Guides - PSO-World Site History

PSO-World Site History
To celebrate PSO-World's 5th Anniversary, this site history has been created. It is not intended to be an exhaustive site history. Instead, it will cover the highlights of the site's history. Since the site's history is tied to Phantasy Star Online's history, this guide will also cover major events from PSO. The guide is broken down by year. Within each year, there will be a monthly summary of events. You can jump to the section you wish to read by clicking on the appropriate link.
Also, you can look over selected memorable threads and PSO-World trivia by clicking on the appropriate link:
In late 2000, two brothers decided to import the Japanese version of Phantasy Star Online (PSO). They were blown away by the game and became instantly addicted to it. When they went online to see if there were any PSO fansites, they were surprised to learn there were none. Knowing that PSO would be released in the United States soon and that it would probably be a big hit, the two brothers knew they had an opportunity.

After a lot of work, PSO-World opened in early 2001 at It was created by Gideon and Tomeeboy. When it first opened, PSO-World was relatively small (when compared with today's version of the website). It featured a front page news section, forums, and item database.  The first news post was made on January 7th. On January 11th, users could register accounts to post on the forums. The first person to register an account was Genius. Tomeeboy and Gideon followed after that. Users were able to post in the following forums: General, Trade, Tech Support, Cheaters, Player Matchup, Site Related, Quests, Mags, and Off Topic - Mags and Quests were separate forums back in those days.

January 2001 was an important formative period for the site. Several major news stories were run on the front page. These stories included: announcement of a PSO Soundtrack, release of codes to unlock additional costumes, the uncertainty of whether PSO would be compatible with the broadband adapter, a delay in the EU release date, and  rumors of an Append Disc . Also,  a large number of new features were added to the site, including: MAG FAQ, Section ID Calculator,  and Community Center. During the middle of the month, the site was moved to   Phantasy Star Online was finally released in the United States on January 31st, the same day that Sega announced it would soon be stopping development work on the Dreamcast.

When Phantasy Star Online was released, it received several excellent reviews and proved to be an instant hit. In February, people were able to enjoy discovering the loading sparkle, hidden Ruins area, and online Valentine Event for the first time. Puck 9 was soon designated to be the official ship for PSO-World users. It was also during this time that the first cheat codes for the game were released. Other less serious tricks, such as the walk-through-door trick, were discovered as well. Version 2 was officially announced. The EU version of the game was released on the 23rd. proved to be so popular, that it was easily exceeding its bandwidth allotment. To help offset the additional expenses, the first advertisements were added. Additionally, Yue joined the PSO-World team and provided some of the first articles for the Articles Section. The first Fan Art Contest also started up during this time period.

As March rolled around, the site was ready to celebrate its first full month anniversary. Since the creation of the site, 1,428 members had registered, 10,256 posts were made, and there were over 1.2 million page views. Encouraged by these numbers, the site added a Java IRC client, Who Is Online Box,  and support for printer friendly articles. The voting gallery for the first Fan Art Contest went up as well. Unable to raise enough revenue through ads to support the site, PSO-World was forced to being employing Paypal and Amazon referral links. While this was going on, Sega started implementing anti-cheating measures, V2 was announced, confirmed for the United States, and the first confirmed case of player killing happened.

Early in April, PSO-World moved to the Gamespy network. Gamspy's servers were unable to handle the load though and the site had to remain on for a few more weeks. After that, things quieted down as Gideon became temporarily addicted to the PC game Black & White and Tomeeboy was kept busy by his job. However, the online scene marched on with the first Easter Event and a new online quest. Also, US players were shocked to learn about the announcement of the GC version of PSO and that Version 2 would be pay-to-play. At the end of June, the winners of the first Fan Art contest were announced. Version 2 was released in Japan on July 6th.

At the beginning of August, Tomeeboy and Gideon were interviewed by Gamespy. About a week after that, the site added a search function, user banning feature, and fixed a few bugs. It was during this time period that Sega decided to give cheaters a second chance by unbanning all banned players. This was shortly followed by a new permanent banning policy. Version 2's release date was also delayed until September 25th.

September proved to be a month for unfortunate endings. On September 1st, Seganet closed down. This was followed shortly by the announcement that the Gamecube and Dreamcast servers would not be linked. That decision was made because of the rampant hacking happening on Version 1.  However, this bad news paled in comparison to the horrific September 11th bombings. The only positive PSO events that happened during this month was a review of PC PSO, release of Version 2 in the United States,  and the release of three new quests: Maximum Attack, Today's Rate, and Sunset by the Secret Base.

As the year started to wind down, the XBox version of PSO was announcedMarch 18, 2002 was set to be the release date for GC PSO, and the PC PSO Demo was released. Also, online cheating became more problematic with the introduction of "NOLing" and the Fake Town Cheat. Sonic Team temporarily stopped these activities, but the cheaters found a way around it by the end of December. Even in spite of all of that, several new quests were released including Towards the Future and the Ultimate versions of Endless Nightmare and the item retrieval quests.

During 2001, AmbraiMistkerl_Zwo, and ragnarok became the site's first staff members. Ambrai later went on sabbatical and was replaced by Watashiwa. CastelakYue, Lynx, Godfree, and many others helped provide the site with content. IceBlink and Castelak became moderators in the early Fall. They were joined later by jazzyfox and Ayame. Due to the loss of forum messages from 2001, it is impossible to determine the starting dates for the first year's staff and what their exact contributions were.

Monthly Summary
November, 2000:
21 - Version 1 is Released in Japan - V1

7 - First  News Post and the Community Center is Opened - Site - Link
8 - Submit News Feature & Section ID Calculator are Added - Site - Link
11 - User-Selectable Header Images are Added - Site - Link
14 - Rumor that US PSO may not be BBA Ready Spread - V1 - Link
15 - New MAG FAQ section is Added - Site - Link
15 - PSO-World Moves to sometimes around this date
16 - Site Relocated to - Site - Link
18 - V1 US Release Date is Set - V1 - Link
20 - Extra Costume Codes are Revealed - V1 - Link
20 - New Quests are Added - V1 - Link
23 - PSO Soundtrack is Announced  - Site - Link
25 - EU Release Delayed - V1 - Link
25 - US BBA Controversy is Resolved - V1 - Link
29 - Version 1 is Released in the US - V1
29 - Rumors of a New Version of PSO - V2 - Link
30 - US Release Delayed for a Day - V1 - Link
31 - Sega Announces the End of the Dreamcast - Site - Link

