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Jun 15, 2011, 11:10 PM
Being woken up at 7:00 AM the past few mornings by automated recording calls about "Home Refinancing" or "Free Home Security System Trial!"

Jun 15, 2011, 11:16 PM
Waking up at 3:00pm.

Jun 16, 2011, 12:42 AM
Having to watch people raid and riot and destroy, just because their beloved hockey team didn't win the Stanley Cup. Really? Is rioting necessary? It's like throwing a mass temper tantrum. :disapprove: :nono:

Jun 16, 2011, 12:42 AM
Waking up at 3:00pm.

Waking up at 11 PM. :wacko:

My circadian rhythm is so fucked up... @_@

Jun 16, 2011, 03:57 AM
Having to watch people raid and riot and destroy, just because their beloved hockey team didn't win the Stanley Cup. Really? Is rioting necessary? It's like throwing a mass temper tantrum. :disapprove: :nono:

That just goes to show how childish these sports fanatics can be. Then again its nothing compared to the sport-related riots in Europe.

Shinji Kazuya
Jun 17, 2011, 02:28 PM
CIA created the Facebook so they could know everything about people. Their number, who they are talking to, their conversation topics, all kinds of shit.

Jun 17, 2011, 02:40 PM
CIA created the Facebook so they could know everything about people. Their number, who they are talking to, their conversation topics, all kinds of shit.

That allegation seems kind of steep. Where did you find this out, if I may ask?

Shinji Kazuya
Jun 17, 2011, 02:47 PM
It's a conspiracy, I tell you!


We are all screwed!


Claire 56
Jun 17, 2011, 05:31 PM
CIA created the Facebook so they could know everything about people. Their number, who they are talking to, their conversation topics, all kinds of shit.

yeah its pretty messed but you gotta admit tho...The a**hole made a shit load of money. for something so useless

Claire 56
Jun 17, 2011, 05:33 PM
what i hate is when all the damn people you work with half the time got no f**kin common sense and they make you clean toilets all day long in the heat!!!!!!!

Jun 18, 2011, 12:05 AM
Being given information towards potential job opportunities, and for the first time not being able to find my damned portfolio.

Jun 18, 2011, 03:19 PM
Working at a summer camp where all the counselors like each other a lot, then having to deal with all the bullshit coming from the admin level of the place.

Jun 18, 2011, 05:32 PM
Your FemShep really doesn't look very good, isn't hot, or amazing. The people telling you so don't know much about how to sculpt within the confines of the interface, and hence, don't know shit from shinola. That's why they say the same thing about every duck-lipped/frog-lipped & collagen enhanced FemShep (drowning in mascara, btw) posted on the internet.

Don't worry, the same is true of most characters created by most players of games with customizable character models. Even the Carbon modeler. Actually, especially Carbon.

Just keeping it real. Now you can go back to fapping to your game.

Jun 18, 2011, 10:41 PM
Don't worry, the same is true of most characters created by most players of games with customizable character models. Even the Carbon modeler. Actually, especially Carbon.

Just keeping it real. Now you can go back to fapping to your game.

The sad truth is, most people have the creative intuition of a moss-covered rock. Either that, or most don't actually try, which is stupid. The developers put the tools in the game for you, so why don't they actually attempt to utilize them? It really is quite terrible.

Jun 19, 2011, 01:25 AM
Because its easier to make a palette swap of a Final Fantasy character.

Jun 19, 2011, 12:34 PM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/253968_10150647306180481_624145480_19194168_222823 7_n.jpg
I love barking up this deadtree

Jun 21, 2011, 01:48 PM
^ Perhaps a flamethrower would be of help :wacko:

Jun 21, 2011, 03:43 PM
So, I got interviewed over the phone regarding my unemployment claim. Turns out, they effed up the information and thought I was unemployed in May of this year, and not back in 2005 like I told them. So my claim is now invalid. With a bunch of now useless papers, and a card from Bank of America that has 0 balance. Oh, and they managed to eff up my name on the card even though its on file. What possess you to only spell my name so incorrectly?

On the opposite hand, I've applied to 3 more jobs with absolute 0 contact of interest.


Jun 21, 2011, 04:04 PM
the only reason i got my job was because i called and inquired. Godda do what you Godda do.

Jun 21, 2011, 04:26 PM
True that. Unfortunately, they like giving me the run around. I think only one job outright told me that I'm ineligible for employment. The rest is history.

Jun 22, 2011, 04:36 AM
Old age has finally caught up to me, so now I'm deaf by one ear.

I'll admit though that its fun to yell at people by saying "What's that? Ya gotta speak up sonny!"

The downside to that is, they really do have to speak up :(

Jun 26, 2011, 12:14 AM

Jun 26, 2011, 02:45 AM
Indeed, facebook is an addiction (and not the fun kind). It won't leave me alone. Even if I stay away from it, it continues to harass my inbox.

Jun 26, 2011, 08:44 AM
my post vs related stuff is my despair

Nitro Vordex
Jun 26, 2011, 10:40 AM
Your FemShep really doesn't look very good, isn't hot, or amazing. The people telling you so don't know much about how to sculpt within the confines of the interface, and hence, don't know shit from shinola. That's why they say the same thing about every duck-lipped/frog-lipped & collagen enhanced FemShep (drowning in mascara, btw) posted on the internet.

Don't worry, the same is true of most characters created by most players of games with customizable character models. Even the Carbon modeler. Actually, especially Carbon.

Just keeping it real. Now you can go back to fapping to your game.
It doesn't help that Bioware character makers are just pretty bad in general. It's kinda hard to make anything look good that involves a face.

Jun 26, 2011, 01:21 PM
It doesn't help that Bioware character makers are just pretty bad in general. It's kinda hard to make anything look good that involves a face.


Jun 26, 2011, 11:05 PM
Lost my job from stupidity from my boss, gained an awesome girlfriend and got super close to her with the free time. FML? :-?

Jun 27, 2011, 01:32 AM
Lost my job from stupidity from my boss, gained an awesome girlfriend and got super close to her with the free time. FML? :-?

Thats ironic.
I make 500$ a week now because of my job and lost my gf cuz of it.

Jun 27, 2011, 05:17 AM
So, here's a convo I had with someone over Skype:

Me: Hey...
Him: Hi
Me: How are you tonight?

2 hours later


... You know, I was told I should be more open and talk to people. But it does really piss me off, when I try to be open and make a conversation and people want to either brush me off, or be so uninterested in talking. So what's the deal? I understand you could be busy. I understand that you could be talking to somebody on the other end and don't have time. But does it kill you to take a second or so to say, you can't talk now, maybe later? I just can't get these guys anymore. You know, I thought we were friends who could talk. I'm not gonna force you to speak to me, but a little respect goes quite a way. I'm tired of trying to be so open with people when they can't meet me halfway. I was better off keeping myself silent. I seem to worry myself over people when I shouldn't.

Needless to say, he logs on occasionally, and we haven't chatted since the 17th of June. I don't feel so inclined to want to check up on him any longer.

Jun 27, 2011, 08:24 AM
People giving no mention of being afk on skype. Especially when they disappear mid conversation.

"Where were you?"
"Oh. I was eating"
"... I thought you died. It's been a few hours"

In the meantime I just do something else, but those first 10 minutes or so without reply always annoy the hell out of me.

That and the voice chat thing doesn't have any icon showing who's talking. Even with only one other person, I can't seem not to interrupt them. I wait for them to stop talking, but it doesn't work so well when the other person wasn't finished, and was only taking a breath in between sentences. Every time. Every time. Extra points for talking to people who take 5 seconds+ in between sentences, and if you start up, they just barrel through when they finally get going again. Let alone trying to talk to multiple people... I always end up switching to typing my responses.

Jun 27, 2011, 11:16 AM
Thats ironic.
I make 500$ a week now because of my job
Awesome! ^^

and lost my gf cuz of it.
But :(.

Jun 27, 2011, 11:36 AM
You know, I was told I should be more open and talk to people. But it does really piss me off, when I try to be open and make a conversation and people want to either brush me off, or be so uninterested in talking. So what's the deal? I understand you could be busy. I understand that you could be talking to somebody on the other end and don't have time. But does it kill you to take a second or so to say, you can't talk now, maybe later? I just can't get these guys anymore. You know, I thought we were friends who could talk. I'm not gonna force you to speak to me, but a little respect goes quite a way. I'm tired of trying to be so open with people when they can't meet me halfway. I was better off keeping myself silent. I seem to worry myself over people when I shouldn't.

Needless to say, he logs on occasionally, and we haven't chatted since the 17th of June. I don't feel so inclined to want to check up on him any longer.

That's why I gave up "checking in" on people many months ago. Because, I would have to put forth 100% of the effort in trying to initiate any sort of communication. It started to bother me, so one day I just said "fuck it", and stopped pinging people. If they want to talk to me, they can come talk to me. I'm not wasting my time anymore.

I know that sounds kind of self-important, but it's not meant to be that way. I was just sick of having to get everyone else's attention all the time.

Jun 27, 2011, 02:25 PM
That's kind of the overall flaw in instant messaging programs. You can be connected to everybody at once even if you don't want to be (or don't mean to be.)

In college everybody would have AIM launch as soon as their computer started. 90% of your buddy list would be people who were away 24 hours a day. If you weren't away, it didn't necessarily mean you wanted to talk to anybody on your buddy list. It didn't even mean you were actually at your computer (sometimes you forget to put up your away message filled with song lyrics while you go to make a sandwich.) It's really not an efficient system.

And now I only use AIM for work, where it's mostly used for quick work requests and gossip, so I'm not sure if that's better or worse.

In summary: Instant messaging isn't a suitable replacement for face-to-face contact?

No wait, that wasn't it.

Jun 27, 2011, 04:50 PM
Job hunting: 0/21. Disheartening. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to go to a fast-food joint to get any form of work. I do have the option of begging my mom's boss for a job, and he would probably give it to me, but I want to be able to find a job by my own merits, not as a handout. I'm probably just stupid.

Jun 27, 2011, 04:57 PM
Job hunting: 0/21. Disheartening. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to go to a fast-food joint to get any form of work. I do have the option of begging my mom's boss for a job, and he would probably give it to me, but I want to be able to find a job by my own merits, not as a handout. I'm probably just stupid.

While it's nice to have some pride and dignity, the way the economy/finding a job is right now, it would be leagues better just to swallow your pride for now and go with the handout. I would gladly beg a relative's friend for a job right now if I could.

Nitro Vordex
Jun 27, 2011, 05:52 PM
I'm working at Taco Bell right now. I'm workin' my damn hardest, and I'm getting more hours for it. Money is money, and if that's the way I need to make it for now until I get into college and through it, so be it. I'm sick of being broke.

Jun 28, 2011, 04:00 AM
Job hunting: 0/21. Disheartening. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to go to a fast-food joint to get any form of work. I do have the option of begging my mom's boss for a job, and he would probably give it to me, but I want to be able to find a job by my own merits, not as a handout. I'm probably just stupid.

Pride doesn't pay bills or put food on the table. There's no shame in having a door opened for you rather than opening it yourself.

Jun 28, 2011, 04:31 AM
It is 5::30AM. Breakfast doesn't start until 6:30AM. I want to grab a bagel now and disappear back to my room until noon.

Jun 29, 2011, 01:37 PM
I somehow managed to throw out my back yesterday afternoon.

I wasn't even doing anything; I was just walking from my desk to the bathroom.

