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Jan 17, 2014, 04:08 AM
Welcome to Sega's RNG. To have gotten a Yasminkov, you'd think you be familiar with the same bull that Sega pulls with each new addition to the game.

Jan 17, 2014, 05:16 AM
Is there any kind of rhyme or reason behind why bosses occasionally will drop the minimum number of items despite you having killed a massive number of enemies beforehand?

I noticed that when doing the Nab II time attack, the Gwanada would randomly drop four items instead of its max of eight. I've also had this happen with bosses at the end of a quest, too, which is especially annoying.

Jan 17, 2014, 05:28 AM
Is there any kind of rhyme or reason behind why bosses occasionally will drop the minimum number of items despite you having killed a massive number of enemies beforehand?

I noticed that when doing the Nab II time attack, the Gwanada would randomly drop four items instead of its max of eight. I've also had this happen with bosses at the end of a quest, too, which is especially annoying.RNG?^^;

Jan 17, 2014, 05:33 AM
The minimum number of drops might've been something on Sega's end to entice players to play more.

They certainly didn't try to hide how much this game relies on its horrible RNG.

Jan 17, 2014, 05:49 AM

Not sure if that's a serious inquisition... Random Number Generator... the system used to randomly determine results in computational calculations.

Jan 17, 2014, 07:04 AM
What does this AC event page mean? http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_20131225_2&uiaid=aphuvowzkx

Jan 17, 2014, 07:16 AM
Not sure if that's a serious inquisition... Random Number Generator... the system used to randomly determine results in computational calculations.have you even played yet?

you'll rage at the RNG many many times before you accept defeat. . .

Jan 17, 2014, 07:22 AM
What does this AC event page mean? http://pso2.jp/players/news/?charid=i_20131225_2&uiaid=aphuvowzkx100 AC used = 2 50% rare Drop Boosters
2000 AC Used = above + 6 50% Exp Boost and 4 Grind reduction (+1)
5000 AC Used = above + Rappy Suit

If you don't plan on loading AC, I suggest you Ignore it.

Jan 17, 2014, 11:24 AM
Does anyone know if TD was nerfed? I used to get a ton of 10 stars now I get nothing. Could be RNG I guess, but I've consistently gotten 0-1 10 star weapons the last 10 times I've ran it.

Jan 17, 2014, 11:26 AM
Does anyone know if TD was nerfed? I used to get a ton of 10 stars now I get nothing. Could be RNG I guess, but I've consistently gotten 0-1 10 star weapons the last 10 times I've ran it.

18 10s when I ran it last night. Must be you.

Jan 17, 2014, 11:27 AM
I would recommend either Gunner or Braver.

Both classes are just powerhouses (with Hunter Subbed, of course).

It depends on how you like to play though: do you like katanas/bows or T.M.'s.

For Gunner: Use the PA's: Infinite Fire (used for everything), Heel Stab (mobbing), Messiah Time (close-range for maxmimum damage).

For Braver: Use the PA's: Shunka-Shunran (overpowered-all-purpose-PA), Kanran-Kikkyo (mobbing), Hatou-Rindou (if you need to keep a safe distance between you and the target; nevertheless good damage but depends on the spacing between you and your target).

Note: players don't pick Braver.... they pick Shunka....

As for weapons go... just get the strongest ones provided that you can equip them, afford them, or able to find them (look them up from Cirnopedia or something).

Is Fi a good class to level? Is it strong like Braver or no?

Jan 17, 2014, 11:32 AM
How do I hide pictures with a spoiler box?

Jan 17, 2014, 11:34 AM
the tag is [spoiler-box]

Jan 17, 2014, 12:08 PM
Thank you.

Jan 17, 2014, 01:46 PM
qwickie in regards to crafting/grinding...

i bough tthat lil thing in the excube shop that u put down in ur room. mines for striking crafts. its the "2" one u get at the excube shop. does it make ur crafts stronger? (if it does, is it retroactive? o will i have to re-craft the item?)

also along those lines. does it matter if u extend the weapon or grind the weapon first? (like will it be stronger one way or the other?)


Jan 17, 2014, 02:16 PM
i bough tthat lil thing in the excube shop that u put down in ur room. mines for striking crafts. its the "2" one u get at the excube shop. does it make ur crafts stronger? (if it does, is it retroactive? o will i have to re-craft the item?)

Craft Ex Builder:
This room item slightly decreases the cooldown times for [Equipment Extensions]. The value of its effects vary based on which Ex Builder was placed in the room.

The community suggests to place the “Craft Ex Builder 2″ obtained from the EXCube Exchange Counter.

Courtesy of Ricardo: http://bumped.org/psublog/

also along those lines. does it matter if u extend the weapon or grind the weapon first? (like will it be stronger one way or the other?)

The order does not matter, you can extend and then grind or vice versa. The end result will be the same.

Jan 17, 2014, 11:18 PM
18 10s when I ran it last night. Must be you.

You're bad at the game.

Jan 18, 2014, 12:05 AM
How do I use Shunka properly? It seems like a Marth over-B so I just kind of spam the directional keys but my attacks are going all over the place ;-;

Jan 18, 2014, 12:27 AM
Nowhere else to post this without drawing undue attention:
Heads up to avoid block 21 as well as 20 unless you like being repeatedly teleported to nowhere.

Jan 18, 2014, 12:49 AM
How do I use Shunka properly? It seems like a Marth over-B so I just kind of spam the directional keys but my attacks are going all over the place ;-;

Lock-On helps quite a bit (the manual one, not the auto-aim / soft-lock). I'm not sure what key you have it set to (I use a 360 controller & have it set to L1 / Left Bumper), but I lock onto my target & just hold forward (believe that's the "W" key for default Mouse+Keyboard controls). If there are multiple targets & they each die in one or two hits, then I just "move" towards them & the extra attacks happen in their proximity.

Jan 18, 2014, 12:52 AM
If you don't use lock-on on Shunka it tends to fly off into the middle of nowhere.
You can kinda cancel each dash by hitting a direction opposite of where you're moving.
Use up to down commands to make your char swing from up to down.
Left to right tends to make them swing sideways.

The Walrus
Jan 18, 2014, 12:55 AM
Is there a list of stats for extended units at all?

Jan 18, 2014, 01:08 AM
http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%83%95%E3%83%88%2F% E6%AD%A6%E8%A3%85%E3%82%A8%E3%82%AF%E3%82%B9%E3%83 %86%E3%83%B3%E3%83%89%E3%83%AC%E3%82%B7%E3%83%94

The Walrus
Jan 18, 2014, 01:19 AM

Jan 18, 2014, 03:01 AM
How does the Discerning Eye latent on H&S25 work? Does it multiply the damage of the entire attack or just the elemental part?

And on that note, would I have to get multipler H&S25's to maximize my damage output for each area if I wanted to use it?

Jan 18, 2014, 03:30 AM
How does the Discerning Eye latent on H&S25 work? Does it multiply the damage of the entire attack or just the elemental part?

And on that note, would I have to get multipler H&S25's to maximize my damage output for each area if I wanted to use it?

Gonna tack onto this question by asking the same thing about the Ancient Oath latent (see Neiclaw and Falzclaw).

Jan 18, 2014, 07:17 AM
Hey I have a weapon that is just a question mark. How do I uncover what it is?

Jan 18, 2014, 07:33 AM
Gonna tack onto this question by asking the same thing about the Ancient Oath latent (see Neiclaw and Falzclaw).

It multiplies the entire attack's damage now.

It only multiplied the elemental portion pre-episode 2.

Scale of Judgment
Jan 18, 2014, 08:29 AM
Hey I have a weapon that is just a question mark. How do I uncover what it is?

You can untekked the weapon at the lady at the corner, right next to Dudu/Monica. She charges a small fee for identifying weapons.

Jan 18, 2014, 08:45 AM
Best mag for katana braver? (I'm new to the game) would pure S-ATK be best. Would Dex be best and get braver mag talent or would S-ATK + a bit of dex be best so I can use the high end dex items?

Jan 18, 2014, 11:02 AM
Red Peanuts > If you invest in a dex mag and get braver mag, you'll have like 600 dex which is probably going to be overkill even for end game in 2 years. But that would be a fine investment, IF you only intend to play Braver.
However, Braver is only 1 class from 7. If you only have one mag, you might want to reconsider.

Jan 18, 2014, 11:09 AM
I currently have a level 45 Ranger and 23 Hunter but I'm leveling braver now and will be playing Braver the most from now on.

Also I have two mags currently (My Ranger one and my one that's being leveled with S-ATK only) but I could get a third that's why I want to know if I should just stick with my pure S-ATK one or get another mag and level it in a different and more beneficial way for Braver.

Jan 18, 2014, 11:15 AM
Best mag for katana braver? (I'm new to the game) would pure S-ATK be best. Would Dex be best and get braver mag talent or would S-ATK + a bit of dex be best so I can use the high end dex items?

You can use any katana (you need) without any dex investments. Lambda Karicizma (435 dex) can be equipped by any race at lvl 65/65.
Then if you want something better you have Susano Guren (420 T-Def) which enables you to play HuBr and use Gekitsnata, and, the BrHu only equivalent, Boulay Obs(685 S-ATK) which, in my opinion, is a waste of money.
Another option is crafting a Hunter - equippable Karicizma which will end up requiring 450 dex with a double great success at extend lvl 5, 437/414 at extend lvl 4. Depending if you're a cast or not, you'll need dex up lvl 7 for extend lvl 5(drop the last SP of Combat Escape). This last option is not worth the money if you can't go HuBr, your max damage will be the same as the first option, but your average will be lower.

Jan 18, 2014, 11:40 AM
Red Peanuts > If you invest in a dex mag and get braver mag, you'll have like 600 dex which is probably going to be overkill even for end game in 2 years. But that would be a fine investment, IF you only intend to play Braver.
However, Braver is only 1 class from 7. If you only have one mag, you might want to reconsider.

If I went for a pure Dex Mag and picked up 5 points in Braver mag would I still have the required S-ATK to use the best Katana if I ever got it? (Playing Female cast)

Jan 18, 2014, 11:45 AM
If I went for a pure Dex Mag and picked up 5 points in Braver mag would I still have the required S-ATK to use the best Katana if I ever got it? (Playing Female cast)

No. Even if you maxed S-ATK up 1 on Braver tree (which you should, by the way), you'd have 674 S-ATK.

Jan 18, 2014, 11:57 AM
No. Even if you maxed S-ATK up 1 on Braver tree (which you should, by the way), you'd have 674 S-ATK.

So what about this? http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eTbnIkb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkbnIk6dt7 bInqnGKsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb000009b000000l b0000000IOqB4SdnmxmxI2l20000 It's pretty much the same as the one from the sticky (Like I said I'm new so that was my main reference) but with some tweaks.

It would give the the required Dex to use the best Dex Katana and also the required S-ATK. If you have any tip on what should change just let me know.

Jan 18, 2014, 01:26 PM
No it would not.

You need 700 S-ATK to equip the best Katana.

Unless you're going hybrid braver there's no reason to get a dex mag or get more than 1 point of Braver Mag.

Jan 18, 2014, 01:38 PM
No it would not.

You need 700 S-ATK to equip the best Katana.

Unless you're going hybrid braver there's no reason to get a dex mag or get more than 1 point of Braver Mag.

