt, but they don't help them any either.
    Camille - HUnewearl - lvl 100 | Asterion - RAmarl - lvl 70 | Lucidique - FOnewearl - lvl 100

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