I'm mostly better now, but jeez - I didn't realize I was becoming an old man quite so quickly.

Jun 29, 2011, 02:16 PM
bet you can't walk yet like me?

It actually hurts me to walk sometimes cuz of my injury: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2617058&postcount=2494

Jun 29, 2011, 06:03 PM
Yesterday was agonizing (especially the two hours after it happened but before I could leave work), but I'm mostly better now.

Still kind of confused about what triggered it in the first place.

Jun 30, 2011, 03:37 PM
While it's nice to have some pride and dignity, the way the economy/finding a job is right now, it would be leagues better just to swallow your pride for now and go with the handout. I would gladly beg a relative's friend for a job right now if I could.


Take the job and keep looking around.

Jul 1, 2011, 01:33 AM
Be☆Happy! Insombia, Stomach Cramps and Pills Overdose !! ☆☆☆☆☆

Jul 1, 2011, 03:55 PM
Starting to get annoyed when people on youtube look at the dislikes and say something like 745 people are gonna get ran over by a bus or whatever. For some reason it's usually voted all the way to the top of the comments which further proves youtbe is mostly nothing but little kids.

Bomber The Cosmonaut
Jul 3, 2011, 05:47 AM
Damn bugs, what urges you to fly into my ears? I mean, they never get inside, but still.. The thought of it happening just.. Bothers me.

Jul 3, 2011, 08:55 AM
Better than flying straight into your eyes. Does my ocular fluids whet your appetite dear bugs? Just know that once you fly in, you'll end up in pieces on the way out.

Jul 3, 2011, 05:43 PM
You'd think the lunchmeat from a name-brand would be better quality than the in-store brand. Apparently not. Huh.

Jul 3, 2011, 05:54 PM
Store brand for the win!

Wait I'm supposed to post something negative right?

Why do old people swear no one smells their farts??

Jul 3, 2011, 06:41 PM
You'd think the lunchmeat from a name-brand would be better quality than the in-store brand. Apparently not. Huh.

9 out of 10 products with a generic are about always the same thing. The only exception so far has been Soda. Because Coke and Pepsi's flavorin is different...

Jul 3, 2011, 06:50 PM
9 out of 10 products with a generic are about always the same thing. The only exception so far has been Soda. Because Coke and Pepsi's flavorin is different...

Yes, I know. It's mostly true for seasonings and condiments. An old buddy of my dad's used to work in one of those gigantic warehouses where they would put seasoning and things like that into their containers/bottles/packets/etc., and he said that they would literally take scoops from the same vat and just put them into differently labeled containers.

So, the Great Value (Wal-Mart) brand comes from the exact same place as the big-time brands like McCormick and Morton. So, don't waste the money on the name-brands, everyone.

Jul 5, 2011, 04:59 AM
I wish more people were more responsible and had some kind of accountability for their actions.

Jul 6, 2011, 08:51 PM
I absolutely hate it when someone touches my laptop's screen.

Fingerprints fucking everywhere.

Jul 7, 2011, 12:27 AM

Oh and this to,

People looking at a topic and are like this,

"Oh this is stupid, I'm not posting here."

Couple of posts later....

"Oh there talking about that?! I'm so posting there!"

You do realize your making your self look quite dumb.

Jul 7, 2011, 06:05 AM
I miss a normal sleep pattern.

Jul 7, 2011, 07:57 AM
I miss a normal sleep pattern.

+1 This is my pattern as of 4 days today:

Up till 11-12AM+>fall asleep>awaken at 6PM+>fall asleep> get up at 9-10PM+> rinse and repeat.

I hate it now.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:55 AM
+1 This is my pattern as of 4 days today:

Up till 11-12AM+>fall asleep>awaken at 6PM+>fall asleep> get up at 9-10PM+> rinse and repeat.

I hate it now.

Huh, I guess everyone has different sleeping "needs." I mean, I go to sleep at about 4AM every morning, then wake up at 10AM and feel fine. As long as I get 5 hours, I'm good to go.

Oh, also for my "rant": People need to remember that even the tiniest little insignificant comments can affect someone else in a monumental way. Just because you don't mean what you say in a hurtful fashion doesn't mean someone else won't be hurt by it.

(^I'm not saying this because it recently happened to me. I'm just saying it because it's something that pisses me off, and is important to remember in life)

Jul 7, 2011, 12:55 PM
its been like, 3am for me, then 7am afterward, at some point i'll drift back til 10-11am and feel like poo.

Jul 7, 2011, 09:45 PM
Doing the right thing sucks sometimes.

Jul 7, 2011, 10:49 PM
I told my Godfather I was going to email him. I forget if the email I have for him is recent enough or very, very old. I'll call him tomorrow I guess.

Found a potential job to apply for, but there is a vision requirement a quick Google search tells me I don't meet.

Jul 8, 2011, 12:09 AM
So, a certain son of a bitch who made hell break loose months ago and caused me drama, is on my schedule of people to confront and "possibly" forgive. We haven't spoken since April. Its been made clear to me from a friend of mine that he's been talking to, that he actually does have a problem with me, even though he told me he doesn't. So I want the matter confronted outright. Am I making situations worse? Who knows probably. I don't really care as much anymore though. I figure at most, I'd try not to make bad blood with him any further. However, its been 3 days, so I suspect he won't go through with my gentleman's proposal.

Of course after this is over, I won't be inquiring his presence ever again. And should he never show, well, I don't care anymore. He's shown me where his loyalties stand in terms of who he wants to be around.

Jul 8, 2011, 12:12 AM
I hate it when patients get impatient (lol, pun?) and offensive when I'm not done with their HUGE amount of refills after 2 minutes of working on their case. Yeah. I get it, you need your medication, you don't like walking all the way to the pharmacy, etc, etc. But, seriously, is a slight bit of patience too much to ask for? I AM doing my best to complete your requests as fast as possible, while keeping my work's quality at its maximum, dealing with other patients, etc. Here's an example of one such irritating patient:

[SPOILER-BOX]*Old man comes to the prescription counter*

Me (insert cheerful attitude):"Hello! How may I help you?"

Old man:*Grunt* (This one could have meant: "Damn badger droppings! Not that intern again. I can't stand that lad's attitude...")

*The seemingly disgruntled old man pulls out a bag from God knows where and proceeds to empty its contents all over the counter. When said counter is covered with what appears to be nearly 20 bottles containing the dust of what could have once been anything from Tylenol to coke and maybe morphine, the man closes his bag and gives me one final look...*

Old man:*Grunt*

Me:"Ah, I take it you've come to refill these prescriptions? Alright then. "

Old man:*Grunt* (This one probably meant: "Damn right ye little whipper snapper. Get to it!")

*And with that, my epic quest to refill the horde prescriptions belonging to the not-so-verbose hermit had begun. I steadily advancing towards my task's completion, diligently verifying my work to avoid any errors when...*

Old man:*Grunt* (This one probably meant: "Aren't ye done yet?")

Me:"There's no need to concern yourself sir; I'm currently working on your prescriptions."

Old man:*Grunt* (This one could have meant: "As if. Ye runts can't be arsed to do anything. Back in my day...")

*After a few minutes, under the grunting and staring of the not-so-verbose old man, I finally managed to complete my task...*

Me:"Here you go sir. All of the medication you requested. For your convenience, I took the liberty of fitting your bottles with easily removable caps and cutting certain pills that required it. Do you need anything else?"

Old man:*Grunt* (This one definitely meant:"No, dimwit.")

Me (while handing him his stuff):"Well, have a nice day!" *Smile*

Old man:*Grunt* (This one obviously meant: "Jackass.", since another patient, an old lady, upon hearing the grunt, covered her mouth while saying "Good heavens, such language! I never...!")

Pharmacist/My mentor (setting down the phone after a call that mysteriously lasted for the whole time the Old man was there):"Wow, I never knew you understood 'Grunt' so well. Guess you'll be handling his case from now on" *Grin*


Oh, and Doctor runes. They're fun to decipher until "2 mg" starts to look eerily similar to "8 mg". Not too big you say, but it becomes much more serious when you're talking about narcotics...

Jul 8, 2011, 01:36 PM
Netflix can't go full streaming soon enough. I'm tired of half the disks I get being scratched/smudged/whatever beyond reasonably playable. I can deal with small interruptions, but when it repeatedly freezes for more than 2 seconds at a time, that's beyond what I'm willing to deal with.

Jul 9, 2011, 07:05 PM
I'm only one spot away from having every side of my head being damaged by a bludgeoned item hitting his cranium!

Jul 9, 2011, 10:21 PM
why can't Nintendo of America localize anything here anymore that doesnt suck:-? for the Wii, im sure you've all heard this song and dance, but how hard could it be? just port it from europe and keep the british voice actors, i want to play Xenoblade: Chronicles

Jul 12, 2011, 09:37 AM
why can't Nintendo of America localize anything here anymore that doesnt suck:-? for the Wii, im sure you've all heard this song and dance, but how hard could it be? just port it from europe and keep the british voice actors, i want to play Xenoblade: Chronicles
Licensing. Shit doesn't just spring out of the ground in the business world. Someone has to agree to pay for it.

Jul 12, 2011, 04:20 PM
Borderlands. Game of the Year Edition.

Fuck this shit

Enjoy your 7 dollar donation Steam!

Jul 12, 2011, 08:36 PM
I haven't had a good reuben in years.

Jul 13, 2011, 12:12 AM
Oh hey, another short Netflix rant: They're boosting the price for the 1dvd at a time + unlimited streaming around 50% more than what I pay for it now starting in a few months.

Jul 13, 2011, 12:39 AM
This PSO2 sheet. People be fighting over the stupidest sheet now a days no? Maybe if you waited for the magazine like we used to... You'd be happy that this shit got implemented and not that! Is it that fucking hard to reach a point? Instead you got this blindside BS that this guy pulls off. And People who are stubborn also happen to think the cyber life is the shitz by playing a female char only for looks. How about this pedos? Why not get a life and stop fappin to images? KTHNXBAI.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 13, 2011, 01:04 AM
I just noticed you misspelled "meant" in that sig.

Jul 13, 2011, 03:05 PM
I haven't had a good reuben in years.

That makes me very sad.

I will try and have a good reuben in honor of you.

Oh hey, another short Netflix rant: They're boosting the price for the 1dvd at a time + unlimited streaming around 50% more than what I pay for it now starting in a few months.

Yeah, this is pretty ridiculous. From what I can gather, it's could be due to some combination of two things:

1.) They want to kill or reduce their DVD business and focus mostly on streaming, so they're making the DVD-only plans seem less worthwhile (since they no longer include streaming, which most users are interested in). Netflix executives have stated that they consider themselves more of a streaming business these days, and I read an article that suggested the cost of mailing DVDs is about 20x the cost of simply streaming a movie.

2.) Now that Netflix is making loads of money through their streaming content, content producers (movie studios, TV networks, etc) want a bigger piece of the pie. Several of their larger contracts are ending in the near future, and they're increasing prices in preparation for the increased licensing fees they're expecting to pay.

Then again, those two points contradict themselves in some ways, so I'm probably just crazy.

Jul 13, 2011, 07:23 PM
why can't Nintendo of America localize anything here anymore that doesnt suck:-? for the Wii, im sure you've all heard this song and dance, but how hard could it be? just port it from europe and keep the british voice actors, i want to play Xenoblade: Chronicles
They have always been this way. You thought Nintendo would change? HA!