Sorry, for some reason the link I posted wasn't the correct one. This is the one I mean. http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eSbnIkb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3IkbnIkd3l5 7bInqnGKsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb000009b000000 lb0000000IOIo4NdxmxmxI2l20000

Jan 18, 2014, 02:45 PM
Whats the best place to farm for an Acro Cane? the spawn rate for dicahda seems depressingly low in all 3 places they spawn (or at least on the free exploration missions in said areas). And the same question goes for Calux Gun and ol micda.

Jan 18, 2014, 03:15 PM
You can use any katana (you need) without any dex investments. Lambda Karicizma (435 dex) can be equipped by any race at lvl 65/65.
I disagree, I'm stuck at 427 Dex (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eQbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkddiq 8ebIoqnGKsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb000009b00000 0lb0000000Ibf4NdnmxsXI2fGDI20000).


A couple questions with the recent update;

1) Are all of the new latents that were planned already in? Are there any good ones around? (Aka, Innocent Appearance [無心の形], Celestial Bullet [星天弾], or Vampiric Blade [奪命剣])
Or is it time to excube all of those junk TD 10*s I've been hoarding in my poor free-200-space storage?

2) About how many achievements are needed to be lv15 in craft?
Do both weapon and tech crafting boost this? I've only been crafting weapons so far.

3) So far, what are the highest reported licenses for craft level? Does it seem worth it to even level beyond 15?
(Although, with how crafting is. It might not even be worth leveling passed one >_>;)

Jan 18, 2014, 03:33 PM
Whats the best place to farm for an Acro Cane? the spawn rate for dicahda seems depressingly low in all 3 places they spawn (or at least on the free exploration missions in said areas). And the same question goes for Calux Gun and ol micda.

The most Dicahda you'll probably ever see in one place is in the Naberius II time attack.

But you really shouldn't even bother trying to farm for either of those items. I've easily killed thousands of both enemies so far, and only have a single Calux Gun to show for it. If you're going to farm something, at least go for something that's top of the line and isn't going to be easily replaced by some other item down the line.

Jan 18, 2014, 04:24 PM
I disagree, I'm stuck at 427 Dex (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eQbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkddiq 8ebIoqnGKsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb000009b00000 0lb0000000Ibf4NdnmxsXI2fGDI20000).


Not really a big deal, you just need 4 SP instead of 3 in dex up (melee newearl lol) *ahem*

@RedPeanut You could move step to Hu tree, JR recover is quite conditional to trigger. You need to actually recover from a knockback, so it won't save you from more hits when you get knocked back, nor flinching to death.
More atk is never bad, since it's accumulative, and shifta multiplies your attack base. With high-end weapons it'll make the difference between being able to kill mobs with 2 Kanran or 3.
I went for dex up 6 cause I had spare points, so it'd help to equip crafted stuff and raise minimum damage by a bit (I also had spare points) .
Something like this: http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eQbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkdt0f ebIoqnGWsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb000009b000000 lb0000000IbfqndxmxsXI2l20000

Before anyone tells you to put those SP on step advance... See "Kamekur", my 45/65 BrHu? That guy had step on its Br tree for some reason, and I've been leveling him without resetting skills. I don’t see the difference between 0.11 s step and 0.2s at all.

Jan 18, 2014, 04:34 PM
@RedPeanut You could move step to Hu tree, JR recover is quite conditional to trigger. You need to actually recover from a knockback, so it won't save you from more hits when you get knocked back, nor flinching to death.
More atk is never bad, since it's accumulative, and shifta multiplies your attack base. With high-end weapons it'll make the difference between being able to kill mobs with 2 Kanran or 3.
I went for dex up 6 cause I had spare points, so it'd help to equip crafted stuff and raise minimum damage by a bit (I also had spare points) .

Before anyone tells you to put those SP on step advance... See "Kamekur", my 45/65 BrHu? That guy had step on its Br tree for some reason, and I've been leveling him without resetting skills. I don’t see the difference between 0.11 s step and 0.2s at all.

Okay so I'll do the build you suggested but I'm going to put 164 S-ATK and 11 Dex on my mag so that I have 450 dex on Female cast.

Jan 18, 2014, 04:42 PM
What does this red console do? I click on it until the yellow bar reaches about 99% but it always resets to 0.


Jan 18, 2014, 04:49 PM
It reverses the direction of the treadmill.

Jan 18, 2014, 04:53 PM
It reverses the direction of the treadmill.

ooh okay thank you.

Another question, those daggers Im using, I saw some people on forum saying it makes their game crash or something? Am I not supposed to use them?

Im on hunter and those are my all-class daggers...

Jan 18, 2014, 04:55 PM
When attempting the coveted triple dash ass blaster, the effects cause people around you to drop frames and kinda lag. Otherwise, there really isn't an issue with them.

Scale of Judgment
Jan 18, 2014, 04:57 PM
ooh okay thank you.

Another question, those daggers Im using, I saw some people on forum saying it makes their game crash or something? Am I not supposed to use them?

Im on hunter and those are my all-class daggers...

The daggers that people are complaining about are called nishiki. They complain about it crashing games because it is often used for dashing to move faster. Since the design of it is unique. It takes longer for the design to be animated so ergo cause lag for others.

This is only a problem for older computers and not really much an issue for newer pc. Though if you really do want to be considerate for your fellow FREE users who come and go...You can equip a twin dagger camo and that fixes it.

Jan 18, 2014, 05:04 PM
can I reset my mag device to level 1 without premium? because I desperately need to considering that I am currently level 56 braver with a horribly fed mag. I didn't know that mag stats added on to your own...

Jan 18, 2014, 05:18 PM
I don't think so, I do remember people recommending getting a new mag instead of a reset for it's cheaper price. That and it opens build/class options.

Jan 18, 2014, 07:32 PM
It multiplies the entire attack's damage now.

It only multiplied the elemental portion pre-episode 2.

Woah, is there a source for this? Or is there a video/link with test information?

Jan 18, 2014, 10:17 PM
Is there some sort of trick to finding matter board items? I know items usually drop for your class only, so I switched to ranger to find a "Tagvalve", and and Im already lvl 12 on ranger just from killing mobs and I still cant find the item.

It says "available matter". What am I doing wrong?


Jan 18, 2014, 10:22 PM
It just tells you what item will drop. You can do it with any class and for that weapon, you just need to kill a bunch of Diggs. Those tiny dinos with the yellow noses.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:23 PM
Is there some sort of trick to finding matter board items? I know items usually drop for your class only, so I switched to ranger to find a "Tagvalve", and and Im already lvl 12 on ranger just from killing mobs and I still cant find the item.

It says "available matter". What am I doing wrong?


Just kill the mob that drops it like no tomorrow, also look at the level requirement that the mob must be.

I think it was only gold MB weapon drop nodes in Episode 1 that had a for sure drop.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:30 PM
Just kill the mob that drops it like no tomorrow, also look at the level requirement that the mob must be.

I think it was only gold MB weapon drop nodes in Episode 1 that had a for sure drop.

In Episode 1 everything directly across the golden nodes had 100% drop rate.

In Episode 2 everything revolves around RNG.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:34 PM
It just tells you what item will drop. You can do it with any class and for that weapon, you just need to kill a bunch of Diggs. Those tiny dinos with the yellow noses.

Ive killed diggs for 4 or 5 hours already. So its normal for it to take this long? They drop like 90% gunslashes and 10% other random ranger stuff.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:35 PM
Ive killed diggs for 4 or 5 hours already. So its normal for it to take this long? They drop like 90% gunslashes and 10% other random ranger stuff.

Are you killing ones in the proper level requirements?

Try to do it on a harder mode, long shot but it may help.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:42 PM
Are you killing ones in the proper level requirements?

Try to do it on a harder mode, long shot but it may help.

Im killing lvl 16-17 ones on "Volcano Exploration". I have seen that item drop from other mobs like Dinians so I know its there.

Jan 18, 2014, 10:55 PM
Did you select the correct matter board even? It looks like a fresh matter board.

Jan 18, 2014, 11:01 PM
Im killing lvl 16-17 ones on "Volcano Exploration". I have seen that item drop from other mobs like Dinians so I know its there.

Whenever you're in the lobby and you don't have a quest started, go to the item on the MB and select it. It should give you an option to set it as your active objective. This should cause the item to drop.

Cyron Tanryoku
Jan 18, 2014, 11:03 PM
Any place that got the voice lines of 女性[EX]ボイスA01 written down?

Jan 18, 2014, 11:21 PM
Whenever you're in the lobby and you don't have a quest started, go to the item on the MB and select it. It should give you an option to set it as your active objective. This should cause the item to drop.

Oh I can click on it! I did not know you had to do this since this is a new MB and I never clicked on anything on the first MB. Thank you, hope this works.

It changed from "Available Matter" to "Guided Matter".

Jan 19, 2014, 12:41 AM
Haven't posted here in a little while. Anyways, I have a question about the new crafting system and how it works with technics.

Lately I've been experimenting with them, and found some to be extremely good, most Foie etc.

However, I'm still curious on how to 'unlock' so to speak the other technics (e.g Safoie, Nafoie, Shifta etc). I know for a fact that you can craft Shifta at least, because I saw a JP using it in an EQ (due to the 'rings' around your character when you charge any crafted tech up). I am 100% certain it was Shifta too.

Does anyone know how to craft them? I even disassembled multiple Zondeel discs for frags but didn't unlock the technic to craft.

Jan 19, 2014, 12:42 AM
What are the differences of the atk and def?

Jan 19, 2014, 12:46 AM
What are the differences of the atk and def?

Please elaborate more.

Jan 19, 2014, 01:04 AM
Like the base stats what does R-Atk do as opposed to S-Atk

Scale of Judgment
Jan 19, 2014, 01:08 AM
Haven't posted here in a little while. Anyways, I have a question about the new crafting system and how it works with technics.

Lately I've been experimenting with them, and found some to be extremely good, most Foie etc.

However, I'm still curious on how to 'unlock' so to speak the other technics (e.g Safoie, Nafoie, Shifta etc). I know for a fact that you can craft Shifta at least, because I saw a JP using it in an EQ (due to the 'rings' around your character when you charge any crafted tech up). I am 100% certain it was Shifta too.

Does anyone know how to craft them? I even disassembled multiple Zondeel discs for frags but didn't unlock the technic to craft.

Repeatedly craft the same element technique will yield access to others. 5 and 25 times are the magic numbers

Jan 19, 2014, 01:11 AM
Like the base stats what does R-Atk do as opposed to S-Atk

Oh right, well, t-atk would be 'spells' or technics as they are called in this game. So mage things (force techer). r-atk would be range damage, so, guns, bullets. s-atk for anything striking.

Jan 19, 2014, 01:13 AM
Repeatedly craft the same element technique will yield access to others. 5 and 25 times are the magic numbers

Five and twenty-five times? Woo that's going to take some time.

Jan 19, 2014, 09:35 AM
Why does your crafting level come to a complete dead stop after you hit Lv. 3?

Jan 19, 2014, 09:40 AM
You have to unlock a certain number of achievements to level up

I hear swiki has a guide, and otherwise just try crafting various equipment/techs at varying rarities

Jan 19, 2014, 09:40 AM
Why does your crafting level come to a complete dead stop after you hit Lv. 3?

Because you aren't completing the crafting achievements, which is how you level.

