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Thread: Challenge Mode

  1. #1

    Exclamation Challenge Mode

    Ok so all i really need to know is

    Is it possible to complete Challenge Mode with only 2 players if so what characters should we use and some tips would also be helpful thanks ahead of time =)

  2. #2
    Hunters Guild Hunter AlexCraig's Avatar
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    It is possible to do C-Mode with just two characters.

    My best opionion would be that one be an Android of some sort so as to see traps. The choice is yours.

    Hunters Guild Group
    Alex - BrHu | Satsuki - RaGu | Keiko - SuTe

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by avos20 View Post
    Ok so all i really need to know is

    Is it possible to complete Challenge Mode with only 2 players if so what characters should we use and some tips would also be helpful thanks ahead of time =)
    Yes, it's possible to complete CMode (Challenge Mode) with only two players. As for the characters, if you're doing CMode just for the challenge aspect, and not the rare item, pick any two characters. Doesn't matter, since time won't matter. However, if playing for the item (by "item", I mean S-Rank), two players is going to be hard to pull off, since you won't be able to explore that much. As for tips, just have fun. Doesn't matter if you get your arse kicked, or if you're the one doing the arse kicking, just have fun.

  4. #4
    Shalo the Katana Warrior/Furrypaws Lacker ofTitle furrypaws's Avatar
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    I had this whole big post ready to be posted. Then PSO world crapped out on me during the post sending thing. >_<;

    Basic summary. Start with either HUcast/HUcast or HUcast/Force (ONLY if you've played a Force and have some basic experience with one, preferably FOnewearl for the stats or FOmarl for the extended Resta/SJDZ range).

    Check here, download maps, examine tactics. Very well developed section.

    Like I said, PRINT OUT MAPS. That will be your biggest time saver for C-mode.
    Shalo the HUnewearl, GC, level 151

    Furrypaws the Beast, PC/PS2, Level 79, WT10

  5. #5


    I'm trying to earn an S-Rank with only a two-man team, and there's a ton of stuff I need to take into account. It's a lot of data to speculate and interpret just to apply to the actual gameplay. I'd go on, but... this post would be... well, let's just say it wouldn't be short

  6. #6
    Dreams of surfing rappies NegaTsukasa's Avatar
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    over the river and through the woods.


    Quote Originally Posted by psofan219 View Post
    Yes, it's possible to complete CMode (Challenge Mode) with only two players. As for the characters, if you're doing CMode just for the challenge aspect, and not the rare item, pick any two characters. Doesn't matter, since time won't matter. However, if playing for the item (by "item", I mean S-Rank), two players is going to be hard to pull off, since you won't be able to explore that much. As for tips, just have fun. Doesn't matter if you get your arse kicked, or if you're the one doing the arse kicking, just have fun.

    S rank (insert your name here) can only be obtained online. As for offline you can get some oddball weapons that are pretty cool and unique. : )

  7. #7


    Well, that's what I'm aiming for.

  8. #8


    Recommended character would be HUnewearl + HUcaseal or HUcast.

    Hunters are just the best for challenge mode since they're very strong early on. The HUnewearl is close to mandatory because she can dish out decent damage and it's fairly easy for her to learn resta in later levels.

    HUcaseals have excellent ATA so that helps early on. At the same time, you'll find a lot of hit % weapons and HUcasts have the higher ATP. Overall, I'd give a slight edge to the HUcaseal, but it really comes down to the starting weapon.

    I'd say the biggest thing in being good at c-mode is knowing your weapon animations. For example, since males take a HUGE step in their 3rd attack when using swords, it's almost a sure thing that you'll get hit if you use that 3rd attack. Female characters move a lot with their 1st attack, but don't move much with their 3rd attack, so they're safer with swords. Sabers, it's almost the opposite. HUcasts and HUmars are much better with sabers than HUcaseals and HUnewearls. Female characters take a huge step with their 3rd attack, so it's not a safe attack. On the other hand, male characters have a fairly large step with their 2nd attack, but a relatively small movement with their 3rd attack. What does all of that mean? Well, let's get into the combos.

    The importance of animations can be shown in the Mines and Forest. Since male characters have that large step with their 2nd attack, it's very easy for them to connect 3 times against a Gillchic - They fall down and backwards, but you catch up to them. But, because female characters only have to large movement with their 3rd attack, it's not as easy. A very safe combo for males against a booma-like creature is to start at a distance and go Normal-Hard-Hard. If you're distance is right, the 1st attack with not connect (too far out), but the 2nd and 3rd will and it will leave you safe. But, for female character, it's not safe to use that 3rd attack since it'll put you right in the face of the enemy, so they're really limited to a Normal-Hard combo.

    C-mode is basically about the subtleties of combat, so you should become very familiar with the attack animations and distances.

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