Jul 13, 2011, 09:08 PM
I really wish I hadn't Googled "reuben sandwich" now. Ugh.

Anyway, damn it I've been bored recently. Nothing interesting to do, and no one to talk to. Moving two hours away from all your friends and favorite hangouts really sucks.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 13, 2011, 09:43 PM
Anyway, damn it I've been bored recently. Nothing interesting to do, and no one to talk to. Moving two hours away from all your friends and favorite hangouts really sucks.
Quoted for mothafuckin' troof.

Jul 13, 2011, 09:50 PM
I really wish I hadn't Googled "reuben sandwich" now. Ugh.
What's wrong with a reuben? The sauerkraut? The corned beef? The dressing?

Jul 13, 2011, 09:53 PM
What's wrong with a reuben? The sauerkraut? The corned beef? The dressing?

All of it. Sauerkraut is nasty, corned beef is nasty, the "dressing" is nasty. Swiss cheese is gross, too, but I don't think that type of cheese is necessarily required.

But, then again, I'm one of the pickiest eaters on the planet.

Oh, but rye bread is all right.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:00 PM
Ruben sandwiches are quite possibly the perfect food, and seeing people attempt to defame them gives me cause to post in the Bull Shxt thread.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:10 PM
Quoted for mothafuckin' troof.

Missed this earlier. But, indeed it is the troof truth. It wouldn't be nearly as bad if my social skills weren't so abysmal due to some problems that I suffer from. Makes it really hard to get a job, too. And the economic state we're in doesn't help, either. Being 21 years old and still stuck in a rut really blows.

Ruben sandwiches are quite possibly the perfect food, and seeing people attempt to defame them gives me cause to post in the Bull Shxt thread.

I wasn't "defaming" anything. I simply don't care for the ingredients of said food. Sorry, but having gunky, mayonnaise-based dressing adorning a heap of hot, stinky sauerkraut atop some raunchy corned beef doesn't sound that good to me.

I'd rather have ham and American cheese on white. But, this is going a bit off-topic.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:18 PM
Haha, dude, raunchy?! Corned beef is not raunchy. It's the prince of meats. And sauerkraut is like the illegitimate adopted prince that's an Asian kid who doesn't yet realize he won't be inheriting any thrones. Not a big fan of mayonnaise, so I'll give you that one.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:20 PM
Did you know that corned beef is called so not because it has something to do with corn-on-the-cob corn but salt? I didn't.

Jul 13, 2011, 10:25 PM
Well, I'm not really here to debate my tastes in food, so I don't really care either way. All I know is I find the sum of it's parts disgusting. That's that.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:42 PM
I think it's safe to say I probably shouldn't invite you over for corned beef and cabbage on St. Patrick's Day.

Jul 13, 2011, 11:53 PM
Nah, I'll pass. Not just because of the dish, but because I don't really "celebrate" St. Patrick's Day. Being of Italian descent, I was raised to not care about the holiday, as it's not about my people/ancestors. Sounds a bit strange I'm sure, but it's how I was brought up.

Oh, that reminds me of something else that pisses me off: made-up holidays, like "Friendship Day", or "Left-handers Day" (and I'm left-handed, too! Still annoying!).

Nitro Vordex
Jul 14, 2011, 12:14 AM
Oh, that reminds me of something else that pisses me off: made-up holidays, like "Friendship Day", or "Left-handers Day" (and I'm left-handed, too! Still annoying!).
Or Valentine's Day, amirite?

Jul 14, 2011, 12:26 AM
Or Valentine's Day, amirite?

Valentine's Day (also known as "Female Overlord Appreciation Day") is in a whole other league of ridiculous. I could write a college paper on that bullshxt.

Jul 14, 2011, 01:40 AM
A majority of holidays are fake. No one celebrates holidays for their original meaning. Valentines is a big score in for card and chocolate companies. St. Patrick's Day is all green clothes and the Irish pigging out. Christmas is shitty toy companies scoring in big aswell. Has anyone seen the recent prices for plastic toys? It's fucking ridiculous.

Jul 14, 2011, 09:02 AM
The fact when you swipe a card as credit it takes forever and a day to hit the account. I don't use a credit card, I have a debit card that can function as credit in the event a store doesn't take debit. Sure, people have been balancing their checkbooks for ages now. But you know what? We also handwashed our clothes and shat in holes in the ground and the like for ages. We managed to overcome that crap (in industrialized countries,) is it really that fuckin hard in the age of high bandwidth to send a damn signal to my account saying "HEY! $X.XX WAS JUST SPENT, DEDUCT IT," as opposed to, you know, 4-5 days after the purchase.

On Holidays: it's true that a lot of Holidays now might as well be fake and purely commercial. But damn if I still love Halloween for the costume parties.

Also: Urban wear being popular >:U

Jul 14, 2011, 01:04 PM
Internet arguments.

They are my weakness! It can be very satisfying when you start bringing in facts and watch your opponent's brain just shut down, but they're always such a waste of time.

Jul 14, 2011, 01:23 PM
Yes, it's quite frivolous and asinine to get caught up in an EPIC INTERNET BATTLE OF WITS. That being said, everyone is guilty of it at one point or another. Anyway, there are two types of "internet fights" that are extra stupid. First up:

When someone tries to debunk an opinion with fact, even though those two things don't really correlate.


User 1: "Man, white roses sure are my favorite! My wife and I just planted a whole bunch yesterday. Any tips on helping them grow?"

User 2: "Why are white roses your favorite? You know that they're the #1 cause of eye cancer? READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE. (www.examplelinkdontreallyclickthis.com)"

User 1: "Erm....ok, but they're still my favorite."

User 2: "Well, that's dumb. You're dumb."

Obviously white roses really don't cause eye cancer. It was part of the example. Moving on.

Second one doesn't really require an example. It's when people just don't know when to quit. I mean, shit, I've been a part of violent seas of internet rage before, but I know when to stop. Some people feel the need to just go on....and on...and on...and on, even when they said "I'm done! I give up!" beforehand.

Everyone always tries to get the last word, so they feel like they've "won." Really annoying.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 14, 2011, 01:49 PM
I really wish that link had been an actual page. Would have been a thing of beauty.

Xbox, having to call you to tell you not to renew my shit is really obnoxious. I can link a credit card no problem online, but if I want to tell you to stop it, I have to endure 5 minutes of machine and then talk to a real person? The fuck's wrong with you Microsoft?

Jul 14, 2011, 01:54 PM
Xbox, having to call you to tell you not to renew my shit is really obnoxious. I can link a credit card no problem online, but if I want to tell you to stop it, I have to endure 5 minutes of machine and then talk to a real person? The fuck's wrong with you Microsoft?

Well, they love to take your money, so they make it easy. But, if you want to take your money back, they'll do their damnedest to make you give up before you succeed, by using an overly-complicated system.

Jul 14, 2011, 02:12 PM
When someone tries to debunk an opinion with fact, even though those two things don't really correlate.

What I see more often are people promoting their own opinions either as facts or as the general public consensus.

Or simply making a statement that is factually untrue, because they don't actually know what they're talking about and instead should have simply stated their opinion.

Xbox, having to call you to tell you not to renew my shit is really obnoxious. I can link a credit card no problem online, but if I want to tell you to stop it, I have to endure 5 minutes of machine and then talk to a real person? The fuck's wrong with you Microsoft?

I know it doesn't help you very much right now, but you should consider only using the pre-paid cards. I do this to avoid getting into exactly this kind of situation.

Sure, it means I need to plan ahead and make sure I pick up a new subscription card when I see it on sale, but it hasn't been a problem so far. Also, my local 24-hour CVS now stocks the Microsoft Points cards, so if I want to make a spontaneous purchase I can simply walk down the street at any time of day and buy some points.

Jul 14, 2011, 04:02 PM
So, I got a call from Chase Bank. They tell me I have a late payment of 217 bucks. But oh wait! I made a deferment over a month ago that was approved! Why do I have a late payment due?

So I go through at least 3-4 phone calls that goes towards collections. And they CONFIRMED I have it on file. I'm not supposed to be making ANY fucking payments until at least October. So what do they tell me after I ask if the mishap is taken care of?

"We're looking into it".

Don't LOOK INTO IT. Take that FUCKING LATE PAYMENT off my account and stop bothering me unless its to remind me about accrued interest during my deferment period!

That was 3 days ago. And you know what? They're still sending automated messages to make payments immediately on my past due bill.

Shinji Kazuya
Jul 14, 2011, 07:31 PM
Damn! Forgot a Coca-Cola can inside the fridge's freezer for almost a week. Not pretty.

Jul 14, 2011, 07:57 PM
I recently got pink eye. IT FUCKING SUCKS!

*rubs eyes over and over knowing it's not doing me any better*

Jul 15, 2011, 01:46 PM
I love cutting the grass only to be rained out. Now the grass is going to grow even more! Summer sure is fun.

Jul 15, 2011, 03:44 PM
So, I got a call from Chase Bank. They tell me I have a late payment of 217 bucks. But oh wait! I made a deferment over a month ago that was approved! Why do I have a late payment due?

So I go through at least 3-4 phone calls that goes towards collections. And they CONFIRMED I have it on file. I'm not supposed to be making ANY fucking payments until at least October. So what do they tell me after I ask if the mishap is taken care of?

"We're looking into it".

Don't LOOK INTO IT. Take that FUCKING LATE PAYMENT off my account and stop bothering me unless its to remind me about accrued interest during my deferment period!

That was 3 days ago. And you know what? They're still sending automated messages to make payments immediately on my past due bill.

Stories like this make me glad that I'm currently without a credit card. It's so much easier for me to just use debit for everything.

Jul 15, 2011, 05:11 PM
@Gunslinger-08: Y'know, until you want to buy something online or a store's card reader grabs your code. Most banks hold you liable if your debit card and number get stolen. They'll tell you that you must have given your code out to someone, and that it nulls your user agreement or whatever. Basically that you're SOL with whatever happened to your account (obfuscating stupidity at its best).

At least with a credit card (even the chip ones), you can just call it in - banks usually have pretty good coverage concerning that. I'm lazy about payments, so I have them take it directly from my account every month. If I see something I that I don't like on my statement, I go in and fix it. With interest at 20 something percent, I don't use more than I have anyway. Having a balance is crazy. So a credit card is really no more than a debit card with more accessibility and safety, so long as you don't go nuts with it.

As for bank trouble, I had some term deposits that were coming due (not at the same bank as my normal account for some odd reason), and forgot to check in with two of them. I knew the default was for it to be dropped into my account (checked online to make sure), so I didn't worry about it. I went in later to find that I was shorted 6 grand. I asked what the hell happened, and they said that it was entered into another deposit for crap % (around 0.1% if I remember right), compared with the 5% I had before. Said I was locked out from the money for another year minimum. I was not happy, as I needed it for school. No proof though, so I was screwed. I had to take out a loan in the meantime. The internet movement by banks is all good and well, but I've learned to demand paperwork. I later learned that they were supposed to call for confirmation on what I wanted as well, which never happened. I plan on closing that account entirely, but I still don't have that money yet.

Banks are gluttonous bastards who think holding your money equates to owning it.

Jul 15, 2011, 08:28 PM
Why, oh why are some "adults" so unbelievably illiterate? If I ran the world, you would take a "literacy comprehension" test once you turned 13. If you didn't get at least an 80% on the test, you would be killed on the spot. There is no excuse (other than mental disorders, obviously) to not be able to punctuate, spell, and grammaticize correctly once you're a teenager.