Jan 19, 2014, 11:34 AM
Does the +20% merit and -20% demerit boosts affect weapon crafting and if they do what do they change?

Jan 19, 2014, 11:44 AM
I think merit and demerit only come to play with technique crafting, but who knows? I don't have access to those items so I never tried.

Jan 19, 2014, 12:00 PM
Does anyone have the game crashing when changing blocks or to your room / team room whilst having item translation active? When I delete item translation it works perfectly fine but with it active, it is a 100% pso2.exe crash every time in loading screen.

Jan 19, 2014, 12:04 PM

Yes but this issue only showed up 2 updates ago. I've been playing since start of Ep.2 and never had an issue till now.

Jan 19, 2014, 01:52 PM
So, I can't get the drop for the first space on the second matter board to save my life. It says it should just be Digg 11+, but I've slaughtered hundreds of them by now without it dropping - am I doing something wrong, or...?

Dark Ace
Jan 19, 2014, 01:55 PM
I downloaded the game and tweaker for my friend on his pc and im having a problem. We made a character but couldnt see anything but the accessories lol... he went through the tutorial and saw nothing but his accessories again everything was invisible including Affin and the creatures not hes on block 20 ship 2 named skullkat and everyone is invisible you just see flooating names and accessories/parts moving around... We tryd using the tweaker to check missing files and it completed but characters are still invisble xD :-?^^;:-o

Dark Emerald EXE
Jan 19, 2014, 02:17 PM
I understand Poison III is 1% more damage over Poison II
but is there a proc difference?

Jan 19, 2014, 02:18 PM
So, I can't get the drop for the first space on the second matter board to save my life. It says it should just be Digg 11+, but I've slaughtered hundreds of them by now without it dropping - am I doing something wrong, or...?

Click on the matter so that it displays "Guide Matter". Then it will drop.

Jan 19, 2014, 02:24 PM
Click on the matter so that it displays "Guide Matter". Then it will drop.

Ah, thanks.

Jan 19, 2014, 06:46 PM
how does attribute work ? does the dmg boost apply for enemies that is not weak to the attribute ?

example : a dark 50 attribute on dagan vs a non-attribute on dagan (same weapon same stats) which one deal more dmg ? or they deal the same dmg

Jan 19, 2014, 07:46 PM
The one with 50 Dark element deal more damage even to a Darker.

As example, a Sword with 1000 base attack and 50 Light element will always have 1500 base damage. This, not counting the affixes and the type of element yet.

Jan 19, 2014, 08:25 PM
Did anyone test if Photon Gacha (フォトガチャン) can be set and used as non-premium player? Or it works the same as gift boxes (premium only can set it and premium and non-premium can open)?

Bump. Again.

Jan 19, 2014, 08:27 PM
I understand Poison III is 1% more damage over Poison II
but is there a proc difference?

I believe they have the same proc chance. I would suggest Poison boost on the techer tree but I think that only effects Techs.

Jan 19, 2014, 09:57 PM
err just a question
does ur weapon's Freeze ability contribute to the freeze proc of Ice FO's freeze chance?

Jan 19, 2014, 10:00 PM
I downloaded the game and tweaker for my friend on his pc and im having a problem. We made a character but couldnt see anything but the accessories lol... he went through the tutorial and saw nothing but his accessories again everything was invisible including Affin and the creatures not hes on block 20 ship 2 named skullkat and everyone is invisible you just see flooating names and accessories/parts moving around... We tryd using the tweaker to check missing files and it completed but characters are still invisble xD :-?^^;:-o

are u using big file or just the normal one?
avoid using big file.that causes problems

Jan 19, 2014, 11:54 PM
I know this has been discussed a lot already but I thought I understood everything and obviously I don't.
I extended Demonic Fork to Lv. 4 and got the potential to Lv. 1 so it should have a 12% dark tech damage increase, and then compared its damage with Satellite Riser. There's a 60 T ATK difference (1085 on Satellite Riser and 1025 on Demonic Fork). I've only tested damage on a few Nab Rappies and Oodans but Demonic Fork was consistently doing like 300~500 less damage (*using Megid) which is a HUGE difference... I thought extending 10*s only affected the DEX so I still COULD hit hard, but this thing was not hitting hard at all.
A quick answer to as to why this happened and what I should and should never do again like extending 10*s would be nice.

Jan 20, 2014, 12:19 AM
what is it's Japanese name? can I buy it from shop? as Im only pc player?

Jan 20, 2014, 01:17 AM
I know this has been discussed a lot already but I thought I understood everything and obviously I don't.
I extended Demonic Fork to Lv. 4 and got the potential to Lv. 1 so it should have a 12% dark tech damage increase, and then compared its damage with Satellite Riser. There's a 60 T ATK difference (1085 on Satellite Riser and 1025 on Demonic Fork). I've only tested damage on a few Nab Rappies and Oodans but Demonic Fork was consistently doing like 300~500 less damage (*using Megid) which is a HUGE difference... I thought extending 10*s only affected the DEX so I still COULD hit hard, but this thing was not hitting hard at all.
A quick answer to as to why this happened and what I should and should never do again like extending 10*s would be nice.you ain't going to hit hard without a Dex MAG and with Dex Affixes. . .

Jan 20, 2014, 01:26 AM
are u using big file or just the normal one?
avoid using big file.that causes problems

Large files are working perfectly fine.

Full file check via PSO2 Launcher and try the game without any patches. If the game is fine, re-apply all patches making sure they're the most recent versions.

Edit: forgot to say this the other day:

The daggers that people are complaining about are called nishiki. They complain about it crashing games because it is often used for dashing to move faster. Since the design of it is unique. It takes longer for the design to be animated so ergo cause lag for others.

This is only a problem for older computers and not really much an issue for newer pc. Though if you really do want to be considerate for your fellow FREE users who come and go...You can equip a twin dagger camo and that fixes it.

I have a fairly beefy PC and I get stutters from TDs that cause lag. Whenever somebody switches to lag inducing TDs, I lose about 50-60% of my usual FPS. I can still stay well above 60 FPS, but the stutter it causes is a bit troublesome. It's pretty bad during Base EQs for me. There are instances where multiple people will switch at the same time and I'll lose a good few seconds of time. This has actually gotten me killed before.

Jan 20, 2014, 02:04 AM
you ain't going to hit hard without a Dex MAG and with Dex Affixes. . .

What exactly does DEX do? So far, what I think I know is that it increases crit chance, raises minimum damage dealt, and PA power scales from DEX. Is this correct or am I missing anything?

Jan 20, 2014, 02:12 AM
I know this has been discussed a lot already but I thought I understood everything and obviously I don't.
I extended Demonic Fork to Lv. 4 and got the potential to Lv. 1 so it should have a 12% dark tech damage increase, and then compared its damage with Satellite Riser. There's a 60 T ATK difference (1085 on Satellite Riser and 1025 on Demonic Fork). I've only tested damage on a few Nab Rappies and Oodans but Demonic Fork was consistently doing like 300~500 less damage (*using Megid) which is a HUGE difference... I thought extending 10*s only affected the DEX so I still COULD hit hard, but this thing was not hitting hard at all.
A quick answer to as to why this happened and what I should and should never do again like extending 10*s would be nice.

to wat i know. all default 10* has a hidden 20% dex modifier within it.
crafting it causes it to be removed.
and that actually boost ur dmg to a certain amount.
i cant be 100% sure.
i read it somewhere before
can someone reconfirm this?

Jan 20, 2014, 02:27 AM
Coming from PSU to PSO2..

English patch installed.

How the hell do I play this game? When you press shift, to my understanding it switches your weapon pallete.. i have mine set to a sword (im ranger) but it doesn't work?!

i need help. how do I know which discs are for my weapon? How do I use them? Why is everything in japanese if I have english patch?

Jan 20, 2014, 03:30 AM
Coming from PSU to PSO2..

English patch installed.

How the hell do I play this game? When you press shift, to my understanding it switches your weapon pallete.. i have mine set to a sword (im ranger) but it doesn't work?!

i need help. how do I know which discs are for my weapon? How do I use them? Why is everything in japanese if I have english patch?

Shift allows you to switch combat modes on gunslash, Stylish roll with mech guns, guard with certain melee weapons, evade with certain melee weapons, and switch to your other PAs with ranged weapons. You switch weapons with the mouse wheel or the f+r keys(?).

You can use a controller if you wish. The 360 should work off the bat as well as a PS3 controller I hear.

PAs disks will have the same icons as the weapon they go to. Technics will have their elements represented. You can set PAs in the same option(Equip Weapon) where you can set weapons. For the gunslash, they should be activated with the right mouse button. Each PA switching with every normal or PA attack. Your left mouse button, of course, being your normal attack.

Japanese patch may not work because you may have put the files in the wrong folder.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:31 AM
to wat i know. all default 10* has a hidden 20% dex modifier within it.
crafting it causes it to be removed.
and that actually boost ur dmg to a certain amount.
i cant be 100% sure.
i read it somewhere before
can someone reconfirm this?Having the Dex modifier removed will leave the weapon doing wide damage range like 800 - 2k. . . or something like that. . . so you'll see big and small damage counts. . . that's one downside on crafting. . . ways to overcome this are getting those crit skills on classes. . . another is having a Dex MAG. . .

Edit: uhm. . . you may want to know how Dex works. . .
Dex reduces the chance to do a low damage. the higher your Dex, the more chance you deal your maximum damage. . . If not, its somewhere in the middle.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:36 AM
Is it worth subbing ranger just for WB? I can basically 3x my damage on anything with that right?

Jan 20, 2014, 05:03 AM
Is it worth subbing ranger just for WB? I can basically 3x my damage on anything with that right?depends on what class you're going to sub Ra for. . .

Jan 20, 2014, 05:39 AM
depends on what class you're going to sub Ra for. . .


Jan 20, 2014, 06:24 AM
Could be handy. WBing something as you approach the hostile target, then dual daggers/Doublesaber/Knuckles it in its weakened area repeatedly once you arrive in melee range.

As much as I hate to condone spamming a single thing for spam's sake..... Doublesaber's PA called Deadly Archer, mixed with WB, can truely live up to the name DEADLY Archer with how many hits are delivered each time it is released (Constant hits as it spins like a propeller)

Jan 20, 2014, 08:26 AM

No it's not worth it if you are a Hunter/Fighter. The only Hunters I've seen with RA sub are Hunter who were aiming for boss Time Attack. On some boss RA and his WB would be better than Fi tree.

But then, 90% (if not more) of your time you'd be killing regular mobs and you can't use WB on every single mob, it's not even worth it because they die too fast.

GuRa? ok why not, bow BrRa? ok, support TeRa? ok ... and that's it

Jan 20, 2014, 08:40 AM
Ra/Hu, friggin boss killing machine, Gu/Ra, another friggin boss killing machine. . .

Hu/Ra, nopenopenopenopenope.

Fi/Ra, seriously. . . nope.

Jan 20, 2014, 08:51 AM
I just found a Motav Prophecy today from Falz. Anyway, how does this potential work? Does it boost Photon Flare or add separately?

Jan 20, 2014, 09:01 AM
I just found a Motav Prophecy today from Falz. Anyway, how does this potential work? Does it boost Photon Flare or add separately?it boosts the photon flares effect, which currently worthless right now. . .

