Quote Originally Posted by Dycize View Post
(and having mercenaries as your whole military is... Uh... I mean, buying people to fight for you with no defenses of your own? Yeaaaah nah).
This has actually been done a fair lot historically, and often worked pretty well so long as you A) had a ready source of mercs B) could actually pay their wages in time (unpaid ones tended to become a major problem *fast*). This was, of course, in premodern societies with by modern standards terribly primitive economic and adminstrative structures and more often than not no shortage of pugnacious neighbours...

How the story will go exactly is still up in the air. The anime hinted things but hasn't dived deep into it yet, and the new story chapter isn't playable yet. Hopefull it'll be more than just an introduction.
Yup. It's not like you could predict a whole lot of what would eventually go down in Ep 3 on the basis of the first chapters either.