For portable gaming standards, it's almost TOO good. I saw a reference comparing it's quality to that of Pokemon, I'll have to agree. It's a game that is so good, that you'll find yourself actively ignoring your console games to devote time to it. It's in a league of it's own. I'm lvl 73, ~50 hours in, and I show no signs of stopping anytime soon. As soon as I reach lvl100, I want to get the rest of the titles. I also want to make a Force and Ranger character. I can see how one would easily spend 200+ hours on this one game. It was easily worth the $30 I spent. I could not recommend another DS game higher, not even Pokemon, because even Pokemon has it's boring bits at times. This is portable action RPG, hack and slash, dungeon-crawling at it's finest. No, it's not as good as PSO, but it's easily the next best thing, and it's new and refreshing. So everyone should buy this game.

If you buy it and decide that you dont like it, send me a PM and I'll give you details so that you can mail your extra copies to me. I could use the extra character slots.