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  1. #81


    Yeah, er, I missed those. Although I do recall the Yahoo Cup giving out items to everyone if players collectively met milestones. It's been a looong time, so I'm probably suggesting shit that's already been done.

  2. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenFalcon View Post
    lol guys

    > sets up character to do as much damage as possible
    > complains that things are too easy

    It's as if you want the "bar" to be in the upper atmosphere so only you can reach it, and get the challenge while being at the top of the skybox
    I think you are missing the point. Setting up your character to do more damage shouldn't make the game piss easy, but more accesable. This way upgrading your character would have more merit to it. Players will be encouraged to get better equips and rares instead of finding them redundant except for cosmetic purposes. This would add to the games replayability to a great degree.

    The game starts out with a good learning curve, but I think it gets engaging way too late(for me personally because I don't search for the best equips and haven''t even spent on my skill tree yet since lvl 20, and i'm lvl 32 now)
    Last edited by Agitated_AT; Jul 23, 2012 at 08:43 PM.

  3. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSerenity View Post
    I feel the same way. When I hit the level cap I'm at the point where I'm forcing my self to play. It's not because I miss getting exp, it's because 90 percent of my grind was playing solo. I'd make a room and no one join, also can't join people because they're either in a full multi-party area or in a locked party with npcs.

    I just ended up buying another character slot and slowly solo grinding to level cap with that one.....
    You should try using the "party recommended" blocks(パーティー推奨), though the ones recommended for your lvl range can work too.

    Of course some quests are a lot more popular than others. Soloing the grind sounds boring as hell, I've doing 20-30 mostly in the rappy capture mission and the artifact digging mission, sticking in the multi-party area with a big group.

  4. #84


    Quote Originally Posted by Agitated_AT View Post
    I think you are missing the point. Setting up your character to do more damage shouldn't make the game piss easy, but more accesable. This way upgrading your character would have more merit to it. Players will be encouraged to get better equips and rares instead of finding them redundant except for cosmetic purposes. This would add to the games replayability to a great degree.

    The game starts out with a good learning curve, but I think it gets engaging way too late(for me personally because I don't search for the best equips and haven''t even spent on my skill tree yet since lvl 20, and i'm lvl 32 now)
    Well, the scale compared to PSU is a whole lot different
    Such as doing 9999 at level 40 when in PSU, doing 9999 at level 170 was an accomplishment
    Also, enemies got like over 10,000 hp normally, while the enemies we have are staying at 1500 and not going up, strangely

  5. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by GoldenFalcon View Post
    Well, the scale compared to PSU is a whole lot different
    Such as doing 9999 at level 40 when in PSU, doing 9999 at level 170 was an accomplishment
    Also, enemies got like over 10,000 hp normally, while the enemies we have are staying at 1500 and not going up, strangely
    Well yeah.. basically the game has balance issues. But i'm not too familiar with PSU, i'm comparing it more with pso1. I know getting a better weapon and better armor was essential for newer environments.

    For example, lvl 20 at ruins wit regular equips was basically impossible without some OP teammate. And that was at normal. Hence people wanted the best equips and getting them was a great achievement

  6. #86


    after reaching the cap, i grind my weapons and unit to +10 and add abilities to them
    it may took around a few days doing so
    right now, i'm doing new and repeatable client orders to level up my force
    farming for meseta is also one of my objective (prepare to buy the bikinis)
    Last edited by texhnolyze; Jul 24, 2012 at 01:36 AM.

  7. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by gigawuts View Post
    The city emergency seems worse than the mines, just saying. Mines drop 3 stars as basically regular vendor stuff, with 2 stars being the low end. I'm finding mag food galore in the mines.

    I'm feeling like the game needs something to add some depth or purpose, though. Something like the mopups and massive attacks of old, except instead of adding to your own or your team's score have it contribute to the quality of drops or spawns the next day.
    my problem with mines is that although the loot is typically better (if it's compared to lvl 31 hard mode city, lv36 hardmode 500 pt one isn't that far behind)

    i find more people are "half-assing" it. a lot of semi-afk'ers that go in and out of battle, sitting there doing nothing for 20 seconds, then fighting again. and some flat out leechers that literally don't do anything for more than 2 minutes at a time and such.

    i also haven't had much luck running into those serious "burst parties" where they put a password on and tell you what it is in the comments, since they're usually full and rarely have an opening. i can imagine those may prove to be as good, or better, than hard mode city, since more people are required to be at a higher level, so overall more damage.

    then there's also the issue with how in random mines parties, along with being the only type i get the chance to join (i'd really like to join those multiparty passworded ones, really, i would, but i'm not gonna sit there at the counter spamming it open and close to see if an opening shows up)a lot of people bring npcs and sometimes they make up half the 12 man party.

    and then you could tell me to simply make my own 12 man passworded multi party mines, but i don't really wanna wait that long, and i doubt that anybody would join a 1/12 passworded multi party. it'd take a while to get the ball rolling, while city emergency is instant.

    in city emergencies, you'll always be only with human players, there's typically less chance of people half-assing it, and even random parties that aren't called burst parties and multiparty password their party can get pretty good cross bursts.

    city emergency may not be the best, but it's definitely many times more convenient to get a good city emergency 12 man party going than a mines party.

    honestly, if i could always get cross bursts every 10 minutes, i wouldn't mind doing normal mode free jungle.
    -everything i type is completely serious and you should be offended no matter the content jaja-
    translated pre-OB skill trees link
    Ma name's Satoshi Sakai and I sell My room and My room accessories! Uh huh huh!

  8. #88


    offtopic but what determines pse/cross burst frequency and length? Just had my first 9 min cross burst. They need more of this, but throw in several bosses too:P the ensuing chaos is what PSO2 seems to do best

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