Guides - 9-3: Reality & Truth

Quest: Government Quest 9-3: Reality & Truth
Description: Secure the Southern route to the Crater.
Client: Principal
Reward: None
Prerequisites: Government Quest 9-2: Data Retrieval
Overview: After clearing the out the first room, you'll have a choice as to whether to take the West or East path. It doesn't really matter which one you start with, you will have to follow both paths. After clearing the first path, you'll take a warp back to the first room. Press the button to deactivate the barriers and take the other path. Once it has been cleared, the barriers blocking the warp to the 2nd Area will deactivate. When the final room has been cleared, Karen will appear. Talk to her and take the warp back to Pioneer 2.

This guide will assume that you will take the western route first.

NOTE: There is a hidden timer in this quest. If you finish the quest within 15 minutes, you will see a scene involving Black Paper and Leo Grahart.

About These Maps
On the maps below, the path the player should take is denoted by a red line. Doors and laser fences that are opened by pressing a button are also marked. Please note that switches are represented with circles and fences/doors with ellipsoids. Colors are used to indicate which switch opens which door/fence. Doors/fences that are opened as a result of clearing the room of enemies are not marked. Since it would be impractical to label every single box, a green box is used to denote a group of boxes. Finally, traps, including damage, confuse, slow, and shock, are denoted using a generic Damage Trap icon. Like the box icon, a single trap icon may denote multple traps.
Area 1

  1. Once the room has cleared, Bernie will appear. Talk to Bernie and take the warp.
  2. After the room has been cleared of enemies, Ash will appear. Talk to Ash and take the warp.
  3. After killing all the enemies along both routes, the barriers blocking the warp to the 2nd Area will deactivate. Make sure you are well-stocked on supplies since you will be unable to set a telepipe in the next area until you finish clearing it.
Area 2

  1. Once the area has been cleared, Karen will appear. Talk to her and then take the telepipe back to Pioneer 2. If Karen doesn't appear, it means the scene involving her will be triggered. In that case, simply take the warp back to Pioneer 2.
Enemy Counts
Enemy Grand Total
Boota 21
Ze Boota 22
Ba Boota 50
Sand Rappy 24
Zu 13
Astark 9
Satellite Lizard 30
Yowie 4
Dorphon 1
Boxes 14
Guide by Ryna. Special thanks goes to Tycho for the enemy counts and Quo for helping me do runs.