Ep2 Ch6 Rescuing Hyuga 1 C
Mission Summary
Version Phantasy Star Universe
Mode: Online
Description: Episode 2 chapter 6.

Hyuga, who was hospitalized to undergo a medical exam, is missing. Rendezvous with Maya and conduct an investigation to recover him.
Selection Planet: Guardians Colony
Min LVL Req: None
Num. Players: 1
Join Mid Mission: No

Depending on your final ranking in a mission, you will be eligible to receive the following:
Meseta/Job Points
Reward Rank Meseta Job Points
S 175 5
C 0 0

The enemies listed below appear in at least one of the map variations for this mission.
Level Element Enemy Size Note
12Lightning Badira Small-
12Lightning Distova Medium-
7Lightning GSM-05 Seeker Medium-
7Lightning GSM-05B Bomalta Medium-
12Lightning Shagreece Medium-
7Lightning YG-01Z BUG Medium-

Note: The findings appearing in the following tables are the items that should drop if the mission utilizes standard drop patterns.

Enemy Finding(s)
Items appearing in this list can drop from the designated enemies in the mission.
Job Class: All
Enemy   Item Type Brand Rarity
Level: 12
Board: Line Shields[B] Brandline Board: Line Shields - 2 2
Level: 12
SpearPike Spear GRM 2 2
GSM-05 Seeker
Level: 7
MachinegunMachinegun Machinegun GRM 1 1
GSM-05B Bomalta
Level: 7
Board: Weapons[B] Machinegun Board: Weapons - 1 1
Level: 12
RifleSniper Rifle GRM 2 2
Level: 7
Board: Weapons[B] Saber Board: Weapons - 1 1