Jan 20, 2014, 09:05 AM
it boosts the photon flares effect, which currently worthless right now. . .

So, let me get this straight. Lv10 Photon Flare give +200 ATK and with Lv1 potential it only add +80 ATK, not +280?

Jan 20, 2014, 09:33 AM
no, it'll add 280--
wait. . . Photon Flare?

uhm. . . I don't even. . .

Jan 20, 2014, 10:08 AM
no, it'll add 280--
wait. . . Photon Flare?

uhm. . . I don't even. . .

Photon Flare works great with Elysion build. Don't know what you're so disappointed about. Anyway, thanks for the answer.

Jan 20, 2014, 12:35 PM
If i have extended VitaEsrain to lvl 7 and its Req is Dex456 after a Great success. Can it go down further if I again get a Great success at same lvl 7 Extension?

Jan 20, 2014, 02:51 PM
I just found a Motav Prophecy today from Falz. Anyway, how does this potential work? Does it boost Photon Flare or add separately?

It makes Photon Flare worth using, by adding on a bunch more tech attack. However, Photon Flare still only has a 30 second duration, and will be on cooldown most of the time.

The correct way to use Motav is to equip it ONLY during the 30 second duration of Photon Flare. When Photon Flare expires, you switch back to your other talises that have better latents. If you use Motav 100% of the time, you are doing it wrong.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:08 PM
Large files are working perfectly fine.

Full file check via PSO2 Launcher and try the game without any patches. If the game is fine, re-apply all patches making sure they're the most recent versions.

Edit: forgot to say this the other day:

I have a fairly beefy PC and I get stutters from TDs that cause lag. Whenever somebody switches to lag inducing TDs, I lose about 50-60% of my usual FPS. I can still stay well above 60 FPS, but the stutter it causes is a bit troublesome. It's pretty bad during Base EQs for me. There are instances where multiple people will switch at the same time and I'll lose a good few seconds of time. This has actually gotten me killed before.

I lose a good few seconds in Tower Defense during the announced once all the time at last wave. It has nothing to do with twin daggers because:

1. Nobody is collecting crystals in some runs, as in the number does not go up.
2. I can see that most people are on the map at boss or on the mobs coming with the boss, and they're all sporting their main weapon... maybe one fighter in the mix at the most sporting the pink number 1 twin daggers.

So I don't think people are switching weapons and causing loss of seconds, just that the server is so laggy, some people maybe even finished their matches and breaking the final crystal or loading the screens for a new run, etc.
I just ran unannounced TD, absolutely no lag or loss of moments.

Not saying your case is definitely the server lag, but don't confuse losing moments to that with the announced TD lag.
When people are dashing about I never lag, lose moments or frames. And they do swapping around the most in between waves and at the beginning of a wave or in wave 4. I have used 3 different video cards with this game thus far, 2 different motherboards, 2 different CPUs, even different RAM... No dagger lag, but plenty of lag at announced events at times.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:14 PM
Please learn the difference between server latency and frame-drop lag. Calling both lag is just.... don't.

It makes Photon Flare worth using, by adding on a bunch more tech attack. However, Photon Flare still only has a 30 second duration, and will be on cooldown most of the time.

The correct way to use Motav is to equip it ONLY during the 30 second duration of Photon Flare. When Photon Flare expires, you switch back to your other talises that have better latents. If you use Motav 100% of the time, you are doing it wrong.

Photon Flare isn't worth all the damage you lose in the two (useful) elemental trees. At most, it should be used in a dark-weak area only (or as a boss FO tree if you want to blow AC on that kind thing). Otherwise you are even more useless when PF is on CD.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:40 PM
I'd argue that a Dual Ice Mastery build has become pretty worthwhile as a specialist skill tree given the massive Lv. 16 Ice Buffs and then especially given the extra bonuses that tech crafting offers ice techs - barta, rabarta and gibarta get some pretty nice bonuses especially.

So if you were to look at it from that angle, since going down an Ice tree involves speccing in Photon Flare anyway, it's not that big of a deal to grab a Motav or even a Circuit Breakout latent weapon to capitalize on that bonus perk of Ice.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:45 PM
Maybe if you already have a Motav, but lol11* droprates, so it's not like you can hunt it. If you don't have one, it's literally pointless. You gain <10% damage during PF, and then lose 30% damage outside of it.

EDIT: Also caves and seabed, onry.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:46 PM
I'd argue that a Dual Ice Mastery build has become pretty worthwhile as a specialist skill tree given the massive Lv. 16 Ice Buffs and then especially given the extra bonuses that tech crafting offers ice techs - barta, rabarta and gibarta get some pretty nice bonuses especially.

So if you were to look at it from that angle, since going down an Ice tree involves speccing in Photon Flare anyway, it's not that big of a deal to grab a Motav or even a Circuit Breakout latent weapon to capitalize on that bonus perk of Ice.

I'll keep that in mind while a gunner, braver... or really any other class comes and sweeps anything I was hitting with one of my slow AOE ice techs before I can kill it myself.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:55 PM
Maybe if you already have a Motav, but lol11* droprates, so it's not like you can hunt it. If you don't have one, it's literally pointless. You gain <10% damage during PF, and then lose 30% damage outside of it.

EDIT: Also caves and seabed, onry.

Circuit Breakout is only 100 T-ATK less than Powerful Prophecy to use with the Photon Flare that you'll have already by having an Ice Build. You actually lose no damage because your build literally has the exact same multipliers as a specialist build; so it'd be more like doing the exact same damage as any other specialist build without PF, and then getting a bonus whenever you activate PF. You only switch to Miyabisen/Motav when you have it active.

And have you SEEN the -.40 interval reduction on Rabarta? That alone makes Ice worth using as a mainstream specialist tech set coupled with FI instead of just a weakness-matching tree. Not to mention it increases the number of hits from 4 to 5, which makes it quite powerful for its power rating, given its original power notation of 360 was for 3 hits - it essentially means you get a power notation of 550~583, which makes it stronger than Lv. 16 Sazan.

Jan 20, 2014, 03:59 PM
Circuit Breakout is only 100 T-ATK less than Powerful Prophecy to use with the Photon Flare that you'll have already by having an Ice Build. You actually lose no damage because your build literally has the exact same multipliers as a specialist build; so it'd be more like doing the exact same damage as any other specialist build without PF, and then getting a bonus whenever you activate PF. You only switch to Miyabisen/Motav when you have it active.

And have you SEEN the -.40 interval reduction on Rabarta? That alone makes Ice worth using as a mainstream specialist tech set coupled with FI instead of just a weakness-matching tree. Not to mention it increases the number of hits from 4 to 5, which makes it quite powerful for its power rating, given its original power notation of 360 was for 3 hits - it essentially means you get a power notation of 550~583, which makes it stronger than Lv. 16 Sazan.

You're going to have to send me the FO tree you're talking about then because I don't see how you're making out that you lose no damage to a specialist tree.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:03 PM
You're going to have to send me the FO tree you're talking about then because I don't see how you're making out that you lose no damage to a specialist tree.

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06fbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbIn 0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OI22SGKgAhnIkfgAIbr A0000lb0000000Ib000008

Dual 20% masteries? Check.
Dual 10% Charge Bonuses? Check.
Talis Tech Bonus? Check.
You lose the 5% in Technique JA Up you'd get with the extra points in bolt, but you get T-ATK High Up for 120 T-ATK which more or less covers it.

Meanwhile, you get 100 T-ATK for Photon Flare to start with, and that gets bumped up to a respectable 350 with Circuit Breakout or 450 with Powerful Prophecy.

You don't make Photon Flare the center of your build, it's an additional perk you get from going down the skill tree.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:14 PM
Okay, I see what you're saying now (I actually messed around and made this tree earlier but still don't like it). That does not neglect the fact though that this is still only good in caves/seabed. In other areas, you'd be MUCH better off with fire/lightning FO/BR which won't have any room for PF to begin with. Going out of my way to buy a weapon I'll only use in 1-2 areas is hardly what I would call efficient especially when Ice FO still can't compare to BR or GU or FI.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:17 PM
With the jumps in damage that Lv. 16 Ice techs get, coupled with recipes that make Barta and Gibarta cheap as hell and Rabarta as strong as Sazan 16 and helluva fast to deal damage to boot, plus Sabarta AoE to mitigate the accuracy issue for non-freezeable mobs, I'd say that Ice is worthwhile as a mainstream element rather than just for weakness matching.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:39 PM
Until ice techs get significant charge time reduction like fire techs, you can't replace fire FO/BR. Also, Nafoie.

Jan 20, 2014, 04:58 PM
hey, im tryin to get an alva elsrein (katana), its just a 5 star. i could by one, but i rather drop one. it says, on cirno, that it is an uncommon drop on Hard. so, then do i have a chance of it just dropping on hard difficulty? also, does that mean it has a chance of dropping on difficulties above hard?

Jan 20, 2014, 05:05 PM
Please learn the difference between server latency and frame-drop lag. Calling both lag is just.... don't.

Photon Flare isn't worth all the damage you lose in the two (useful) elemental trees. At most, it should be used in a dark-weak area only (or as a boss FO tree if you want to blow AC on that kind thing). Otherwise you are even more useless when PF is on CD.

Who said anything about using fire/ice/lightning? Those are shit. You should already have Photon Flare on your Force tree because it's a requirement to get T-attack High Up.

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06fbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbIn 0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OI22SqxgAIAbnbngJIb rA0000lb0000000Ib000008

Using a tree like this makes Sazan surpass fire/ice/lightning. If you have Motav, even better, because you can use Photon Flare with Sazan and Namegido.

Lightning is only good on Dark Falz Elder. Same with Light. If you have extra trees, you can get those. Elder aside, Sazan and Namegido with Zondeel to gather enemies is the way to go.

Jan 20, 2014, 05:32 PM
Who said anything about using fire/ice/lightning? Those are shit. You should already have Photon Flare on your Force tree because it's a requirement to get T-attack High Up.


Jan 20, 2014, 05:37 PM
Who said anything about using fire/ice/lightning? Those are shit. You should already have Photon Flare on your Force tree because it's a requirement to get T-attack High Up.

http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06fbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbIn 0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OI22SqxgAIAbnbngJIb rA0000lb0000000Ib000008

Using a tree like this makes Sazan surpass fire/ice/lightning. If you have Motav, even better, because you can use Photon Flare with Sazan and Namegido.

Lightning is only good on Dark Falz Elder. Same with Light. If you have extra trees, you can get those. Elder aside, Sazan and Namegido with Zondeel to gather enemies is the way to go.

Please concisely explain how to beat this:
and this:

with that ideology.

Edit: To an extent I get what you're saying, but to blow off the other builds like that as if they are anywhere near outclassed shows sheer ignorance as far as I'm concerned. That's not to dispute their worth, but I can't agree with your argument that your suggested builds are outright better.

Jan 20, 2014, 06:30 PM
Goddamn those are some hardcore Forces.

Jan 20, 2014, 07:02 PM
Please concisely explain how to beat this:
and this:

with that ideology.

Edit: To an extent I get what you're saying, but to blow off the other builds like that as if they are anywhere near outclassed shows sheer ignorance as far as I'm concerned. That's not to dispute their worth, but I can't agree with your argument that your suggested builds are outright better.