5 - First PSO Valentine Event - V1 - Link
5 - Discovery of the Loading Sparkle - V1 - Link
8 - PSO Player Auctions Appear - V1 - Link
10 - First DC Codes - Infinite HP/TP/Items - V1 - Link
10 - First PSOW Fan Art Contest - Site - Link
11 - Mr. Okawa Gives Up His Stock Options - Site - Link
12 - Door Walkthrough Trick Appears - V1 - Link
12 - Puck 9 chosen as the Official PSOW ship - Site - Link
13 - News Submission Guidelines - Site - Link
14 - Lobby Animations are Discovered - V1 - Link
15 - Perfect Guide is Released - Site - Link
16 - Official Dreamcast Magazine Stops Printing - Site - Link
16 - Tekker Specialties are Discovered - V1 - Link
16 - Version 2 is Announced - V2 - Link
18 - Perfect Guide is Not So Perfect - Site - Link
18 - Sega's Anti-Cheating Crusade - V1 - Link
19 - Hidden Ruins Area is Discovered - V1 - Link
20 - PSO-World Advertisements Appear - Site - Link
20 - Yue Joins the PSO-World Team - Site - Link
22 - PSO Gamespy Article - Site - Link
23 - Version 1 is Released in EU - V1
24 - Endless Nightmare #3 is Added - V1 - Link
26 - Articles Section Opens Up - Site - Link
28 - Anti-Direct Linking Mode is Implemented - Site - Link

1 - PSOW's First Month Anniversary - Site - Link
2 - Chat System is Implemented - Site - Link
2 - Start Menu Trick is Discovered - V1 - Link
2 - Java IRC Client is Added - Site - Link
3 - End of Cheating is Near - V1 - Link
3 - Printer Friendly Articles and Items are Added - Site - Link
4 - Essential Links and WhoIsOnline Box are Added - Site - Link
8 – Cheaters are Stopped - V1 - Link
9 - There are 200,000 Users on PSO - V1 - Link
14 - Detailed Rumors of an Append Disc - V2 - Link
15 - V2 Official Announcement is Made - V2 - Link
16 - Isao Okawa Dies - Site - Link
18 - Paypal and Amazon links are Added to PSOW - Site - Link
19 - PSOW Fan Art Contest Voting Gallery Opens - Site - Link
20 - Version 2 is Confirmed for US - V2 - Link
23 - Sega Takes Another Anti-Duping Step - V1 - Link
23 - Version 2 EU Petition is Announced - V2 - Link
25 - Camera Trick is Discovered - V1 - Link
25 - Player Killing is Confirmed - V1 - Link
26 - PSO Cup is Restarted - V1 - Link

1 - Black & White Obsession - Site - Link
9 - First PSO Easter Event - V1 - Link
13 - JP Easter Quests are Announced - V1 - Link
14 - Version 2 is Delayed Until May 31 for JP - V2 - Link
28 - New Online Quest is Announced - V1 - Link

4 - Version 2 Site Update - V2 - Link
4 - V2 to Have Guild System for Battle Mode - V2 - Link
8 - V2 Set for July 10, 2001 Release - V2 - Link
8 - Fan Artist Contest Voting Ends and the Gamespy Server Move - Site - Link
17 - Episode 1&2 is Announced - GC - Link
30 - Will Version 2 be Pay- to-Play? - V2 - Link

30 - Winners of First PSOW Fan Artist Contest are Announced - Site - Link

6 - Version 2 is Released in Japan - V2

2 - PSOW in Gamespy Spotlight - Site - Link
10 - Banned Players are Unbanned - V1 - Link
10 - Site Updates: Banning System, Search Function, Bug Fixes - Site - Link
14 - Two New Classes for GC PSO - GC - Link
23 - V1/V2 Permanent Bans - V1/V2 - Link
25 - V2 Delayed Until Sept 25th - V2 - Link

1 - Seganet is Closed - Site - Link
8 - GC/DC Compatibility is Ruined - V2/GC - Link
11 - Terrorist Attacks - Site - Link
24 - Version 2 is Released in the US - V2
25 - PC PSO Review - PC - Link
25 - 3 New Quests are Released: Maximum Attack, Today's Rate, Sunset by the Secret Base - V2 - Link
28 - New Rares are Unbanned - V2 - Link
IceBlink and Castelak Become Moderators Sometime During this Period

12 - Episode 1&2 is Announced for XBox - XBox - Link
16 - NOLing is Confirmed - V1/V2 - Link
19 - New Sunset by the Base Quest is Announced - V2 - Link
23 - First Halloween Event is Announced - V1/V2 - Link
29 - Sunset By the Base Quest is Updated Again - V2 - Link

5 - Fake Town Cheat Appears - V1/V2 - Link
8 - Towards the Future and New Ult Versions of Endless Nightmare/Item Retrieval Quests are Announced - V2 - Link
13 - Sunbset by the Base Quest Updated Yet Again - V2 - Link
14 - Passworded Games are at Risk Again - V1/V2 - Link
16 - Towards the Future  is Unleashed - V2 - Link

5 - Online Cheating No Longer Works! - V1/V2 - Link
13 - PSOW Newsletter is Released - Site - Link
21 - PC PSO Demo is Released - PC - Link
27 - Episode 1&2 is Set to be Released on March 18, 2002 - GC - Link
27 - Online Cheating is Possible Again - V1/V2 - Link

2002 opened on a fairly quiet note. The only major events were the release of  the second Valentine Day's event and Soul of Steel. However, that all changed in March when eRUPT was made an assistant site administrator along-side Watashiwa. This event occurred shortly after the site experienced some forum and DNS problems. Other noteworthy news events for March include the opening of the #psow channel, the release of Version 2 in Europe on March 1st,  and announcement of the Phantasy Star Collection.

As Spring approached though, the PSO scene entered a brief lull. The last two quests, Gallon's Ambition and Rappy Holiday, were released for Version 2 and Episode 1&2 Gamecube Trial was released in Japan. In spite of this, new PSO merchandise was released that included Rappy Plushes and Character Statues. Several Episode 3 Card Battle models were shown at E3, but they were stolen. XBox Live was unveiled in mid-June. While this was going on, Gideon left to pursue other matters in life. Ayame, ragnarok, and jazzyfox also stepped down during this period.

In early July, Ambrai returned to help the existing site administrators, Watashiwa and eRUPT. Unfortunately, friction started to build up among the site's staff because of differences of opinion. After a failed take-over attempt, Ambrai's administrative powers were removed. The day before that happened, RBF2000 was appointed as a new moderator.  While all of this was happening, "scenic" lobbies for the Gamecube version of PSO were announced, along with the Episode 1 & 2 soundtrack.

Compared to July, August proved to be a calm month. The biggest news story that appeared was new information about Episode 2 enemies and non-playable characters. Also, there was a brief experiment with adding HP and TP bars to the forum.

September proved to be a pivotal month for the site. On the 20th, the removal of Watashiwa was announced and a new administration team was installed. This new team consisted of eRUPT, LollipopLolita, and Saladwood. Also, it was decided to appoint several new moderators including: Hikosaka (Fan Works Manager), Pixelate, ABDUR101, and RuneLateralus. After that, the new website team decided to do recruiting. The new content team was put in place by the end of the month. Beyond that, several new areas were added and existing areas updated.  Some of these additions included new AIM avatars, wallpapers, Screenshots Section, and a Mag Gallery. Additionally, Episode 1&2 was released in Japan on the 12th. Unfortunately, an item copying bug was discovered and Sonic Team decided to release a "fixed" version of the game.

