Quote Originally Posted by Zarixx View Post
So. Given that the max cap for Damage Variance on enemies / bosses still remains to be 90% of your maximum possible damage, why exactly are people still memeing about Critical Rate being useless and not recommending the Critical Strike Striking ring for Hero, given the fact that it pairs very well with Weak Attack Critical, it's 3% more Crit DMG, and Critting by default does 100% of your damage instead of 90%?

I remember a week or so ago, some one was giving advice on what R Rings to use for Hero on the subreddit including the Crit Ring, only for some one else to come in and start spreading misinformation saying that your actual variance is 98%, therefore making the Crit Ring less of a DPS increase over the Perfect Keeper ring.
if Heros wp crit skill didnt require me to hit a weakspot constantly for 60% crit I would do a crit build around it but im still not going to do it because its super fickle on where it will come handy the most (like Raid boss wp's) so I'm still sticking to Adrenaline ring over Crit/PK rings because it just works too good.

with what I said about it above, its essentially a meme that requires you to hit wp's for the crit so for example when mobbing, you arent always going to be hitting everythings wp especially with Brightness End spam, etc. That said though I still maxed it out because extra SP but im by no means ever going to do a Crit Build on HR for a class that isnt consistent like GU, BR or FI's Crit rates