Quote Originally Posted by ReverseSeraf View Post
A side-by-side comparison would have been nice, but so far, it looks like the change to hair color seems so minimal, that I wouldn't bother with it and fix Noland's "T-Rex arms" instead. But I suppose it also depends on how much you play Kayla as opposed to Nolan and whether the jet black hair color is bothering you THAT much.
Good point; here's a comparison of the current color, the color I posted earlier, another slightly lighter color, and my support partner's hair.

This is a comparison between the current hair color and the color that my support partner has, just to show the problem with the makeover shop lighting. In the cutscene's lighting, the hair looks much more brown than red.

The hair color itself isn't bothering me so much as I wanted to give Kayla a slightly different look after three years. As for Noland, the T-Rex arm thing is just with certain outfits. It doesn't bother me that much which is why I haven't spent any passes on it so far.