hay guys, peej agan

cancel ur gls, and make st bankrupt. cant spell stupid without st lolololololol jp hav mor stoof than us so thes gam is teh suxxorz if u disagree gtfo lol

Jesus Christ, it's ok to hate the game. Just cancel your GL and stop posting about how terrible it is on a Phantasy Star fansite.

If part of cancelling your GL is some ellaborate plot to make ST care, well, they already care. They just won't care about you.

Also, PSU's only been out for a month. And there are already elitist players on the NA/EU server. Now, for serious, either shut the fuck up, or get the fuck out. "Humans suck cause they don't have fantoobistamazinglawesoizzle ears that are different." Those people are annoying too. Combining the 2, sadly, is also existant.