I knew those would be time attack videos. I was talking about everything else. I know Nafoie has higher DPS vs Sazan on enemies weak to fire, but it's slower, easier to miss and you run out of PP extremely fast. If you are soloing a quest with fixed enemies weak to fire, then it's understandable for Nafoie to be good.

Outside of time attack is very different. Sazan is much better than Nafoie in almost every situation.

And it's not like Sazan would be so much worse than Nafoie for time attack. It would be very close. However for something like Dark Falz, lightning and light are quite a bit better than everything else. That's the real exception.

If you only have one Force tree, it should absolutely be a general damage tree designed to strengthen Sazan. You would have the best tree 95% of the time, and still have a very good tree the other 5%.

Jan 20, 2014, 07:25 PM
If you had an account pre-Episode 2.
Can you delete your second character for a new slow still?
I "deleted" a character (it says i need to wait 24 hours or something) and I can't make a new character. What gives?

Jan 20, 2014, 07:33 PM
The 24 hour limit is to prevent accidentally deleting the wrong character. And yes the 2 slots apply to accounts older than episode 2.

Jan 20, 2014, 07:42 PM
Just a quick question peeps (Two different opinions from friends)

As for the Average Stance Charge Passive, does it affect Katana PA (Namely Shunka and others that requires timing), or does it doesn't affect, and only affect the BB.

(Some people in past said it's not, but friend assumed it's outdated.. so just confused here)

Jan 20, 2014, 07:53 PM
Just a quick question peeps (Two different opinions from friends)

As for the Average Stance Charge Passive, does it affect Katana PA (Namely Shunka and others that requires timing), or does it doesn't affect, and only affect the BB.

(Some people in past said it's not, but friend assumed it's outdated.. so just confused here)

It works on "timing" charged skills.

It used to not work but it has since then been changed.

Jan 20, 2014, 08:23 PM
Well I may be pouring fuel on the fire, but I did just get a Motav prophecy and created a force to take advantage of it. Its the only talis I have as I have focused on my br/hu and gu/ra. To me it seems like an awesome talis and cool latent but hey what do I know. I think my question is, since I plan on using the Motav and only going to have one skill tree, what build should I do?

Jan 20, 2014, 08:40 PM
Well I may be pouring fuel on the fire, but I did just get a Motav prophecy and created a force to take advantage of it. Its the only talis I have as I have focused on my br/hu and gu/ra. To me it seems like an awesome talis and cool latent but hey what do I know. I think my question is, since I plan on using the Motav and only going to have one skill tree, what build should I do?

Pure Ice (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06bIbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbI n0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OI22SGKgAhnIkfgAIo rA0000lb0000000Ib000008) or Fire (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06bIbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbI n0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OIk2XsXgAIAjgAIbon 0000lb0000000Ib000008) if you want to be Fo/Fi, Fo/Br, or Fo/Te.
General damage (http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06bIbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbI n0000000lb000009b000000lb0000084OI22SqxgAIAbnbngKI bon0000lb0000000Ib000008) if you'll only be Fo/Te (or Te/Fo) with Wind/Light/Dark.

Sadly a pure Lightning build doesn't really work with Photon Flare since you need something from every tree.

Jan 20, 2014, 08:41 PM
I lose a good few seconds in Tower Defense during the announced once all the time at last wave. It has nothing to do with twin daggers because:

1. Nobody is collecting crystals in some runs, as in the number does not go up.
2. I can see that most people are on the map at boss or on the mobs coming with the boss, and they're all sporting their main weapon... maybe one fighter in the mix at the most sporting the pink number 1 twin daggers.

So I don't think people are switching weapons and causing loss of seconds, just that the server is so laggy, some people maybe even finished their matches and breaking the final crystal or loading the screens for a new run, etc.
I just ran unannounced TD, absolutely no lag or loss of moments.

Not saying your case is definitely the server lag, but don't confuse losing moments to that with the announced TD lag.
When people are dashing about I never lag, lose moments or frames. And they do swapping around the most in between waves and at the beginning of a wave or in wave 4. I have used 3 different video cards with this game thus far, 2 different motherboards, 2 different CPUs, even different RAM... No dagger lag, but plenty of lag at announced events at times.

I can say with 100% certainty that this isn't server lag, it's lag caused by TDs. I've tested it outside of Base Defense, I only used that as an example of how bad it can be at times. I too have played PSO2 with different components and it the lag caused has varied between them. I know it isn't a matter of hardware, as my current setup is more than enough to run PSO2. As far as I know, it affects everybody differently.

Jan 20, 2014, 09:02 PM
So what level until I can solo shard? I wanna start doing COs again.

Jan 20, 2014, 09:06 PM
I'm not goin to search for the thread. But what do u do to allow ur support partner to take on more than three cos? Its been awhile since I started my first, but I'm working on my 2nd now.

Jan 20, 2014, 09:09 PM
Just level him up by doing COs.

Jan 20, 2014, 09:14 PM
Just level him up by doing COs.

Do know what levels allow me to give her more cos?

Jan 20, 2014, 09:18 PM
Pretty sure it's affection that you have to raise instead of class level.

So yeah, just send them on COs often and complete their emergency codes.

Edit: Talking to them and bringing them along in your party also raises their affection.

Jan 20, 2014, 09:25 PM
Affection increases each time she comes back with an SRank, IIRC. So that means sending her out on stuff she can accomplish lots of at once.

Jan 20, 2014, 10:18 PM
Could somebody please tell me what the best technics for each element are for the purposes of triggering status effects? With technic customizations, if that changes anything.

Jan 20, 2014, 10:39 PM
Could somebody please tell me what the best technics for each element are for the purposes of triggering status effects? With technic customizations, if that changes anything.

From my experience, Fire overall is the best out of all elements. But the best is Nafoie and Rafoie if you ask me, it is mostly preference. Lightning would be Zonde and Nazonde probably. Ice is pretty bad unless you bought a skill tree pertaining towards ice techs so that's that. Wind would be Zan and Sazan. Light, Grants, Nagrant. Dark, most definitely Namegid, and Samegid.

Purposes of status effects would be to 'freeze' or sustain an enemy. So basically to keep them from attacking very well essentially.

With the new technic customizations, I would say Grants, Sazan, possibly Shifta and Deband, Fire techs etc. The whole technic customization is going to based off of luck for them to be good or better than another tech etc.

Jan 21, 2014, 12:19 AM
Thanks for responding - I appreciate it. But I don't think you understood my question (maybe I didn't write it well). I want to know which technics I should be using specifically to trigger status effects, to get Fighter's Chase bonus. For each element/status. Which fire, ice, lightning, wind, light, and dark techs trigger status effects most easily? I know that some of the technic customizations increase the status effect rates, but I don't know if it's enough to make one technic better than another.

Jan 21, 2014, 12:31 AM
does great success when crafting increase the weapon damage? or are things more specific, like different stuff happens at different time?

bumbped say
By achieving a Great Success (大成功), the item may gain the chance to be used by multiple classes or reduce the stat required to equip it.

...so i guess doesnt affect that. okies

Jan 21, 2014, 12:32 AM
Ice is pretty bad unless you bought a skill tree pertaining towards ice techs so that's that.

Does ice spec still suck? I've been looking for an excuse to use it again. I haven't cast an ice spell since lv30.

Jan 21, 2014, 12:44 AM
Could somebody please tell me what the best technics for each element are for the purposes of triggering status effects? With technic customizations, if that changes anything.

Recipe in parenthesis:
Gifoie (quick charge) for lots of total hits
Safoie (reduced PP) for quicker hits immediately after casting
Rafoie (range/SE) for highest single-hit chance for SE

Barta (power/SE) for highest single-hit chance
Rabarta (interval) for lots of high chances, but multiple hits can break freeze without Freeze Keep
Nabarta (SE) high chance, multi hit, but you can stop it manually once freeze triggers. Really high PP cost, though.

Every lightning tech except Nazonde has an SE recipe

Zonde: Single hit, high chance
Razonde: Single hit, high chance
Gizonde: Single hit, high chance
Sazonde: Multi hit, high chance, must activate first
Zondeel: Multi hit, high chance, must activate first
Nazonde: Multiple fast hits, low chance

No wind tech has an SE recipe

Zan: Wide coverage, can multi hit
Sazan: Multi hit even uncharged

No light tech has an SE recipe

Grants (uncrafted): Single target, multi hit
Gigrants (quick charge): Multi target, multi hit
Ragrants (quick charge): Multi hit, faster
Nagrants (interval): Multi target, multi hit

Ramegid (quick charge): Multi target, multi hit, high chance
Samegid (uncrafted): 3-hit, long range

Jan 21, 2014, 01:09 AM
I have a dumb question regarding the Craft system. I'm sorry if it's been answered a bazillion times, but I figured I'd ask here instead of making a new thread and cluttering up the board.

How do I extend my own stuff? I've found how to ask others to craft things, but I'd rather just do it myself if that's possible. I have a pair of Missouri M10/Nachts I want to make useful again -- maybe make them RA equippable if I'm lucky -- and I don't know a darn thing about how to get going with it.

Jan 21, 2014, 01:10 AM
Thanks so much for taking the time to go into that much detail, UnLucky. That's exactly what I was looking for. :)

Jan 21, 2014, 01:23 AM
How do I extend my own stuff? I've found how to ask others to craft things, but I'd rather just do it myself if that's possible. I have a pair of Missouri M10/Nachts I want to make useful again -- maybe make them RA equippable if I'm lucky -- and I don't know a darn thing about how to get going with it.

1st off, uh, that must be a 7*-9*.

Exlvl1 for 7*-9* should need 1 R-ATK PA fragment, some Irodest (8? can't remember)
then meseta.

riiiiiiight. . . you can access the craft option by going into your room, touching the MyRoom terminal and choosing craft. then choose craft by yourself. then pick the 1st option and choose a crafting line. . . If you're a freemium member, there should be only 1 craft line. click that, make sure you don't have your weapon equipped, pick that weapon, and make sure you have the right materials. really, just fiddgetted around with it no vids or whatnot and figured it out, its not that hard to click random japanese stuff after getting used to it. or maybe that's just me. :wacko:

Jan 21, 2014, 02:41 AM

I restarted on PSO2 this past weekend & it's been a good 5 months since I properly played so some things are quite different.

I've noticed some people have voices in their autowords, I did search and couldn't find anything about this, how does one do it?

Jan 21, 2014, 02:51 AM

I restarted on PSO2 this past weekend & it's been a good 5 months since I properly played so some things are quite different.

I've noticed some people have voices in their autowords, I did search and couldn't find anything about this, how does one do it?Here you go~ (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3052724&postcount=3)

Jan 21, 2014, 03:06 AM
Here you go~ (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=3052724&postcount=3)

Thank you so much :).

Jan 21, 2014, 06:43 AM
How are the drop rates for the 11* Units on EQ? Are they worth bothering?

I want the Units you can exchange with the Ruins/Ocean EQ but im a 65GU/38BR main with 49HU sub so i need to do the Forest one if i want the weapons >.>

If the drop rates suck (which probably does) then im gonna have to farm Forest since it gives me the choice to either exchange units or get a 11* Katana/TMG.

Also ill wonder whats better for farming, going through floors 1-50 or farming a specific floor? if its the latter, which floors are the best for Forest and Ruins EQ?

