Blitzkommando's Max Stating guide for HUnewearl on PSO:BB

This method is, I will admit, is only for the very hardcore maxstat persons. It is not for the weak of heart. It will be a very long and frustrating process. It is also only for those who want to finally see a HUnewearl with all yellow stats.

In the previous Gamecube/Xbox PSO games it was mathematically impossible to max a HUnewearl's stats legitly. This method will allow you to do so, at the sacrifice of all four slots.

First, it requires 3 Centurion/Ability. That is probably the toughest part of the entire plan. This also can use an Adept unit or a Heavenly/Arm to max out ATA.

Now for the math:
292 MST is needed to max
402 ATP is needed to max
52 ATA is needed to max
145 EVP is needed to max
51 DEF is needed to max
90 LCK is needed to max

The Mag will need to be:
52 DEX
73 POW

Which brings down the difference to:
152 MST
256 ATP
26 ATA
145 EVP
46 DEF
90 LCK

With 3 Centurion/Ability it comes down to:
62 MST
166 ATP
20 ATA
55 EVP

Add in an Adept (Which I have an optional method here where this is not needed, see below):
52 MST
156 ATP
45 EVP

Which leaves 2 options, First for using Adept, second for using something else, either way material usage can be the same (you just use up 15 of the 23 spare materials):

125 HP
125 TP (Optional, though for the hardcore, whom this is designed for, it will make her be that much more "maxed out")
23 Evade Materials
0 Defense Materials
0 Luck Materials
26 Mind Materials
78 Power Materials
Leaving 23 left over

If you don't want to use Adept, you can use 5 more materials to each Evade, Mind, and Power to require just the 20 ATA. You will still have 8 materials left over to max out a stat early. This method unlike my previous (which really wasted everything) Leaves open to a slot at a lost of ATA (which can be compensated by tweaking the mag and material diets). But that is not my purpose in this guide. My purpose is to try and make the max stats for HUnewearl, which this does. You can still have a Heavenly/Battle by using the "Dark blue thread dignity purple coating bucket side two torsos" as mentioned lower down by Quo. With Adept you cut TP cost down, boost ATA a lot more than with the old 4 Centurion/Ability plan, and gain resists, all of which are good things.

Please feel free to tinker around with the guides and whatnot and tell me if I missed out on something. I made this guide because I personally have wanted to max out my HUnewearl. However, the irony is that because I didn't do this plan just a few weeks sooner I will not be able to use it myself.

Oh yes, and thanks to Rico-Royal, Quo, and cHaOsMaZtA for the original mag for getting her so close on GC/Xbox.
And thank you PSOW for the databases, without which, this guide would not exist.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: BLITZKOMMANDO on 2005-06-20 19:07 ]</font>