October started off with an announcement of the "anticipated" release date and fees for the Episode 1&2 for the XBox in the United States. Besides that, much of the news was related to the impending release of Episode 1&2 for the Gamecube which included a press party. Gamers wondered whether a domestic keyboard was going to be released in time. Unfortunately, a keyboard was not available. The Gamecube version was finally released on the 29th. A couple of days before that happened, rumors started to surface about a new Phantasy Star game. While was covering these events, the site added two new forums, The Lounge (for new posters) and Fresh Kills Landfill (spam). Also, the site encouraged visitors to register so they could discuss the new game.

Activity on PSO-World picked up dramatically after the release of Episode 1&2 for the Gamecube. During November, the site added several new features including ten themes, Gamecube Mag and Character Stats guide, and Quiz section. Meanwhile, the site sponsored two game-related contests. The first contest entitled "Come Find Me" happened on November 16. The winners were announced on the front page. At the end of the month, the "Symbol Chat" contest started. As this was happening, several members from the site started weekly Soccer and Challenge Mode meetings. On the news front, Episode 1&2 for the XBox release date slipped to 2003, Reach for the Dream and Challenge 5/6 were released for the Gamecube, and Version 1.1 of Episode 1&2 was released in Japan.

Throughout December, the PSO-World staff worked hard to open up several new sections. These sections included Item Findings, the first PSOW showdown, Member Spotlight, and a Damage Calculator. In the first PSOW showdown, the Rag Rappy won a convincing victory over ABDUR101. The  Symbol Chat Content ended on the 15, but the "Rappy Hunt" one started a couple of days later. Also, weekly Battle Mode meetings started. The online scene proved to be eventful too with the Christmas event, release of the "Nights" quest, linking of the JP/US ships, and start of the New Years event. Finally, the release date for the EU version of Episode 1&2 for the Gamecube was announced and Castelak retired from the website staff.

Monthly Summary

11 - Valentines Day Event is Announced - V1/V2 - Link
11 - Female Only Quest and Soul of Steel are Announced - V2 - Link

3 - Version 2 is  Released in EU - V2 - Link
5 - Forum Problems - Site - Link
14 - DNS Problems - Site - Link
15 - eRUPT Joins the Administrator Team. New Forum Features are Announced - Site - Link
22 - The #psow IRC Channel is Opened - Site - Link
29 - Phantasy Star Collection is Announced for the GBA - Site - Link

3 - Rappy Plushes are Unveiled - Site - Link
13 - Gamecube Gameshark is Announced - Site - Link
18 - Episode 1&2 EU Release is Set for October 2002 - GC - Link
28 - PSO Character Statues are Unveiled - Site - Link

9 - Gallon's Ambition and Rappy Holiday are Announced - V2 - Link
21 - Episode 1&2 Release Date Set for Fall 2002 - Xbox - Link
30 - Card Battle Models are Stolen from E3 - Ep3 - Link
Episode 1&2 Trial Starts - GC

11 - XBox Live Press Conference is Held - Xbox - Link
20 - Ayame and Ragnarok Retire from the Site Staff - Site
27 - jazzyfox Retires from the Site Staff - Site

24 - RBF2000 Becomes a Moderator - Site
25 - Ambrai Launches a Failed Take-Over Bid - Site - Link
28 - Scenic Lobbies are Announced - GC - Link
29 - Episode 1 & 2 Soundtrack is Announces - Site - Link

11 - Episode1&2 NPC and Monster Information is Unveiled - GC - Link
21 - HP and TP Bars are Temporarily Added to the Site - Site - Link

12 - Episode 1&2 is Released in Japan - GC
19 - "Fixed" Version of  Episode 1&2 is Announced - GC - Link
20 - Watashiwa Steps Down as Admin and eRUPT, Saladwood, and LollipopLolita Become the New Admin Team - Site - Link
22 - Additional AIM Avatars are Added - Site - Link
23 - PSO-World  Begins a Recruiting Effort - Site - Link
23 - Additional PSO-World Wallpapers are Added - Site - Link
27 - Hikosaka, Pixelate, ABDUR101, and RuneLaterualus Become Moderators - Site - Link
28 - Screenshots Section Opens - Site - Link
30 - New PSOW Content Teams Announced - Site - Link
30 - Mag Gallery is Opened - Site - Link

9 - US Release Date and Fee Details - XBox - Link
13 - The Lounge and Fresh Kills Landfill are Created - Site
23 - PSO Press Party - Site - Link
27 - Rumors of a New Phantasy Star Game - Site - Link
28 - Confirmation There Will be no Domestic Keyboard for Episode 1&2 - GC - Link
29 - Episode 1&2 is Released in the US - GC
30 - PSO-World Encourages Guests to Create an Account - Site - Link

10 - Ten New Themes are Added - Site - Link
14 - Episode 1&2 is Listed as a 2003 Release - XBox - Link
15 - Reach for the Dream and C5/C6 are Released - GC - Link
16 - PSOW "Find Me" Contest Results are Posted - Site - Link
18 - Mag Guide, Mag Gallery, Character Stats, and Classes are Added - Site - Link
24 - PSOW Weekly Soccer and Challenge Mode Games Start - Site - Link
27 - Quiz Section Opens - Site - Link
30 - PSO-World's "Symbol Chat" Contest Starts - Site - Link
Version 1.1 of Episode 1&2 is Released in Japan - GC

1 - The Item Findings Section is Opened - Site - Link
3 - Christmas Decorations are Added - GC - Link
8 - Episode 1&2 EU Release Date is Set -  GC - Link
10 - Weekly PSOW Battle Mode Meetings are Announced - Site - Link
12 - PSOW Showdown, Interviews, Quizzes,  and Damage Calculator Sections are Added - Site - Link
14 - Reach for the Dream is Released - GC - Link
15 - PSO-World's "Symbol Chat" Contest Ends
15 - JP and US Ships are Linked - GC - Link
18 - Rappy Hunt Contest Starts - Site - Link
25 - Merry Christmas from PSO-World - Site - Link
29 - New Years Decorations are Released - GC - Link

January proved to be a busy month for the site. The Rappy Hunt contest came to an end and the Beastiary was remade. Later in the month, the Mag Farmer event started and ended. Meanwhile, Episode 1&2 was released in Europe on January 7th, just in time for the the Famtisu Cup. The Famitsu Cup was a Maximum Attack 1-themed quest with numerous mini-events. Also, Sonic Team "fixed" an online duping bug by implementing a double-save feature. Unfortunately, this lead to many character corruptions.

Early in February, the rest of Episode 1 Challenge Mode was released for Episode 1&2 on the Gamecube. However, Sonic Team forgot to remove the restriction on S-Ranks being banned weapons on US ships. This minor oversight was fixed a couple of days later. Additionally, a Valentines Day quest was released. To celebrate the mood of the season, PSO-World held a Valentines Event. At the end of the month, a new contest called "PSOW Face Off" started.

Due to the increase in forum traffic, PSO-World brought DJ_Dan on as a moderator on March 6th. The PSOW Face Off Contest came to an end on the 24th. Sonic Team released several quests for Episode 1&2 on Gamecube including: Principal's Present, Mop Up 1&2, Endless Nightmare 1&2, and White Day.