Jul 15, 2011, 08:58 PM
Why, oh why are some "adults" so unbelievably illiterate? If I ran the world, you would take a "literacy comprehension" test once you turned 13. If you didn't get at least an 80% on the test, you would be killed on the spot. There is no excuse (other than mental disorders, obviously) to not be able to punctuate, spell, and grammaticize correctly once you're a teenager.

Dat fallacy.

Check your privilege at the door.

Not everyone has education available to them. I'm sure many of those who are illiterate wish they weren't, but should we blame them for that? No.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:03 PM
Dat fallacy.

Check your privilege at the door.

Not everyone has education available to them. I'm sure many of those who are illiterate wish they weren't, but should we blame them for that? No.

Well, this is a rant thread, and I was ranting. How rude of me. I'll make sure not to do that again!

Seriously, come on.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:11 PM
Check your privilege at the door.

Not everyone has education available to them. I'm sure many of those who are illiterate wish they weren't, but should we blame them for that? No.

Indeed. Ironic that so many children are granted the education that the elderly wish they had, yet the young scoff at it and end up illiterate anyway.

Well, this is a rant thread, and I was ranting. How rude of me. I'll make sure not to do that again!

Seriously, come on.

Fair enough, but you have no right to wine about people calling you on something either.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:17 PM
Fair enough, but you have no right to wine about people calling you on something either.

I'm not sure what your definition of "whining" is, but to me, I wasn't doing it. Also, one of the rules of the "Rants" forum is to not try and denounce someone else's rant just because. It's a rant. It's made out of frustration, or sometimes even anger. Everything that is said in these threads are to be taken at face value, and not nitpicked upon using extracurricular reasoning. Do you really think I was being serious about the whole "shoot them if they don't pass" thing...? Really.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:21 PM
Well, this is a rant thread, and I was ranting. How rude of me. I'll make sure not to do that again!

Seriously, come on.

Killing people because they can't read is a tad bit too much. Especially when the rate is pretty astounding. (http://www.nrrf.org/essay_Illiteracy.html)

According to the National Adult Literacy Survey, 42 million adult Americans can't read; 50 million can recognize so few printed words they are limited to a 4th or 5th grade reading level; one out of every four teenagers drops out of high school, and of those who graduate, one out of every four has the equivalent or less of an eighth grade education.

I spent a lot of time last year doing research for this and how historical events since post Civil War, Little Rock Nine, and the shut down of public school in the south that followed, still influences the United States as a whole today.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2011, 09:22 PM
Why, oh why are some "adults" so unbelievably illiterate? If I ran the world, you would take a "literacy comprehension" test once you turned 13. If you didn't get at least an 80% on the test, you would be killed on the spot. There is no excuse (other than mental disorders, obviously) to not be able to punctuate, spell, and grammaticize correctly once you're a teenager.
Maybe you should rephrase that. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964)

You can't call someone stupid if they never got the proper education. It's hardly fair to them. Just because you know something that someone else doesn't, doesn't make them stupid.

Now, I'd much prefer it if "adults" would keep up on their studies if they were taught. Or at least not type/write like they're complete idiots.

On a another note, telling me "It's not school" is not a valid reason for you to type like a complete fucking idiot. You look like a gigantic asshole, not because you're illiterate, but because you choose to be illiterate.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:23 PM
Wow, never mind then. Damn, people. Guess I'll keep my frustrations to myself.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2011, 09:26 PM
Wow, never mind then. Damn, people. Guess I'll keep my frustrations to myself.
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to an extent and tangent. If people are fully capable of reading and writing correctly, then there is no valid reason for them to write like idiots.

Except for shorthand for journalism, abbreviations for medicine, etc.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:28 PM
Don't get me wrong, I agree with you to an extent and tangent. If people are fully capable of reading and writing correctly, then there is no valid reason for them to write like idiots.

That's what I was talking about. Obviously I don't hate people just because they haven't had a proper education, etc. I was referring to people that have the ability, but choose not to use it.

I'm a pretty terrible person, but I'm not heartless.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 15, 2011, 09:29 PM

Also $500 electric bill. Fuck me.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:48 PM

Also $500 electric bill. Fuck me.

Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Jul 15, 2011, 09:49 PM
Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.

Those NCR troops should really stop playing on Hardcore.

Jul 15, 2011, 10:11 PM
@Gunslinger-08: Y'know, until you want to buy something online or a store's card reader grabs your code. Most banks hold you liable if your debit card and number get stolen. They'll tell you that you must have given your code out to someone, and that it nulls your user agreement or whatever. Basically that you're SOL with whatever happened to your account (obfuscating stupidity at its best).

At least with a credit card (even the chip ones), you can just call it in - banks usually have pretty good coverage concerning that. I'm lazy about payments, so I have them take it directly from my account every month. If I see something I that I don't like on my statement, I go in and fix it. With interest at 20 something percent, I don't use more than I have anyway. Having a balance is crazy. So a credit card is really no more than a debit card with more accessibility and safety, so long as you don't go nuts with it.

Heh, I use prepaid Visa cards and paypal for online purchases. On that note, I have most of my money in a savings account that's not even linked to my debit account. I go to the bank and move money between the two as necessary, which tends to keep me within my budget anyway.

Jul 15, 2011, 11:50 PM
Illiterate Sammie Davis Junior on Cosby show was a boss.


Jul 16, 2011, 05:22 PM
Chase Bank you continue to amaze me. I received another bill from them about I payment I owe them for August. Oh and look! You added the amount I didn't pay now to this bill now! 437 bucks you say? But you approved my deferment! No fair! Wahh!!!!!!

FUCK YOU Chase Bank. I already went over this shit with you a few days ago. Whats so hard for you to take my information, THAT YOU CONFIRMED WAS IN THE SYSTEM, and apply it to now? You know what I think? I think you don't wanna help me pay you back. You want your money NOW. You know I'm fucking unemployed and still looking for a job. Work with me dammit! Or I can't work with you.

Jul 16, 2011, 06:57 PM
Feeling un-motivated to do anything creative, When I have the most free time I'll probably ever get in my life.

Baaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllsssssssssssssss..............

Jul 17, 2011, 09:50 AM
I hate games that require you to play through the game on every different difficulty level to get all of the achievements. It doesn't bother me if you get all of the achievements for playing through on the hardest difficulty, but I really hate it when I beat a game on hard and I still have the medium and easy achievements to get.

Jul 17, 2011, 11:48 AM
Chase Bank you continue to amaze me. I received another bill from them about I payment I owe them for August. Oh and look! You added the amount I didn't pay now to this bill now! 437 bucks you say? But you approved my deferment! No fair! Wahh!!!!!!

FUCK YOU Chase Bank. I already went over this shit with you a few days ago. Whats so hard for you to take my information, THAT YOU CONFIRMED WAS IN THE SYSTEM, and apply it to now? You know what I think? I think you don't wanna help me pay you back. You want your money NOW. You know I'm fucking unemployed and still looking for a job. Work with me dammit! Or I can't work with you.

If you try with regular customer service and it doesn't work, you should try calling the Executive Customer Service line listed on this webpage:


Another idea is to try doing an Executive Email Carpet Bomb by figuring out the email setup for Chase employees (something like firstname.lastname or firstinitial.lastname) and sending an email to every executive at the company (their names would be available on the corporate site).

That pisses off the executives, which makes them pass it off to somebody who can actually do something about it.

It should be considered a last resort, though. If you're interested in the EECB, though, the instructions are located here: http://consumerist.com/2007/05/how-to-launch-an-executive-email-carpet-bomb.html

I hate games that require you to play through the game on every different difficulty level to get all of the achievements. It doesn't bother me if you get all of the achievements for playing through on the hardest difficulty, but I really hate it when I beat a game on hard and I still have the medium and easy achievements to get.

Are you perhaps talking about Shadows of the Damned? I discovered I'll have to play through it on Easy if I want to get every achievement, which kind of sucks. I see that as a real annoying oversight.

Jul 17, 2011, 01:26 PM
If you try with regular customer service and it doesn't work, you should try calling the Executive Customer Service line listed on this webpage:


Another idea is to try doing an Executive Email Carpet Bomb by figuring out the email setup for Chase employees (something like firstname.lastname or firstinitial.lastname) and sending an email to every executive at the company (their names would be available on the corporate site).

That pisses off the executives, which makes them pass it off to somebody who can actually do something about it.

It should be considered a last resort, though. If you're interested in the EECB, though, the instructions are located here: http://consumerist.com/2007/05/how-to-launch-an-executive-email-carpet-bomb.html

Whoa cool, Annoying "The Man!"

Jul 17, 2011, 01:58 PM
Are you perhaps talking about Shadows of the Damned? I discovered I'll have to play through it on Easy if I want to get every achievement, which kind of sucks. I see that as a real annoying oversight.

Yep, Shadows of the Damned. I enjoyed the game, but I didn't really want to have to play through it three times to get all of the achievements.

Jul 17, 2011, 04:59 PM
Yep, Shadows of the Damned. I enjoyed the game, but I didn't really want to have to play through it three times to get all of the achievements.

Just wait a few weeks/months until you get that urge to play the game again. I hate achievements like that to, but I either slogged through them or waited a bit for the next playthrough.

Jul 17, 2011, 06:47 PM
Just wait a few weeks/months until you get that urge to play the game again. I hate achievements like that to, but I either slogged through them or waited a bit for the next playthrough.

Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Just wait until you get the urge to play through the game again and then use it as an excuse to get the achievement.

Jul 17, 2011, 08:45 PM
24-hour ban from Xbox Live for having the word "fuckin" in my bio. I can live with that, but I will be pissed if I have a permanent "Code of Conduct" stamped all over my profile preventing me from personalizing my name/location/bio.

Jul 18, 2011, 02:40 AM
24-hour ban from Xbox Live for having the word "fuckin" in my bio. I can live with that, but I will be pissed if I have a permanent "Code of Conduct" stamped all over my profile preventing me from personalizing my name/location/bio.
I never knew you can have a perm ban on the personalizing of that stuff? I've been banned for up to a month for all the "excessive language" and always had the ability to change it to whatever.

Jul 18, 2011, 11:54 AM
It took me hours last night to figure out that in order to play .avi videos in WMP I needed the Xvid codec. Still trying to figure out why.

Jul 18, 2011, 01:00 PM
It took me hours last night to figure out that in order to play .avi videos in WMP I needed the Xvid codec. Still trying to figure out why.

VLC Media Player is your best friend, a must-have for any PC

Jul 18, 2011, 01:36 PM
VLC Media Player is your best friend, a must-have for any PCI tried a few different players until I found one that worked (poorly) with my setup until I found the codec required. The issue is that my setup when watching video files is use my TV as a second monitor showing the video, and the computer monitor free to do anything else I want. Windows Media Center and DivX player both don't agree with that setup.

I'll give VLC a shot.

Jul 18, 2011, 02:04 PM
VLC isn't always the most stable player, but it has the most comprehensive codec support of any player out of the box. It will even repair movies with broken frame indexes that most players will choke on. If it won't play in VLC, it's probably because the author screwed up or the file is so corrupted nothing can save it.

Jul 20, 2011, 12:11 AM
My webcomic was taken down today; my work suddenly alerts me that we now disallow talking about my job on the internet!

Didn't know i fuckin lived in Soviet Russia!