Jan 21, 2014, 08:05 AM
So I just started playing again and crafted one of my 1* Talises. Now it seems like nothing comes even close to the amount of T-ATK it grants me. Is the crafting system designed to "twink" low-level characters, such that nothing below 10* even comes close to the amount of raw T-ATK my weapon provides?

Additionally, the bumped guide was incredibly confusing about unlocking new recipes for equipment extension. Should I expect to unlock the recipe to craft my 1* Talis into an even more powerful weapon?

Jan 21, 2014, 08:30 AM
Crafting is indeed very useful for low level players.

Once you have access to the mid-tier 10* star items, it starts becoming less useful, though.

How are the drop rates for the 11* Units on EQ? Are they worth bothering?

I want the Units you can exchange with the Ruins/Ocean EQ but im a 65GU/38BR main with 49HU sub so i need to do the Forest one if i want the weapons >.>

If the drop rates suck (which probably does) then im gonna have to farm Forest since it gives me the choice to either exchange units or get a 11* Katana/TMG.

Also ill wonder whats better for farming, going through floors 1-50 or farming a specific floor? if its the latter, which floors are the best for Forest and Ruins EQ?

From my experience, the drop rates on 11* units are actually passable. However, they only drop from the boss on rare floors, so doing a set of floors that have three rare floors that can potentially appear is best.

The more bosses you can fight on said rare floor, the better, as well, so any floor that lets you fight the Falz Arms is good.

Jan 21, 2014, 08:37 AM
I have a question Im a lv 16 force and untill now I only focus on the fire element.
I want to start using another element what is best the ice or tunder and if someone have a build to share I will be grateful
if it help i want to do a fo/br build

Jan 21, 2014, 09:00 AM
From my experience, the drop rates on 11* units are actually passable. However, they only drop from the boss on rare floors, so doing a set of floors that have three rare floors that can potentially appear is best.

The more bosses you can fight on said rare floor, the better, as well, so any floor that lets you fight the Falz Arms is good.

Passable even with no boost?

What would you recommend i do? i really like how the Deal and Jaeger set look but if i want to get the most out of my EQ passes i need to do Forest which at best drops the bulky wing pack set

Jan 21, 2014, 10:00 AM
Passable even with no boost?

What would you recommend i do? i really like how the Deal and Jaeger set look but if i want to get the most out of my EQ passes i need to do Forest which at best drops the bulky wing pack setyou ain't getting those without Boosts ._.

seriously, you ain't .-.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:14 AM
I need to get my hands on stones in the tundra XQ. What levels are best, or second best but also offer a nice selection of non-stone drops (maybe 11*s, whatever) while farming?

Jan 21, 2014, 10:17 AM
I need to get my hands on stones in the tundra XQ. What levels are best, or second best but also offer a nice selection of non-stone drops (maybe 11*s, whatever) while farming?

1-5 is easy to farm and drops all three 11* weapons. With 250% and 100% boost day it was around 80 stones a run.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:17 AM
you ain't getting those without Boosts ._.

seriously, you ain't .-.

I got an 11 star unit without a boost. I also got it from a fang banther (which was not a rare stage). The reason why I got it? Because I wasnt looking for it.

How are the drop rates for the 11* Units on EQ? Are they worth bothering?

I want the Units you can exchange with the Ruins/Ocean EQ but im a 65GU/38BR main with 49HU sub so i need to do the Forest one if i want the weapons >.>

If the drop rates suck (which probably does) then im gonna have to farm Forest since it gives me the choice to either exchange units or get a 11* Katana/TMG.

Also ill wonder whats better for farming, going through floors 1-50 or farming a specific floor? if its the latter, which floors are the best for Forest and Ruins EQ?

If you want the 11star katana you have to do tundra not forest. Tundra gives out scarlet fragments (for heart spellstones), Forest gives out crimson fragments (for bloody moon spellstones), and Ruins gives out cerulean fragments (for phantom night spellstones).
See http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/shop_05.php#nav.

Dista unit set comes from forest though.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:20 AM
I need to get my hands on stones in the tundra XQ. What levels are best, or second best but also offer a nice selection of non-stone drops (maybe 11*s, whatever) while farming?

1-5 is easy to farm and drops all three 11* weapons. With 250% and 100% boost day it was around 80 stones a run.

Yes. 1-5 is a ton of fragments and very quick compared to other floors so you can get more from your boost. I ran 350% boost with lucky rise gear and premium drink and got about 70 stones a run (more or less with RNG). If you can do it on a boost day then have at you (you'll get more), but I didnt want to wait around.

I also got 2 11 star leg units from running these floors.
Leg / Eques Flag

Jan 21, 2014, 10:20 AM
1-5 is easy to farm and drops all three 11* weapons. With 250% and 100% boost day it was around 80 stones a run.

Cool, thanks for the quick reply.

Yes. 1-5 is a ton of fragments and very quick compared to other floors so you can get more from your boost. I ran 350% boost with lucky rise gear and premium drink and got about 70 stones a run (more or less with RNG). If you can do it on a boost day then have at you (you'll get more), but I didnt want to wait around.

I also got 2 11 star leg units from running these floors.
Leg / Eques Flag

Also thanks for the quick reply! I have the rdef PP-oriented LR set, which I've been thinking about extending to overwrite the mediocre def values. This would be a nice application for them. Or I could just go with the spikes.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:51 AM
I've heard mention of a PSO2 update roadmap for the first half of 2014, but haven't been able to find it anywhere.

Plenty of links about a 2013 roadmap and older, but nothing for this year.

Is this available somewhere?

Jan 21, 2014, 10:57 AM
I've heard mention of a PSO2 update roadmap for the first half of 2014, but haven't been able to find it anywhere.

Plenty of links about a 2013 roadmap and older, but nothing for this year.

Is this available somewhere?


bottom of the post

Jan 21, 2014, 10:59 AM
Oh, thank you Emp.
I even looked at that post and somehow missed it.
My bad.

Jan 21, 2014, 11:06 AM
I've heard mention of a PSO2 update roadmap for the first half of 2014, but haven't been able to find it anywhere.

Plenty of links about a 2013 roadmap and older, but nothing for this year.

Is this available somewhere?

It can be found at the bottom of this page from Bumped (http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-maintenance-roadmap-and-campaigns-12182013/)

To save you sometime, I put up the roadmap for you.

[SPOILER-BOX]New Years Day 2014
-Year of the Horse Revival Scratches
-New Year’s Lobby

Mid January
-Crafting System
-Latent Ability System Update

Late January (PS Vita 1st Anniversary ARKS United Front Festival)
-Limited-time Interlocking Web Event
-New Item Drop
-More Client Orders, Interrupt Events.
-New Limited-time Quest
-Fashion Update
-Event Lobby

Spring 2014: The Bonds that Tie the Future
-New Photon Arts, Technics, Enemies
-Advance Quest Update
-Extreme Quest Update
-New Client Orders
-New Emergency Quest
-Team Room Update
-PSO2 Deluxe Package goes on Sale (with items designed by Mamoru Nagano)
-Characters designed by Mamoru Nagano appear within the game.
-Fashion Update: Collaboration with a popular title.
-Event Lobby

Late Spring 2014 ~ Resurrection of Light
-Field Update
-Story Update
-12 Player Boss Quest
-Crafting System Update
-Event Lobby[/SPOILER-BOX]

Edit: Dammit, I've been ninja'd.

Jan 21, 2014, 11:33 AM
I got an 11 star unit without a boost. I also got it from a fang banther (which was not a rare stage). The reason why I got it? Because I wasnt looking for it.

If you want the 11star katana you have to do tundra not forest. Tundra gives out scarlet fragments (for heart spellstones), Forest gives out crimson fragments (for bloody moon spellstones), and Ruins gives out cerulean fragments (for phantom night spellstones).
See http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/shop_05.php#nav.

Dista unit set comes from forest though.

They need to correct the wiki.. Jaeger set is also made from "Scarlet Ore" not Crimson

So that changes everything, Jaeger was the set i wanted now i found out i can farm for both the weapon and unit set!

Now to wait for the boost so i can start farming.

Is the 11* Katana worth it? or should i go for the set first?

Jan 21, 2014, 12:19 PM
Is the 11* Katana worth it? or should i go for the set first?

If you're planning on farming XQ, it's best not to waste ores on units. 11* units drop on a no. of stages, it's likely that you'll be able to complete a set before having enough stones to trade out a 11* Katana.

From what I've seen, 11* units drop more commonly than 10* weapons in XQ. But they're still rare. That being said, it still depends on what you really want (or need).

Jan 21, 2014, 01:44 PM
They need to correct the wiki.. Jaeger set is also made from "Scarlet Ore" not Crimson

So that changes everything, Jaeger was the set i wanted now i found out i can farm for both the weapon and unit set!

Now to wait for the boost so i can start farming.

Is the 11* Katana worth it? or should i go for the set first?

As you can see by my sig pic i'd say its worth it (may be biased...). I mean the only other powerful and not awful looking katana is susano guren which is 80 mil (or you can try hunting for it. if so good luck). Agito is ok (all class but not so powerful). Of course you can hope for a sange or orochi agito drop...haha.

The 11star is expensive to grind and unlock potential but if u get it to lvl 3 its a 12% damage boost a majority of the time.

Jan 21, 2014, 02:00 PM
Been playing a lot of RA recently. I'm having trouble figuring out which Launcher PAs are usable. So far, Rodeo Drive and Crazy Smash seem decent for their respective uses, but I've got nothing on the last one. Tips?

Jan 21, 2014, 03:02 PM
Check out Flame Bullet, Zero Distance, Cluster Bullet and Divine Launcher.

Jan 21, 2014, 04:17 PM
What is considered the best s-def unit(s) for gunner/ranger build?
Is there any AC way or way in general to get a weapon/unit reverse ownership so we can resell?

Jan 21, 2014, 07:12 PM
What is considered the best s-def unit(s) for gunner/ranger build?
Is there any AC way or way in general to get a weapon/unit reverse ownership so we can resell?._.

um. . . Calvaria set?. . . uhm. . . you won't be happy with its prices. . . plus the issue of getting a 10* unit pass to buy them from players shops. . .

now why would you want to resell a junk item?, unless that wasn't junk. I don't sell stuff not worth over 100k.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:37 PM
What's a good unit set for Techer/Fighter?

I have my eye on the 10 star Primular set, which gives 60 S-ATK and T-ATK, a large amount of PP, and impressive resistances to fire and light (Vol Dragon and Quartz Dragon).

However, the HP bonus isn't that great, and I am mostly concerned about the complete lack of striking resistance on the units. Considering that a large part of my gameplay involves grouping up large numbers of monsters with Zondeel, which is pretty dangerous, would the Primular set be bad? Is there something else better for a hybrid Techer/Fighter?

Jan 21, 2014, 09:38 PM

um. . . Calvaria set?. . . uhm. . . you won't be happy with its prices. . . plus the issue of getting a 10* unit pass to buy them from players shops. . .

now why would you want to resell a junk item?, unless that wasn't junk. I don't sell stuff not worth over 100k.

