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Thread: PSO Portable?

  1. #31
    [゚д゚] < ナカソネティーチャー Mike's Avatar
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    Not the Satellite of Love


    Quote Originally Posted by zrankfappa View Post
    A dedicated strictly PSU community website should exsist.. Something that isn't PSUpedia.. PSU-world, prehaps?
    Why would anyone need that when PSO World and PSUpedia exist?

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    Why would anyone need that when PSO World and PSUpedia exist?
    Less disagreements, I wasn't serious though.

  3. #33


    I would not buy a PSO port.

    I loved PSO. Played it day and night, know the stages like the back of my hand, and listening to the soundtrack gives me a warm nostalgic feeling like no other game does.

    But I'm done with PSO. It's over, I'm not going to be one of those elitist fanboys that throws up their hands in rage as their ponytail flaps behind their foaming mouthes whenever their holy-grail-game-of-choice is not seen as 'the best... EVAR'.

    The series has progressed wonderfully. Even the 'dirty-good-for-nothing' Gurhal series is very fun. I actually think PSP2 is a genuinely more fun game than PSO. Sure, PSU was lackluster at launch... but if you ask me, PSO didn't really shine until Ep1&2.

    Oh God... that was a PSO vs PSU rant, huh?

    Last edited by Angelo; Oct 3, 2010 at 03:40 AM.

  4. #34


    I pretty much look at Phantasy Star as though it's in its' underpants since PSU released.

    It's that embarrassing.

    Hopefully PSO2 will change this.

  5. #35
    Angry Oldschool PSO vet. MadDogg's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zrankfappa View Post
    Weeaboos love PSU, people with taste love PSO.

    That is all.
    And then there is people like me, who is a PSO veteran since it's day 1 release in the U.S., yet loves the best things about the PSU series (a.k.a. its combat), and dreams that PSO2 will be the perfect game that just takes what is best from each series.

    With that said, I would totally play blue burst on the 360/PS3 to kill time. It would be the first ever PSO game to stay clean of hacks/dupes.....which sounds great.
    (X360)Alkaid, Tear, Pudd'n, Mad Dogg retired from 360 PSU for good
    PSP2: Alkaid, lvl 42 beast hunter. "Its my duty to please that booty".

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDogg View Post
    And then there is people like me, who is a PSO veteran since it's day 1 release in the U.S., yet loves the best things about the PSU series (a.k.a. its combat), and dreams that PSO2 will be the perfect game that just takes what is best from each series.

    With that said, I would totally play blue burst on the 360/PS3 to kill time. It would be the first ever PSO game to stay clean of hacks/dupes.....which sounds great.
    Oh, it will be the perfect game... It will.
    As long as they don't screw up with Synth/Production.

    But yeah, it will be... the perfect game.

    Anyway, I would definitely pay for a renewed PSO. And play of course!
    It was my favorite. Although the combat (especially as a hunter) was a tad bit too repetitive, I still very much enjoyed it more... for some reason.
    I think they messed up techs in PSU. Tied to a weapon. It's just lame!
    Give us a bigger, more accessible palette for consoles. That'd help a bit. I definitely preferred the limited 8 way over the scrolling... It's just not fun. Even weapon changed, I find easier in PSO.

    It just feel like the innovation they were looking for was actually stepping back.
    Last edited by Seasqwaa; Oct 3, 2010 at 12:20 PM.

    I am officially Samurai X just for that off chance you happen to run into me online!
    The yellow and blue cast, back from PSO!

  7. #37


    I dunno about another Portable game with just PSO, but I sure as heck think they should add more PSO VR missions in PSP 2. That would be very much swish, and the best of both worlds.

    Other than that, I really, really liked PSO. I didn't get to get into the online part until BB. But PSU, despite how excited I was about its launch, just didn't do it for me. I played the PC/PS2 servers, and it was AWESOME at first when there were tons of people. And then that died out. I got the Xbox 360 version of the game for collecting purposes, but I just could never get into it enough to want to play online and pay when the PC/PS2 servers had went down quite quickly.

    PSP 2 is great for me, since I can play the same character offline and online for the very first time for myself in any PSO series. It's also quite excellent to be able to play a PS game on the go. I know there's cheatarz, but I'm kinda used to it because of BB... and later on, PSU PS2/PC.

    And I also wish Phantasy Star Online Episodes I & II would come out on the XBox Live Arcade or SOMETHING to celebrate the Dreamcast and the 10th anniversary. I doubt it'd happen, but since they already had made it for the Xbox, if they ported that and put the online play in, etc... That would be a top XBLA seller.

    Anyways, the TL;DR... I really hope that in PSP 2 or PSP2i they add more PSO VR missions! WANT SOME DE ROL LE! Yeah buddy!

  8. #38


    What the hell are you people talking about?
    Phantasy Star Classic > all this online crap [/lolItrollU]

    On topic, I am another PSO veteran that loves the game and played it like there was no tomorrow, but the only thing I really miss now is the atmosphere, the dark story and the mags. Gameplay-wise, I prefer PSPo2.

    So, a PSO port to PSP/DS? Meh.
    But, a Port/Remake of Phantasy Star Generation (I to IV) on PSP? TOTALLY AWESOME!

    EDIT: Also, I agree with Fayorei, PSO missions on PSPo2i = Win.
    Last edited by LeonAlabard; Oct 3, 2010 at 02:35 PM.

  9. #39


    @LeonAlabard: I'm not sure, but I think that I've read that there's already a port of the origional 4 on the PSP. That's just what I've heard, though.

  10. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by MadDogg View Post
    And then there is people like me, who is a PSO veteran since it's day 1 release in the U.S., yet loves the best things about the PSU series (a.k.a. its combat), and dreams that PSO2 will be the perfect game that just takes what is best from each series.

    With that said, I would totally play blue burst on the 360/PS3 to kill time. It would be the first ever PSO game to stay clean of hacks/dupes.....which sounds great.
    The highlighted part of MadDogg's post here is what I want out of PSO2. I want PSU's (or, more specifically, PSP2's) strongest feature: it's combat mechanics, mixed with PSO's strongest feature: the atmosphere; the epic music, and level/enemy design.

    If Sega can fuse PSO and PSU's strengths together juuuust the right way, we may very well be looking at the best action RPG in least to us Phantasy Star fans.
    Last edited by BIG OLAF; Oct 3, 2010 at 03:59 PM.

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