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    AKA Sapphire of Chaos Chaos Rappy's Avatar
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    Default Why mind grinds? A small lecture on the potential of various weapons (and armor)

    Some items grind high, and some are very low, but most important of all, most can be grinded, and that's where the surprise of customization comes into play. For the most part, most password weapons (both JP and US versions) are all exceedingly powerful, sometimes reaching into the power levels of 6* and lower-end 7* weapons when fully ground. Good examples of this are the Valiant, the 5* JP-code Claw weapon, which has a grind limit of +90, making it more powerful than any other 6* and below Claw; another good one is the Caduceus Rod, which has extraordinary MST for a 5* Rod at an equip-level of 20, making it a Force's best friend for going through the Story and even Hard difficulty. When all else fails, and you are capable of equipping and grinding them, Password weapons are your best friends sometimes.

    However, they are not the only circumstances in this. Even your basic rare weapons found commonly (if you can call it such) throughout the game can surprise you with their power when fully-ground. I'll just give you a few of the many great examples I can give of such:

    ~The Lavis Kanon Saber has the highest ATP (363, compared to the 354 of Zero Saber) of any Hunter-equippable Saber with its max grind of 40, however is beaten out by the non-HU-equippable saber Eclipse Star, with its max grind of 50, giving it a whopping 392 ATP (and, with its Set Bonus with the Star cloak, also gives +50 MST and +25 EVP, and its bonus +20% Dark Damage means you'll do a LOT more damage with Magid techs while its equipped); despite all of this, the Lavis Kanon (and all of its "color" Saber predecessors) has the special property to hit 2 enemies at once, making it have the highest Saber DPS possible in the game, especially if its Soul element is in effect. Zero Saber is also good, but can only overpower any of the above if its got either Risk, Life, or Celeb as its element.

    ~While Milias Breaker has been known to be the greatest sword in the game for its guaranteed Over End PA and its occasional random element, along with its +25 ATP and +50 ATA set bonus with the Milias Frame (CASTs only armor), the Yonohate In is more famously known to being the strongest Sword--and weapon--in the game, for its massive +50 grind limit, and also comes with a +50 ATP and +25 ATA set bonus to match while wearing Noble Cloak (which anyone can wear), and with the occasional-proccing damage-amplifying Risk element set on it permanently, the weapon of choice when it comes to sheer pain-bringing horror can only be: Yonohate In.

    ~Bloody Gimlet, with its max grind of 40, despite being a 6* dagger, makes it only 6 ATP less than a max-grinded Foie Haze, and even is set with Air Ride as its permanent PA, and even though its stuck with Draw as its element, its secret ability to hit two enemies at once makes its overall DPS that much higher. Still, although it's not as powerful as either of those two, the Rage Tonfa still overbears its weaponsake as a Dagger with having much more ATA than either of them, at a slight cost to its ATP as a 7* dagger, but makes up somewhat for its set HeatLv4 element.

    ~Big Hemera has more ATA than Big Mobius, and a higher starting ATP, but with its max grind of 40, Big Mobius's max ATP is a mite higher (by 5). However, with their separate, specific PA's, they both have their specific uses, and both have a +50 ATP and +25 DFP set bonus with the Mobius Plate (CAST-only armor, has second highest DFP of any armor [second only to male-ranger-only Kepler Suit]). However, in the end, nothing beats a good old-fashioned CelebLv3 Grand Chariot when it comes to raw damage, and the capability for the Hopping Run PA as well as being able to be equipped by Rangers.

    ~As said before, Valiant is a very useful, and very powerful Claw with its max grind of +90, and equip level of only 20, but is only capable of being obtained through the JP-version of the game from the password machine (or by hacking, if you're really desperate); as for 7* weapons is concerned, the enemy-part weapon Hadan Bite is quite possibly one of the most broken and reliable weapons in the game, with being able to somewhat choose the stats and PA on it you want, and even be able to alter its element (which is naturally set at the weapon type's max) to whatever you want, like Celeb. Make no mistakes, this weapon is insanely effective, if not the best overall weapon for Hunters in the game for the most part. Rika's Claw is also a really great weapon, with the highest Claw ATP (especially when worn in tandem with the female-Newman-only armor Rika's Suit [surprise], which grants a +50 ATP and +25 EVP bonus), and has a set Bite Stamp PA and the somewhat-useful element Stun of Lv3, so it's not to be overlooked either.