On April 15th, Episode 1&2 was released in the United States for the XBox and an official site block was chosen. Shortly after that, Central Dome Fire Swirl was released on the XBox. Also, several Battle Mode quests, Seat of the Heart, and the Easter Event were put up for the Game Cube version. As the month started to wind down, PSO-World's completed its Item Findings section and started the "Strike a Pose" contest.

May started off with the announcement of Episode 3.This was followed by the release of Episode 1&2 in Europe for the XBox and the unveiling of the English version of Minhiro. While this was happening, East Tower was released on the Gamecube while the Japanese XBox version of Episode 1&2 and PC version of the game received content updates. During this time period, the 500,000th post was made on PSO-World.

In early June, PSO-World was able to complete its Finding List and brought Prof_Frink on to help moderate the forums. On the contest front, the "Strike a Post" event ended and the "Fan Fiction Challenge" started. In the meantime, Sonic Team announced a beta for Episode 3 and the shutdown of Dreamcast servers for all games besides PSO. Also, West Tower and the Wedding Lobby Theme were released.

To combat cheating on the XBox versions of PSO, a mandatory patch was released in early July. Additionally, it was announced that Gamecube Episode 1&2 Hunter Licences would carry over to Episode 3. The Episode 3 Trial started shortly after that. Lost Soul Blade was released for Episode 1&2 on the Gamecue. PSO-World added a camera during this time period. Guntz348 was brought on as a moderator when Pixelate retired.

At the start of August, PSOW's "Fan Fiction Challenge" event finally concluded. It was followed by two Episode 3 Trial Raffles. When IceBlink retired, Bit joined the staff. Also, an Episode 3 forum was opened and a new quiz was added.  Electronic Gaming Montly listed PSO-World as a "Must Hit" website. While this was happening, the mandatory XBox patch was released in the Europe, the Sega Cup was being held on the Episode 3 Trial, and it was announced that the US PSO Dreamcast servers would be shutdown. Finally, Resting at the Beach was released for Episode1&2 on the Gamecube.

Sonic Team kicked off September by announcing PSO Plus (the expansion to Episode 1&2) and Japanese release date for Episode 3. PSO-World opened its Team Center and was mentioned in NGC Magazine. A petition was organized to try to save the US Dreamcast servers. Meanwhile, Labryinthine Trial and Today's Rate were announced for Episode 1&2 on Gamecube. At the end of the month, Sonic Team announced Episode 2 Challenge Mode, the shutdown of the PC servers, and mentioned a new PC version of Episode 1&2.

Over the next two months, the US PSO Dreamcast servers were formally shutdown and several Episode 3-related items were shown. Towards the Future, Gallon's Treachery, and Rappy's Holiday were released for Episode 1&2 on the Gamecube. On November 18th, Episode 3, Episode 1&2 Plus, and the PSO Trilogy pack went on sale in Japan.

December started off with the announcement of new Episode 3 content for PSO-World. With RBF2000's retirement, it was decided to bring Dhylec, Link00Seven, and Rena-ko on to the site's staff. The site also decided to hold a new contest named "Stickman Assault." Also, Episode 3 and PSO Plus were announced for the United States. Finally, Episode 2 Challenge 1 was released for the Gamecube and the Episode 1&2 Version 1.0 servers were taken down.

Monthly Summary

2 - "Rappy Hunt" Contest Ends
6 - GC Snapshot Download Tool  - Site - Link
8 - Famitsu Cup 2nd Stage Event  - GC - Link
8 - PAL  Episode 1&2 Release Date is Announced - 3/7/2003 - GC - Link
11 - Mag Farmer Contest - Site - Link
16 - Famitsu Marriage Mini-Event - GC - Link
23 - Online Duping "Fixed" - GC - Link
24 - Mag Farmer Tool is Released - Site - Link
25 - PSOW's Beastiary is Remade - Site - Link
25 - Famitsu Cup hits 100 million - GC - Link
26 - Character Corruptions from Double Save - GC - Link
31 - Sega Works on a Fix for FSOD Corruption Problems - GC - Link
31 - Mag Farmer Contest Ends - Site
Episode 1&2 is Released in Japan in Q1 - XBox

4 - Valentines Day Quest & C7/8/9 are Released - GC - Link
4 - New Rappy Plushes - Site - Link
9 - "Illegal" S-Ranks lead to Bannings - GC - Link
10 - PSOW Valentine Event Starts - Site - Link
11 - PSOW Database Problems - Site - Link
11 - Gashapon Figures Released - Site - Link
12 - No More S-Rank Bannings - GC - Link
12 - Ice Spinner, BA2/3, and C2/3/4 are Announced - Xbox - Link
13 - Stat Bugs Found in Challenge Mode - GC - Link
14 - SEGA & Sammy Merger - Site - Link
14 - PSOW Valentine Event Ends - Site
23 - PSOW Face Off Contest Starts - Site - Link
24 - Keyboard Adapter Sells Out in 9 minutes - GC - Link

5 - Emergency PSO Server Issue - GC - Link
6 - DJ_Dan Becomes a Moderator - Site
7 - Principal's Present, Mop Up 1&2, Endless Nightmare 1&2, White Day are Announced - GC - Link
8 - Episode 1&2 Delayed Again - XBox - Link
13 - PowerBoard Keyboard Announcement - GC - Link
16 - Forum Corruption - Site - Link
24 - PSOW Face Off Contest Ends - Site

1 - Spring Lobbies are Up - GC - Link
5 - April 22 Release Date - XBox - Link
5 - #PSOW Rules are Announced - Site - Link
11 - Microsoft on Pay to Play - XBox - Link
11 - BA 4, 5, & 6 are Announced - GC - Link
15 - Episode 1&2 is Released in the US - XBox
16 - Ship Names and Official Site Block - XBox/Site - Link
16 - Central Dome Fire Quest is Announced - XBox - Link
23 - PSOW Strike a Pose Contest Starts - Site - Link
29 - Seat of the Heart is Announced - GC - Link
30 - Item Findings are Completed - Site - Link

8 - Episode III is Announced - Ep3 - Link
8 - English Minhiro is Unveiled - GC - Link
22 - Challenge Mode Friday Nights are Restarted - Site - Link
23 - Episode 1&2 is Released in the EU - XBox
24 - The 500,000th Post is Made on - Site
24 - Mop Up #4 and Endless Nightmare #4  Are Released - PC - Link
26 - Episode 1&2 Maps Completed - Site - Link
27 - East Tower Released - GC - Link
29 - BA4/5/6 and C7/8/9 are Released, update to Gallon's - JP PSOX - Link

4 - Findings List Completed - Site - Link
5 - Prof_Frink becomes a Moderator - Site - Link
5 - PSOW Strike A Post Contest Ends - Site
5 - Episode 3 Beta Announced - Ep3 - Link
12 - All Online Games Except for PSO are Disconnected - DC - Link
13 - Wedding Lobby is Released - GC/XBox - Link
23 - Towards the Future is Released - PC - Link
24 - West Tower is Released - GC - Link
24 - Episode 3 will not be the last PSO game - Site - Link
24 - Episode 3 Beta Starts - Ep3
26 - Endless Nightmare #1&2 and Mop Up #1&2 are Released - JP PSOX - Link
30 - PSOW Fan Fiction Challenge Contest Starts - Site - Link

