well first of all I have alot of stress in my life right now and I can not sleep at all

well this isn't really doing much except killing my appitite(except in irc)

well basically my mom and kevin keep on suggesting seditives and such or tylenol or advil or whatever for my hand from when I punched hole in wall

well they keep on suggesting that I take some even though they know that I tottlly hate those things

not once in my whole life that I can remember have I taken anything like that

(not counting the one time I had double pnuemonia or something like that I was taking those thing)

but yeah other then that I have never taken any and I still don't care for them. no matter how much they try to get me to take them I won't

that and alot of the stresses lead me to ideas that could possably ruin my life like suicide and such crap

well I know the cure for suicide.....FKL

being in FKL actually keeps my head clear of those types of thoughts so it is a very good thing