Ok, as some of you may know, I have been hunting Yasminkov 9000M from Temple. I have done 85 Temple runs and 50 MA2 runs (which average 6 per run.) and various other Temple Alpha runs, and some 2-3 room online Temple runs....

Which comes out to about 1500-1600 Crimson Assasins so far. The drop it 1/788. Now I know, I know.... I shouldn't be whining and the drops are pure luck, but SERIOUSLY?!

I have never had this much trouble getting a rare. I have seen 13 Mils(6 Windmills), 7 Love Rappies(5 God/Luck), and 3 Torrs(2 Rabbit Wands).... I have gotten every single rare in Temple at least TWICE except for Spirit Garment, and yet Yasminkov 9000 STILL HAS NOT DROPPED.

Now my question is, can anyone tell me how many I would have to kill to have a 75% chance of getting it? I know Dezo Penguin wrote about using Logarithms, but I wasn't paying much attention when I went over that in Algebra so I don't know how to do logarithms..

Well, anyways, I felt like venting some of my frustration.... Oh and Crimson Assassin has dropped me 4 PD's so far.... possibly 5, but I'm not sure if the 5th one was from CS or an Ob Lily... so I don't count it.