3 - Mandatory Patch Released - XBox - Link
5 - PSOW Camera is Announced - Site - Link
9 - Hunter Licenses Will Carry Over to Episode 3 - Ep3 - Link
17 - Lost Soul Blade is Announced - GC - Link
24 - Episode 3 Trial Starts - Ep3 - Link
28 - Guntz348 Becomes a Moderator, Pixelate Retires - Site

1 - EU  Patch Released - XBox - Link
7 - PSOW Fan Fiction Challenge Contest Ends - Site
10 - First PSOW Episode 3 Raffle Starts - Site - Link
15 - First Episode 3 Raffle Ends. Second Raffle Starts - Site
15 - Which Boss Are You? Quiz is Put Up - Site - Link
19 - Bit becomes a moderator, IceBlink retires - Site - Link
19 - Episode 3 Forum Opened - Site - Link
20 - Second Episode 3 Raffle Ends - Site
22 - Sega Cup for Episode 3 - Ep3 - Link
26 - Resting at the Beach is Released - GC - Link
28 - US Server Shutdown Announcement - DC - Link
PSO-World is Listed as a "Must Hit" Website in Electronic Gaming Monthly - Site - Link

2 - PSO Plus Announced - Plus - Link
2 - Episode 3 JP Release Date Announced - Ep3 - Link
2 - Team Center Opens - Site - Link
8 - Save DC PSO Petition - DC - Link
16 - Episode 3 Trial Ends - Ep3 - Link
16 - Labyrinthine Trial and Today's Rate are Announced - GC - Link
28 - PSO-World is mentioned in NGC Magazine - Site - Link
28 - Episode 2 Quests/Cmode, PC V2 Ending, and New PC Version are Announced - GC/PC/BB - Link

2 - US PSO Servers Shutdown - DC - Link
5 - Episode 3 News - Ep3 - Link
14 - Towards the Future & Gallon's Treachery are Released - GC PSO - Link
23 - Episode 3 Memory Card, Keyboard, and Jukebox are Announced - Ep3 - Link

14 - Rappy's Holiday is Announced - GC - Link
18 - New Episode 3 Goodies - Ep3 - Link
18 - No More Double Save! - GC - Link
18 - Episode 3, Episode 1&2 Plus, and PSO Trilogy Go on Sale in Japan - Ep3/Plus/GC - Link

5 - New Episode 3 Content for PSOW - Site - Link
12 - Ep2C1 is Released - GC - Link
12 - Episode 1&2 JP V1.0 Servers Go Down - GC - Link
13 - link00seven, Rena-ko, and Dhylec Become Moderators, RBF2000 Retires - Site - Link
24 - Episode 3 and PSO Plus are Announced for the the US - Ep3/Plus - Link
26 - PSOW Stickman Assault Starts - Site - Link

The early portion of 2004 proved to be a quiet time for PSO-World. Content continued to be added to the site, but websites activities slowed down as the administrators had to tend to real-life affairs. Nevertheless, the PSO news scene marched on with the announcements of Episode 1&2 for the PC, shutdown of the  Version 2 PC servers, and US Episode 3 release date.  Additionally, the Famitsu and Dengeki Cups were held on Episode 3, along with the first Card Revolution.

As Spring approached, M_Blackhawk was made PSOW's new Fan Community Manager when Hikosaka and DJ_Dan decided to retire. While this was happening, several new quests were released for Episode 1&2 on the Gamecube including Blue Star Memories, Anticipation of the future, Bullet of Future Assassin, and Episode 2 Challenge 4. Episode 3 was released in the US on March 3rd. This was followed by the release of two Dengeki Cup quests and Kid's Soul for Japanese version of Episode 3. Finally, a closed beta was held for the PC version of Episode 1&2.

April proved to be a big month for Episode 3. Two download quests, Seaside Preacher and Beautiful Ino'lis, were made available to Japanese players. The Game Informer and Dorimaga quests online were playable by everyone. In response to the popularity of Episode 3, it was decided to bring Arislan on as a moderator. Beyond this, Blue Burst was formally announced, along with the shutdown of the 50hz European Gamecube servers. At the end of the month, the final Episode 2 challenge stage was released for the Gamecube version of Episode 1&2.

On May 18th, Sonic Team shocked the world by announcing Phantasy Star Universe at E3. This was followed shortly by the creation of Sega Sammy Holdings. The Japanese Beta for the PC version of  Blue Burst began on the 21st. As May came to a close, the final Battle stages were released on Gamecube for Episode 1&2, along with the details of the upcoming Gather Cup.

June opened up with the Gather Cup for Episode 3. Besides being the last formal tournament ever held, the unique thing about this tournament was it was open to non-Japanese players. Once the tournament concluded, several previously Japanese-only quests were made temporarily available again. Fortunately, Europeans were able to take advantage of this when the game was released there in early June. Along with the Gather Cup, the Blue Burst beta continued. At its height, it drew 100,000 players. The beta closed on the 16th. As the month came to a close, Respective Tomorrow was released on the Gamecube version of Episode 1&2.

July and August com proved to be quiet months. The US release date for PSO Plus was  announced and the Blue Burst Japanese servers went live. On August 21st, the 1 millionth post was made by Sef.

At the start of September, a Card Revolution happened on Episode 3 and the Edy Cup started on the Japanese version of Blue Burst. Phantasmal World 1, 2, and 3 were announced for the Gamecube version of Episode 1&2. Beyond that, PSO Plus was released in the United States on the 14 and Episode 4 was revealed. While this was happening, PSO-World started to experience some serious technical problems. Eventually, the entire site went down around October 10th. 

During the site's downtime in October, new Episode 4 content was revealed and Phantasmal World 4 was announced. Additionally, PSO-World was spotlighted as a "Prime Example of a Fansite Done Right" in October's issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly.

PSO-World was brought back online on November 12th. Also, Sonic Team decided to celebrate Episode 3's first year anniversary by holding a low-cost/high-cost festival. During the low-cost portion of the festival, the stats and abilities of Rappy-themed cards were enhanced. When the high-cost festival began, high-cost cards had their stats changed. Also, it became possible to easily find several extremely-rare cards.

As the year started to wind down, the beta for Episode 4 was announced. The "NeverEverSoSanity" worm caused a few problems, but the site quickly shrugged it off. 