    ~Despite only being 5*, the Blaze Roar, with its set Bull Smash PA and +25 grind limit, is one of the most powerful common-found shields in the game, and only has an equip level of 24, with the benefit of being an enemy part weapon, and can therefore be "rolled" like the Hadan Bite, to be given whatever stats are desired on it (and, since its PA is set, the only thing you have to worry about on it is its %'s). Also, despite only being a 4*, level 14 Shield, the Crimsonfield Shield (permanently set with Heart Lv2 and Barrier Shift PA) with its +60 grind limit, is only 13 ATP less than a max-grinded 7* shield, Iros. The And finally, the Schwarz Stihl Shield, with its massive grind limit of +50 as a 6*, and instant availability as a quest-reward drop with 30 ACC ADJ from the Super quest "Ana's Request", is the most powerful (for non-CASTs, at least), easiest-access shield in the game. Emeraldfield is really close to it, with its higher ATP at max grind of +30, but is stuck with Draw Lv3 and Barrier Shift PA, so its DPS isn't as high with Schwarz's set Bull Smash PA. No matter what else, though, the most powerful shield in the game, which only CASTs can wield, is the Ajax, however with its random element and PA, it can be difficult getting a good one you'll use consistently.

    ~Long-since debated about on this site are the triad of Double Sabers in this game, and which is the strongest of the three: the Morgenlote, the Clair Doubles, and the Gigas Romulus. Each powerful in their own respects, however, the conclusion of which is best is stated here and is as follows: Clair Doubles, percents negligible, with its grind limit of +20 and its PERMANENT CelebLv2, is the most powerful Double Saber when coupled with the HU-only armor Hunter Shell (giving it a +50 ATP and +25 DFP bonus), just slightly above a CelebLv3 Morgenlote of the same percentiles... almost. For you see, all of that is only for non-Newman Hunters, who have access to the Gigas Romulus double-saber, which at Lv3 and max-grinded at +30, is the most powerful double-saber in the game. So, for non-Newmans, the strongest is Clairs, while Newmans have the Lv3 Gigas Romulus. Morgenlote is the fall-back for those who prefer Tornado Dance, though only if they don't already have a better Clairs with Tornado Dance, of course. ;P

    ~The Grow Shower, imfamously known as a 1* Handgun with an insanely high +90 grind limit, is a fairly decent weapon starting out, dealing massive damage as a beginner character, and even has the X element set on it. The Tachyon Gun is also infamous for its own special bonus of being a reward from the Super quest, "Towards The Future", and while it is gotten blank with no % or element, while it is still blank, if set with an element from the Tekker, can be from any element level from 1 to 5, in which you can restart and try again if you don't get the level you desire (5, usually). Unlike the other Zero weapons, which are out-ATP'd/MST'd by at least one other weapon in its type, the Zero Rifle truly is the strongest Handgun in the game.

    ~Liese Garland, if you can ever get one, is a great weapon for new characters, with a high grind and the set X element. All non-photonic Rifles have extended ranges, so even if their ATP isn't as great as other rifles of their level, the range can be of use to some, though with a great majority of PSZer's preferring the damage modifier of Mine Sneak (with good reason), the extra range is relatively useless, leading a good Lv4 or 5 Lavateinn w/ Mine Sneak being one of the most coveted ranegd weapons in the game, closely tied with a good Lv4 or 5 Rouge Pulse w/ Flame Hit.

    ~gunblades don't just make good, fast, and powerful Melee-type weapons, but when holding the L-Button, can fire a three-way shot that deals Range-type damage (in which, if you are close enough to a certain enemy, CAN have all three hit the same enemy at once for MASSIVE ranged damage). Blade Cannon is a great choice for mid-end of the story mode, with a higher grind limit and good power to boot, with the all-too-powerful Earth Bullet set on it. The Emperor Axeon may have the highest ATP of any gunblade AND be set with Earth bullet, but is only for Humans, and thus, a good Lv3 Frigiand or Neidaryl easily outpower it (if you can find a good one with Earth bullet as well). Celesta Laser, while being fairly accurate and powerful, has the Chaos element, and is therefore unreliable for use due to Chaos' naturally high ability to procure Shiftas and Debands on foes when they are struck by it.

    ~Mewchguns have been notorious since the PSO days for being insanely strong weapons, and fortunately, for the most part, that remains true, for ranged damage at least. Blue Bullettas are found exceedingly frequently in the Super Arca Plant area, so a good one shouldn't be too hard to find and use. The two best Mechguns, the Crimson Vis and Riverman Missouri (which has extended range too), can be found somewhat infrequently in the Super (and Hard, for the latter) Gurhacia Valley as rare drop from Vulkures. As for this weapon type's PA's, I sorely recommend AGAINST using any other than Cool Style if you must use any PA at all; Spinning Death is named such because it makes you move so slow and sit in place for SO long, it'll be YOUR death, and Acro-Step bumps things up a notch and makes these guns' ranges even SHORTER than before, requiring you to be in near-Melee range to get all its hits in to do proper damage. For the most part, you'll find the most easily-found, powerful Mechs to use will be a good Lv3 Crimson Vis that has Cool Style.