Will it return? Maybe. As soon as i can remove all traces from my job from the pictures i suppose. Maybe i'll just name it NO. Because its all about me now. Not Serena, not Her. Nobody! I've been broken up for easily 3 months now, and you know what i learned? I enjoy being alone. Yeah! Its weird. I spent 20 years wanting companionship and shit; just to realize. Maybe i DO enjoy being alone. Don't gotta impress nobody or anything. I am my own being. ME. and me alone.

Jul 20, 2011, 01:22 AM
Maybe i DO enjoy being alone. Don't gotta impress nobody or anything. I am my own being. ME. and me alone.

Welcome to the light side of The Force. It's better here.

Jul 20, 2011, 01:35 AM
It certainly is the easy side.

Jul 20, 2011, 11:54 AM
My webcomic was taken down today; my work suddenly alerts me that we now disallow talking about my job on the internet!

Didn't know i fuckin lived in Soviet Russia!

Will it return? Maybe. As soon as i can remove all traces from my job from the pictures i suppose. Maybe i'll just name it NO. Because its all about me now. Not Serena, not Her. Nobody! I've been broken up for easily 3 months now, and you know what i learned? I enjoy being alone. Yeah! Its weird. I spent 20 years wanting companionship and shit; just to realize. Maybe i DO enjoy being alone. Don't gotta impress nobody or anything. I am my own being. ME. and me alone.

Um, I'm pretty sure they can't do anything about you talking about your job on the internet. (Legally, anyways)

Nitro Vordex
Jul 20, 2011, 12:38 PM
Um, I'm pretty sure they can't do anything about you talking about your job on the internet. (Legally, anyways)
They're mostly just butthurt because he didn't exactly put them in a...positive light.

WHY DO I MEET ALL THE FUCKING STUPID WOMEN. God damn, I'm so tired of meeting dumb women. I need more smart women, please. Jeez. <_>

Jul 20, 2011, 02:26 PM
Um, I'm pretty sure they can't do anything about you talking about your job on the internet. (Legally, anyways)

Well, he could certainly lose his job depending on the employment policies.

Jul 20, 2011, 02:29 PM
Well, he could certainly lose his job depending on the employment policies.

What I want to know is how did his boss(es) find out about said satirical comic strips? Did they do that new "E-stalking" thing that employers have started doing (looking up social networking accounts, etc.)?

Jul 20, 2011, 03:14 PM
They're mostly just butthurt because he didn't exactly put them in a...positive light.

WHY DO I MEET ALL THE FUCKING STUPID WOMEN. God damn, I'm so tired of meeting dumb women. I need more smart women, please. Jeez. <_>

Well, smart people are rare in general...

Cut those chances in half, and filter it through your other tastes in women and good luck!

Jul 20, 2011, 04:38 PM
WHY DO I MEET ALL THE FUCKING STUPID WOMEN. God damn, I'm so tired of meeting dumb women. I need more smart women, please. Jeez. <_>

Expect it to be that way for awhile.

In my research class I get along with the 25-30 years old more than the people my age. One guy confessed to not know what was going on in Libya. :disapprove:

Jul 20, 2011, 07:17 PM
Haha, thank you San Francisco Giants day game for dumping your drunken fans onto the train and ensuring that fully 80% of the cyclists on the bike car cannot park or sit. Fucking colossal ignorance.

Oh, and you cougars over there are a goddamn disgrace.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 20, 2011, 10:12 PM
Expect it to be that way for awhile.

In my research class I get along with the 25-30 years old more than the people my age. One guy confessed to not know what was going on in Libya. :disapprove:
Are you saying I should look for cougars? :wacko:

Jul 20, 2011, 11:08 PM
WHY DO I MEET ALL THE FUCKING STUPID WOMEN. God damn, I'm so tired of meeting dumb women. I need more smart women, please. Jeez. <_>

Chances are 1/68443260496134423580 bro. Or something like that. And even IF their smart, You do risk the chance of them changing back to former stupidity if not treated correctly.

Jul 21, 2011, 12:32 AM
And even IF their smart, You do risk the chance of them changing back to former stupidity if not treated correctly.
Or they could just be a dick. That's a whole other problem in itself that you have to filter out as well.

Jul 21, 2011, 04:22 AM
Girlfriend in 2011 :lol:

Ms. Splosion Man is pretty damn hard and I've been getting pissed at it. I don't know if my 2D platformer skills are fading away or I just suck at games, but jesus this game is brutal.

Jul 21, 2011, 04:44 PM
So, I have been given an ultimatum regarding my lack of employment. At all.

Reapply at my old job at Target and return to New Jersey, and live with my aunt for the next year


Enlist into the armed services.

If option A cannot apply, option B will. Either way, my time here is gonna be short from now on. The countless jobs I applied for up in this state apparently sees fit to not want to give me any chance. At all. And while I abhorred the thought of being in the armed forces ever since high school, it seems that may be the only way to war off this outstanding debt my dear college has left me with.

Jul 21, 2011, 05:44 PM
So, I have been given an ultimatum regarding my lack of employment. At all.

Reapply at my old job at Target and return to New Jersey, and live with my aunt for the next year


Enlist into the armed services.

If option A cannot apply, option B will. Either way, my time here is gonna be short from now on. The countless jobs I applied for up in this state apparently sees fit to not want to give me any chance. At all. And while I abhorred the thought of being in the armed forces ever since high school, it seems that may be the only way to war off this outstanding debt my dear college has left me with.

You'll most likely have to go with Option B. That's my theory. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the government's plan all along was to decrease job availability in the civilian sector as a way to force more people to join the army for their livelihood. What for? I don't know, but that's what I think is going on.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 21, 2011, 06:19 PM
You'll most likely have to go with Option B. That's my theory. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the government's plan all along was to decrease job availability in the civilian sector as a way to force more people to join the army for their livelihood. What for? I don't know, but that's what I think it going on.
Careful, you might prompt Keiyln into a wall of text of conspiracy.

More hours at work plz. plzplzplzplzplzplz.


Jul 22, 2011, 01:43 AM
So, my right ear-bud literally fell the fuck off today, leaving only half an ear-bud set.

EDIT: And when I say it fell the fuck off, I mean everything. The copper wiring inside the rubber tube, everything. Just, like...*plop*.

Jul 22, 2011, 02:08 AM
So, my right ear-bud literally fell the fuck off today, leaving only half an ear-bud set.

EDIT: And when I say it fell the fuck off, I mean everything. The copper wiring inside the rubber tube, everything. Just, like...*plop*.

I've had ear-buds basically take themselves apart before. Just pick it up and... little gizmos all over the place.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 22, 2011, 03:00 AM
I remember when I had an earbud get stuck in one of my bike spokes. Ripped it clean off, no nonsense. Needless to say, I was saddened.

Jul 22, 2011, 01:38 PM
You'll most likely have to go with Option B. That's my theory. It's become increasingly obvious to me that the government's plan all along was to decrease job availability in the civilian sector as a way to force more people to join the army for their livelihood. What for? I don't know, but that's what I think is going on.

Dear lord, pick option A.

Jul 22, 2011, 01:59 PM
I remember when I had an earbud get stuck in one of my bike spokes. Ripped it clean off, no nonsense. Needless to say, I was saddened.

I got my earbud stuck in the seat edge of a bus.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 22, 2011, 01:59 PM
I got my earbud stuck in the seat edge of a bus.

Just take the damn job at Target. This economy is too shitty for you to be picky about which job you get. Money is money right now.

Jul 22, 2011, 02:02 PM

Just take the damn job at Target. This economy is too shitty for you to be picky about which job you get. Money is money right now.


If someone offered me a job shoveling horse shit for $5/hr right now, I'd take it faster than you could say "bye-bye, dignity!"

Jul 22, 2011, 04:14 PM
Last thing I want to hear in a crowded doctors office is a fucking baby crying ignorantly loud. Really, babies mom? You're ignoring the little douchebaby? Hell, not even really a baby, more like a toddler/piss ant brat. Really, babies mom? You had to pawn your little ball of misery off on everyone else in the room. I even went outside to tune it out and still heard that little asshole.

Rant shortened? Fuck you, random baby.

I agree with you almost completely. They've learned to tune it out, and expect everyone else to just bear with it. Now, I know it's not the baby's fault though, so I yell at the parents to demand the cessation of their ineptitude. Not put so nicely however.

Anyway, ordered a game. Got it for the wrong system. I can't believe I'm that guy. Ugh.

Jul 22, 2011, 05:31 PM
Option A was already considered. But I've been so unsuccessful with this shit for months, so lets hope they actually give attention to an old employee. I was hoping I didn't have to return to Jersey, but hell, my old job is up there and my aunt is the only one up there. And I hate imposing on her space, but I guess its already been agreed upon by my mom and her. If this doesn't fall through, well.

In other news, I bothered Walmart up here again. How nice to know you brought quite a bit of people in for orientation today. So how come I didn't get a call yet? Oh you got 8 other people pending for background checks? How long is that gonna take?


Jul 23, 2011, 10:36 AM
Megaman Legends 3 was cancelled. :(


Jul 23, 2011, 06:34 PM
Last night, I had a dream that I was drowning. Apparently, since I couldn't breathe in my dream, I wasn't breathing in the real world either. So, I woke up. My eyes shot open, and I started gasping for air. My heart was pounding and fucking up even more so than usual (I've got a bad heart to begin with, so this didn't help).

This happened at about 6:00 AM, after I had gone to bed at 3:00 AM. Couldn't get back to sleep after that; my heart and lungs hurt too much.

Jul 24, 2011, 07:24 PM
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/249273_10150735343930481_624145480_20054895_707898 6_n.jpg

Current media policy at my job.

Jul 25, 2011, 10:15 AM
Sarcasm really doesnt work on the internet. LAME.

Jul 25, 2011, 01:13 PM
It does if you know the person using it!

Jul 25, 2011, 04:13 PM
So, I called Walmart again today. They tell me they're having a hiring freeze in 50 of their stores.

... Bull-shxt.

Jul 25, 2011, 07:22 PM

Jul 27, 2011, 02:45 PM
Last night, I had a dream that I was drowning. Apparently, since I couldn't breathe in my dream, I wasn't breathing in the real world either. So, I woke up. My eyes shot open, and I started gasping for air. My heart was pounding and fucking up even more so than usual (I've got a bad heart to begin with, so this didn't help).

This happened at about 6:00 AM, after I had gone to bed at 3:00 AM. Couldn't get back to sleep after that; my heart and lungs hurt too much.
It's possible you had your face directly on the pillow and therefore closing your mouth and nose. I've done that before, and also had a dream about drowning. I woke up to my heart racing, and gasping for air as well. Hopefully it was the same for you. :-?

Jul 27, 2011, 05:28 PM
It's possible you had your face directly on the pillow and therefore closing your mouth and nose. I've done that before, and also had a dream about drowning. I woke up to my heart racing, and gasping for air as well. Hopefully it was the same for you. :-?

No, if I remember correctly (upon waking up), I was actually laying with my nose and mouth uncovered. I guess my body was subconsciously holding it's breath while I slept. Sucked.

Anyway, I've had a dry mouth all day. Drinking water, or anything for that matter, doesn't seem to be helping.

Jul 27, 2011, 07:13 PM
First i start seeing this black snake like s#&* that kept covering my vision with my right eye and only my right eye! Then i get this Massive head ache, Took some meds, and i still feel it after 3 hours. Guess my heads just sensitive to heavy movement. ("Go figure.")