I actually have the calvaria set already +10 and such, jusr curious what peoples thoughts are presently. Good to know. Also i jusr found out about taco's...i missed the fact they are repeatable...so i woulda thought your last statement was crazy until i educated and updated my knowledge on the game lol...havent played since 2012.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:40 PM
I actually have the calvaria set already +10 and such, jusr curious what peoples thoughts are presently. Good to know. Also i jusr found out about taco's...i missed the fact they are repeatable...so i woulda thought your last statement was crazy until i educated and updated my knowledge on the game lol...havent played since 2012.

you are not the only one who thought that.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:47 PM
riiiiiight, I meant the Purple Calvaria set, It's a 10* unit. . . and are really expensive ._.

here http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/unit_5.php#calvaria

Jan 21, 2014, 09:48 PM
riiiiiight, I meant the Purple Calvaria set, It's a 10* unit. . . and are really expensive ._.

here http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/unit_5.php#calvaria

What's Up Wildarms

Jan 21, 2014, 09:51 PM
What's Up WildarmsI have no Idea who you are.

seriously, I don't ._.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:52 PM
riiiiiight, I meant the Purple Calvaria set, It's a 10* unit. . . and are really expensive ._.

here http://pso2.cirnopedia.info/unit_5.php#calvaria

...Calburn is expensive? Last time I checked, it was only 1.5m a piece. Dirt cheap.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:59 PM
3-5 mil for Calburn set is pretty good. That was doing way worse about 2-3 weeks ago at 2.5 mil each so you're definitely best buying now. Expensive would be the two-piece + off-piece setups that will probably run you 20-30 mil just on purchase alone.

Jan 21, 2014, 09:59 PM
I have no Idea who you are.

seriously, I don't ._.

does it matter? I just chose to say hello, that's all.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:00 PM
...Calburn is expensive? Last time I checked, it was only 1.5m a piece. Dirt cheap.would be great If I had a 9 digit meseta count in my bank, apparently no. I do TAs but I also craft while I'm at it, so TA money gone.

pls, do consider not all of us boasts 9 digit meseta. like you ._.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:04 PM
I guess I can't complain too much. I've gotten all my gear across all classes to a satisfactory point so my money doesn't disappear the instant I get it anymore. It's just two unit sets (both nearly ready to go) and GM and I can build up money for a good while then.

Rain Walker
Jan 21, 2014, 10:33 PM
How do i see the built-in DEX from weapons which i will lose after crafting?

Jan 21, 2014, 10:35 PM
You don't.

I'm pretty sure that all 7*+ rares have the same bonus, though, save for the red weapons which instead have a penalty.

Rain Walker
Jan 21, 2014, 10:39 PM
You don't.

I'm pretty sure that all 7*+ rares have the same bonus, though, save for the red weapons which instead have a penalty.

If that's the case any range? ^^;

Jan 21, 2014, 10:44 PM
It's reportedly not a dex bonus, but a minimum damage cap (relative to your maximum damage, i.e. let's say you won't hit below 90% crit damage). This value can be surpassed by dex if you have enough, up to 95% of your maximum damage.

The difference is significant because your dex only matters if you pass the weapon's set minimum damage - it could be zero and you'd still have stable damage because of the weapon's fixed minimum damage stat.

When you extend your weapon suddenly the fixed minimum damage is gone, leaving only your dex.

Jan 21, 2014, 10:46 PM
is it betterm when crafting, to try to achieve consecutive great successes through each extension level? rather than just extending it straight up?

Jan 21, 2014, 10:51 PM
Until crafting gets any updates, increasing your extend level simply sets the base atk stat higher than the previous level's stat. It has no effects (as far as I know) on getting great successes. Because great success equip conditions are removed after another extend, it's better just to get to the level you want and re-extend from there.

What I do with 1-3*'s is get to level 10 (no rubiards/saphiards required at this specific extend level) and keep repeat extending at the same level for great successes. That way it's only slightly under par and a bit more manageable to attempt multiclassing. If you're leveling a lowbie, then just increase it to the maximum atk stat your class is capable of reaching at that level.

Evangelion X.XX
Jan 21, 2014, 11:16 PM
Started leveling up RA after I capped GU last week (nothing else to do; already capped BR, FI, HU, GU). And also, tbh, I would like to add that I am by no means an experienced RA player.

My RA is Lv. 52 atm with HU Lv. 65 subbed, I am using half-assed affixed Calburn Units (all with only Mizer + Shoot III affixes), a 10* Latria Rain (Mizer + Shoot III), and a PURE R-ATK mag. Therefore I understand, that I'm not exactly super-geared up and therefore my DPS may be a quite low. I do have the cookie-cutter builds, however, meaning that only the left sides of the RA and HU trees are filled.

After playing on SH for a while, I'm a little disheartened that I have found RA/HU to be stark-ingly weak, inefficient, or slow compared to the other classes. I confess that I do not have Lv. 16 Impact Slider nor Lv. 16 Parallel Slider atm, and perhaps this is the primary reason why.

Quite honestly, I feel that Launchers are "worthless" (too goddamn slow) and that to be an efficient RA, one should probably only utilize a Good AR (probably Arao Cylinder for Zero Effort) with some good Lv. 16 PA disks, and a good Gunslash with Lv. 16 Additional Bullet/Thrillplosion for mobbing.

Is my assessment somewhat on the mark? Or is it not... in order to be a somewhat efficient RA?

I want to be useful, not just because of WB, but because I can actually take out some enemies as well. Furthermore, I have found soloing with RA/HU to be a pain... without a Gunslash for mobbing.

Jan 21, 2014, 11:18 PM
Ranger's always been the class I had the most trouble with. If you aren't hitting weak spots, you're not doing damage.

Jan 21, 2014, 11:40 PM
Launchers used to dominate extremely hard in VH where landing Cluster Bullet was a lot more manageable due to slower enemy speeds. Near-guaranteed headshots for 10k+ damage one-shotted 95% of enemies in VH making RA/HU crazy awesome. With SH enemies making a mad dash up to you and out of CB's comfortable range, you're more dependent on Rodeo Drive and well-placed Divine Launchers to reap bigger damage. For this reason alone, AB on Gunslashes tend to outclass launchers now. They definitely have their uses still (Rodeo is still amazing, Crazy Smash 16 is quite strong and still the only PA in the game that can interrupt certain enemies, Flame Bullet 16 is supposedly nice), but AB on RA/HU is just extremely powerful and useful.

Jan 22, 2014, 12:28 AM
to be a somewhat efficient RA without Impact Slider 16. . .

master the ways of using the Homing Emission. . . basically, charge 5 shots and get close enough in range and fire those 5 bullets in one spot. so WB --> HE--> charge 5 shots get in range and boom. another Mobbing tool which is more useful (and more damaging) is Diffuse shell 16.

WB + Rodeo Drive also makes good boss killing PA on certain bosses. (Bal Rodos, especially him)

otherwise, WB + Homing Emission.

Jan 22, 2014, 01:38 AM
That RA info is incredibly helpful- now I don't have to pester people in game.

So besides the AC scratch update, what else is coming? If at all anyway. Or are we still getting the same EQs? No complaints from me, mind you- just wanting to know.

Jan 22, 2014, 01:39 AM
The Coast LQ is coming as well.

Yay farming.

Jan 22, 2014, 01:41 AM
Which, if rare Technic discs are easily findable, will smash the price of T-ATK PA fragments.

Good bye profits, hello dirt cheap customization.

Jan 22, 2014, 01:44 AM
Ah, excellent then. At least we'll see some people crawl out of the woodwork. Thanks guys.

Jan 22, 2014, 01:45 AM
Yeah, 5k per craft is worth doing even the useless ones.

Jan 22, 2014, 02:14 AM
Is the beach limited quest today?

Jan 22, 2014, 05:33 AM
IS there anyway to bind quick weapon switching to a key I can use rather than the numb pad? I want to be able to switch weapons instantly but using the number pad is just silly..

Jan 22, 2014, 05:35 AM
Your other 2 options are: 1) 1-0, 2)F1-F10

Jan 22, 2014, 05:39 AM
Your other 2 options are: 1) 1-0, 2)F1-F10

but then I can't use my subpalette... I don't know why they don't just let us use normal key rebinding like 99% of other games out there.

So basically if I want to play the most efficient way I can DPS wise, I have to forgo instant healing if I get into trouble and take my hand off my mouse or WASD and hit a button in an awkward place. Smart logic Sega as always.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:41 AM
The locations of the buttons swap, so if you put weapon switch on 1-0, subpalette is on the numpad.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:43 AM
The locations of the buttons swap, so if you put weapon switch on 1-0, subpalette is on the numpad.

I know that and that's just awkward because then my healing items and skills are then moved to the number pad which is dumb because it would require me to take my hand off my mouse to press the keys if I need to heal or use an ability.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:47 AM
You can just bind weapon switching to 1-10 and subpalette to F1-F10.

Stop complaining. This isn't a fundamentally problematic game design.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:54 AM
You can just bind weapon switching to 1-10 and subpalette to F1-F10.

Stop complaining. This isn't a fundamentally problematic game design.

Well it is very awkward having to take my hand off WASD/shift to press F1-10 when I don't have humongous hands.

Also a side note, what's so hard about normal key rebinding rather than having pre-sets to pick from. To me that is problematic game design.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:05 AM
Well it is very awkward having to take my hand off WASD/shift to press F1-10 when I don't have humongous hands.

I don't really see a problem here. You're only going to use the items on subpalette in either 1/ you've finished killing a certain wave of enemies 2/ you decide to renew your stances or use a mate after that. Moon can be selected and used by the B or whatever key so you shouldn't have any problems reaching it.

Unless you're a Force/Techer. Which if you are you're going to use techniques from subpalettes frequently, then I can see a problem. But if that's the case you can just use Mouse 3 to select a weapon, because it's not like Forces need to quad dash or whatever, right?

Jan 22, 2014, 06:12 AM
*EDIT* Disregard this. was simply being trolled by captcha boss.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:39 AM
where can i get the pilot emergency trial the fastest?

Jan 22, 2014, 06:50 AM
where can i get the pilot emergency trial the fastest?

The seventh story quest has a guaranteed occurrence of it.

Alternatively, there's a decent chance of it showing up on the first map of the second desert ARKS quest.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:52 AM
i'll spam the second desert ARKS quest then, thanks

Jan 22, 2014, 06:54 AM
where can i get the pilot emergency trial the fastest?

I think it spawns anywhere with the same probability. If anything, you can run F. Cont because I run it the most and I get it there pretty often.

Jan 22, 2014, 07:10 AM
What is 装備条件緩和+10% used for exactly?

Jan 22, 2014, 07:27 AM
where are the ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop ?
The regular fun shop does not have the items listed below.

ブラックテンガロンハット Black Ten Gallon Hat (3000 FUN)
錠前ネックレス Lock Necklace (3000 FUN)
ホワイトフォックステイル White Fox Tail (3000 FUN)
バレットベルト Bullet Belt (3000 FUN)
小悪魔ヘッド Demon Wing Head (3000 FUN)
ラッピーチュチュ Rappy Tutu (500 FUN)
抱っこラッピー Carry Me Rappy (500 FUN)
セガサターンマスク Sega Saturn Mask (500 FUN)
ドリームキャストマスク Dreamcast Mask (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション01(/la liveit) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション02 (/la deny) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション04 (/la happy) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション17 (/la bed2) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション39 (/la clight1) (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション40(/la clight2) (500 FUN)

Jan 22, 2014, 07:42 AM
where are the ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop ?
The regular fun shop does not have the items listed below.

