Guides - Letter From Lionel

Letter From Lionel

Guild Woman: This isn't a typical quest. Let me tell you the story.
We received this letter a few days ago. It is from a hunter, Lionel
He's asking for help. It seems that he's on Ragol and he can't move.
Go to Ragol, find Lionel and bring him back here. That's your job.
Have you ever heard of a system called BEE?

Player: No.

Guild Woman: Ok, I'll tell you about BEE briefly. It's a data transporter.
The Pioneer 2 council set that system up on Ragol for communication.
With only a slight time lag, we can receive data directly from Ragol.
Of course, the system wouldn't be up without the help of us Hunters Guild.
That's right. Lionel's letter was transfered via BEE system.
Since the client is lost at this time, we're your temporary client.
This is the letter from Lionel. Here you go.
Highlight Quest Board on the Item Pack Menu and press the A button.
Then you can read his letter. Got it?
Good luck to you.

Lionels Letter: I can't move. I have no idea where I am now.
I'm Lionel, an android Hunter. Help me. Find all of my parts.
It's raining heavily. I'm not sure if I'm in a forest...
I see ivied walls around me. Am I in the bottom of a well?
Central Dome is in front of me and... the river.

Ramar: Are you a hunter, too? How is everything?
Me? Ha, ha, ha!
I found something very special today. I'll sell it secretly in the city.
This must be quite valuable on the black market. How lucky I am.

Lionel: !!!
Excuse me... Are you the hunter who came to rescue me?
Sorry that I'm like this. I'm Lionel.
I was in Sleep Mode as my energy level was very low.
What's wrong? Any problems?

Player: Where is your body?

Lionels: Good question! My body!
A strange monster attacked me, and I was heavily damaged.
I managed to escape from the monster, but it got worse after that.
I dropped my legs and an arm. Then I lost my body...
Please find all my missing parts for me. That's my request.

Player: Sorry... I'm scared.

Lionels: Will you forsake me?
Please, reconsider it! I need your help!

Player: OK, I'll do it.

Lionels: Great! Thank you!
Can I go with you? Take me. Let's go.
The sensors in my missing parts are still working.
I can roughly detect their locations.
Right and left legs, right arm, and my body with my left arm.
Four parts in total. Got it?
Hey, be careful! Handle me with care.

I got a signal from my right arm. It is...
in something soft... And in some liquid...?
Oh! Seomtimes I feel a burning sensation. Do you know of this place?

The right arm should be in this area. Feeling queasy... Is it in something's stomach?

Lionel: Did yOu finD my right arm? thANks. WaIt a mINUte...
BotH of mY legs are In the watEr... bUT what Is thiS diFereNce?
I GOt it. THe aiR.
LefT Leg... iS in the coLD UndergRound AIr.
And My rIGHt leG is in the oPen air. Not iN The unDergrOUd.
My voIvE sYSteM... geTtIng wOrse... sorRY...

YoU FoUnd my rigHt leg.
WheRe iS the oTHer onE? PleASe fINd it...

You foUND Both! COol! ThesE pArtS aRe my OLd friENds.
OnLy ONe moRe boDypArt iS left. I fEel likE it is movINg.

Ramar: What're you looking for? Want anything special? oh, it's you!
Hunter, how did it go? No good?
Aaaaaaandroid parts? I don't know. I don't have them.
I said I don't have any android body parts! Did you hear me?
What? You didn't say "body?" Oh, no!
OK, OK! I give up. Here it is.

Lionel: Thank you. Now my parts are all conneted.
I'm now running my aging diagnostic test.
Waht? Do you think that I got damaged?
It was in self-sleep mode to protect myself when I'm in danger.
The Guild will pay you your reward. Thank you.

Guild woman: Lionel is now back to his normal self. Good job.

Guide by Guntz348.