Monthly Summary

8 - Episode 1&2 is Announced - BB - Link
8 - Version 2 Servers Go Down - PC - Link
16 - Famitsu Cup Begins - Ep3 - Link
17 - E2C2 is Released - GC - Link
25 - US Episode 3 Release Date - Ep3 - Link

3 - Cheating Already? - Ep3 -  Link
6 - Card Referendum - Ep3 - Link
17 - Card Revolution - Ep3 - Link
17 - Dengeki Cup Begins - Ep3 - Link
29 - Dengeki Cup Results - Ep3 - Link

2 - Blue Star Memories, Anticipation of the Future, and Bullet of Future Assassin are Released - GC - Link
3 - Episode 3 is Released in US - Ep3 - Link
5 - 2 Dengeki Quests are Announced - Ep3 - Link
12 - E2C4 is Announced - GC - Link
12 - Kid's Soul Quest  is Announced - Ep3 - Link
16 - PC Ep1&2 Closed Beta Starts - BB - Link
26 - M_Blackhawk Becomes Fan Community Manager, Hikosaka and DJ_Dan retires - Site - Link

4 - Blue Burst is Announced - BB - Link
7 - Seaside Preacher is Announced - Ep3 - Link
9 - Staff Appreciation Week - Site - Link
10 - EU Episode 3 Release Date - Ep3 - Link
11 - Arislan Becomes a Moderator - Site - Link
13 - Two New Maps Added Are Added - Ep3 - Link
14 - Beautiful Ino'lis Quest is Announced - Ep3 - Link
20 - EU 50hz Servers Close Down - GC - Link
20 - Game Informer Quest is Announced - Ep3 - Link
22 - JP Blue Burst Beta Announced - BB - Link
24 - Dorimaga Quest is Announced - Ep3 - Link
24 - E2C5 is Announced - GC - Link

3 - F1 Gran Prix is Announced - Ep3 - Link
18 - Phantasy Star Universe is Announced - PSU - Link
18 - Sega Sammy Holdings is Created - Site - Link
21 - JP Beta Opens - BB
25 - BA7&8 Are Announced - GC - Link
25 - Ripples is Announced - Ep3 - Link
29 - Gather Cup Details are Announced - Ep3 - Link

11 - Episode 3 is Released in the EU - Ep3
12 - Gather Cup Results are Announced - Ep3 - Link
12 - Former Quests are Made Available - Ep3 - Link
12 - Site Announcement - Site - Link
13 - JP Beta draws 100k Players - BB - Link
16 - JP Beta Closes - BB - Link
29 - Respective Tomorrow is Announced - GC - Link
30 - Sonic Team to Stick Around - Site - Link

13 - PSO Plus US Release Date - Plus - Link
15 - JP Servers Go Live (Post Beta) - BB
21 - PSO DS Release Rumor - Site - Link
22 - Confirmation of Multiple Players - PSU - Link

21 - 1,000,000th Post is Made on - Site

4 - Site Problems - Site - Link
7 - Card Revolution - Ep3 - Link
7 - JP BB Edy Cup Starts - BB - Link
8 - Phantasmal World 1&2 are Released - GC - Link
10 - 100 Million Monsters Killed in Eddy Cup! Ultimate Opens! - BB - Link
14 - US PSO Plus is Released - Plus - Link
17 - Episode 4 is Revealed - BB - Link
24 - Phantasmal World 3 and  Jukebox Changes for Episode 3 are Announced - GC/Ep3 - Link
26 - Edy Cup Ends - BB - Link

7 - Episode 4 Content is Revealed - BB - Link
11 - PSO-World Goes Down - Site
PSO-World is Spotlighted as a "Prime Example of a Fansite Done Right" in Electronic Gaming Monthly - Site - Link

11 - PSO-World Comes Back Online, Phantasmal World 4 is Released - Site/GC - Link
12 - Phantasy Star Trilogy Delayed - Site - Link
12 - Anniversary Event - Ep3 - Link

2 - Episode 4 Beta Begins - BB - Link
23 - PSOW Catches the "NeverEverSoSanity" Virus - Site - Link
28 - The Site's Images Are Fixed - Site - Link

At the start of 2005, Tomeeboy worked hard to fully restore the site and fix some lingering problems. At the same time, the Chinese and US/EU versions of Blue Burst were announced, along with the purchasing information for the Japanese version. Meanwhile, Maximum Attack 1 Version 2 was released on the Gamecube.

Over the next three months, the Japanese version of Episode 4 went live and all of the government quests were released. Also, details of the Login Cup were announced. The last new quest, Maximum Attack 2 Version was released for the Gamecube. A quest named "Retirement of the Greats" was to be released after that, but had to be scrapped do to coding problems. As a result, Gamecube players had to keep themselves content with trying to earn the Black Ring and five Photon Spheres. Episode 3 players were given the opportunity to complete their card collections when the final Card Revolution happened and several SS-Rank cards were released. As April drew to a close, the release date for Phantasy Star Universe was set and an US/EU Blue Burst Beta was announced.

The US/EU Beta for Blue Burst went live on May 9th and quickly drew a large number of people. As the Beta progressed, a Maximum Attack 1-themed event named the AOL Cup happened, along with the temporary release of Sunset Base. On the Japanese version of Blue Burst, Center of Disaster was released. Meanwhile, a new E3 trailer and screenshots were released for Phantasy Star Universe.

During the month of June, the US/EU Beta for Blue Burst came to an end and the servers became pay-to-play. Additionally, several new Episode 4 quests were released in Japan. On PSO-World, activity started to pick up as content updates started happening again.

July and August proved to be an important time for PSO-World. Mixfortune, Ryna, and Getintothegame were added to the staff. A new Phantasy Star Universe forum was opened and the Episode 4 Item Findings were completed. While that was happening, the US/EU version of Blue Burst received new content updates and the Yahoo! Cup started. The Japanese version celebrated its first year anniversary and "A Dangerous Deal with Black Paper" was released.

During the Fall, Episode 1 Challenge Mode, Labryinthine Trial, Seat of the Heart, Battle Mode, and Center of Disaster were released for the US/EU version of Blue Burst. Maximum Attack 3 was announced for the Japanese version. On the Phantasy Star Universe news front, a Sonic Team and developer interview happened. Also, a formal release date was announced along with online fee information. In the meantime, HUnewearl_Meira became the new Fan Community Manager around the time that M_Blackhawk, Bit, Prof_Frink, and ABDUR101 retired from the site staff.

In early December, the site moved from PlanetDreamcast  to its new Gamespy servers. It took a couple of days to fix the links on the site, but the move greatly improved the speed/stability of PSO-World. Shortly after that, Ketchup345 joined the staff. Also, Phantasmal World 3&4, Episode 2 Challenge Mode, and Towards the Future were released for the US/EU version of Blue Burst. In a special holiday treat, Sonic Team also doubled the amount of experience points that enemies gave. Finally, new bosses and PS2/PC compatibility were announced for Phantasy Star Universe.

