-Team Fortress 2 [Got bored after 626 hours]
-Eden Eternal [Boring]
-Elsword Online [Good but not as good as PSO]
-Forsaken World [Boring]
-Aion [Boring]
-Tribes Ascend [Good but my pc cant handle D:]
-Blacklight Retribution [Good but gets boring]
-Vindictus [Long loading times and the combat gets boring after a while]
-DC Universe Online [Bleh and boring]
-APB Reloaded [Bleh]
-Brawl Busters [Bleh]
-Diablo 3 [pay to win :P]
-Tera [Got nothing to PSO2]
-Guild Wars 2 [Its all hype :P]
-Rusty Hearts [Good but gets boring]
-Digimon Masters Online [Boring]
-The Lord of the Rings Online [Boring]
-Spiral Knights [Boring]
-Cabal Online [Boring]
-Atlantica Online [Well done but still not as good as PSO2]
-EverQuest II [Boooooring]
-Star Trek Online [Boring]
-LaTale [Boring]
I have even tried going to sleep for 5 days :P it didn't work D:<