    ~There really isn't a whole lot to say for this weapon type. High power attacks, decent ATA, but can't combo, and therefore have TERRIBLE DPS. Your best damage will come from Hard Attacks that lead into a PA like Crush Bomb or Wild Blow. Nemesis and Yellow Sun are the best, when found with Lv4 or 5 element and Crush Bomb/Wild Blow, however Nemesis is far better than the Yellow Sun, in terms of ATP, ATA, and even level-requirement, which makes me question why Yellow sun even needs to exist in this game, considering both are equally difficult to locate from their non-Mother enemies. <_<

    Laser Cannons
    ~Like the Bazookas, not much to say. they don't even have reputable ATP to make up for their lack of a combo, and only Divine Ray makes any attempt at recompensating for its low ATP with a massive 250% ATP mod, but only hits ONCE; Bio-Panic is alright as far as a PA is concerned, but only hits three times with no modifier to your ATP, so... Lasers are pretty much better left avoided. The only time you might get good use is spamming Sector Line against non-evasive mobs of range-weak enemies, which is not often had outside of Ozette and Rioh.

    ~Caduceus is a great Rod for use in mid- to -end-story use, for its high (at max grind, for a 5* rod) MST, and also comes standard with X Lv3, and the decent AoE/hitrate/MST-modded PA Rodeo Drive. Many high-tier rods have the ability to hit 2 enemies at once, like the Caster Broom, White Disaster, and even the awe-inspiring Psycho Wand, so they'll be great to smack things around with when you have one of them. White Disaster, coupled with Spirit Garb, have the potential to have more ATA than a Psycho Wand, but NOTHING comes close to the Psycho Wand when it comes to raw teching brutality... in PSZ, or any other Phantasy Star game this godly weapon appears.

    ~Wands, while limited in MSt compared to Rods, are great for specializing in certain tech use early on with their tech damage bonuses. You'll soon learn, though, that once you get to a high level, though, a good Rod will be all you'll need for teching damage, for the most part. However, no one can complain about these weapons for their insane DPS that comes from using a Gimegid to group enemies after the spawn and unleashing a well-placed Magical Sign on the unsuspecting victims from a great Lv4 or 5 Alice Olivia or Zero Cane. Starlight is a great Wand for using the Grants tech, for having a higher max MST than the Zero Cane, and the Al Azif excels for Megid use (although it isn't as high of MST as the Zero Cane or the Starlight), although only the latter can be found with Magical Sign for the previously-mentioned DPS aspect. The only really useable PA is Magical Sign anyways, as Funny Dive is just a single-hit PA with decent AoE but lacks real damage, and Act Trick is basically a random-basic-attack-tech-casting-for-dirt-cheap-PP-cost PA, casting any random level of the Foie/Barta/Zonde techs for a mere 2 PP... but is random, and cannot be used to lock onto foes with while charging. Really, just stick with Magical Sign if you can avoid the others.

    ~Slicer are really good boss-killers, for the ability to pass through enemies they aren't aimed at and damage any that this occurs with. They hit for Melee damage, despite being ranged weapons, but are EXTREMELY lacking in ATA, making their use from non-specialized Forces/Hunters basically an impossible task. The Kouga Shuriken has the highest max MST, but the Fuuma has the highest minimum MST, making its damage less variant, though no other Slicer has higher DPS than a good Lv3 Eridanus with the Bright Sign PA. As a side-note, no other PA but Bright Sign is advisabel to use, as Edge Riser has terrible range and only hits once, and while Say Good-bye has decent ATA mod for this type's natural shoddy ATA, it also only hits once.


    ~There are a lot of armors in this game, and for the most part, most of the good ones your class can use will be fairly limited for endgame, unfortunately. Until you get to endgame, though, the almighty Pizza Box exists (and can be easily gotten from the Pizza Shop with 4-slots on your first time talking to the pizzeria girl on any potential visits to it you have for about 14000+ meseta each), with an equipping level of 14, and an ungodly +99 grind limit, making for just about 7*-fully-ground-armor-stats... ON A LEVEL 14 ARMOR. Fairly game-breaking for newer guys, this sorely depreciates from the game's difficulty early on. The only armors that are really better than it (sans set bonuses) are: Carabinier Armor (highest DFP armor for Human Hunters, found everywhere on Super difficulty), Mobius Plate (non-RAcast-CAST DFP armor of choice, drops randomly in Super Paru), NOBLE CLOAK (best general-use, second-highest-EVP, all-class armor with decent array of resistances as well; drops randomly in Super Makara), Kepler Suit (best DFP armor for RAmar and RAcast, drops randomly in Super Arca Plant), and the Rika's Suit (best DFP and EVP armor for female Newman, drops randomly in Super Dark Shrine). Of all the armors, though, you'll get the most use out of a Noble Cloak (or, until then, a fully-grinded Pizza Box), and as such, a 4-slotted version of this armor is usually the most sought-out armor in the entire game.


    Just a small little topic with a reminder about how grind limits can make or break certain weapons and armors in this game. Hope you all have fun playing the game how you really want to, or at least have fun doing it, and maybe to some, I've given you some ideas on what weapons you may or may not want to hunt now, haha...
    Last edited by Chaos Rappy; Aug 24, 2012 at 11:21 PM.
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    I've been a statistical exception as far as anything has proven to me.
    That's an understatement...
    ~Keeper of 1000 Rappy Souls~
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