Jul 28, 2011, 04:49 AM
I bought a package of cookies and I didn't stop at 1 serving. ARGH! Where is my self control?

Jul 28, 2011, 05:38 PM
When the shower is cold, so you turn the heat up just a bit, and suddenly it's to hot, so you turn it down an even smaller bit and it gets to cold again anyways. Repeat.


Jul 28, 2011, 07:06 PM
When the shower is cold, so you turn the heat up just a bit, and suddenly it's to hot, so you turn it down an even smaller bit and it gets to cold again anyways. Repeat.

FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFI'm used to how much to change it at home, at least on the one shower I use normally. Hotels are terrible though, can never take a nice shower when I'm on vacation.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:07 PM
Hotels are terrible though, can never take a nice shower when I'm on vacation.
Totally agree. If not the temperature, then the water pressure.

Jul 28, 2011, 07:18 PM
For the longest time our downstairs shower was broke but our upstairs one was fine. It has recently flipped around, but the downstairs shower got a new single knob (the upstairs had two, splitting hot and cold.) I'm still getting used to it.

Jul 28, 2011, 09:20 PM
to whom it may concern. I am a part timer. Just because the "team" cannot accomplish anything with cut hours; lack of help, unintellegent mangement does not make it cool to dog me out about having to get shit finished when my goddamn father is waiting for me outside. I work 4-10. Its 10:00. I get the fuck out. Got a problem with it? Deal with it. You redheaded abomination of filth.

Jul 29, 2011, 11:21 AM
When the shower is cold, so you turn the heat up just a bit, and suddenly it's to hot, so you turn it down an even smaller bit and it gets to cold again anyways. Repeat.


Oh, I didn't know you were using the shower in my bathroom.

Or the sink in my bathroom.

Or the sink in my kitchen.

Jeez, the plumbing really sucks in my apartment.

Jul 29, 2011, 12:41 PM
Lol new york plumbing.

Jul 29, 2011, 01:40 PM
Biking uphill in 100+ degree weather while carrying food that needs to remain cool.

Jul 29, 2011, 07:29 PM
Oh, I didn't know you were using the shower in my bathroom.

Or the sink in my bathroom.

Or the sink in my kitchen.

Jeez, the plumbing really sucks in my apartment.

I left you a surprise ;o

Jul 30, 2011, 07:08 AM
Apparently someone used my e-mail to sign up for battlenet, I'm tempted to do a password recovery just to tell them to fuck off and get their own e-mail address.

Jul 30, 2011, 04:09 PM
People that try to find and/or understand the "meaning of life."

The truth is much more simple: there is no meaning. We are a humongous, gigantic accident. The Universe expanded, and we just so happened to hit one (if not the only) of the "lucky" spots on the Cosmic Roulette Table. Thus, life on Earth started. There's no big secret, there's no mystery. We're all just conscious sacks of meat that eat, sleep, poop, and screw until we die. That's it.

I mean, I understand some people's frustration in simply not knowing why we, and everything else, ended up existing. Trust me, I get that. If you sit and think about "Why am I here? Where did all of this come from?" for too long, your head stats to hurt. Or, at least mine does. So naturally, people want answers, and they look for them. But, truthfully, there is no black-and-white answer, or at least not one that we can discover through modern means. So, you have to give yourself a "meaning" as to why you're here. Life's a lot better that way, I think.

Ok, that's better. Had to let that steam out.

Jul 30, 2011, 05:16 PM
People that try to find and/or understand the "meaning of life."

The truth is much more simple: there is no meaning. We are a humongous, gigantic accident. The Universe expanded, and we just so happened to hit one (if not the only) of the "lucky" spots on the Cosmic Roulette Table. Thus, life on Earth started. There's no big secret, there's no mystery. We're all just conscious sacks of meat that eat, sleep, poop, and screw until we die. That's it.

I mean, I understand some people's frustration in simply not knowing why we, and everything else, ended up existing. Trust me, I get that. If you sit and think about "Why am I here? Where did all of this come from?" for too long, your head stats to hurt. Or, at least mine does. So naturally, people want answers, and they look for them. But, truthfully, there is no black-and-white answer, or at least not one that we can discover through modern means. So, you have to give yourself a "meaning" as to why you're here. Life's a lot better that way, I think.

Ok, that's better. Had to let that steam out.

The big bang theory? Yeah, that's got problems. Related problems exist in the second law of thermodynamics. Both presuppose the Schwartzchild Radius is wrong, or can be overcome; if all matter/energy is condensed into a point (the state of minimal entropy), gravity should override all other forces (as the force of gravity grows without bound as distance approaches zero).

In short, for the notion of the big bang to hold, there must be a force capable of overcoming an infinite attractive force. (The same goes for the second law of thermodynamics) The only repelling force known is electromagnetism. It then follows that a black hole can be violently torn apart by EM. However, photons are the force carriers for EM, and black holes consume them easily.

In short, the theories work in the forward direction of time, but break down when you look backwards.

Also, I dislike people who decide life is meaningless. I think that's lazy. Meaning is demonstrably relative to individuals. If you can't see a universal meaning of life, then find a personal one.

Edit: Congress.

Jul 30, 2011, 05:43 PM
I wasn't trying to start a metaphysical debate. Relax. I was just stating my personal opinion.

Also, I never mentioned the Big Bang theory, anyway.

Jul 30, 2011, 07:24 PM
I wasn't trying to start a metaphysical debate. Relax. I was just stating my personal opinion.

Also, I never mentioned the Big Bang theory, anyway.

"the universe expanded" >Indirect reference.

I'm relaxed, that was mostly a seperate rant against things accepted as fact...

Jul 30, 2011, 08:27 PM
I'm relaxed, that was mostly a seperate rant against things accepted as fact...

You mean like when people state their own conclusions as irrevocable fact? (Not a rip on you, Olaf.)

I don't care for it myself.

Jul 30, 2011, 09:12 PM
You mean like when people state their own conclusions as irrevocable fact? (Not a rip on you, Olaf.)

I don't care for it myself.

No, just that I feel scientists seem to have stopped wondering about the "beginning". Especially when they say that a black hole containing the sum of all the energy and matter in the universe, and warping space-time to a point conceivable only in numbers... would spontaneously, inexplicably explode.

Yes, I hate the big bang theory.

Still: Congress. (This latest showdown is the most asinine I've ever seen... I expect grandstanding and shenanigans over passing the budget, but I've never seen politicians actually advocating not paying for the stuff they just passed) Actually, I have something else to rant about politicians. I'll present it in the form of a formal proof, just for kicks.

Given: That taxes cannot be increased
Claim: That the government will inevitably collapse
1) Any event with non-zero probability will occur eventually (Consequence of the Law of Large Numbers) Equivalently, the odds of any event with non-zero probability never occurring given infinite trials is zero (Formulas for a binomial distribution)
2) For any given session of a legislature, the probability of taxes being decreased is non-zero (The event is possible, thus it must have non-zero probability)
3) It then follows that for a given starting tax level, after some number of sessions taxes will be lowered (From 1 and 2)
4) Since taxes cannot be raised, we can see that 3 will repeat until the odds of taxes being lowered is zero (As 3's result satisfies its condition)
5) Taxes can be lowered until they are zero (Obvious)
6) Therefore, 3 repeats until taxes are zero (From 4 and 5)
7) A government with zero revenue must collapse (Obvious)
8) Therefore, for any given starting tax level, if taxes cannot ever increase, the government will collapse (From 6 and 7) QED.
It follows then that pledging no new taxes (And meaning revenue rather than taxes) is functionally a pledge to work towards the collapse of the government. That is, if you pledge to satisfy the given of the proof, you are pledging to cause its conclusion. (Which is of course obvious)

I fucking hate these assholes who actually pledge this. A lot of fucking morons who should be disqualified for an inability to comprehend infinity.

Jul 31, 2011, 12:11 AM
A lot of fucking morons who should be disqualified for an inability to comprehend infinity.
USA has to end somehow. This just means it won't be in the 22nd or 23rd century.

Nitro Vordex
Jul 31, 2011, 12:47 AM
People that try to find and/or understand the "meaning of life."

I usually just make the answer simple and say "It's whatever you want it to be."


Bomber The Cosmonaut
Jul 31, 2011, 03:34 AM
I usually just make the answer simple and say "It's whatever you want it to be."


God, I hate that. If you (the manager) are saying that you're going to work something out with my availability, then fucking do it.

Also, I just love it when closing time comes around, and there is a line going to the door.

Jul 31, 2011, 04:38 AM
This reminds me of my job back at Target when I was cashier. My shift was over, but of course, we're required to tend to ALL of our remaining customers in line. So I'm almost done with my customers, letting them know to tell anyone who comes in line that this lane is closing. So I notice this woman come up as I was finishing, and I let everyone know my lane is closed. So she opens her mouth:

"What? What do you mean this lane is closed? I was here the whole time, you can't just turn me away!"

... No the hell you were not woman, your ass just got in my line!

I swear I'm too nice with people, so I rang the woman up anyway.

Jul 31, 2011, 06:57 AM
I wonder if that's as bad as my job's tendency to call most of my co-workers away to do little errands (mostly pointless in the large picture), leaving me to do most the work on the floor. It's for a similar reason I dread days I get called in on as they tend to end with me going "Why did I ever agree to this?" then I realize why: money.

Jul 31, 2011, 07:16 AM
Most of the time, jobs are required to give you 24 hrs notice of a change. It won't be your fault if you don't come in if you didn't know about it!

Aug 1, 2011, 01:13 PM
Trying to finally watch the PSO2 briefing vid and youtube is being a bitch about loading again >:|

Aug 1, 2011, 02:06 PM
I stayed up all night finishing my latest comic and emailed it to my writer so he could post it.

I just remembered a little while ago that he's away on vacation and I was supposed to post it. Can't do that until I'm home from work. WHOOPS.

Aug 1, 2011, 04:23 PM
So, I just accidentally hit myself in my..."private area" for about the 4th time within 24 hours. The soreness hasn't gone away since this morning. :sleepy:

Aug 1, 2011, 05:03 PM
It's too effin midnight late again and I still have so much I want to do. Why do you mess with me, sleep schedule?! I have work tomorrow, please be kind just this once!

Aug 1, 2011, 09:53 PM
So, I'm pretty sure some asshole thrashed my crankset on the train. Now I can look forward to the bike being unrideable all week, and to spending a fortune to find a 25-year-old bottom bracket to replace the one that is now stripped.

So much for saving any kind of money this summer.

Aug 1, 2011, 11:39 PM
I don't really like the way PSO 2 is shaping up, graphics wise. I expect much more from a 2011 PC game. I'll reserve final judgement for the final, shipping game. (This opinion is not about gameplay or any other part of the game. Just the graphics)

Aug 1, 2011, 11:44 PM
Sega is not Squarenix with the millions of dollars for graphics alone.

Boy I'm going to have a rough week, as I'm got to explain the rather low rent check (Kinda my fault, kinda spent a bit much on pre-made sandwiches)

Aug 1, 2011, 11:45 PM
I don't really like the way PSO 2 is shaping up, graphics wise. I expect much more from a 2011 PC game. I'll reserve final judgement for the final, shipping game. (This opinion is not about gameplay or any other part of the game. Just the graphics)

So im not the Only one?