Monthly Summary

6 - Chinese BB is Announced - BB - Link
7 - Maxmimum Attack 1V2 Announced - GC - Link
7 - US/EU BB is Announced - BB - Link
10 - PSOW Site Fixes - Site - Link
12 - Site is Fully Restored - Site - Link
18 - JP BB Episode 4 Purchase Information - BB - Link
21 - Two New Maps - Ep3 - Link
28 - Want to be a Game Master? - Site - Link

3 - JP BB Episode 4 Goes Live - BB - Link
4 - Maximum Attack 2V2 is Announced - GC - Link

9 - Last GC Quest is Canceled - GC - Link
22 - Yuji Naka Discusses PSU - PSU - Link
24 - JP Login Cup is Announced - BB - Link
30 - All Episode 4 Government Quests Released in Japan - BB - Link

8 - Final Card Revolution Happens and Final SS Rank Cards Are Released - Ep3 - Link
8 - PSU EU/US Date set for February 2006 - PSU - Link
23 - JP Login Cup Details are Announced - BB - Link
26 - US/EU Beta is Announced - BB - Link

9 - US/EU Beta Goes Live - BB - Link
12 - New Screenshots & Movies - PSU - Link
19 - E3 Trailer is Released - PSU - Link
21 - AOL Cup, Max Attack, and Sunset Base are Announced for US/EU - BB - Link
24 - Big JP Update and Center of Disaster  is Released - BB - Link

8 - US/EU Beta Extended - BB - Link
15 - PSOW Content Updates Start Again - Site - Link
23 - US/EU Servers Go Live (Post Beta) - BB
25 - New Episode 4 Quests for JP - BB - Link
30 - JP Quest  Release Schedule - BB - Link

8 - US/EU July Updates - BB - Link
14 - Ryna and Mixfortune Become Moderators - Site - Link
15 - Getintothegame Becomes a Moderator - Site - Link
16 - US Site Goes Online - PSU - Link
20 - New PSU Forum Opened - Site - Link
26 - More US/EU Updates - BB - Link

3 - JP One Year Anniversary - BB - Link
5 - The Site Undergoes Some Repairs - Site - Link
5 - Episode 4 Item Findings are Added - Site - Link
9 - Yahoo! Cup Announced for US/EU - BB - Link
24 - Villain Info is Released - PSU - Link
30 - Dangerous Deal with Black Paper is Announced for JP - BB - Link

1 - ABDUR101, Prof_Frink, M_Blackhawk, and Bit Retire - Site
12 - Sonic Team Interview - PSU - Link
13 - Developer Interview - PSU - Link
22 - Phantasy Star the Movie? - Site - Link
23 - HUnewearl_Meira Becomes Community Manager - Site - Link
25 - Yahoo! Cup 30 Million Reached in US/EU - BB - Link

11 - A PSO Retrospective and Max Attack 3 is Announced for JP - BB - Link
12 - Challenge Mode and Labyrinthine Trial is Announced for the US/EU - BB - Link
21 - Seat of the Heart and BA5/6/7/8 are Announced for US/EU - BB - Link

22 - JP Release Date is Announced - PSU - Link
22 - Center of Disaster is Released in US/EU - BB - Link
30 - PSU Online Fee Information is Announced - PSU - Link

7 - PC & PS2 Cross Compatibility is Announced - PSU - Link
7 - The Site Moves to a New Gamespy Server - Site - Link
8 - Phantasmal World 3&4, Episode 2 Challenge Mode, and Double Experience Points Are Announced for US/EU- BB - Link
13 - Ketchup345 Becomes a Moderator - Site - Link
22 - Towards the Future is Released for US/EU - BB - Link
25 - Merry Christmas! - Site - Link
30 - New Bosses Are Announced - PSU - Link

Memorable Threads
For this portion of the site history, PSO-World regulars were asked to create a list of threads they found noteworthy. This list covers a number of topics from 2002 to 2006. For each thread listed, a brief explanation as to why it is memorable is given. This section is broken down by the year in which the thread was made.


  • Officially Plugging Abdur's Radio Shows! Inquire within!
    "Before Abdur became famous, he did freelance work as a DJ." - Ryna
  • I may have fallen....for..the dark side...
    "Alot of vets arguing in it over stupid stuff, like games and systems. Cube, and Greg, Greg fucking rocked. Some other weiners in there too. I was so young and angry. *sigh*" - Dangerous55
  • I like what I'm seeing. Too bad some of you aren't.
    "The hype was really giving people doubts about the game while they were eagerly awaiting it and thinking the new bosses were simply rehashes of old bosses, I like what I'm seeing. Too bad some of you aren't. Little did everyone know Gal Gryphon is not anything like the Dragon, is very original, and GOL DRAGON is yeah, another dragon but with some new elemental based attacks and the ability to split up to make the fight tougher! Nobody expected Olga Flow and rightly so, who knows what he is saying upon entry to his elevator platform, even now, years and years after his unveiling?  Olga Flow certainly made up for the Barba Ray and Gol Dragon being rehashes, even though people had theories to justify their similarities to the old bossess." - HAYABUSA-FMW-
  • the video thread
    "The first videos made by Jonathan_F for Dreamcast PSO" - Ryna
  • PSOW RL PIC Thread
    "The original RL Pic thread, this contains many real life pictures of PSOWers." - Eihwaz
    "Contains comments about said real life pictures of said PSOWers." - Eihwaz
  • Let's list new things in Episode 1 & II.
    "Gamecube Episode 1 & 2 was just released and there were all kinds of new things to talk about. Comparisons and improvements to the Dreamcast versions were both easily noticed and of course, hidden well within the game. lollipoplolita eventually created a compilation of all the info for a website guide for people new to the game wanting to know what all the fuss was about. Which is gone now? Direct quotes were used and I asked that the forum members who posted in that thread be given credit, however small, for the use of the quoted info. We were given that credit at the end of the guide." - HAYABUSA-FMW-


  • Tingle's Thread!
    "my first fanworks thread. Huwahahaha" - Tingle
  • [GROUP-FIC]Rise of the Machines
    "One of the very popular GroupFanfiction done by mr. Rubbish and his crew of awesome fanfiction authors, who get mad props for working quite well together." -  Tingle
    "The first BIG Art Project from navci. The collaberation of many artists to make one big finale." - Tingle
  • The not-long awaited return of
    "The person above me topic! The original spawned a whole series of massive topics of spammy goodness." - Eihwaz
  • Post your PSO3 pictures here!
    "ep3 picture topic, classic. I'm sure it's a good read and contains a few interesting comments" - Skorpius
  • Card mistranslation listing
    "Misprinted cards list for Ep3. A long list of cards that don't do as they say, something that's probably nice to have unless there's a guide sitting around." - Skorpius
  • What happened to Antares 8?
    "Anatres 8 is officially dead. Home of PSOW, deserted once Ep3 made Vega the noob hunting grounds for competitive gameplay." - Skorpius
  • Phantasy Star Universe
    "This was the discussion thread for Phantasy Star Universe until the PSU forum was created." - Ryna
  • Official Blue Burst Screenshot Thread [56k warning]
    "The original thread for posting Blue Burst screenshots." - Ryna
  • Character Gallery
    "I dunno if it was the first really huge snapshot topic or not, but I know before it was started there weren't any topics for at least awhile similiar to it. And it led to all the new snapshot topics." - Saiffy
  • Does Ep. 2 seem unbalanced to anyone else?
    "A long discussion by PSOW vets about the balancing of Episode 2" - Ryna
  • best force i saw
    "A force topic, starring (as usual) Skorpius, Kef, and Ian. However, this one stayed pretty clean, although I didn't read the end of it. It's a nice read, I think. A good Force topic, allbeit really off. It shows how the thought used to be before the majority of people suddenly matured to "play how you like with whomever you like"." - Skorpius
  • PSOW Christmas Card Group Project
    "This big art collaboration has everyone giving christmas cheer by drawing their character for one another." - Tingle
  • UNSEALH'D w/proof
    "It was a storybook moment. A legendary dude unsealed the Sealed J-Sword, and posted proof. One of PSO's biggest mysteries had finally, without a doubt, been solved." - Eihwaz

