Over here, Portugal marriage is already legal. it wasnt legalized for equality, but for good will on the voting banks. this country isn't prepared for married gay couples and i'm afraid of the damage this could deliver to the glbt community over here. many of us are socially outcasted and obviously targets of "sad things" since most of the male leads on tv shows are openly gay and married now "over here" its getting better.

unfortunately i lived allot of time in fear, and this country now is evolving "lets call it evolving" rapidly, which makes some blabbering cowardly bigots mad and they attack.

my opinion over getting married? ok get married do what you want, you only live once go for it
be happy with your soulmate, should you get married in a religious way? i wouldnt because for me it makes no sence "atheist"

id rather trow a party with close friends, have someone from the family "matriark or patriark" to do wtever the priest usualy does, so getting married in a symbolic way, the just sign a paper and youre married.

i really hate big weddings.

thats what ill do if i ever decide to "marry" someone. probbably a guy that plays pso. if it still exists by then.