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  1. #31
    Weary Traveler DoctorQuark's Avatar
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    Minecraft : Worth every cent, at least in my opinion. Especially after some of the latest updates. Here's the deal: Minecraft Classic (the "free version") is pretty interesting in it's own right. But what it lacks is any real depth. Minecraft Beta gives you so much to mess around with it's like dropping you into a toybox the size of Asia. The basic aspects (mining, surviving, exploring) might not be enough to keep your attention for long, but I can guarantee the numerous other facets of the game will do so easily. Whether it be dying wool to make sprite art, or building a huge minecart rollercoaster, or create a fortress with devious traps, or building an intricate Redstone circuit, or anything else you decide to do, you'll find something that will hook you. It's something I think everybody should purchase; even if it turns out not to be your cup of tea, it's still a unique experience that isn't emulated anywhere else. Take it from a current Minecraft addict. owo;

    Edit: Oh, and Minecraft Multiplayer is probably one of the best things ever, even if it's still really buggy.

  2. #32


    It's actually a toybox 8 times the surface of the earth.

  3. #33
    Weary Traveler DoctorQuark's Avatar
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    Yeah, until it runs into complications and starts to make senseless terrain patterns and/or crashes.

    I haven't made it quite THAT far, yet, x3

  4. #34


    I haven't bothered to go that far yet, I get too into digging my holes.

    And Seth, I'm not really too sure. Not an expert in this sort of thing by any means. I guess you could dig around the minecraft forums a bit more for something that might help. Other than that I can't really suggest much.

  5. #35


    Hard to say. Minecraft hardly uses the graphics card. In fact, the graphics are almost all CPU driven, right now. That is, it hardly uses any graphic acceleration.

  6. #36


    Weird... Ah well, it's a shame, but I'll live.

  7. #37
    Forum Otaku Sord's Avatar
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    Woo, one of the servers I used to play on is back up. And now that I have my own internet on my own damn desktop, I can build outside. Previously couldn't do this, as a craptop using stolen internet lagged like a mofo anytime I walked around outside. So I just dug a lot and now I'm finally putting all the cobble to use. Started building this yesterday and here's where I'm at so far.

    The big disk thing and the stuff on it is my project, all the other stuff you see is other people's.


    Switched back to painterly pack textures since it updated with new textures today and if I try and run online mode with a higher res pack like scribblecraft my computer starts hating me.

    Not so fun fact: so much sunlight is blocked that monsters aren't dying under the disk come daytime. Need to clear out the trees on the mountain and light the place up so shit doesn't spawn.

  8. #38
    Weary Traveler DoctorQuark's Avatar
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    @ Sord: Painterly Pack is FTW. x3

  9. #39
    Forum Otaku Sord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DoctorQuark View Post
    @ Sord: Painterly Pack is FTW. x3
    Yeah, the sheer number of texture options now is boggling. I remember when it took like 5 minutes to go through the list, back when I first joined (when notch had the free to play for like a week or whatever due to server issues.) Took about 20 minutes yesterday to decide.

  10. #40
    Forum Otaku Sord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seth Astra View Post
    Edit: It said the drivers were up to date, but it still did not work. Could my graphics card be not up to it? I have a RADEON X600 Series.
    It should be fine, I'm runnin an old Radeon all-in-wonder 9600 from back in '03, and I can run the game at max draw distance for awhile before it crashes, it never really lags me that much, the game just shuts off for some unknown reason. Closes out the java console to, so I can never see what the damn error is.) I can run one notch under that though with no problem. Even if your card is a laptop one (pretty sure the Xs were laptop/mobile cards, not positive though) it should only be a year before or after mine, either way it shouldn't make to big of a difference. I know someone with an even worse card than mine in a laptop that still runs the game (albeit shittily, but still playable.)

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