Aug 2, 2011, 12:30 AM
I expect much more from a 2011 PC game. I'll reserve final judgement for the final, shipping game.
That's because they aren't designing the game to be a "2011" game. They're keeping the graphics a bit tamer to allow more people to be able to play the game without a major PC overhaul.

I spent most of this morning at work trying to copy a mini disc to a PC and had to fight with quality controls and such. It makes me want to strangle whoever thought up those MDs.

Aug 2, 2011, 01:27 AM
So, my Steam install corrupted itself for some reason?

And I had to uninstall, which wound up uninstalling all of my games?

And now I have to download all of them again?

That's not what I wanted at all!

Aug 2, 2011, 07:46 AM
I think things should be this way. My opinion is contrary to your opinion! Hmph, sorry for posting then. I didn't know I wasn't allowed to share my ideas. hargrarghrahrhg.

What the hell, people.

Aug 2, 2011, 02:10 PM
So, my Steam install corrupted itself for some reason?

And I had to uninstall, which wound up uninstalling all of my games?

And now I have to download all of them again?

That's not what I wanted at all!
Oh shit, that seriously sucks man. D:

Aug 2, 2011, 04:43 PM
Oh shit, that seriously sucks man. D:

Yeah. I basically queued up a bunch of games before going to bed and let them download overnight. It's not really too big of a deal, but it is annoying.

Aug 2, 2011, 06:28 PM
Tilapia is great, I just hate that it falls apart too easily.

Aug 2, 2011, 06:57 PM
What the hell, people.

While I agree to an extent, it's all about tact regarding subjects such as subjectivity. It all depends on how each individual presents their views. If "This Guy" was coming off as being rude and/or needlessly objective (trollish, even) towards "That Guy's" opinion, then it all goes downhill from there. If "This Guy" politely disagrees, and offers his alternative view, then there's no reason for "That Guy" to get over-defensive.

But, alas. This is the internet. Polite discussion is a rarity.

Aug 2, 2011, 07:22 PM
That's because they aren't designing the game to be a "2011" game. They're keeping the graphics a bit tamer to allow more people to be able to play the game without a major PC overhaul.

I spent most of this morning at work trying to copy a mini disc to a PC and had to fight with quality controls and such. It makes me want to strangle whoever thought up those MDs.

They can keep the requirements low and still have a great looking game. Just look at what other PC-centric companies like Valve and Blizzard release. Their games are known to look gorgeous while still having a wide range of compatibility with older hardware. Power ≠ Good graphics/art style

Aug 2, 2011, 08:51 PM
Power ≠ Good graphics/art style
And here I was thinking you meant power. At this stage of development, the art style isn't going to change.

Aug 2, 2011, 09:31 PM
I am NOT a fan of the new Android App Store. And now it says the YouTube app is "Not Installed", but when I click on it it allows me to open it not update or reinstall.

Aug 3, 2011, 05:16 AM
Drank myself silly in the city with friends. Our transit decided that all trains and buses stop running 2 hours early on sunday. I did not know it was sunday. Missed everything, forgot my cellphone at the bar, walked back to get it and returned to find that my friends had deserted me (despite living close by), and I live well outside said city.

I staggered home drunk amongst hookers. Took just under 9 hours to get home. I also walked into a tree and tripped off the sidewalk at some point. 24hr A&W was not open either. "No thanks, pretty girl on the corner of the street, I am not interested. What I want is a burger. And a pillow. ~No, not yours." And I did not get either until a little after 9 the next morning.

Aug 3, 2011, 04:40 PM
It seems several banks are moving to add service charges to accounts that don't meet certain minimum balance requirements. Meanwhile, several minimum wage companies are moving to force people to pull their money from a card that charges them for even using it, and cashing a check is no longer an option (which usually you get charged for anyways.)

This is serious fucking bullshit (then again, so is the entirety of the US national bank.) I don't mind if I'm giving it to tax, but fuck the guys who think they own money I worked for.

The Last Baron
Aug 3, 2011, 04:42 PM
Siyamak, if you're a student almost every major bank out there (if not all of them) provide some sort of student account (with valid school ID) that has 0 minimum balance, usually.

Aug 3, 2011, 04:46 PM
Siyamak, if you're a student almost every major bank out there (if not all of them) provide some sort of student account (with valid school ID) that has 0 minimum balance, usually.

My present bank just switched over to this system. It's only waived accounts linked to minors.
Furthermore, I'm presently not in school.

The Last Baron
Aug 3, 2011, 04:56 PM
I haven't been presently in school, but I still have a valid ID from when I was. That's all that really matters. I may not have a student account right now because I qualify for something much more useful and equally free through my employer, but I did qualify for a student credit card, which is very nifty. Sure I don't get frequent flier points or shit like that, but I do get some rewards and can establish my credit pretty worry-free. If your bank doesn't want to treat you right, complain and/or find a new bank. There is a bank out there who will treat you right, and that bank deserves your money.

Aug 3, 2011, 05:24 PM
I'll have to find where I put my old ID then, since the last time I was in school was fall of last year. I know I cleaned out my wallet awhile ago, but I wouldn't have thrown it away because I still intend to go back to that particular college eventually. Still have the parking pass even (which they haven't changed at all.)

Aug 4, 2011, 12:25 AM
Yeah. I basically queued up a bunch of games before going to bed and let them download overnight. It's not really too big of a deal, but it is annoying.

Oh. So, uh... when you uninstall Steam, it, uh... heh... it deletes your save files?

Like, straight-up deletes them? Not even a prompt asking you if you want to hold onto them after uninstalling the program, like many pieces of software (especially games) tend to?

So now I've lost most of my save files for my Steam games.

Well that's... that's just awesome.

(Thankfully most of the games I was working on or that I want my old save files for are either backed up in other folders or should be recoverable from Steamcloud. But Super Meat Boy... ugh.)

Aug 4, 2011, 10:25 PM
Turned my status from its complicated to single just now.
It only took 6 months i guess.

Aug 5, 2011, 07:45 AM
I burned four visible holes in a good pair of shorts tonight trying to start a barbeque. Crap.

EDIT: I also feel better about feeling bad when I'm alone listening to music than in front of people.

Aug 9, 2011, 08:51 AM
I don't really consider PS related stuff in my life BullShxt worthy but...


This actually upset me. Another piece of potential put in the bargain bin.

Aug 9, 2011, 10:33 AM
Whats potentially good about 2 games that get no updates besides a one shot play? :???:

Aug 9, 2011, 10:45 AM
Lately, something's been goin buggy between my modem and the DNS server. Power cycling usually resolves the issue but it seems to be coming back after awhile.

My chrones is also being a pain (literally) this morning >:|

Aug 9, 2011, 01:06 PM
I don't really consider PS related stuff in my life BullShxt worthy but...


This actually upset me. Another piece of potential put in the bargain bin.

I think it's more a sign of the PSP's lifespan being prematurely shortened as the west seems in a hurry to declare it dead when the Vita's not really made yet. It's unlikely that we'll get an atlus psp game after P2:IS P

Aug 9, 2011, 08:19 PM
Whats potentially good about 2 games that get no updates besides a one shot play? :???:

Touche. I was speaking more about the PSP series in general. So much was done better with it... And then it turned into sub-par element in the states. Watered down, or even cut. It pretty much equaled my past disappointment with Megaman Battle Network 6's content removal, even though that's a totally different matter. And most of us are hoping for Infinity to come lol. It's like the ultimate slap in the face for such dreams in my opinion...

... In more relevant BullShxt; Target has offically turned me down via email. Guess as the saying goes:

"The dream is dead."

Aug 9, 2011, 10:44 PM
Being woken up before noon due to parents acting as if nobody's sleeping.

Waking me up before noon is the biggest crime you can commit. :(

Aug 9, 2011, 10:55 PM
I think that was a thinly veiled message to get up. They're horribly underhanded like that.

Aug 9, 2011, 10:57 PM
I remember doing that once.
When i was nauseated from being on painkillers from my wisdom teeth extraction.

I have a weird and opposite problem... I wake up almost every morning at 5am.
Regardless if i slept late or not.

Aug 10, 2011, 07:35 AM
Apparently I was supposed to be up to receive a parcel at roughly 11AM today.

Nobody tells me it was today. So I get one grumpy family member waking me up at 11:30 or so. (Though I don't know why they couldn't have got it if it was so important)

Aug 11, 2011, 04:26 PM
I have Crohn's disease, I have hospital bill that need to be payed, I realize I need to pay them, even if I don't really have the money for it. Unfortunately because I'm still under my father's insurance (even though they should be, I'm an adult,) some of the outstanding bills from the last surgery nailed him instead of me and knocked his credit score low enough he couldn't refinance his house. Fuck. He doesn't blame me, but I still feel absolutely terrible about it.

Aug 11, 2011, 04:39 PM
That just plain sucks. I don't really think there's any better way to describe it.

I know you're probably aware of this, but oftentimes hospitals and doctor's offices are willing to cut a deal with you to reduce the bill. If you go to them and explain that you won't be able to pay the full bill, you can usually wind up negotiating a lower bill.

I don't know how helpful this could be, but I figured I'd mention it.

Aug 11, 2011, 09:41 PM
You're not the only one who has their parent getting their credit screwed with. Sallie Mae has made me aware of my current delinquency status. The ultimate irony here is that the only help they can give me STILL costs money. My current attempt at job searching failed... Again. And sadly this private loan that I've been aware of has more staggering payments than my federal loan. And since my mother is cosigner for me, they will affect her credit too for going unpaid. I wasn't too happy to hear that from them... I'm praying I get something before this explodes into further chaos. I can't make deals with these people with nothing to bargin with.

Aug 11, 2011, 10:59 PM
The furniture at the house my family rented for vacation was painful to sit in. Almost all of it pushed my head too far forward to be comfortable.

A friend is having some issues dealing with her father. She resists taking any advice, saying her "dad is different, and nothing will work" when she won't even bother trying.

And is it just me, or do people have no idea anymore how past/present/future tenses work?

How hard exactly is it to understand how Apples to Apples is played? What did you not get the first 10 times we explained it to you and told you to "play for the judge of the round"?

Aug 11, 2011, 11:59 PM
How hard exactly is it to understand how Apples to Apples is played? What did you not get the first 10 times we explained it to you and told you to "play for the judge of the round"?

I think the frustrating thing is when you're playing Apples to Apples with somebody who doesn't know the real rules of the game: As judge, you aren't supposed to pick the most accurate card; you're supposed to select the funniest card.

It's pretty obviously the ultimate form of the game.

Aug 12, 2011, 09:03 AM
Back from a two day camp. Exhausted, beet red arms and neck, and lots of bug bits. Bleh.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
I think the frustrating thing is when you're playing Apples to Apples with somebody who doesn't know the real rules of the game: As judge, you aren't supposed to pick the most accurate card; you're supposed to select the funniest card.

It's pretty obviously the ultimate form of the game.
This x100.

Do people even know what "lol" is supposed to be used for anymore? They use it more than they use punctuation, and it's really damn annoying. I'm more of a "haha" person, myself.

Aug 12, 2011, 10:46 AM
Yeah it means Leauge of Losers right?

Aug 12, 2011, 05:21 PM
Yeah it means Leauge of Losers right?

I was kinda growing tired of League of Legends myself - all Riot Games seemed to do lately was keep releasing new, unbalanced champions every other week. I was wondering when/if they were ever going to come out with any new game modes or maps, like the rumored Magma Chamber that was supposed to be a year+ in development...