ブラックテンガロンハット Black Ten Gallon Hat (3000 FUN)
錠前ネックレス Lock Necklace (3000 FUN)
ホワイトフォックステイル White Fox Tail (3000 FUN)
バレットベルト Bullet Belt (3000 FUN)
小悪魔ヘッド Demon Wing Head (3000 FUN)
ラッピーチュチュ Rappy Tutu (500 FUN)
抱っこラッピー Carry Me Rappy (500 FUN)
セガサターンマスク Sega Saturn Mask (500 FUN)
ドリームキャストマスク Dreamcast Mask (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション01(/la liveit) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション02 (/la deny) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション04 (/la happy) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション17 (/la bed2) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション39 (/la clight1) (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション40(/la clight2) (500 FUN)

Look for the NPC Xie in the upper section of the shop lobby. She's at the center of the plaza there and holds all of the listed items for a limited time.

Jan 22, 2014, 07:46 AM
where are the ARKS Unity Festival FUN Shop ?
The regular fun shop does not have the items listed below.

ブラックテンガロンハット Black Ten Gallon Hat (3000 FUN)
錠前ネックレス Lock Necklace (3000 FUN)
ホワイトフォックステイル White Fox Tail (3000 FUN)
バレットベルト Bullet Belt (3000 FUN)
小悪魔ヘッド Demon Wing Head (3000 FUN)
ラッピーチュチュ Rappy Tutu (500 FUN)
抱っこラッピー Carry Me Rappy (500 FUN)
セガサターンマスク Sega Saturn Mask (500 FUN)
ドリームキャストマスク Dreamcast Mask (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション01(/la liveit) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション02 (/la deny) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション04 (/la happy) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション17 (/la bed2) (6000 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション39 (/la clight1) (500 FUN)
追加ロビーアクション40(/la clight2) (500 FUN)

Talk to Xie and select the second option

For tech crafting some of them give increased range. Does this mean the maximum distance from which I can use the tech, or the range of the area of effect?

Also, what braver skills would be recommended for a FO/BR? I've already gotten weak stance, weak stance up, weak stance charge, and just reversal and I have no idea what else to learn...

Jan 22, 2014, 08:34 AM
Anyone else find the twin machine gun wing camo hit sound effect particularly grating?

Jan 22, 2014, 08:50 AM
Anyone else find the twin machine gun wing camo hit sound effect particularly grating?

Messed up model and annoying sound. 10/10 camo

Jan 22, 2014, 08:52 AM
at least it's pretty nice looking when sheathed for me ^^; I liked it when I use them to run around in the lobby ^^;

Still can't beat Yash2000 in term of looks and sound effect (at least for me) ^^;

Jan 22, 2014, 08:55 AM
Messed up model?
The backwards bug in the preview?
Or is there something else wrong with it?

Jan 22, 2014, 08:59 AM
Any guide for the bingo card yet?

Messed up model and annoying sound. 10/10 camo

I actually like the sound. It sounds better than normal tmg sound. Its bug but when you buy it looks just as advertised before the update.

Jan 22, 2014, 09:00 AM
I felt it weird .... on ...... the hands (especially on fingers) and sound effect ==" Well, I used tmg so I can hear a gun sound effect .... so yeah, sound effect is weird for me ^^; But still, a change sometime is good .... As long as I don't focus on the hands, I can probably bear with it sometime ^^;

Dunno about Fleur.

Dark Ace
Jan 22, 2014, 10:38 AM
If you are using any exp boost does that count for the little Emergency quest that randomly occur in missions like the mining things/mini bosses? just wondering if i should use my boost to level faster or just profit off them

Jan 22, 2014, 11:25 AM
Any guide for the bingo card yet?

I actually like the sound. It sounds better than normal tmg sound. Its bug but when you buy it looks just as advertised before the update.

There is a section that says expand bingo after the rewards. :)

Jan 22, 2014, 12:13 PM
What's 2nd x ie co?

Jan 22, 2014, 12:23 PM
What's 2nd x ie co?

Look's like emergency trial where Quna shows up.

http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%82%AF%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%82%A2%E3% 83%B3%E3%83%88%E3%82%AA%E3%83%BC%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC %2F%E3%82%B7%E3%83%BC

Jan 22, 2014, 12:30 PM
And thats in new lq?

Jan 22, 2014, 12:47 PM


Jan 22, 2014, 04:37 PM
What unit set would be better for Techer/Fighter? Prim, Bibras, or something else? Prim seems very nice, but I'm concerned about the lack of striking resistance on it.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:10 PM
Dark Ace > they don't but some quests have rare bosses etc which are worth quite a lot.
Sunday (sunday in japan so mind the time difference) the AQ will be boosted again so you can get up to 700K exp with a single Tagami (or 330k with a boosted draal, for instance). That is quite a lot of exp.

Lorne > to be pretty honest with you I don't think anything else than the Excube sets are needed. Bibras are rather new which means that by definition they might be a very good choice. The Uranos Set, the Carbunkle Set and the Folly Set would be good choices too, but those are insanely expensive.
If you don't mind going for a straighgt atk bonus, the fobi set (used with a dio weapon) is quite powerful but I guess the community is split on it.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:33 PM
What unit set would be better for Techer/Fighter? Prim, Bibras, or something else? Prim seems very nice, but I'm concerned about the lack of striking resistance on it.

Primula works fine for me as a TE/FI.

If you're really worried about defense and striking resists, you can just pick up a Foli set and pair it with one of the single-piece arm units, since unlike TE/HU, TE/FI can get away with concentrating mostly on T-ATK. High PP is a must for hybrid TE/FI, though, so I personally wouldn't go with Vibras unless you were planning on tossing a ton of PP boosting affixes on each unit.

Jan 22, 2014, 05:43 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'll probably go with the Prim set, then. What kind of affixes do you recommend? I'm thinking Ringa Soul + Technique III, but I'm not sure whether to go with Stamina Boosts or Spirita Boosts. You say high PP is a must, but how much PP exactly should I be aiming for?

Jan 22, 2014, 05:49 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'll probably go with the Prim set, then. What kind of affixes do you recommend? I'm thinking Ringa Soul + Technique III, but I'm not sure whether to go with Stamina Boosts or Spirita Boosts. You say high PP is a must, but how much PP exactly should I be aiming for?

I keep around 150 PP. There are times where you'll absolutely need to sustain teching chains, so getting it as high as possible is important. Ringa Soul is HP-based as opposed to Malluda Soul, and Prim also has a high bonus per piece, so I wouldn't bother with Stamina Boosts.

I mean, your survivability suffers, but it's not like melee/hybrid TE has great survivability in the first place, so your only real option is just to dodge well.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:03 PM
Well since Prim doesn't have Strike Res, you could go with crafting any unit with 60 S/T-Atk, such as the 10* boss sets, or the 9* version of Prim (Bloom) and get pretty much the same thing.

The 11* unit sets have 90 All Atk for their set bonus and have Strike Res, but if you don't like the other stats you can of course extend them.

Not much else other than the typical T-Atk stuff for Force mains.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:48 PM
What is that message you get when you +10 a weapon? Something about an item and +10%.

Jan 22, 2014, 06:58 PM
You receive +10% affix boosters.

Jan 22, 2014, 07:56 PM
Edit: I checked the Friend Partner Na Foie thing.
They used to throw the ball at enemies.
Now they just dump it straight on the floor.
The ball can still hit enemies directly in front of them.

Also, I'd like to ask about the Large Twin Ribbon and the Lufter Twin Tail combined.
Does anyone know if the ribbons clip through the start of the twin tails?
Edit: Never mind, I'm pretty sure it'll clip like crazy.

Jan 23, 2014, 07:30 AM
Been away form game for a long time. Getting back into the swing of things. Was looking for tree build guides. With the level cap 65. Have a lot of sp to go places. Plus heard major changes for Gunner. Thanks :)

Jan 23, 2014, 01:41 PM
So to confirm which techs have a less than or equal to 50% damage reduction uncharged (i.e. are worth using with Elysion), we have Sazan, Nabarta and Sazonde. Anything else I'm missing?

Jan 23, 2014, 03:10 PM
What is the best place to use Tri-boosters/250% rare drop boosters?

Jan 23, 2014, 03:17 PM
250s: XQ, TD, limited EQs.
100% tri: XQ (these are less plentiful so it's better to use them sparingly for something like stone farming in XQ), AQ (if you want to yolo them during an AQ boost cross burst for massive EXPs)

Jan 23, 2014, 03:49 PM
Is there Music disc for the song Quna sings to Hadred for my Room? If so, anyone know what it's called?

Jan 23, 2014, 05:41 PM
^Iirc, the music disc isn't available (yet), but there is a Room Item that can play a different version of that song, and is obtainable from the newest Bingo Card.

And the song title is 'Eien no Encore'.

Jan 23, 2014, 06:31 PM
Been away form game for a long time. Getting back into the swing of things. Was looking for tree build guides. With the level cap 65. Have a lot of sp to go places. Plus heard major changes for Gunner. Thanks :)

I recommend:
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?06eIbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIkbnIk0lbI nqnGKsN6JiGA000007b000009b000000lb2QHScFbAfGAgBbp0 000ib000000lb0000000Ib000008

If you don't like Chain Trigger you can put those 6 points elsewhere.
You don't need Rare Mastery if you're going to use an extended weapon.

Then you just flip, do a regular attack in mid-flip, then "just attack" Infinity Fire while running into enemies' faces for maximum damage (tap the PA button for more shots).
Messiah Time at point blank for more static enemies (also tap for more shots).
Heel Stab for quick sprays and kicks (charge it for more attacks).
Always flip before you do the PA, or else you won't get the 200% damage bonus.

Jan 23, 2014, 06:34 PM
^Iirc, the music disc isn't available (yet), but there is a Room Item that can play a different version of that song, and is obtainable from the newest Bingo Card.

And the song title is 'Eien no Encore'.

Yeah, that Bingo item is actually what got me wondering. Oh well.

Jan 23, 2014, 09:12 PM
So to confirm which techs have a less than or equal to 50% damage reduction uncharged (i.e. are worth using with Elysion), we have Sazan, Nabarta and Sazonde. Anything else I'm missing?

Namegido is great with Elysion, because you only need to charge it for about one second, compared to the normal 5 seconds. The DPS is much better, especially if you consider that most bosses don't even survive more than 5 seconds to use a fully charged Namegido on in the first place.

The other wind techs share the same 50% damage reduction as Sazan, but Sazan is OP as fuck so you probably won't use them much.

I suggest having Sazan and Nabarta on the same weapon. You should use Sazan whenever possible, and Just Attack into Nabarta if you need to dodge some slow attacks. Then Just Attack back into Sazan as soon as you can.

Jan 23, 2014, 09:17 PM
Is everyone using customized NaBarta for a quick freeze now?

Jan 23, 2014, 09:30 PM
Ra Barta isn't much worse then Na Barta for freezing the three enemies you'd want to bother with it against, moreso with its customization giving it extra hits. Plus it's only more PP efficient if you fail to get a freeze within three Ra Bartas, which is pretty unlikely.

Na Barta also has one of the few power customizations that's actually worth using.

Jan 23, 2014, 09:35 PM
Is everyone using customized NaBarta for a quick freeze now?

I went with the power recipe. With a good customization result, it's roughly a 20% damage increase.