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    Default THE JEAN GRAND PRIX - speed testing and comparisons



    -speed testing using jean cause he's old so he runs slower than other npcs and you can reach him faster.
    -establishing a method for accurate speed testing of x techniques/etc (dash speed of different weapons, perhaps)

    -timing starts when dashing begins. timing ends once jean is passed.
    -stay in the center track that's nicely outlined in the circle so distances are accurate and corners aren't cut
    -do the best one can to make perfect runs with the best timing possible to achieve the fastest time using _ technique. keep slip ups to a minimum


    **RIP MJ THIS IS IT, it now can only be done if you cancel the midair jump with a chargeable PA like straight charge for knuckles, or double saber's deadly archer (or even sword's rising edge but sword is fat and slow so you won't be using that to dash anyway). This means you can only do it depending on how much PP you have and how fast it recharges. You can still holy shining MJ but it'll probably be only x3 or 4, and then you'll have no PP to continue.
    fighter only* holy shining MJ THIS IS IT. - ~42 seconds to reach Jean

    knuckles only* dash attack spam - ~50 seconds to reach Jean

    MJ THIS IS IT (only possible now with chargeable photon arts, requires PP) - ~65 seconds to reach Jean

    all class* holy shining dash - ~68 seconds to reach Jean

    **my timing is actually really bad here, for some reason i always thought if you preemptively held dash after the midair dash you'd, "dash right when you hit the ground," but that's not true. you can reach jean faster than 158 seconds if you time it yourself, but it's still not fast enough to beat holy shining dash.
    all class* double dash - ~158 seconds to reach Jean

    feel free to enter the jean grand prix and upload your own times! this could be a fun user created mini game for those bored enough. each technique could be considered it's own "cup" lol. we might get an accurate measure of whether or not sword is the only weapon that has a slower dash if more people participate, and possibly learn if there is a weapon that provides the absolute fastest dashing speed.

    **i have suspicion that holy shining dash with properly timed twin dagger step attack in midair has the ability to go faster than knuckles dash attack spam. i'll test it and upload a video later. i tested it and messed up a few times but learned enough. the video isn't really worth uploading. i think if holy shining dash with dagger's step attack is done absolutely perfectly it could go just a little bit faster than knuckle dash attack spam, but it's really easy to mess up the timing so you don't get a perfectly timed chain of dashes. since knuckle dash attack spam requires less input there's much less room for error, so knuckles dash attack spam for now seems to be the most reliable form of fast travel.

    admittedly though, i was doing the preemptive hold timing for the knuckles step attack too, so the dash attack spam result isn't accurate either (it could probably be maybe ~3-5 seconds faster).
    if you time your dash after the dash attack right when your character shows a blue circle, instead of hold it, you'll dash attack spam faster (this is old news i know, but there might be ignant players remaining like me).
    --this actually applies to midair dash attacks too, although dashes don't have a blue circle. if you dash midair and hold the attack button to dash attack you'll execute the dash attack much slower than if you time it so you click right when your midair dash runs outta gas.
    Last edited by soulpimpwizzurd; Sep 19, 2012 at 06:38 PM.
    -everything i type is completely serious and you should be offended no matter the content jaja-
    translated pre-OB skill trees link
    Ma name's Satoshi Sakai and I sell My room and My room accessories! Uh huh huh!

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