...and then I got an email about this. (http://dominion.leagueoflegends.com/) Seems like it'd be fun, though I'm not sure when it's supposed to be released.

Aug 13, 2011, 01:16 AM
Man, I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow.

I mean, don't get me wrong; I'm sure it's going to be a ton of fun. But c'mon people, shouldn't we be waiting a few years until everyone starts getting married?

At least until your late twenties, right?

I have nothing against getting married; I just have something against friends my age getting married.

(I am going to have an even harder time coping when all my friends start having kids. Similarly, I have nothing against kids; I just have something against friends my age having them.)

Aug 13, 2011, 10:50 AM
I think the frustrating thing is when you're playing Apples to Apples with somebody who doesn't know the real rules of the game: As judge, you aren't supposed to pick the most accurate card; you're supposed to select the funniest card.

It's pretty obviously the ultimate form of the game.
The person who took several times to explain it to was a serious person. Made it less fun than it could have been.

I'm more of a "haha" person, myself.As am I. I actually get annoyed when something popular online gets "adopted" into verbal usage. I hated "om nom nom" when it was just online, in verbal usage it really pisses me off.

Man, I've got a wedding to go to tomorrow.

I mean, don't get me wrong; I'm sure it's going to be a ton of fun. But c'mon people, shouldn't we be waiting a few years until everyone starts getting married?

At least until your late twenties, right?

I have nothing against getting married; I just have something against friends my age getting married.

(I am going to have an even harder time coping when all my friends start having kids. Similarly, I have nothing against kids; I just have something against friends my age having them.)What age range are the bride and groom? I have one friend who is married- at 24. Another is getting married next summer, at 25.

Are your friends the type of people who shouldn't be reproducing? I know a few people like that, good people, just should never become parents.

Nitro Vordex
Aug 13, 2011, 10:57 AM
As am I. I actually get annoyed when something popular online gets "adopted" into verbal usage. I hated "om nom nom" when it was just online, in verbal usage it really pisses me off.
Hearing people say "epic fail" really annoys the piss out of me. Actually, anything that has epic in it tends to piss me off nowadays, because even big TV and movie companies are doing it. That was the one reason I had no intention of seeing Scott Pilgrim.

Well, that and the fact it looked stupid.

Aug 13, 2011, 06:18 PM
So, am I the only one who can't say their own name without feeling embarrassed, ashamed, or just generally "weird" about it? I don't think it's a normal feeling, so I thought I'd check.

Aug 13, 2011, 07:55 PM
So, am I the only one who can't say their own name without feeling embarrassed, ashamed, or just generally "weird" about it? I don't think it's a normal feeling, so I thought I'd check.

What? I have an awesome name, of course I like hearing it! And since your's is awesome, too, so should you!

Aug 13, 2011, 07:58 PM
My name isn't that awesome. I don't know, I just feel weird when I say my name, or even think about it. It's annoying, but that's how I am.

Aug 13, 2011, 08:05 PM
That's probably just the result of your shyness or feelings of insecurity. I had that issue once, thought my name was just related to some walking pile of shit, so of course thinking about it made me feel embarrased. But I had an enormous leap when it comes to feeling proud of myself recently, and ever since then I feel proud to share my name. It's now the embodiment of awesome, since it embodies me.

However, a sleep zombie apocalypse could be evaded since we had a replacement, thank goodness.

Aug 13, 2011, 08:18 PM
Hearing people say "epic fail" really annoys the piss out of me. Actually, anything that has epic in it tends to piss me off nowadays, because even big TV and movie companies are doing it. That was the one reason I had no intention of seeing Scott Pilgrim.

Well, that and the fact it looked stupid.

Go read some epic poetry.

Aug 13, 2011, 08:24 PM
Can't say I've ever put much stock in names. My first name is Dustin, but that was my father's name. So all my family called me by my middle name, O'Shay. Eventually, the O just fell off at some point and people started calling me Shay when I was still a kid. It was funny 'cause somewhere along the line the school messed up the papers and had my name as Shay on legal papers, which later had to be rectified since it was technically incorrect. By middle school some people in school started calling me Dustin, since the first time a teacher calls attendance, they just go by the first name. I sign legal documents with Dustin as well. So now I have a mixed group of people calling me Shay and Dustin, and I'm also used to responding to the name Sord thanks to it having been my username from '03 to this year when I finally changed it to Siyamak (which is my modern screenname just about everywhere else.) I still get called Sord by people in Skype calls though who knew me before hand, and since I've done so many of those I actually respond to the name offline. When people say "sword" for whatever reason my head instinctively swivels to them a few milliseconds before I realize they weren't referring to me. To me a name is a name, just a label, nothing more.

Aug 13, 2011, 08:30 PM
Nowhere near enough sleep last night. For the first few minutes, my eyes couldn't even stay fixed on a stationary item. I was fine after a few minutes though.

Aug 13, 2011, 08:52 PM
Can't say I've ever put much stock in names. My first name is Dustin, but that was my father's name. So all my family called me by my middle name, O'Shay. Eventually, the O just fell off at some point and people started calling me Shay when I was still a kid. It was funny 'cause somewhere along the line the school messed up the papers and had my name as Shay on legal papers, which later had to be rectified since it was technically incorrect. By middle school some people in school started calling me Dustin, since the first time a teacher calls attendance, they just go by the first name. I sign legal documents with Dustin as well. So now I have a mixed group of people calling me Shay and Dustin, and I'm also used to responding to the name Sord thanks to it having been my username from '03 to this year when I finally changed it to Siyamak (which is my modern screenname just about everywhere else.) I still get called Sord by people in Skype calls though who knew me before hand, and since I've done so many of those I actually respond to the name offline. When people say "sword" for whatever reason my head instinctively swivels to them a few milliseconds before I realize they weren't referring to me. To me a name is a name, just a label, nothing more.

I forgot you used to be "Sord." That was forever ago now, it seems.

Anyway, I guess it is just my self-loathing that makes me feel ashamed of my name. Hell, even just sitting here and saying "Nick" to myself, with no one else around, makes my stomach churn.

Also, I'm pissed that I finished the box of white cheddar Cheez-Its already. So addicting.

EDIT: And I'm pissed that we don't have Teddy Grahams.

Aug 14, 2011, 12:15 AM
Can't say I've ever put much stock in names. My first name is Dustin, but that was my father's name. So all my family called me by my middle name, O'Shay. Eventually, the O just fell off at some point and people started calling me Shay when I was still a kid. It was funny 'cause somewhere along the line the school messed up the papers and had my name as Shay on legal papers, which later had to be rectified since it was technically incorrect. By middle school some people in school started calling me Dustin, since the first time a teacher calls attendance, they just go by the first name. I sign legal documents with Dustin as well. So now I have a mixed group of people calling me Shay and Dustin, and I'm also used to responding to the name Sord thanks to it having been my username from '03 to this year when I finally changed it to Siyamak (which is my modern screenname just about everywhere else.) I still get called Sord by people in Skype calls though who knew me before hand, and since I've done so many of those I actually respond to the name offline.

I had a similar situation with my school papers. Sometime during middle school, I ended up with the initial R as a middle name, and a new birthday. When people ask, I just say the R stands for Roland and that I have 2 birthdays, one being my 'unbirthday'. Coincidentally, my father also has 2 birthdays due to an error on his birth certificate.

As for names, I like my name, if only because its uncommon compared to names like John, Jack, or Miguel. Although, there are times where people tend to spout out a random name and call me as such, which I actually find kind of fun. The oddest name I've been called so far is Avery.

Aug 14, 2011, 08:13 PM
What age range are the bride and groom? I have one friend who is married- at 24. Another is getting married next summer, at 25.

Are your friends the type of people who shouldn't be reproducing? I know a few people like that, good people, just should never become parents.

The bride and groom are 25 and 26, respectively.

I don't think my friends shouldn't reproduce; I just think they shouldn't reproduce anytime soon. I'm not ready to deal with close friends or family around the same age as me having kids.

(The wedding was awesome, BTW. It was in a castle, which was cool.)

Aug 14, 2011, 08:19 PM
Can't say I've ever put much stock in names. My first name is Dustin, but that was my father's name. So all my family called me by my middle name, O'Shay. Eventually, the O just fell off at some point and people started calling me Shay when I was still a kid. It was funny 'cause somewhere along the line the school messed up the papers and had my name as Shay on legal papers, which later had to be rectified since it was technically incorrect. By middle school some people in school started calling me Dustin, since the first time a teacher calls attendance, they just go by the first name. I sign legal documents with Dustin as well. So now I have a mixed group of people calling me Shay and Dustin, and I'm also used to responding to the name Sord thanks to it having been my username from '03 to this year when I finally changed it to Siyamak (which is my modern screenname just about everywhere else.) I still get called Sord by people in Skype calls though who knew me before hand, and since I've done so many of those I actually respond to the name offline. When people say "sword" for whatever reason my head instinctively swivels to them a few milliseconds before I realize they weren't referring to me. To me a name is a name, just a label, nothing more.

So they Actually can call you by the Wrong name? And i thought teachers wittering my name with one F was annoying. Hell even some good people my parents know write my name with one F to this very day but that? Wow...

Aug 14, 2011, 08:32 PM

I'm supposed to be getting 3.0mb/s down, and it's been like this at peak hours for over three months now.

Fuck Embarq/CenturyLink, and fuck whoever thought it would be a good idea to let ISPs maintain local monopolies and then oversell their fucking service with absolutely no intention of installing the hardware needed to maintain that usage. Now I know why CenturyLink sells itself on not having a data cap... because you can't get any fucking service anyhow!

Aug 14, 2011, 10:58 PM
Sunburn neck + long flights = no comfort.

Aug 15, 2011, 12:43 AM

I'm supposed to be getting 3.0mb/s down, and it's been like this at peak hours for over three months now.

Fuck Embarq/CenturyLink, and fuck whoever thought it would be a good idea to let ISPs maintain local monopolies and then oversell their fucking service with absolutely no intention of installing the hardware needed to maintain that usage. Now I know why CenturyLink sells itself on not having a data cap... because you can't get any fucking service anyhow!

I had a similar issue a while back. If you have access to another computer, I'd do the same test on it with different cables, with and without any routers you may have, using wireless or wired connections, etc. At first, I thought it was my ISP (I live in a rural area, we were paying for about 8 Mbps but I was getting less than 1), but after testing my dad's laptop and seeing that he was getting the speeds we were paying for, I knew it had to be an issue with my PC, and I eventually ended up replacing the network card in it, which did the trick. They're usually pretty cheap, around $20 or so. Just be sure to check and see what kind of slots are on your PC's motherboard so you'll know what kind to get. And if all your computers' connections are running slow, I'd call up your ISP and give em a piece of your mind. Tell em to send someone over to check your lines and stuff; after all, it's their job, and you're paying for their service.

Aug 15, 2011, 10:04 AM
I had a similar issue a while back.

No, I already had the hardware and software checked, as well as the modem and outside lines. It's the ISP, and after about five calls to customer service they've finally admitted that it was exactly what I described... bandwidth exhaust due to overselling the service. They said there's no ETA on service upgrades but that they'll file my complaint ticket (into the waste bin) and get around to fixing it whenever they get around to fixing it.

Aug 15, 2011, 10:44 AM
My DVR was set to record from midnight to 2AM last night. Power went out at ~11:55PM and came back ~1:55AM.