  • Skorp's Underrated Weapons
    "A thread made to give some attention to some of the underrated weapons on PSO." - Ryna
  • Kids, don't try this at home!
    "Uh, Shuri's hilarious ways to bash newbs, and all of us agreeing with him, and a bit of drama in that thread made it hilarious, I always waited for Shuri's next post with whatever stuff people may've said. And it was something the whole family(IRC) could take part in!" - Saiffy
  • "okie dokie suu"
    "Ryna's 200 level congrat image" - Tingle
  • I'm really a girl.
    "Me acting like an attention whore. This one has been mentioned a few times since it's death, I figure it's well known." - Skorpius
  • Skorp's Blog Topic
    "A long topic that was basically an open diary for anyone that wanted to use it. Although it eventually died, it was a popular topic for about a week or two." - Skorpius

  • i need a bf
    "The idea that's portrayed by some of the "on topic" replies is of a bunch of guys flinging themselves at a girl, although this topic wasn't serious at all." - Skorpius
  • Lolita ;o (WITH TINGLE COLORS! Check this)
    "The beginning of the Lolita Month, and yet my colors were the last finished..." - Tingle

This section of the Site History will provide "Top 10" lists and miscellanious trivia related to PSO-World's history. The "Top 10" lists were compiled on March 26, 2006. Since the site was missing a large number of 2001/2002 posts at this time, the first few lists are based on what was in the forum archive at the time.

Top 10 PSO-World Posters (including FKL)

  1. Tact - 14186 posts
  2. Sef - 14180 posts
  3. Mixfortune - 9676 posts
  4. ABDUR101 - 9527 posts
  5. Kuea - 9070 posts
  6. Ness - 8633 posts
  7. navci - 7667 posts
  8. LollipopLolita - 7381 posts
  9. Solstis - 7280 posts
  10. HAYABUSA-FMW- - 7153 posts

Top 10 Threads with the Most Replies

  1. The not-long awaited return of - 5320 replies
  2. The Day's Finds - 2847 replies
  3. Character Gallery - 2393 replies
  4. Caution, RL Pics inside - 1952 replies
  5. The NEW NEW NEW not-very-long awaited return of - 1524 replies
  6.  The NEW not-very-long awaited return of "The person above me" thread - 1476 replies
  7. The NEW NEW not-very-long awaited return of "The person above me" thread - 1476 replies
  8. PSO Mini Wars - 1465 replies
  9. The NEWER (:D) not-very-long awaited return of "The person above me" thread - 1425 replies
  10. Official Blue Burst Screenshot Thread - 1287 replies

Top 10 Threads with the Most Views

  1. Character Gallery - 78107 views
  2. Official Blue Burst Screenshot Thread - 61324 views
  3. The Ended Theory (Sealed J-Sword) - 56069 views
  4. The Day's Finds - 46159 views
  5. Site Additions and Suggestions - 43531 views
  6. RUN FASTER1111!!!!!!!!111 - 42576 views
  7. The pic post: Caution, RL Pics inside - 41280 views
  8. PSOW RL PIC THREAD - 41280 views
  9. Oops - 37121 views
  10. Salvation Army - 36296 views

Historic Posts

Top 5 Items with the Most Views
1. Agito (AUW 1975) - 177701 views
  1. Demolition Comet - 133303 views
  2. Twin Brand - 118843 views
  3. Soul Banish - 118520 views
  4. God Hand - 111042 views

Top 10 Guides with the Most Views

  1. Armor and Weapon Combinations - 597515 views
  2. Converting Enemy Parts Into Weapons - 364818 views
  3. Master Mag Gallery - 314876 views
  4. Episode 1 & 2 Feeding Charts for All Mags - 261180 views
  5. Photon Drops Prize Chart & Photon Sphere for Gamecube/XBox versions of Gallon's Shop - 257772 views
  6. Hunter Mags & Evolution - 185682 views
  7. Episode 1 & 2 Mag Cell Combinations - 154663 views
  8. Enemy Parts Locations - 143487 views
  9. Force Mags & Evolution - 139732 views
  10. Ranger Mags & Evolution - 126047 views

Top 10 Stories with the Most Views

  1. Someone has found a way to get the TRUE AGITO - 23170 views
  2. PSO *REAL* PK possible - 15611 views
  3. 10 more PSO version 2 shots! - 10115 views
  4. Japanese Easter Quests... ^_^ - 7761 views
  5. Episode 4 Announced - 6805 views
  6. Another Technique for Making Back-up - 6487 views
  7. Goodbye PSO World - 5913 views
  8.  Possible prevent on the BSoD. Never lose anything again. - 5762 views
  9. PSO ver. 2 - The Screens. - 4490 views
  10. Update from Sega on Server Changes to Backups! - 4376 views

Top 10 Stories with the Most Comments

  1. PSO *REAL* PK possible - 112 comments
  2. PSO v2 info from East Coast Sega Distributer Rep - 103 comments
  3. PSO version 2 release date set to 9/11 - 93 comments
  4. Episode 4 Announced - 92 comments
  5. New PSU Details - 92 comments
  6. Someone has found a way to get the TRUE AGITO - 90 comments
  7. PSOBB Open Beta - 80 comments
  8. US Delay Reasons? - 77 comments
  9. Halloween Event On PSOX, Not? - 76 comments
  10. GCSCCC Hackers are in for a real treat! How does PERMANENT BAN sound? - 69 comments

Top 10 Polls with the Most Votes
  1. Let's get honest, exactly why do you play PSO? - 10555 votes
  2. Are you going to resort to a cheap deck to win in EP 3? - 9772 votes
  3. Which *Force* support/recovery tech is the most valuable for online team play? - 8416 votes
  4. What do you think of Episode 4? - 7836 votes
  5. What character class will you choose for PSU online? - 7525 votes
  6. Will you buy EP III when it is released stateside? - 7336 votes
  7. Assuming that you actually spend time away from PSO, what is your reason for not "getting it on?" - 7256 votes
  8. Who could take on Batman and kick his ass?! - 7228 votes
  9. What are you most looking forward to in PSOver.2? - 7163 votes
  10. Which Ep1 song is your favourite? - 6978 votes

Miscellanious Trivia
  • Uncle_bob was the first person to use the wacko in this thread. The wacko has been used over 20,000 times since then.
  • God" was the name Gideon used to post news stories.
  • In the first PSO-World showdown, ABDUR101 was defeated by the Rag Rappy.

Site History compiled by Ryna with help from the following people: Tomeeboy, Castelak, KodiaX987, Dangerous55, geewj, and numerous other people.